Generac 46264, 43733, 43734 User Manual

Owner’s Manual
Liquid-cooled, Prepackaged
Standby Generators
Models: 0043733, 0043734
& 0043735
(40 kW/Single-phase w/ 200 Amp Transfer Switch)
0046262, 0046263 & 0046264
(40 kW/Single-phase w/ 200 Amp Transfer Switch California Emissions)
This manual should remain with the unit.
Not intended for use in critical life support applications.
Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
Thank you for purchasing the Guardian product line by Generac Power Systems. This model is a compact, high performance, liquid-cooled, engine-driven gen­erator designed to automatically supply electrical power to operate critical loads during a utility power failure.
This unit is factory installed in an all-weather, metal enclosure that is intended exclusively for outdoor installation.
If any portion of this manual is not understood, contact Generac or the nearest Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer for starting, operating and servicing procedures.
Throughout this publication, and on tags and decals affixed to the generator, DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE blocks are used to alert person­nel to special instructions about a particular operation that may be hazardous if performed incorrectly or carelessly. Observe them carefully. Their definitions are as follows:
After this heading, read instructions that, if not strictly complied with, will result in personal injury or property damage.
After this heading, read instructions that, if not strictly complied with, may result in personal injury or property damage.
After this heading, read instructions that, if not strictly complied with, could result in damage to equipment and/or property.
After this heading, read explanatory statements that require special emphasis.
These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazards that they indicate. Common sense and strict compli­ance with the special instructions while performing the service are essential to preventing accidents.
Four commonly used safety symbols accompany the DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION blocks. The type of information each indicates is as follows:
This symbol points out important safety informa­tion that, if not followed, could endanger personal safety and/or property.
This symbol points out potential explosion hazard.
This symbol points out potential fire hazard.
This symbol points out potential electrical shock hazard.
The operator is responsible for proper and safe use of the equipment. Generac strongly recommends that the operator read this Owner's Manual and thor­oughly understand all instructions before using this equipment. Generac also strongly recommends instructing other users to properly start and operate the unit. This prepares them if they need to operate the equipment in an emergency.
This manual contains pertinent owner’s information, including warranty, electrical diagrams, exploded views and lists of repair parts, for Guardian models:
0043733, 0043734, 0043735, 0046262, 0046263 &
It is the operator's responsibility to perform all safety checks, to make sure that all maintenance for safe operation is performed promptly, and to have the equipment checked periodically by a Generac/ Guardian Authorized Dealer. Normal maintenance service and replacement of maintenance parts are the responsibility of the owner/operator and, as such, are not considered defects in materials or workmanship within the terms of the warranty. Individual operating habits and usage contribute to the need for mainte­nance service.
Proper maintenance and care of the generator ensure a minimum number of problems and keep operating expenses at a minimum. See a Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer for service aids and accessories.
When the generator requires servicing or repairs, simply contact a Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer for assistance. Service technicians are factory­trained and are capable of handling all service needs.
When contacting a Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer or the factory about parts and service, always supply the complete model number and serial num­ber of the unit as given on its data decal, which is located on the generator.
Model No. ____________ Serial No. ______________
To locate the nearest GENERAC/GUARDIAN
AUTHORIZED DEALER, please call this number:
Table of Contents
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 1
Introduction ......................Inside Front Cover
Read This Manual Thoroughly ......................IFC
Contents ........................................................IFC
Operation and Maintenance............................IFC
How to Obtain Service ....................................IFC
Authorized Dealer Locator Number ..................IFC
Safety Rules ......................................................2
Section 1 – General Information..................4
1.1 Unpacking/Inspection ..................................4
1.1.1 Lifting the Generator ........................4
1.2 The Generator..............................................4
1.3 Generator AC Connection Systems ..............4
1.4 Prepackaged Transfer Switch ......................4
1.5 Automatic System Operation........................4
1.6 Main Circuit Breaker ..................................5
1.7 Engine Protective Devices ............................5
1.7.1 Low Oil Pressure Switch ..................5
1.7.2 High Coolant
Temperature Switch ........................5
1.7.3 Low Coolant Level Switch ................5
1.7.4 Overspeed Shutdown ......................5
1.7.5 Overcrank Shutdown ......................5
1.7.6 DC Fuse............................................5
1.8 Specifications ..............................................5
1.8.1 Generator ........................................5
1.8.2 Engine ..............................................6
1.9 Fuel Requirements
and Recommendations ............................6
1.9.1 Conversion to LP Gas Vapor ............6
1.10 Engine Oil Recommendations ......................7
1.11 Coolant ........................................................7
1.12 Emission Control System ............................7
Section 2 – Installation ..................................8
2.1 Basic Standby Electric System ....................8
2.2 Emergency Circuit Isolation Method ............9
2.3 Total Circuit Isolation Method......................9
2.4 Grounding the Generator ............................9
2.5 Generator AC Neutral Connections ..............9
2.6 Transfer Switch Start Signal Connections....9
2.6.1 Pre-Packaged Type Switch ................9
2.6.2 “GTS” Type Switch ..........................9
2.7 Battery Installation ....................................10
2.7.1 Vented Batteries ............................10
2.8 Preparation Before Start-up ......................10
2.8.1 Prior to Initial Start-up ..................11
2.8.2 Transfer Switch..............................11
2.8.3 Fuel System....................................11
2.8.4 Generator Set Lubrication..............11
2.8.5 Engine Coolant ..............................11
2.8.6 Belt Tension ..................................11
2.8.7 Electrical System............................11
2.8.8 Rodent Protection ..........................11
Section 3 – Operation ..................................12
3.1 Control Console Components ......................12
3.1.1 AC Voltmeter ..................................12
3.1.2 AC Ammeter ..................................12
3.1.3 AC Frequency Meter ......................12
3.1.4 DC Voltmeter..................................12
3.1.5 Hourmeter......................................12
3.1.6 Auto/Off/Manual Switch..................12
3.1.7 Fault Indicator Lamp......................12
3.1.8 15-amp Fuse ..................................12
3.1.9 7.5 Amp Inline Fuse ......................12
3.1.10 Voltage-phase Selector Switch ........12
3.1.11 Set Exercise Time Switch ..............12
3.2 Using the Auto/Off/Manual Switch ..............12
3.2.1 “Auto” Position................................12
3.2.2 “Off” Position..................................13
3.2.3 “Manual” Position ..........................13
3.3 Automatic Transfer Operation....................13
3.4 Sequence of Automatic Operation ..............13
3.5 Engine Heater ..............................................13
3.6 Weekly Exercise Cycle ................................14
Section 4 – Maintenance ............................14
4.1 Checking the Engine Oil Level....................14
4.2 Changing the Engine Oil and Filter ............15
4.2.1 Engine Oil Recommendations ........15
4.2.2 Oil and Filter Change Procedure ......15
4.3 Changing the Engine Air Cleaner................15
4.4 Spark Plugs................................................16
4.5 Battery Maintenance ..................................16
4.5.1 Battery Replacement ......................16
4.6 Cooling System ..........................................17
4.7 Overload Protection for
Engine DC Electrical System......................17
4.8 DC Fuse ....................................................17
4.9 Engine Coolant ..........................................17
4.10 Miscellaneous Maintenance ........................17
4.10.1 Cleaning the Generator ..................17
4.10.2 Rodent Protection ..........................17
4.11 Out of Service Procedure ..........................18
4.11.1 Removal From Service....................18
4.11.2 Return to Service............................18
4.12 Service Schedule ........................................19
Section 5 – Troubleshooting ......................20
Section 6 – Electrical Data ..........................21
Section 7 – Exploded Views and
Parts Lists ..................................30
Section 8 – Notes ..........................................58
Section 9 – Warranty ....................................60
2 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
Study these SAFETY RULES carefully before installing, operating or servicing this equipment. Become familiar with this Owner’s Manual and with the unit. The gen­erator can operate safely, efficiently and reliably only if it is properly installed, operated and maintained. Many accidents are caused by failing to follow simple and fun­damental rules or precautions.
