Generac 4678-1, 9227-2 User Manual

Owner’s Manual
100 Amp “V” Type
Transfer Switch
9227-2 4678-1
This manual should remain with the unit.
Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
Generac cannot possibly anticipate every possible cir cumstance that might involve a hazard. The warn­ings in this manual, and on tags and decals affixed to the unit are, therefore, not all-inclusive. If you use a procedure, work method or operating tech­nique Generac does not specifically recommend, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others. You also must make sure the procedure, work method or operating technique that you choose does not render the transfer switch unsafe.
Throughout this publication, and on tags and decals affixed to the generator, DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE blocks are used to alert you to special instruction about a particular operation that may be hazardous if performed incorrectly or care­lessly. Observe them carefully. Their definitions are as follows:
After this heading, you can read instructions that, if not strictly complied with, will result in personal injury or property damage.
After this heading, you can read instructions that, if not strictly complied with, may result in personal injury or property damage.
After this heading, you can read instructions that, if not strictly complied with, could result in damage to equipment and/or property.
After this heading, you can read explanatory statements that require special emphasis.
These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazards that they indicate. Common sense and strict compli­ance with the special instructions while performing the service are essential to preventing accidents.
Four commonly used safety symbols accompany the DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION blocks. The type of information each indicates follows:
This symbol points out important safety informa­tion that, if not followed, could endanger personal safety and/or property of you and others.
This symbol points out potential explosion hazard.
This symbol points out potential fire hazard.
This symbol points out potential electrical shock hazard.
• Any AC generator that is used for backup power if a NORMAL (utility) power source failure occurs, must be isolated from the NORMAL (utility) power source by means of an approved transfer switch. Failure to properly isolate the NORMAL and STANDBY power sources from each other may result in injury or death to electric utility workers, due to backfeed of electrical energy.
• Improper or unauthorized installation, operation, service or repair of the equipment is extremely dangerous and may result in death, serious per­sonal injury, or damage to equipment and/or per­sonal property.
• Extremely high and dangerous power voltages are present inside an installed transfer switch. Any contact with high voltage terminals, contacts or wires will result in extremely hazardous, and pos­sibly LETHAL, electric shock. DO NOT WORK ON THE TRANSFER SWITCH UNTIL ALL POWER VOLTAGE SUPPLIES TO THE SWITCH HAVE BEEN POSITIVELY TURNED OFF.
• Competent, qualified personnel should install, operate and service this equipment. Adhere strict­ly to local, state and national electrical and build­ing codes. When using this equipment, comply with regulations the National Electrical Code (NEC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have established.
• Never handle any kind of electrical device while standing in water, while barefoot, or while hands or feet are wet. DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL SHOCK MAY RESULT.
Important Safety Instructions
Read the following information carefully before attempting to install, operate or service this equipment. Also read the instructions and information on tags, decals, and labels that may be affixed to the transfer switch. Replace any decal or label that is no longer legible.
DANGER! Connection of a generator to an electrical system normally supplied by an elec­tric utility shall be by means of a double throw switch so as to isolate the electric system from utility distribution system when the generator is operating (NEC 701). Failure to iso­late electric system by these means results in damage to generator and may result in injury or death to utility workers due to backfeed of electrical energy.
Table of Contents
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 1
Safety Rules ..................Inside Front Cover-1
Section 1 — General Information ................2
1.1 Introduction ................................................2
1.2 Equipment Description ................................2
1.3 Transfer Switch Ratings Decal ....................2
1.4 Transfer Switch Enclosure ..........................2
1.5 Safe Use Of Transfer Switch ........................2
Section 2 — Installation..................................3
2.1 Introduction to Installation ..........................3
2.2 Unpacking....................................................3
2.3 Mounting......................................................3
2.4 Connecting Power Source and Load Lines ..3
2.4.1 2-Pole Mechanism ........................3-4
2.5 Connecting Start Circuit Wires ....................4
Section 3 — Post Installation Start-Up
and Adjustments ..........................................5
3.1 Functional Tests & Adjustments ..................5
3.2 Manual Operation ........................................5
3.3 Transfer Switch Voltage Checks ..................6
3.4 Generator Tests Under Load ........................6
Section 4 – Notes ............................................7
Section 5 – Electrical Data ............................8
Section 6 – Exploded Views and
Parts Lists........................................................9
Section 7 – Warranty ....................Back Cover
• Because jewelry conducts electricity, wearing it may cause dangerous electrical shock. Remove all jewelry (such as rings, watches, bracelets, etc.) before working on this equipment.
