Generac 005993-0 Owner’s Manual

Safety Rules...........................................................1
SafetySymbols and Meanings.......................................1
Add EngineOil..........................................................................6
Add Fuel...................................................................................7
ConnectHoseand WaterSupplyto Pump.................................7
How to Use Nozzles..................................................................9
CleaningandApplying Detergent..................................10
Protectingthe Pump.....................................................18
Thank you for purchasing this power washer manufactured by GeneracPower Systems, Inc.This modelis a high performance, air-cooled, engine-driven power washer that operatesbetween 3000 and 4000 psi dependingon which model you purchased. Theseunitsfeaturepowerful Generacengines,atriplex pumpwith ceramic coated pistons, a pressure control valve, an automatic
thermal relief system, a professional grade spray gun with
vibrationisolationfor reducedfatigue,astainlesssteellance,quick connect nozzles, steel reinforcedhigh pressure rubber hose for
long life andmaximumflexibility and a detergentsiphoning hose. Commonsenseandstrictcompliancewiththespecialinstructions
are essentialto preventing accidents. The operatormust read
this manual and thoroughly understand all of the instructions
and warnings before usingthe equipment. If any portion of the manualis not understood, contact the nearestAuthorizedDealer
for starting, operating and servicing procedures.The owner is
responsiblefor properandsafe use of the equipment. Thepower washer can operatesafely,efficientlyand reliably only
if it is properlylocated,operatedandmaintained.Beforeoperating, servicingor storing:
Studyall warnings in this manualand on the productcarefully.
Becomefamiliar with this manual andthe unit beforeuse.
Referto theAssemblysection of the manualfor instructionson
final assembly procedures.Followthe instructions completely.
Themanufacturercannot anticipateevery possible circumstance that might involvea hazard.The warnings in this manual,and on tags and decals affixedto the unit are,therefore,not all inclusive.
If usingaprocedure,workmethodoroperatingtechniquethat the
manufacturerdoes not specifically recommend,ensurethat it is
safe for others. Also make sure the procedure,work method or
operatingtechnique utilized does not render the power washer
Save these instructionsfor future reference. If you loan this
device to someone,ALWAYSloanALL instructionalmaterialsto
theindividualas well.
Throughoutthis publication,and on tags and decalsaffixedto the generator,DANGER,WARNING,CAUTIONand NOTEblocks are
usedto alert personnelto special instructionsabout a particular operation that may be hazardous if performed incorrectly or
carelessly. Observe them carefully. Their definitions are as follows:
Indicatesa hazardoussituationor action which,if notavoided, will resultin death or seriousinjury.
Indicatesa hazardoussituationor actionwhich,if notavoided, couldresultin deathor seriousinjury.
Indicatesa hazardoussituationor actionwhich,if notavoided, couldresultin minoror moderateinjury.
Notescontainadditional informationimportanttoa procedure and will be found withinthe regulartextbody of thismanual.
These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazards that they indicate. Common sense and strict compliancewith the special instructionswhile performingtheaction or serviceareessentialto preventingaccidents.
ToxicFumes Kickback ElectricalShock
Slippery Surface Fall Fluid injection
You can contact GeneracCustomerService by phone at 1-888-
436-3722, or on the internet at Record the
important information of the unit in the following chart for future
referenceand/orservice inquiries.
ModelNumber Serial Number DatePurchased
Explosion Operator's Manual
Flying Objects Hot Surface
,_ DANGER:CarbonmonoxideproducedduringuseCANKiLL
EVENiFdoorsandwindowsare open.DrilyuseOUTSIDEand farawayfromwindows,doorsandvents.
Somechemicalsor detergents may be harmfulif inhaled
oringested,causingseverenausea, fainting, or poisoning.
Operatepowerwasher ONLYoutdoors.
A running enginegivesoff carbon monoxide.
Carbonmonoxide is an odorless, colorless, poisonousgas. Breathingcarbonmonoxidecan causeheadache,fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion,seizures,nausea,fainting or death.If you start experiencingany of these symptoms,
IMMEDIATELYmoveto fresh air. Seekmedicalattention.