Generac cannot possibly anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a hazard. The warn­ings in this manual, and on tags and decals affixed to the unit are, therefore, not all-inclusive. If using a procedure, work method or operating technique Generac does not specifically recommend, satisfy your­self that it is safe for others. Also make sure the proce­dure, work method or operating technique chosen does not render the generator unsafe.
Despite the safe design of this generator, operating this equipment imprudently, neglecting its maintenance or being careless can cause possi­ble injury or death. Permit only responsible and capable persons to operate or maintain this equipment.
Potentially lethal voltages are generated by these machines. Ensure all steps are taken to render the machine safe before attempting to work on the generator.
Parts of the generator are rotating and/or hot during operation. Exercise care near running gen­erators.
• For safety reasons, Generac recommends that the installation, initial start-up and maintenance of this equipment is carried out by a Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer.
• Installation, operation, servicing and repair of this (and related) equipment must always comply with applicable codes, standards, laws and regulations. Adhere strictly to local, state and national electrical and building codes. Comply with regulations the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established. Also, ensure that the gener­ator is installed, operated and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and recommen­dations. Following installation, do not do anything that might render the unit unsafe or in noncompli­ance with the aforementioned codes, standards, laws and regulations.
• The engine exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide, which can be DEADLY. This dangerous gas, if breathed in sufficient concentrations, can cause unconsciousness or even death. For that reason, ade­quate ventilation must be provided. Exhaust gases must be piped safely away from any building or enclosure that houses the generator to an area where people, animals, etc., will not be harmed. This exhaust system must be installed properly, in strict compliance with applicable codes and standards.
• Keep hands, feet, clothing, etc., away from drive belts, fans, and other moving or hot parts. Never remove any drive belt or fan guard while the unit is operating.
• Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and ventilating air is critical in any room or building housing the gen­erator to prevent buildup of explosive gases and to ensure correct generator operation. Do not alter the installation or permit even partial blockage of ventila­tion provisions, as this can seriously affect safe oper­ation of the generator.
• Keep the area around the generator clean and unclut­tered. Remove any materials that could become haz­ardous.
• When working on this equipment, remain alert at all times. Never work on the equipment when physically or mentally fatigued.
Important Safety Instructions
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – The manufacturer suggests that these rules for safe operation be copied and posted in potential hazard areas. Safety should be stressed to all operators and potential operators of this equipment.
The engine exhaust from this product
contains chemicals known to the state
of California to cause cancer, birth
defects or other reproductive harm.
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – This manual contains important instructions that should be followed during installation and maintenance of the generator and batteries.
This product contains or emits chemicals known to the state of California to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 3
• Inspect the generator regularly, and promptly repair or replace all worn, damaged or defective parts using only factory-approved parts.
• Before performing any maintenance on the generator, disconnect its battery cables to prevent accidental start-up. Disconnect the cable from the battery post indicated by a NEGATIVE, NEG or (–) first. Reconnect that cable last.
• Never use the generator or any of its parts as a step. Stepping on the unit can stress and break parts, and may result in dangerous operating conditions from leaking exhaust gases, fuel leakage, oil leakage, etc.
• All generators covered by this manual produce dan­gerous electrical voltages and can cause fatal electri­cal shock. Utility power delivers extremely high and dangerous voltages to the transfer switch as does the standby generator when it is in operation. Avoid con­tact with bare wires, terminals, connections, etc., while the unit is running. Ensure all appropriate cov­ers, guards and barriers are in place before operating the generator. If work must be done around an oper­ating unit, stand on an insulated, dry surface to reduce shock hazard.
• Do not handle any kind of electrical device while standing in water, while barefoot, or while hands or feet are wet. DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL SHOCK
• If people must stand on metal or concrete while installing, operating, servicing, adjusting or repairing this equipment, place insulative mats over a dry wooden platform. Work on the equipment only while standing on such insulative mats.
• The National Electrical Code (NEC) requires the frame and external electrically conductive parts of the generator to be connected to an approved earth ground and/or grounding rods. This grounding will help prevent dangerous electrical shock that might be caused by a ground fault condition in the generator set or by static electricity. Never disconnect the ground wire.
• Wire gauge sizes of electrical wiring, cables and cord sets must be adequate to handle the maximum elec­trical current (ampacity) to which they will be sub­jected to.
• Before installing or servicing this (and related) equip­ment, make sure that all power voltage supplies are positively turned off at their source. Failure to do so will result in hazardous and possibly fatal electrical shock.
• Connecting this unit to an electrical system normally supplied by an electric utility shall be by means of a transfer switch so as to isolate the genrator electric system from the utility electric system while in oper­ation. Failure to isolate the two electric system power sources from each other by such means will result in damage to the generator and may also result in injury or death to utility power workers due to backfeed of electrical energy.
• Generators installed with an automatically transfer switch will crank and start automatically when nor­mal (utility) source voltage is removed or is below an acceptable preset level. To prevent such automatic start-up and possible injury to personnel, disable the generator’s automatic start circuit (battery cables, etc.) before working on or around the unit. Then, place a “Do Not Operate” tag on the generator control panel and on the transfer switch.
• In case of accident caused by electric shock, immedi­ately shut down the source of electrical power. If this is not possible, attempt to free the victim from the live conductor. AVOID DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE VICTIM. Use a nonconducting implement, such as a dry rope or board, to free the victim from the live conductor. If the victim is unconscious, apply first aid and get immediate medical help.
• Never wear jewelry when working on this equipment. Jewelry can conduct electricity resulting in electric shock, or may get caught in moving components causing injury.
• Keep a fire extinguisher near the generator at all times. DO NOT use any carbon tetra-chloride type extinguisher. Its fumes are toxic, and the liquid can deteriorate wiring insulation. Keep the extinguisher properly charged and be familiar with its use. If there are any questions pertaining to fire extinguishers, consult the local fire department.