• If you must work on this equipment while standing on metal or concrete, place insulative mats over a dry wood platform. Work on this equipment only while standing on such insulative mats.
• Never work on this equipment while physically or mentally fatigued.
• Keep the transfer switch enclosure door closed and bolted at all times. Only qualified personnel should be permitted access to the switch interior.
• In case of an accident caused by electric shock, immediately shut down the source of electrical power. If this is not possible, attempt to free the victim from the live conductor but AVOID DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE VICTIM. Use a nonconduct­ing implement, such as a rope or board, to free the victim from the live conductor. If the victim is unconscious, apply first aid and get immediate medical help.
• When an automatic transfer switch is installed for a standby generator set, the generator engine may crank and start at any time without warning. To avoid possible injury that might be caused by such sudden start-ups, the system’s automatic start cir­cuit must be disabled before working on or around the generator or transfer switch. Always set the Auto-Off-Manual switch to its OFF position before working on the equipment. Then place a “DO NOT OPERATE” tag on the transfer switch and on the generator.
2 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
Section 1 — General Information
Generac 100 Amp Transfer Switch
This manual has been prepared especially for the purpose of familiarizing personnel with the design, application, installation, operation and servicing of the applicable equipment. Read the manual careful­ly and comply with all instructions. This will help to prevent accidents or damage to equipment that might otherwise be caused by carelessness, incorrect appli­cation, or improper procedures.
Every effort has been expended to make sure that the contents of this manual are both accurate and cur­rent. Generac, however, reserves the right to change, alter or otherwise improve the product at any time without prior notice.
The pre-packaged transfer switch is designed to use with pre-packaged standby generator control panels. It is used for transferring critical electrical loads from a NORMAL (utility) power source. Such a trans­fer of loads occurs automatically when the NORMAL power source fails or is subsequently reduced and the STANDBY source voltage and frequency have reached an acceptable level. The transfer switch pre­vents electrical feedback between two different power sources (such as the NORMAL and STANDBY sources) and, for that reason, codes require it in all standby electric system installations.
Once the transfer is completed, the STANDBY power source then powers electrical loads connected to the transfer switch. When NORMAL source voltage above an acceptable (preset) level has been restored, voltage sensor action in the pre-packaged control panel initiates re-transfer back to NORMAL power source. After this re-transfer, the controller signals to open the start circuit to the generator, which shuts down the engine. The controller is then “armed” and ready for the next drop in NORMAL source voltage.
NOTE: Keep in mind the pre-packaged transfer switch is without any kind of electronic controls. It receives signals solely from the controller contained in the pre-packaged control panel.
Affixed to the transfer switch door is a RATINGS DECAL. Use the transfer switch only within the specif­ic limits shown on the RATINGS DECAL and on other decals and labels that may be affixed to the switch. This prevents damage to equipment and possible injury to personnel, and provides long and trouble-free life for the equipment.
When requesting information or ordering parts for this equipment, make sure to include all information from the RATINGS DECAL.
The standard switch enclosure is a National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA) 1 type. NEMA 1 type enclosures primarily provide protection against contact with the enclosed equipment and against a limited amount of falling dirt.
Before installing, operating or servicing this equip­ment, read the SAFETY RULES (inside front cover) carefully. Comply strictly with all SAFETY RULES to prevent accidents and/or damage to the equipment. Generac recommends you make a copy of the SAFE­TY RULES and post them near the transfer switch. Also, be sure to read all instructions and information you may find on tags, labels and decals affixed to the equipment.
Two publications that outline the safe use of transfer switches are the following:
• National Electrical Code
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