Keepexhaustgasfrom enteringa confined areathrough windows, doors, ventilationintakes,or other openings.Warnany occupantsinside aboutthe symptoms of carbon monoxideso they know to move to fresh air if they beginto feel ill.
Theuse of a carbon monoxidedetector insideany occupied premisesbetweenthe powerwasher andthe occupant is
NEVERstart or run engineindoors or inan enclosedarea,EVEN IFwindows and doors areopen.
Usea respiratoror maskwheneverthere is achance that harmful gas or vapors may beinhaled.
Readall instructions with respiratoror mask so you arecertain the respiratoror mask will providethe necessaryprotection
againstinhalingharmful gasor vapors. Ifyou beginto experienceany ofthe COsymptoms listedabove,IMMEDIATELY
moveto fresh air.
,_DANGER: spray gun people, or
electrical devices.Serious injuryor deathwill result. ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection, squeezespraygun trigger to release highpressure,every time you stopengine. Engagetrigger lockwhen not in use.
NEVERallow CHILDRENto operatepowerwasher or playnearby. This is NOTa toy.
NEVERrepairhigh pressure hose. Replaceit.
NEVERrepairleaking connectionswith sealantof any kind. Replaceo-ring or seal.
NEVERconnecthigh pressurehoseto nozzleextension.
Keephigh pressurehoseconnectedto pump and spraygun while system is pressurized.
NEVERsecurespray gun in openposition.
NEVERleavespraygun unattendedwhile machineis running.
NEVERusea spraygun which does not haveatrigger lock or triggerguard in placeandin working order.
ALWAYSbe certain spraygun, nozzlesandaccessories are correctly attached.
NEVERaim at
Thehigh pressurestream ofwater that this equipment
produces cancut through skin andits underlyingtissues,leadingto serious injury,possible amputationor death. Spray guntraps high water pressure,EVENWHENengine is stoppedandwater is disconnected,which can cause injury.
,_WARNING: Riskofelectrocution.
'_ Contactwithpowersourcecancauseelectricshockor
NEVERspraynearpower source.
,_WARNING: Contactwith muffler area canresult in serious
burns. Exhaustheat/gasescanignitecombustibles, structuresor damage thefuel tank causinga fire.
DONOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaustgases.
Allowequipmentto cool beforetouching.
Keepat leastfive (5) feet (152 cm) of clearance on all sidesof powerwasherincluding overhead.
Itis aviolation of California PublicResourceCode,Section 4442, to use or operatethe engineon anyforest-covered,
brush-covered,or grass-coveredland unlessthe exhaust systemis equippedwith a sparkarrester,as definedin Section4442, maintainedin effectiveworking order.Other statesor federaljurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipmentmanufacturer,retailer,or dealerto obtaina sparkarrester designedfor the exhaustsystem installed onthis engine.
Replacementparts must bethe sameand installedinthe same position as the originalparts.
,_ WARNING:Fueland its vaporsare extremelyflammable and
explosive. Fire or explosion cancausesevere burns or death.
Turnpower washer OFFandlet it cool at leasttwo (2) minutes beforeremovingfuel cap. Loosencap slowly to relievepressurein tank.
Fillor drainfuel tank outdoors.
DONOToverfill tank.Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
Iffuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbeforestarting engine.
Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, openflames,pilot lights, heat, and other ignitionsources.
DONOTfighta cigaretteor smoke.
Ensurespark plug, muffler,fuel cap, andair cleanerare in place.
DONOTcrankenginewith spark plug removed.
DONOTtip engineor equipment at anglewhich causesfuel to spill.
DONOTsprayflammable liquids.
Transport/repairwithfuel tank EMPTYor with fuel shutoff valve OFF.
Disconnectsparkplug wire.
Storeaway from furnaces, stoves, waterheaters,clothes dryers, or otherappliancesthat havepilot light or otherignition source becausetheycan ignitefuel vapors.
,_ll WARNING:Useofpowerwashercancreatepuddlesand
Useonly on a levelsurface.
The cleaning area should have adequate slopes and drainageto reducethe possibility of afall due to slippery
Donot useon elevatedsurfaceswhere chanceof kickback
could resultin a seriousfall.