• Properly ventilate any room or building housing the generator to prevent build-up of explosive gas.
• Do not smoke around the generator. Wipe up any fuel or oil spills immediately. Ensure that no combustible materials are left in the generator compartment, or on or near the generator, as FIRE or EXPLOSION may result. Keep the area surrounding the generator clean and free from debris.
• Generac generator sets may operate using one of sev­eral types of fuels. All fuel types are potentially FLAM­MABLE and/orEXPLOSIVE and should be handled with care. Comply with all laws regulating the storage and handling of fuels. Inspect the unit’s fuel system frequently and correct any leaks immediately. uel supply lines must be properly installed, purged and leak tested according to applicable fuel-gas codes before placing this equipment into service.
• Diesel fuels are highly FLAMMABLE. Gaseous fluids such as natural gas and liquid propane (LP) gas are extremely EXPLOSIVE. Natural gas is lighter than air, and LP gas is heavier than air; install leak detectors accordingly.
Important Safety Instructions
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
4 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
After unpacking, carefully inspect the contents for dam­age.
• This standby generator set has been factory installed in an all-weather, metal enclosure that is intended exclusively for outdoor installation.
If this generator is used to power electrical load circuits normally powered by a utility power source, code requires to install a transfer switch. The transfer switch must effectively isolate the electrical system from the utility distribution sys­tem when the generator is operating (NEC 701). Failure to isolate an electrical system by such means will result in damage to the generator and also may result in injury or death to utility power workers due to backfeed of electrical energy.
If any loss or damage is noted at time of delivery, have the person(s) making the delivery note all damage on the freight bill or affix his or her signature under the consignor's memo of loss or damage.
If there is loss or damage after delivery, separate the damaged materials and contact the carrier for claim procedures.
“Concealed damage” is understood to mean damage to the contents of a package that is not in evidence at the time of delivery, but is discovered later.
When lifting or hoisting equipment is used, be careful not to touch overhead power lines.
The generator’s weight of more than 2,000 pounds requires proper tools and equipment, and qualified personnel to be used in all phases of handling and unpacking.
This liquid-cooled, Guardian generator set is designed to supply electrical power to operate critical electrical loads during utility power failure. Use this generator as a source of electrical power for the operation of 120 and/or 240-volt, single-phase loads.
Figure 1.1 represents a single-phase, four-wire genera­tor AC connection system. The stator assembly in this system consists of a pair of stationary windings with two leads brought out of each winding. Each single winding can supply a 120-volt, 60-Hertz AC output.
When the two windings are connected in series, a 240­volt, 60-Hertz AC output results. Typically, the two “hot” leads in the circuit are Wires 11 and 44. The neutral leads are the junction of Wires 22 and 33.
Figure 1.1 – Single-phase
Generator AC Connection System
The transfer switch shipped with this generator is rated 200 amps maximum at 120/240 volts AC single-phase. The enclosure of the transfer switch is NEMA 3R. This type of enclosure is intended for indoor or outdoor use.
Follow these rules:
• Install the transfer switch on a firm, sturdy support­ing structure.
• To prevent switch distortion, level the switch if nec­essary. This can be done by placing washers between the switch enclosure and mounting surface.
• Never install the switch where any corrosive sub­stance might drop onto the enclosure.
• Where practical, protect the switch against excessive moisture, dust, dirt, lint, and construction grit. Always prevent corrosive vapors from coming in con­tact with enclosure.
When this generator, along with its transfer switch, has been installed and interconnected, a circuit board in the generator panel continuously monitors utility power source voltage. Should that voltage drop below a preset value, and remain at such a low state for a preset amount of time, the generator cranks and starts. After the gener­ator starts, the transfer switch transfers load circuits so the generator can power them.
When utility source voltage has been restored, the switch transfers back to the utility source voltage, and the generator then shuts down after a brief cool-down time.
Section 1 — General Information
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
Neutral Block
The generator’s main circuit breaker is included with the unit as shipped from the factory. The breaker for each unit is described as follows:
The engine has several safety switches that cause it to automatically shut down under the following condi­tions: low oil pressure, high coolant temperature, low coolant level, engine overspeed and overcrank.
This switch is normally closed (N.C.) but is held open by engine oil pressure during engine running. Should oper­ating oil pressure drop below approximately 10 psi (68 kPa), the switch contacts close, and the engine shuts down automatically (Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.2 – Engine Protective Devices
This normally open (N.O.) thermostatic switch has a sensing tip that is immersed in captive coolant. Should the coolant temperature exceed approximately 121° C (250° F), the switch contacts close, which causes the engine to shut down automatically (Figure 1.2).
Should the engine coolant level drop below the level of the high coolant temperature switch, it is possible for the engine to overheat without automatic shut down. To pre­vent such overheating without automatic shut down, the engine has a low coolant level sensor. If the engine coolant drops too low, the engine automatically shuts down (Figure 1.2).
The control module assembly (CMA) circuit board on liquid-cooled units receives AC frequency (rpm) signals directly from the stator AC power windings. Should AC frequency exceed approximately 72 Hertz, circuit board action will automatically shut down the engine.
After 90 seconds of crank-rest cycles (about seven sec­onds cranking/seven seconds at rest), this function ends cranking if the engine fails to start in that 90-second span.
1.7.6 DC FUSE
This fuse is located on the front panel of the control sys­tem. It protects the panel wiring and components from damaging overload. Always remove this fuse before commencing work on the generator. The unit will not start or crank if the fuse is blown. Replace the fuse with one of the same size, type, and rating. Generac uses an AGC fuse rated at 15 amps.
Models..............................0043733, 0043734,, 0043735
0046262, 0046263, 0046264
Rated Maximum Continuous
AC Power Output (kW)*..................................................40
Rated Voltage (volts) ................................................120/240
Rated Maximum Continuous
Current at 240 Volts, Single-phase (amps)................................167
Number of Rotor Poles ........................................................4
Driven Speed of Rotor (rpm) ........................................1,800
Type of Stator ........................................................Four-wire
Rotor Excitation System ..................................Direct Excited
Brush-type System
Stator Insulation ....................................................Class “H”
Rotor Insulation ......................................................Class “F”
*Rated power of generator is subject to and limited by such factors as ambient tempera-
ture, altitude, engine condition and other factors. Engine power will decrease about 3.5
percent for each 1,000 feet above sea level; and also will decrease an additional 1 percent
for each 6° C (10° F) above 15.5° C (60° F) ambient. Maximum output power of the gener-
ator is limited by maximum engine power.
Section 1 — General Information
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 5
Model Number Circuit Breaker Rating
0043733, 0043734, 0043735 200-amp breaker 0046262, 0046263, 0046264 200-amp breaker
6 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
The generator must be fully compatible with the rated voltage, number of phases and frequency of the con­nected electrical loads. The generator, connected elec­trical devices, or both, can be damaged if voltage, num­ber of phases and frequency are not compatible.
This manual assumes that the standby generator has been properly selected, installed and interconnected by a competent, qualified electrician or installation contractor. Once the installation is complete, do nothing that may result in noncompatibility between the generator and connected electrical loads.
1.8.3 ENGINE
Make ............................................................General Motors
Displacement ......................................4.3 liters (262 cu. in.)
Cylinder Arrangement ......................................................V-6
Valve Arrangement ......................................Overhead Valves
Firing Order ........................................................1-6-5-4-3-2
Number of Main Bearings....................................................4
Compression Ratio....................................................9.4-to-1
No. of Teeth on Flywheel..................................................168
Ignition System ......................................................Electronic
Ignition Timing at 1,800 rpm ....................40 degrees BTDC
Rated Horsepower at 1,800 rpm ......................................67
Spark Plug Gap ....................................0.045 inch (1.1 mm)
Recommended Spark Plugs ............AC 41-932 or equivalent
Oil Pressure ............................................................30-50 psi
Crankcase Oil Capacity ....................4.5 U.S. quarts (4.25 L)
Recommended Engine Oil..................................SAE 15W-40
Type of Cooling System ............Pressurized, closed recovery
Cooling Fan ........................................................Pusher Type
Cooling System Capacity ....................4.5 U.S. gallons (17 L)
Recommended Coolant........................Use a 50-50 mixture of
ethylene glycol and soft water.
Fuel Consumption
Natural Gas ..............................................................720 cfh
LP Gas ..........................................................288 cfh/7.9gph
With LP gas, use only the vapor withdrawal system. This type of system uses the vapors formed above the liquid fuel in the storage tank.
Recommended fuels should have a Btu content of at least 1,000 Btus per cubic foot for natural gas; or at least 2,520 Btus per cubic foot for LP gas. Ask your fuel supplier for the Btu content of your fuel.
Fuel pressure for both natural gas and liquid propane setups should be 11 inches to 14 inches of water column (0.6 psi) at all load ranges.
Gaseous fuels such as natural gas and liquid propane (LP) gas are highly explosive. Even the slightest spark can ignite such fuels and cause an explosion. No leakage of fuel is permitted. Natural gas, which is lighter than air, tends to collect in high areas; LP gas is heavier than air and tends to settle in low areas – install leak detectors accord­ingly.
The generator is shipped from the factory configured for using natural gas as fuel. To convert the fuel system to LP gas, proceed as follows (Figure 1.3).
1. Remove end cap from the pressure reducer valve.
2. Turn the tension screw counterclockwise until all ten-
sion is removed from the inner spring.
3. Install and tighten the end cap.
4. Invert the pressure reducer valve. In other words, turn
it upside down (end cap facing downward).
5. Purge and leak test the entire fuel system according to
gaseous fuel codes. NO LEAKS can appear at any point in the system.
Figure 1.3 – Conversion to LP Gas Vapor
Section 1 — General Information
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
The unit has been filled with 15W-40 engine oil at the factory. Use a high-quality detergent oil classified “For Service CC, SD, SE or SF.” Detergent oils keep the engine cleaner and reduce carbon deposits. Use oil hav­ing the following SAE viscosity rating, based on the ambient temperature range anticipated before the next oil change:
Any attempt to crank or start the engine before it has been properly serviced with the recommended oil may result in an engine failure.
Use a mixture of half low silicate, ethylene glycol base antifreeze and half soft water. Use only soft water and only low silicate antifreeze. If desired, add a high quali­ty rust inhibitor to the recommended coolant mixture. When adding coolant, always add the recommended 50­50 mixture.
Do not remove the radiator pressure cap while the engine is hot or serious burns from boiling liquid or steam could result.
Ethylene glycol base antifreeze is poisonous. Do not use mouth to siphon coolant from the radia­tor, recovery bottle or any container. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Never store used antifreeze in an open container because animals are atracted to the smell and taste of antifreeze even though it is poisonous to them.
Do not use any chromate base rust inhibitor with ethylene glycol base antifreeze, or chromi­um hydroxide (“green slime”) will form and cause overheating. Engines that have been oper­ated with a chromate base rust inhibitor must be chemically cleaned before adding ethylene glycol base antifreeze. Using any high silicate antifreeze boosters or additives also will cause overheating. Generac also recommends that any soluble oil inhibitor NOT be used for this equip­ment.
(MODELS 0046262, 0046263 & 0046264)
This model is equipped with an active exhaust emis­sions control system to comply with certain California air district regulations for natural gas emergency gener­ating sets, including the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Do not tamper with or disable any part of this system, including the exhaust catalyst, carburetor, oxygen sensor, air-fuel ratio controller, sole­noid valve and gas regulator. These items are not sub­ject to periodic maintenance or adjustment.
This model is of a size (greater than 50 brakehorse­power) that may require a review by air permitting authorities prior to installation and operation. Consult the local air management district for details and spe­cific requirements.
Figure 1.4 - Emissions Control System
The air fuel ratio controller is an advanced micro­processor designed to work with a three-way catalyst and a feedback (rich bias) carburetor to provide close­loop fuel management. Its digital adaptive control is able to compensate for variations in fuel mixtures and engine tunes. It is time based activated. (For example, it will activate after 45 seconds from receiving the power signal.) The part number for the air fuel ratio controller is 0D4221.
Principle of Operation: The oxygen sensor, installed on the exhaust pipe, between the engine and the cat­alytic muffler (closer to the engine), continuously moni­tors the exhaust gas composition. A feedback signal is sent from the oxygen sensor to the air fuel ratio con­troller, which controls the fuel system to maintain the optimal, stoichiometric air fuel ratio. The air fuel mix­ture to the engine is controlled by biasing the diaphragm in the fuel regulator using vacuum (from the carburetor). This vacuum signal is directed to the fuel regulator via the control valve. The air fuel ratio con­troller determines the amount of vacuum signal sent to the fuel regulator. The more vacuum sent to the regula­tor, the more restricted the fuel flow will be, therefore the leaner the air fuel mixture.
Section 1 — General Information
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 7
Temperature Oil Grade(Recommended)
Above 80º F (27º C) SAE 30W or 15W-40
32º to 80º F (-1º C to 27º C) SAE 20W-20 or 15W-40
Below 32º F (0º C) SAE 10W or 15W-40
8 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
If an open bottom is used, the engine-generator is to be installed over non-combustible materials and should be located such that combustible materials are not capable of accumulating under the generator set.
Only qualified, competent installation contractors or electricians thoroughly familiar with applicable codes, standards and regulations should install this standby electric power system. The installation must comply strictly with all codes, standards and regulations per­taining to the installation.
This genset must be installed on a level surface. The base frame must be level within two (2) inches all around.
After the system has been installed, you must not do anything that might render the installation in noncom­pliance with such codes, standards and regulations.
For more information about the installation of a stand­by system, you can order Engine-Generator Standby
Electric Power Systems Installer’s Guide and Reference Manual (part #046622) from a Generac
Authorized Service Dealer.