Firmlygrasp spraygun with both handswhen using high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
,_WARNING: Starter and otherrotatingpartscan
entangle hands,hair,clothing,or accessories.
or covers.
* NEVERoperatepowerwasherwithoutprotectivehousing * DONOTwearlooseclothing,jewelryoranythingthat
* Tieuplonghairandremovejewelry.
,_ WARNING:Starter cordkickback(rapid retraction) canresult
in bodilyinjury.Kickbackwill puffhandand arm toward engine faster than you can let go. Brokenbones,fractures, bruises,or sprains couldresult.
NEVERpullstarter cord without first relieving spraygun pressure.
Torelievetrappedpressure,point gun in safe directionand releasepressureby pulling/actuatingtrigger on spraygun.
Whenstartingengine, pull cord slowly until resistanceis felt and then pull rapidlyto avoidkickback.
After eachstarting attempt,where enginefails to run, always
pointspray gun in safedirection, and squeezespray gun trigger
to releasehigh pressure.
Firmlygrasp spraygun with both hands whenusing high
pressuresprayto avoid injurywhen spraygun kicks back.
,_ WARNING:Unintentionalsparking canresult in fire or electric
* Disconnectthe sparkplug wire from the spark plug and
place the wire whereit cannotcontact sparkplug.
Engineexhaustandsome of its constituentsareknown
to the Stateof Californiato causecancer,birth defects
This productcontainsor emits chemicalsknownto the
Stateof Californiato causecancer,birth defectsand
Highpressurespraymay damage fragile itemsincluding glass.
DO NOTpoint spray gun at glass when using red (0°) MAX
NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals,electricaldevicesor
Impropertreatmentof powerwashercandamageit and shortenits life.
* If you havequestionsabout intendeduse,ask dealeror contact
qualifiedservice center.
* NEVERoperateunits with brokenor missing parts, or without
protectivehousingor covers.
* DONOTby-pass anysafety deviceon this machine. * DONOToperate powerwasher above ratedpressure.
* DONOTmodify power washerinanyway. * Beforestarting powerwasher incold weather,checkallparts of
the equipmentto be sure icehas notformed there.
* NEVERmovemachineby pullingon hoses.Usehandleprovided
on unit.
* Checkfuel system for leaks or signs of deterioration,such as
chafed or spongy hose, looseormissing clamps, or damaged tank or cap. Correctall defectsbefore operatingpowerwasher.
* Thisequipmentisdesignedto be usedwith Generacauthorized
parts ONLY.If equipment is used with parts that DO NOT
comply with minimum specifications, user assumesall risks and liabilities.
* Useapprovedsparkplug tester.
* DONOTcheckfor spark with spark plug removed.
,_ WARNING:Risk of eye injury.Spray cansplashback or
. in vicinity of where equipmentis in use.
* Always wear safetygoggleswhen using this equipmentor
Beforestarting the power washer,be sure you are wearing adequatesafetygoggles.
NEVERsubstitutesafety glassesfor safetygoggles.
Readthis owner's manual and safety rules before operatingyour high powerwasher.
If you loanthis deviceto someone,ALWAYSloanALL instructional documentationto the individualas well. Comparethe illustrations with your high power washer to familiarize yourself with the locationsof variouscontrols(Figure1). Savethis manualfor future reference.Replacementowner'smanualscan be printedfrom the
A = Spray Gun - Controls the application of water onto the
cleaningsurface with triggerdevice.Includesa trigger lock.
B - Lancewith QuickConnect- Allows you to switch between
four different nozzles.
C - High PressureHose- Connect one end to water pump and
theother to the spraygun.
D - Recoil Starter - Usefor starting the engine. E - Oil Fill- Checkand add engineoil here.
F - Air Filter- Protectsenginebyfiltering dust, anddebrisout of
the intakeair. G - Pump- Developshigh pressure. H - ThermalRelief Valve- Cycle'swaterthroughthepumpwhen
water reaches 125°EWarm water will dischargefrom pump
ontoground. This preventsinternalpumpdamage. I - Engine On/OffSwitch - Runthis switch to "ON" beforeusing
therecoil starter.Turnthe switch to "OFF"to stop the engine.