The following published standards booklets pertaining to standby electric systems are available form the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269:
In addition to NFPA standards, the following informa­tion pertaining to the installation and use of standby electric systems is available:
• Article X, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE, available from the American Insurance Association, 85 John Street, New York, N.Y. 10038.
• AGRICULTURAL WIRING HANDBOOK, obtainable from the Food and Energy Council, 909 University Avenue, Columbia, MO, 65201.
• ASAE EP-364.2, INSTALLATION AND MAINTE­NANCE OF FARM STANDBY ELECTRIC POWER, available from the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
• A52.1, AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FOR CHIMNEYS, FIREPLACES AND VENTING SYS­TEMS, available from the American National Standard Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y.
• NEC HANDBOOK available from the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, PO Box 9146, Quincy, MA 02269-9959.
Figure 2.1 shows a schematic diagram of a basic stand­by electric system. Both the UTILITY power supply and the STANDBY (generator) output are connected to an approved transfer switch. The transfer switch is required by electrical code and serves the following functions:
• Permits the LOAD circuits to be connected to only one power supply at a time.
• Prevents electrical backfeed between STANDBY power and the UTILITY power circuits.
Notice that both the STANDBY and the UTILITY power supplies to the transfer switch are protected against overload by a main line circuit breaker.
Generac recommends the use of a Generac Power Systems “pre-packaged” type transfer switch (Part No. 0D4406) in conjunction with this generator.
Section 2 — Installation
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
Connecting this generator to an electrical system normally supplied by an electric utility shall be by
means of a transfer switch (such as the Generac “GTS” type transfer switch), so as to isolate the electric
system from the utility distribution system when the generator is operating. Failure to isolate the electric system by these means will result in damage to the generator and may also result in injury or death to utility workers due to backfeed of electrical energy.
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 9
Figure 2.1 – Basic Standby Electric System
This prevents overloading the generator by keeping elec­trical loads below the wattage/amperage capacity of the generator. If the generator is powering only critical loads, within its wattage/amperage capacity, during util­ity power outages, consider using the emergency circuit isolation method.
Critical electrical loads are grouped together and wired into a separate “Emergency Distribution Panel.” Load circuits powered by that panel are within the wattage/amperage capacity of the generator set. When this method is used, it is difficult to overload the gener­ator. The transfer switch must meet the following requirements:
• It must have an ampere rating equal to or greater
than the total amperage rating of the emergency dis­tribution panel circuit.
• It must be installed between the building’s main distri-
bution panel and the emergency distribution panel.
When a generator capable of powering all electrical loads in the circuit is to be installed, use the “Total Circuit Isolation Method.” It is possible for the genera­tor to be overloaded when this isolation method is employed. The following apply to the transfer switch in this type of system.
• Ampere rating of the transfer switch must be equal to
or greater than the ampere rating of the normal incoming utility service.
• The transfer switch must be installed between the
utility service entrance and the building distribution panel.
The National Electrical Code requires the frame and external electrically conductive parts of this equipment to be properly connected to an approved earth ground and/or grounding rods. For that purpose, a GROUND LUG (Figure 2.2) is provided on the generator mounting base. Consult a qualified electrician for grounding requirements in your area. Grounding procedures must meet local regulations.
Do not connect the ground wire to any pipe that carries a flammable or explosive substance – FIRE or an EXPLOSION may result.
Proper grounding helps protect personnel against electri­cal shock in the event of a ground fault condition in the generator or in connected electrical devices. In addition, grounding helps dissipate static electricity that often builds up in ungrounded devices.
Figure 2.2 – Generator Grounding Lug (typical)
Generac uses an UNGROUNDED AC neutral. Grounding is recommended only at the main service entrance.
Connect the six signal wires from the automatic trans­fer switch to the engine generator control, which is located on the upper right side and inside the lower control panel. Match wires 23, 194, N1, N2, T1 and T2 in the transfer switch to the corresponding wires on the terminal strip in the lower panel. The conductors for these wires should be in a seperate conduit from the main AC output wires. If the control wires are run in the same conduit, the control wires must be a shielded cable.
2.6.2 “GTS” Type Engineered Switch
Connect the two-wire start signal from the automatic transfer switch to the automatic start connection, which is located in the right hand corner inside the lower panel. Match wires 178 and 183 in the transfer switch to 178 and 183 on the terminal strip in the control panel. The conductors for the two-wire start circuit must be in their own conduit. If the control wires are run in the same conduit, the control wires must be a shielded cable.
Section 2 — Installation
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
10 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
When using a GTS switch, it is necessary to connect a 240V AC supply to N1 and N2 terminals of the generator to provide for battery charging. Wires T1, T2, 23 and 194 should not be connected.
Standby generators installed with automatic trans­fer switches will crank and start automatically when normal (utility) source voltage is removed or is below an acceptable preset level. To prevent such automatic start-up and possible injury to per­sonnel, do not connect battery cables until the normal source voltage at the transfer switch is cor­rect and the system is ready to be placed into operation.
Storage batteries give off explosive hydrogen gas. This gas can form an explosive mixture around the battery for several hours after charging. The slightest spark can ignite the gas and cause an explosion. Such an explosion can shatter the bat­tery and cause blindness or other injury. Any area that houses a storage battery must be properly ventilated. Do not allow smoking, open flame, sparks or any spark producing tools or equipment near the battery.
Battery electrolyte fluid is an extremely caustic sulfuric acid solution that can cause severe burns. Do not permit fluid to contact eyes, skin, clothing, painted surfaces, etc. Wear protective goggles, protective clothing and gloves when handling a battery. If fluid is spilled, flush the affected area immediately with clear water.
Do not dispose of the battery in a fire. The battery is capable of exploding.
Do not open or mutilate the battery. Released electrolyte can be toxic and harmful to the skin and eyes.
The battery represents a risk of high short circuit current. When working on the battery, always remove watches, rings or other metal objects, and only use tools that have insulated handles.
The electrolyte is a dilute sulfuric acid that is harmful to the skin and eyes. It is electrically con­ductive and corrosive. The following procedures are to be observed:
• Wear full eye protection and protective clothing,
• Where electrolyte contacts the skin, wash it off
immediately with water,
• Where electrolyte contacts the eyes, flush thoroughly
and immediately with water and seek medical atten­tion, and
• Spilled electrolyte is to be washed down with an acid-
neutralizing agent. A common practice is to use a solution of one pound (500 grams) bicarbonate of soda to one gallon (4 liters) of water. The bicarbonate of soda solution is to be added until the evidence of reaction (foaming) has ceased. The resulting liquid is to be flushed with water and the area dried.
Lead acid batteries present a risk of fire because they generate hydrogen gas. The following proce­dures are to be followed:
• DO NOT SMOKE when near batteries,
• DO NOT cause flame or spark in battery area, and
• Discharge static electricity from body before touching
batteries by first touching a grounded metal surface.
Servicing of batteries is to be performed or supervised by personnel knowledgeable of batteries and the required precautions. Keep unauthorized personnel away from batteries.