J - PressureControl/UnloaderValve- Controlsthe highpressure
K- HighPressureOutlet - Connectionfor high pressurehose. L - Water Inlet - Connectionfor GardenHose.
M - FuelTank- Filltank with regularunleadedfuel. Always leave
roomfor fuel expansion.
N - FuelOn/Off Switch - Turnsfuel supply to the engineon and
0 - Choke- Preparesa cold enginefor starting. P - ThrottleLever- Increasesor decreasesenginespeed.Throttle
shouldbe at maximumtravel whenthe pressurewasher is in
Q - Nozzles- Chemicalinjection,0°, 15°, 25°, 40° (white,yellow,
redand black)forvarious highpressurecleaningapplications.
R - Pull Pin - Pullthe ring to unlock the handle.This allows the
handleto be collapsedfor storage.
S - Adjustable Side Handle- Adjustablebyturning counterclock-
wise to loosen, adjust to comfortable position and tighten clock-wise. This allowsfor a firm operatinggrip of the spray gun.
T - OilDrain- Drain engineoil here.
IdentificationLabel (near rear of base plate) - Providesmodel and serial number of pressurewasher.Pleasehavethese readily availableif callingfor assistance.
DetergentSiphoningTube/Filter- Useto siphonpressurewasher safe detergentsintothe low pressurestream.
Figure 1 - Features & Controls
Pressure- (PSI/ BAR) 3000 / 207 3300/ 228 4000 / 276 FlowRate- (GPM/LPM) 2.8/10.6 3.2/12.1 4.0/15.1
WaterSupplyTemperature- (°F/ C°) 100 / 38 Max
HoseLength- (Feet/ Meters) 35 / 10.7 50 / 15.2 Nozzles- NumberperUnit 5
LanceLength (Inches/ cm) 20 / 51 33 / 84 33 / 84 Gun Professional
EngineDisplacement- (Cubic Inch/ cc) 12.9/ 212 18.4/ 302 25.6 / 420 SparkPlugType F7RTCor equivalent
SparkPlugGap- (Inches/ mm) 0.028-0.031 / 0.70-0.80 FuelCapacity- (Quarts/ Liters) 3.2/ 3.0 4.9/ 4.63 6.3 / 6.0
EngineOilCapacity- (Oz/ Liters) 20 / 0.6 37 / 1.1 37 / 1.1 Low OilShut Down System Yes
On/ Off Switch Yes
1. Removethe parts bag,accessories,andinserts includedwith powerwasher.
2. Open carton completely by cutting each corner from top to bottom.
3. Ensureyou haveall includeditemspriorto assembly.
SiphonHose& Filter
PartsBag(whichincludesthefollowing): HoseHookWireformwithScrewsandAllenWrench
Operator'sManual Owner'sRegistrationCard BagcontainingColor-codedNozzles
4. If you are missing any items from your carton, please call GeneracCustomerService at 1-888-436-3722. Whencalling for assistance,pleasehavethe modeland serial numberfrom thedata tag available.
5. Fill out and send in registrationcard. Write Model number, Serial number& dateof purchase in the table locatedin the "Whereto FindUs"section.
Readthe entireoperator'smanualbeforeyou attemptto assemble, or if you have any problems with the assembly of your power washer,pleasecallGeneracCustomerServiceat 1-888-436-3722. When calling for assistance, please have the model and serial numberfrom thedata tag available.
1. Thehandlemay be folded down or locked into position using theintegratedpull pin.
Figure 2 - Attach Handle
Install hose hook using provided screws and allen wrench (Figure3).
Figure 3 - Instal/Hose Hook
Figure5 - Siphon TubeLocation
3. Insert color-coded nozzles in spaces provided in handle (Figure4).
4. Placespraygunand nozzleextensionintospray gunholderas shown (Figure4).
Figure4 - InsertNozzles
5. Coilhigh pressurehoseand hangon hook.
6. Attachsiphon tubeto locationA (Figure5).
1. Placepowerwasher on a flat, level surface.
2. Clean area around oil fill and remove orange oil fill cap/ dipstick.
3. Usingoilfunnel(optional),slowly pour contentsof providedoil bottle intooilfill opening.SeeMaintenancesectionfor oil type
Onsomeunitsthere ismore than one oil fill location.Inthese instancesitis only necessaryto use one of the oil fill points.
4. Check periodicallyuntil the FULL mark is reached. DONOT OVERFILL.
Any attemptto crankor startthe engine before it hasbeen properlyservicedwith the recommendoil may resultin engine
5. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstickand fully tighten.
1. Placepowerwasher on a flat, level surface.
2. Cleanarea aroundoil fill and removevented cap/dipstick (B)
3. Checkto confirm oil level is up to the "Full" mark on the dipstick. If oil is required,seeMaintenancesection.DO NOT OVERFILL.
4. See the Maintenancesection for additional information on pumpoil maintenance.
5. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstickand fully tighten.
Figure 6 - Check Pump Oi/ 3. Install fuel cap and let any spilled fuel evaporate before
Fuelmust meetthese requirements:
* Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline. * A minimum of 87 octane/87AKI (91 RON). * Gasolinewith up to 10%ethanol (gasohol)is acceptable.
Avoid powerwasherdamage.FailuretofollowOperator's Manualfor fuel recommendationsvoidswarranty.
* DONOTuse unapprovedgasolinesuch as E85. * DONOTmix oil in gasoline.
* DONOTmodify engineto run on alternatefuels.
Toprotectthefuel systemfrom gelling,mix in afuel stabilizerwhen addingfuel. SeeStorage.All fuel isnotthesame.If youexperience
starting or performance problems after using fuel, switch to a differentfuel provideror changebrands.
and explosive. Fire or explosion cancause
Fueland itsvaporsare extremely flammable severeburns or death.
* Turn power washer OFFand let it cool at least two (2) minutes
beforeremovingfuel cap. Loosen capslowly to relievepressurein
* Fillfuel tank outdoors. * DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
* If fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbeforestarting engine. * Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and
other ignitionsources.
* DONOTlight acigarette or smoke.
1. Clean area around fuel fill cap, remove cap.
2. Slowly add regular unleaded fuel to fuel tank. Be careful not to overfill. Fillto bottom of filter screen, this will allow for fuel
expansion (Figure 7).
starting engine.
Figure 7- Adding rue/
DONOTrunthe pumpwithoutthewater supplyconnected and turnedon. Damage to equipment resultingfrom failure to follow this instructionwiil voidwarranty.
Removeand discard the shippingcapfrom the pump'swater inletbefore attachinghose.
1. Runwaterthrough your gardenhose for 30 secondsto clean out any debris.
2. Before connecting garden hose to water inlet, inspect inlet screen beforeinstalling (A) (Figure8). The coneshouldface outward.Cleanscreenif it containsdebrisor have it replaced if damaged. DO NOT run power washer if inlet screen is damaged.
iMPORTANT:DONOTsiphon standingwater forthe watersupply. Use ONLYcold water (tessthan IO0°F).Water supply must be adequateto handle greater than 3.8 gallons per minute and no less than30 psi.
Using a OneWayValve (vacuumbreaker or checkvalve)at pumpinlet cancausepumpor inletconnectordamage.
* ThereMUST be at least ten feet of unrestricted garden hose
between the power washer inlet and any device, such as a vacuumbreakeror checkvalve.
* Damage to equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instructionwill voidwarranty.
Figure 8 - Inspect Inlet Screen
Connectthe gardenhose (not to exceed50 feet in length)to
the water inlet (Figure9). Tightenby hand.
Figure 9 - Connect Garden Hose
Attachendof high pressurehoseto baseof spray gun (Figure
11). Figure 11 - Connect Hose to Spray Gun
producescancut throughskinand itsunderlying
The highpressurestreamof water thatthisequipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjury,possibleamputation
or death.Spray guntrapshighwater pressure,even
whenengineisstoppedandwater is disconnected, whichcan causeinjury.
Always be certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare correctlyattached.
6. Connect high pressure hose to pump (uncoil hose before connectingto pump or spraygun) (Figure12).
Riskof eye injury.Spray cansplashbackor propel
..>40 objects.