For recommended batteries, see Section 4.5, “Battery Maintenance”. All batteries must be at 100 percent state­of-charge before they are installed on the generator.
When using maintenance-free batteries, it is not neces­sary to check the specific gravity or electrolyte level. Have these procedures performed at the intervals spec­ified in Section 4, “Maintenance.” A negative ground sys­tem is used. Battery connections are shown on the wiring diagrams. Make sure all batteries are correctly connected and terminals are tight. Observe battery polarity when connecting batteries to the generator set.
Damage will result if the battery connections are reversed.
The instructions in this section assume that the standby generator has been properly installed, serviced, tested, adjusted and otherwise prepared for use by a competent, qualified installation contractor. Be sure to read the “Safety Rules” on Pages 2 and 3, as well as all other safe­ty information in this manual, before attempting to oper­ate this (and related) equipment.
Section 2 — Installation
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
Prior to initially starting the generator, it must be properly prepared for use. Any attempt to crank or start the engine before it has been properly serviced with the recommended types and quanti­ties of engine fluids (oil, coolant, fuel, etc.) may result in an engine failure.
Before starting the generator for the first time, the installer must complete the following procedures. For follow-up maintenance information and/or service inter­vals, please refer to Section 4, “Maintenance.”
If this generator is used to supply power to any electri­cal system normally powered by an electric utility, the National Electrical Code requires that a transfer switch be installed. The transfer switch prevents electrical backfeed between two different electrical systems. (For additional information, see the applicable transfer switch manual for this unit.) The transfer switch, as well as the generator and other standby components, must be properly located and mounted in strict compli­ance with applicable codes, standards and regulations.
Make sure the fuel supply system to the generator (a) delivers the correct fuel at the correct pressure and (b) is properly purged and leak tested according to code. No fuel leakage is permitted. See Section 1.8, “Specifications”, for more information.
Check the engine crankcase oil level before operating and add oil to the proper level – the dipstick “FULL” mark. Never operate the engine with the oil level below the dipstick “ADD” mark. See Section 1.8, “Specifications” and Section 1.10, “Engine Oil Recommendations”.
This engine is shipped from the manufacturer with SAE 15W-40 oil. This oil should be changed after 30 hours of operation.
Have the engine cooling system properly filled with the recommended coolant mixture. Check the system for leaks and other problems. See Section 1.8, “Specifications” and Section 1.11, “Coolant”.
Check the engine fan belt tension and condition prior to placing the unit into service and at recommended intervals. Belt tension is correct when a force of approx­imately 22 pounds (10 kg), applied midway between pulleys, deflects the belt about 3/8- to 5/8-inch (10 to 16 mm).
Make sure the generator is properly connected to an approved earth ground and/or ground rod.
Make sure the generator battery is fully charged, proper­ly installed and interconnected, and ready for use.
Check to ensure that there are no loose electrical con­nections. Restrain any loose wires to keep them clear of any moving generator set components.
Make sure the four 3-inch diameter cap plugs (part # 0A8785) are properly installed in the tie-down holes in the side rails of the unit’s base frame (Figure 2.3). The cap plugs are shipped in a plastic bag located in the lower connection box. These plugs are needed to pre­vent rodents from accessing the interior of the genera­tor set. On acoustic units, cap plugs also are needed to stay within noise specification limits.
Figure 2.3 - Base Frame Cap Plugs
Section 2 — Installation
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 11
12 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
The components of a liquid-cooled generator control console (Figure 3.1) are as follows:
Figure 3.1 – Control Console
The voltmeter displays generator AC output voltage dur­ing operation. Voltage is regulated by a solid-state volt­age regulator and is proportional to AC frequency. Refer to the unit’s DATA PLATE for rated AC voltage.
This indicates current draw of connected electrical loads during operation. DO NOT EXCEED THE UNIT’S RATED MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS CURRENT. Refer to the unit DATA PLATE.
This indicates generator AC output frequency in Hertz (cycles per second). Frequency is proportional to engine speed. Units with a four-pole rotor, supply 60 Hertz at 1,800 rpm. The frequency reading with no electrical loads connected (no-load condition) should be between 60-62 Hertz.
The generator is equipped with a belt-driven DC alter­nator, which maintains battery state of charge when the engine operates. The control module assembly (CMA) also incorporates a trickle charge circuit that maintains battery state of charge during nonoperating periods. Battery voltage should read approximately12.5 to 14.5 volts DC. A low battery voltage indicates the battery is discharging.
This indicates the time the engine-generator has operat­ed, in hours and tenths of hours. Use the hourmeter along with the periodic maintenance schedule for your generator set.
See Section 3.2.
This lamp goes ON when one or more of the following engine faults occurs and when engine shuts down.
• Low oil pressure • High coolant temperature
• Low coolant level • Overcrank
• Overspeed
3.1.8 15-AMP FUSE
This fuse protects the control console’s DC control cir­cuit against electrical overload. If the fuse has melted open because of an overload, engine cranking and start­up cannot occur. Replace the fuse with an identical AGC 15-amp replacement fuse.
This inline fuse is connected in the 15A line that runs between the Auto/Off/Manual switch and position 10 of the 76009A PCB. This fuse protects the start, fuel, field boost, and transfer outputs from the PCB and will open if there is excessive current draw on any one of these outputs.
This switch permits selection between either line-to-line or line-to-neutral voltage and amperage readings on the console AC voltmeter and AC ammeter.
This switch allows to program the generator to start and exercise automatically. (See Section 3.6)
Selecting this switch position activates fully automatic system operation. It also allows the unit to start and exercise the engine every seven days with the setting of the exercise timer.
Section 3 — Operation
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
This switch position shuts down the engine. This posi­tion also prevents operation.
Set the switch to Manual to crank and start the engine. Transfer to standby power will not automatically occur unless there is a utility failure.
With the switch set to AUTO, the engine may crank and start at any time without warning. Such automatic starting normally occurs when utility power source voltage drops below a preset level or during the normal exercise cycle. To pre­vent possible injury that might be caused by such sudden starts, always set the switch to OFF and remove the fuse before working on or around the generator or transfer switch. Then, place a “Do Not Operate” tag on the generator panel and on the transfer switch.
To select automatic operation, do the following:
1. Make sure the transfer switch main contacts are set to their “Utility” position, i.e., loads connected to the utility power source.
2. Be sure that normal utility power source voltage is available to transfer switch terminal lugs N1 and N2.
3. Set the generator’s Auto/Off/Manual switch to AUTO.
4. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its ON (or closed) position.
With the preceding steps complete, the generator will start automatically when utility source voltage drops below a preset level. After the unit starts, loads are transferred to the standby power source. Refer to “Sequence of Automatic Operation.”
The generator’s control panel houses a control logic cir­cuit board. This board constantly monitors utility power source voltage. Should that voltage drop below a preset level, circuit board action will signal the engine to crank and start. After the engine starts, the circuit board signals the transfer switch to activate and connect load circuits to the standby power supply (load terminal lugs T1/T2 connect to terminal lugs E1/E2).
Upon restoration of utility source voltage above a preset level, generator circuit board action signals the transfer switch to transfer loads back to that power supply. After retransfer, the engine is signalled to shut down.
The actual sequence of operation is controlled by sensors and timers on a control logic circuit board, as follows:
A. Utility Voltage Dropout Sensor
• This sensor monitors utility source voltage.
• If utility source voltage drops below about 60 per­cent of the nominal supply voltage, the sensor ener­gizes a 15-second timer.
• Once the timer has expired, the engine will crank and start.
B.Engine Warm-up Time Delay
• This mechanism lets the engine warm up for about 10 seconds before the load is transferred to a stand­by source.
C.Standby Voltage Sensor
• This sensor monitors generator AC output voltage. When the voltage has reached 50 percent of the nominal rated voltage, transfer to standby can occur.
D.Utility Voltage Pickup Sensor
• This sensor monitors utility power supply voltage. When that voltage is restored above 80 percent of the nominal source voltage, a retransfer time delay starts timing.
E.Retransfer Time Delay
• This timer runs for about 15 seconds.
• At end of a 15-second delay, circuit board action de­energizes transfer relay in the transfer switch.
• Retransfer to utility power source then occurs.
F. Engine Cool-down Timer
• When the load is transferred back to utility power source, the engine cool-down timer starts timing.
• The timer will run for about one minute, and the generator will then shut down.
This Generac standby generator comes equipped with a block heater (Figure 3.2, page 14) that is similar to the block heaters used in automotive applications. The block heater must be connected to a customer supplied 120V AC circuit.
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 13
Section 3 — Operation
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
Figure 3.2 – Engine Block Heater
Refer to applicable wiring diagram(s) and electrical schematic(s) at the back of this manual for wiring con­nections.
The generator will start and exercise once every seven days. During this weekly exercise, the unit runs for approximately 20 minutes and shuts down. Transfer of loads to generator output does not occur during the exercise unless power is lost during the exercise period.
To select the day of the week and time of day for exer­cising, proceed as follows:
• Set the Auto/Off/Manual switch to OFF.
• Set generator’s main circuit breaker to its OFF (or open) position.
• Locate the rocker switch on the control panel identi­fied with the words “Set Exercise Time” (Figure 3.3).
• Push “Set Exercise Time” switch to the ON position for 20 to 30 seconds and then release. The switch will spring back into its original position when released.
• Wait 30 seconds before setting the Auto/Off/ Manual switch to the AUTO position.
The unit will exercise 20 minutes before it is set. Example: Set – Noon; Exercise – 11:40 a.m.
If you switch the Auto/Off/Manual switch is switched too soon, the engine may start. If engine does start, it will shut down automatically in about two (2) minutes.
• Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its ON (or closed) position.
• The generator is now programmed to start and exer­cise every seven days thereafter, on the day and at the time of day the switch was activated.
• Place a sign on the generator’s control panel and on the transfer switch that indicates the day and time the generator will be exercising.
If the battery terminals are disconnected or the con­trol panel fuse is removed, the exercise timer needs to be reset for automatic exercise operation.
Figure 3.3 – “Set Exercise” Switch on Control Panel
For oil capacities, see “Specifications,” Section 1.8. For engine oil recommendations, see Section 4.2.1. To check the engine oil level, proceed as follows (Figure
1. Remove the dipstick and wipe it dry with a
clean cloth.
2. Install the dipstick cap; then, remove it again. The
oil level should be at the dipstick “Full” mark. If nec­essary, add oil to the “Full” mark only. DO NOT FILL ABOVE THE “FULL” MARK.
3. Install the dipstick.
Never operate the engine with the oil level below the “Add” mark on the dipstick. Doing this could damage the engine.
Section 4 — Maintenance
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
14 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
Figure 4.1 – Oil Dipstick and Fill
Use oil of API Service Class SG, SH or SJ. The recommended oil grade for the engine is SAE 15W-40.
The unit is supplied with “break-in” oil. See the “Service Schedule,” Section 4.12 (Page 19), for the first required oil change.
Any attempt to crank or start the engine before it has been properly serviced with the recom­mended oil may result in an engine failure.
To change the oil and filter, proceed as follows:
Refer to the “Service Schedule,” (Section 4.12, Page 19) for engine oil and filter change frequencies.
Drain the oil while the engine is still warm from run­ning. This means, warm up the engine, shut it down and drain it immediately as follows:
1. Remove the oil drain hose from its retaining clip,
located on the generator base frame.
2. Loosen and remove the oil drain hose cap, located
on the base frame end of the hose. Drain the oil completely into a suitable container.
3. When all of the oil has drained, install and tighten
the oil drain hose cap.
4. Turn the oil filter (Generac part number
0A37970001, Figure 4.2) counterclockwise and remove it. Properly dispose of the old filter.
Figure 4.2 – Oil Filter
5. Apply a light coating of engine oil to the seal of new oil filter. Install the filter and tighten by hand only. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
6. Remove the oil fill cap (Figure 4.1). Add the recom­mended oil (see Section 4.2.1). DO NOT FILL ABOVE THE DIPSTICK “FULL” MARK. Crankcase oil capacity is 4.5 U.S. quarts (4.25 L).
After refilling the crankcase with oil, always check the oil level on the dipstick. Never operate the engine with the oil level below the “Add” mark on the dipstick. Doing this could damage the engine.
7. Start the engine and check for oil leaks.
8. Check the oil level after checking for leaks to ensure that the oil is filled to the proper level.
To replace the engine air cleaner, (Generac part num­ber 0A4637, simply remove the air cleaner cover and replace the air filter making sure it is positioned properly before reattaching the cover. (See Figure 4.3, page 16).
Section 4 — Maintenance
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 15
16 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
Figure 4.3 – Engine Air Cleaner
See the “Service Schedule,” Section 4.12, for recom­mended air cleaner maintenance.
Reset the spark plug gap or replace the spark plugs as necessary. See Section 4.12.
1. Clean the area around the base of the spark plugs to keep dirt and debris out of the engine. Clean the plugs by scraping using a wire brush. Do not “blast” the spark plugs to clean.
2. Remove the spark plugs and check the condition. Replace the spark plugs if worn or if reuse is ques­tionable. See the “Service Schedule,” Section 4.12, for recommended inspection.
3. Check the spark plug gap using a feeler gauge. Adjust the gap to 0.045 inch (1.1 mm) by carefully bending the ground electrode (Figure 4.4).
Figure 4.4 – Setting the Spark Plug Gap
The battery should be inspected per the “Service Schedule,” Section 4.12. The following procedure should be followed for inspection:
1. Inspect the battery posts and cables for tightness and corrosion. Tighten and clean as necessary.
2. Check the battery fluid level of unsealed batteries and, if necessary, fill with DISTILLED WATER ONLY. DO NOT USE TAP WATER IN BATTERIES.