Always wear safety goggles when using this equipment or in
vicinity of equipmentin use.
Before starting the power washer, be sure you are wearing adequatesafetygoggles.
NEVERsubstitute safety glassesfor safetygoggles.
Connect lance to spray gun (Figure 10). Tighten by hand.
Figure10- Attach Lance
Figure 12- Connect High PressureHoseto Pump
7. Turn ON the water, squeezethe trigger to purge the pump system of air (Figure13).
,iA The hosecanbe damagedif it comesin contactwitha
hotengineor muffler.
Figure 13- Squeeze Trigger
The quick-connect on the nozzle lance allows you to switch between different nozzles. Nozzles can be changed while the power washer is running, once the spray gun trigger is locked in the safety position. The nozzles vary the pressure and spray patternas shown.
* Forthe most effectivecleaning,keepthe nozzlefrom 8 to 24
inches (20 to 61 cm) awayfrom the surfacebeing cleaned.
* If you getthe nozzletoo close,especiallyusinga highpressure
nozzle,you may damagethe surfacebeingcleaned.
* TheWHITENOZZLEis usedfor delicaterinse (lower pressure and
higherflow), for gentlecleaningof cars/trucks, boats, RV's,patio
furniture, lawn equipment,etc. (Figure15).
Figure 15 - Low Pressure Nozzle (White)
TheYELLOWNOZZLEis for generalrinsing (medium pressureand mediumflow), idealfor most all purposecleaning such as home siding, brickpatios,wood decks, drivewaysandsidewalks,garage
floors, etc. (Figure16).
Figure 16 - Medium Pressure Nozzle (Yellow)
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjury,possibleamputation
or death. Spray gun trapshighwaterpressure,even whenengine is stoppedandwater is disconnected, whichcan causeinjury.
* NEVERexchangenozzleswithoutthetriggerlockbeingengagedon
* DONOTtwistnozzleswhilespraying.
Followthese instructionsto changenozzles:
1. Pull backthe collar on the quick-connect and pullthe current nozzle off. Store nozzles in the accessory storage holder (Figure14).
Figure 14- Nozzles
* The REDNOZZLEis for maximum rinsing (higher pressure and
lowerflow); for stubborn or hardto reachsurface such as second story surfaces, paint removal, oil stains, rust removal or other stubborn substances(tar,gum, grease,wax, etc.) (Figure17).
,l_ Thistip (Red Nozzle)can damageworksurfacesif it is
too close,or heldin one positionfor an extendedtime.
Figure17- MaximumPressureNozzle(Red)
2. Selectdesirednozzle:
3. Pull back on the collar, insert the new nozzleand releasethe collar.Tugon the nozzleto makesureit is securely in place.
Use the BLACKNOZZLEwhen applying detergent (Figure 18). Onlyusepower washer safe detergents/soapsto helpbreakdown stubborn dirt andgrime on avariety of surfaces.
Figure 18- Detergent Nozzle(Black)
,_ Chemicals cancause bodily injury,and/or property
Use ONLYpower washer safe detergents/soaps.Follow all
9. Start enginefollowing instructions How to Start Your Power Washer.
10. Applydetergentto a dry surface,starting atthe lowerportion of the areato bewashed andwork upward usinglong, even,
11. Allow the detergent to "soak in" for 3-5 minutes before washing and rinsing. Reapply as needed to prevent the
surfacefrom drying. DONOTallowthe detergentto dry onthe surface beingcleaned(preventsstreaking).
IMPORTANT:Youmustflush the detergentsiphoningsystem after eachuse byplacing thefilter into a bucketof cleanwater,then run
the powerwasher in low pressurefor 1-2 minutes.
1. Removethe black detergentnozzlefrom the lance.
2. Select and install the desiredhigh pressure nozzlefollowing theinstructions Howto UseNozzles.
3. Pointthe spray gun in a safedirection andaway from people, animalsandplants.Squeezethe triggerto flush anyremaining chemicalsfrom the system.