3. Have the state of charge and condition checked. This should be done with an automotive-type bat­tery hydrometer or load test.
Standby generators installed with automatic transfer switches will crank and start automatical­ly when normal (utility) source voltage is removed or is below an acceptable preset level. To prevent such automatic start-up and possible injury to per­sonnel, do not connect battery cables until the normal source voltage at the transfer switch is correct and the system is ready to be placed into operation.
Storage batteries give off explosive hydrogen gas. This gas can form an explosive mixture around the battery for several hours after charging. The slightest spark can ignite the gas and cause an explosion. Such an explosion can shatter the bat­tery and cause blindness or other injury. Any area that houses a storage battery must be properly ventilated. Do not allow smoking, open flame, sparks or any spark producing tools or equipment near the battery.
Battery electrolyte fluid is an extremely caustic sulfuric acid solution that can cause severe burns. Do not permit fluid to contact eyes, skin, clothing, painted surfaces, etc. Wear protective goggles, protective clothing and gloves when handling a battery. If fluid is spilled, flush the affected area immediately with clear water.
Do not dispose of the battery in a fire. The bat­tery is capable of exploding.
Do not open or mutilate the battery. Released electrolyte can be toxic and harmful to the skin and eyes.
The battery represents a risk of high short circuit current. When working on the battery, always remove watches, rings or other metal objects, and only use tools that have insulated handles.
Generac uses a Group 27F vented type battery that has 600 CCA @ 0º F. Generac’s part number is 058665.
The BCI number should be located directly on the battery.
Section 4 — Maintenance
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
0.045 inch (1.1 mm)
Air Cleaner
Generac®Power Systems, Inc. 17
Air intake and outlet openings in the generator compart­ment must be open and unobstructed for continued prop­er operation. This includes such obstructions as high grass, weeds, brush, leaves and snow.
Without sufficient cooling and ventilating air flow, the engine/generator quickly overheats, which causes it to shut down.
The exhaust system of this product gets extremely hot and remains hot after shutdown. High grass, weeds, brush, leaves, etc. must remain clear of the exhaust. Such materials may ignite and burn from the heat of the exhaust system.
Engine cranking, start-up and running are controlled by a solid-state engine controller circuit board. Battery voltage is delivered to that circuit board via a 15-amp fuse. These overcurrent protection devices will open if the circuit is overloaded.
If a circuit breaker opens or a fuse element melts, you should find the cause of the overload before resetting the circuit breaker or replacing the fuse.
The generator panel’s 15-amp AGC fuse (Figure 4.4) pro­tects the DC control circuit against overload. The fuse is wired in series with the battery output lead to the panel. If the fuse element has melted open, cranking or starting the engine cannot occur. Replace the fuse using only an identical 15-amp AGC replacement.
Figure 4.4 – Location of 15-amp Fuse
Check the coolant level in the coolant recovery bottle.
• Add the recommended coolant mixture as necessary, see Section 1.10.
• Periodically remove the radiator pressure cap to make sure the coolant recovery system is functioning properly. Coolant should be at the bottom of the radia­tor filler neck. If the coolant level is low, inspect the gasket in the radiator pressure cap. Replace the cap, if necessary. To have the pressure cap tested, contact a Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer. Inspect the cool­ing system and coolant recovery system for leaks.
Keep the generator as clean and as dry as possible. Dirt and moisture that accumulate on internal generator windings have an adverse effect on insulation resist­ance.
Periodically, clean the generator’s exterior surfaces. A soft brush may be used to loosen caked on dirt. Use a vacuum system or dry, low pressure air to remove any accumulations of dirt. The generator is housed inside an all-weather enclosure; clean the enclosure with a soft, damp cloth or sponge and water.
Once each year, have the generator cleaned and inspect­ed by a Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer. Service technicians will use dry, low pressure air to clean inter­nal windings. Parts inside the control console should be cleaned and inspected at this time as well.
Finally, have the insulation resistance of stator and rotor windings checked. If insulation resistances are excessively low, the generator may require drying.
The intrusion of rodents into the generator set can cause a wide range of problems, from failure of the unit to start, to personal injury and, in extreme circum­stances, short circuit or fire. Although the unit was designed to limit this problem, further precautions can be taken by the owner to help minimize both the chance of rodent entry and the extent of any damage. The fol­lowing inspection should be performed.
1. The base frame of the unit contains an optional fuel
inlet location and four lifting holes that are capped at the factory. These caps are sometimes removed for transportation during installation but always should be replaced afterwards. Check that they are secured in place. The same applies for any access ports in the roof of the enclosure. If any of these caps are missing, contact a Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer.
Section 4 — Maintenance
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
18 Generac®Power Systems, Inc.
2. Inside the generator set, the chance of rodent entry into the control panel is greatly reduced by the inclusion of adjustable wire connectors. Check that the wire connector screws are tight, thus closing off any gap between the access holes and the wires.
If the generator cannot exercise every seven days, and it is to be out of service longer than 90 days, prepare the generator for storage as follows:
1. Start the engine and let it warm up.
2. Close the fuel shutoff valve in the fuel supply line and allow the unit to shut down.
3. Once the unit has shut down, it will signal a fault on the control panel.
4. Set the Auto/Off/Manual switch to OFF and turn off the utility power to the transfer switch.
5. While the engine is still warm from running, drain the oil completely. Refill the crankcase with SAE 15W-40 oil having API Service Class SG, SH or SJ.
6. Attach a tag to the engine indicating the viscosity and classification of the oil in the crankcase.
7. Remove the spark plug(s) and spray fogging agent into the spark plug(s) threaded openings. Reinstall and tighten the spark plug(s).
8. Remove the battery and store it in a cool, dry room on a wooden board. Never store the battery on any concrete or earthen floor.
9. Clean and wipe the entire generator.
To return the unit to service after storage, proceed as follows:
1. Verify that utility power is turned off to the transfer switch and that the Auto/Off/Manual switch is set to OFF.
2. Check the tag on the engine for oil viscosity and classification. Verify that the correct recommended oil is used in engine, see Section 4.2.1. If necessary, drain and refill with the proper oil.
3. Check the battery. Fill all cells to the proper level with distilled water. DO NOT USE TAP WATER IN THE BATTERY. Remove the battery before charging. Recharge the battery to 100 percent state of charge, or, if defective, replace the battery with a 12-volt DC Group 27F battery rated for 90 amp hours (part #
4. Clean and wipe the entire generator.
5. Reconnect the battery. Observe battery polarity. Damage may occur if the battery is connected incor­rectly.
6. Open the fuel shutoff valve.
7. Start the unit by moving the Auto/Off/Manual switch to MANUAL. Allow the unit to warm up thoroughly.
8. Stop the unit and set the Auto/Off/Manual switch to AUTO.
9. Turn on the utility power to the transfer switch.
10. The generator is now ready for service.
Section 4 — Maintenance
Guardian Liquid-cooled 40 kW Generator
+ 44 hidden pages