4. Keepthe spray gun a safe distancefrom the areayou planto spray.
Kickback from thespray guncancauseyouto
Toapply detergent,followthese steps:
1. Reviewproper use of nozzles.
2. Prepare detergent solution as required by the job into a containerlocatedwithin the proximityof the siphontube.
3. Make sure the siphoning tube remains fully submergedinto thedetergent.
Makesurethe filter remainsfully submergedin detergent while applying detergent.
Contactwith the hotmuffler can damage the detergent siphoningtube.
Wheninsertingthesiphonintoadetergentsolutionbottle,routethe tubeso asto keepitfrominadvertentlycontactingthehotmuffler.
7. Makesurethe blackdetergentnozzleis installed. NOTE:
Detergentcannotbe applied withthe highpressurenozzles (Yellow, White,Greenor Red). Only usethe Black nozzlewith detergent.
8. Confirmthat all set-up instructions havebeenfollowed.
Youmustattachall the hosesbefore youstart the engine.
Startingtheenginewithoutallthe hosesconnected,andwithout
Damageto the equipmentresultingfrom failureto followthese instructionswillvoidthewarranty.
Donotuseon anelevatedsurfacetopreventthe riskof a seriousfall.
Firmlygraspthespraygunwith bothhandswhenusingthehigh pressurespraytoavoidinjurywhenthespraygunkicksback.
5. Apply a high pressurespray to a small area andthen check surfacefor damage.If no damageis found,you can assume it is okay to continuerinsing.
6. Start atthe top of theareato be rinsed,workingdownwiththe same overlappingstrokesusedfor cleaning.
If you used the detergentsiphoningtube, you must flush it with cleanwater beforestoppingthe engine.
1. Place the detergent siphoning tube/filter in a bucket full of cleanwater.
2. Removethe high pressurenozzlefrom the nozzleextension.
3. Select and install the black detergent nozzle following the instructions Howto UseNozzles.
4. Flushfor 1-2 minutes.
5. Shut the engine off following the instructions How to Stop PowerWasher,andturn off water supply.
6. ALWAYSpointthe spray gun in a safe direction, squeezethe spray gun trigger to release retained high water pressure.
Engagethe trigger lock when notin use.
IMPORTANT:Sprayguntraps highwater pressure,evenwhenthe engineis stoppedandwater is disconnected.
Figure19 - Building Clearances
:_ The highpressurestreamof water thatthisequipment
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying tissues,leadingto seriousinjury,possibleamputation
or death.Spray guntrapshighwaterpressure,even whenengineis stoppedandwater is disconnected,
whichcan causeinjury.
whilethesystemis pressurized.
ALWAYSpointthespraygunin a safedirection,andsqueezethe sprayguntriggerto releasehighpressureeverytimeyoustopthe
If youhaveany problemsoperatingyourpower washer,pleasecall Generaccustomerservice at 1-888-436-3722.
ClearancesandAir Movement
_ ANGER:Carbonmonoxide producedduringuse CAN
For moreinformation,reference the CarbonMonoxide warningsinthe Safety Rules section.
Place the power washer outdoors, in an area that wilt not accumulatedeadly exhaustgas. NEVERplacethe power washer
where exhaust gas could accumulate and enter inside, or be drawn into a potentially occupied building. Ensurethe exhaust
gas is kept away from any windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openingsthat can allow the exhaustgas to collect in a
confined area. Prevailingwinds and air currents should be taken into considerationwhenpositioningthe powerwasher (Figure19).
KILLin minutes.NEVERuseindoorsor in other
shelteredareas, EVENIFdoorsand windowsare open. Onlyuse OUTSIDEand far awayfromwindows,doors andvents.
Keepthe exhaustgasfrom enteringa confinedareathrough
windows,doors,ventilationintakes,or otheropenings.
NEVERstartor run theengineindoors,or in an enclosedarea, EVENIFwindowsanddoorsareopen.
5 Foot Minimum
1. Be sure to read and understandthe OperatorSafety section andthe Operationsectionbefore usingthe power washer.
2. Checkthat oil is at the proper level in the enginecrankcase andthat fuel has beenaddedto the fueltank.
3. Reviewtheunit'sassemblyandensurethefittings areproperly secured.Also make surethere areno kinks, cuts, or damage
to high pressurehose.
4. Provide a proper water supply at an adequateflow, clear screensof debris,andconfirmthat the systemis purgedof air.
5. Confirm that the unit is on secure, level ground and the surroundingwork areais clear.
DONOTrun the pumpwithoutthe water supplyconnectedand turnedon. Damageto the equipment resultingfrom failure to
follow theseinstructionswill voidwarranty.
1. Movethefuel valve leverto theONposition (Figure20).
Figure20- Fue/Va/ve
structuresor damagethe fuel tankcausinga
_1_ Exhaustheat/gasescan ignitecombustibles,
Keepat least 5 ft. (152 cm) clearanceon all sides of the power washerincludingoverhead.
2. Movethechokeleverto the "CLOSE"position (Figure21).
Fora warm engine, be surethe chokeleveris inthe "OPEN" position.
Figure21 - ChokeLever
Move thethrottle control lever to the"HIGH" position, shown on theengineas a rabbit(Figure22).
Figure 22 - Throttle Centre/
High Low
IMPORTANT:Beforestarting the power washer,be sure you are wearingadequatesafetygoggles.
Risk of eye injury.Spraycansplashbackor propel
'>_0 objects.
Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthisequipmentor inthe vicinityof equipmentin use.
Beforestarting the powerwasher,be sure you are wearing adequatesafetygoggles.
NEVERsubstitutesafetyglassesfor safetygoggles.
Place foot on footpad or otherwise secure the unit from movementwhenpullingthe recoil.
Whenstarting the engine,graspthe startergrip handle(Figure
24) and pull slowly until you feel some resistance.Then pull rapidlyto start engine.
Starter cordkickback (rapidretraction)canresult in bodily injury.Kickback will pullhandand arm toward enginefaster thanyoucan let go. Brokenbones, fractures, bruises, or sprainscouldresult.
* NEVERpullthe startercordwithoutfirst relievingthespraygun
* Whenstartingthe engine,pullthecord slowlyuntilresistanceis
felt,thenpullrapidlyto avoidkickback.
* Aftereachstartingattempt,whereenginefailstorun,alwayspoint
thesprayguninasafedirectionandsqueezethesprayguntrigger to releasehighpressure.
Firmlygraspthe spraygun with both handswhenusing high pressurespraytoavoidinjurywhenthespraygunkicksback.
Return the starter grip handle slowly. DO NOTlet the rope "snap back" againstthe starter.
Turnthe engineswitch to the "ON"position (Figure23).
Figure 23- The ON Position
Figure24 - StartingtheEngine
Whenthe engine starts, slowly the move choke leverto the "OPEN" position as the engine warms. If the enginefalters, move the choke leverto the "CLOSE"position, then to the "OPEN"position (Figure25).
9. After each starting attempt, where the engine fails to run, alwayspointthegun in asafe direction,andsqueezethe spray
guntriggerto releasehigh pressure.
10. If the enginefails to start after six pulls, movethe chokelever to the "OPEN"position,andrepeatsteps6through 10.
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjury,possibleamputation
or death.Spray guntraps highwater pressure,even whenengineisstoppedandwater is disconnected, whichcan causeinjury.
, DONOTallow CHILDRENto operatethe powerwasheror play
* Keepthehighpressurehoseconnectedtothepumpandspraygun
whilethesystemis pressurized.
* NEVERaimthespraygunatpeople,animalsorelectricaldevices.
Seriousinjurywill result.
* DONOTsecurethe spraygunintheopenposition. * DONOTleavethe spraygun unattendedwhilethe machineis
* NEVERuse a spraygunwhich doesnot havea triggerlockor
* Alwaysbe certainthe spray gun,nozzlesand accessoriesare
If yourunthe engineon yourpowerwasherfor 3-5 minuteswithout pressingthetrigger onthe spraygun, circulatingwater inthe pump can reachtemperaturesabove125°EThesystemengagesto cool the pump by discharging thewarm waterontotheground.
Yourpressurewasher pumpis equippedwith a featurethat allows you to adjust the pressure setting. The pump is preset at the factory to achievethe highest possible pressure.Todecreasethe pressure,turn the pressurecontrol knob counterclockwiseto the desiredpressure.Turningthe pressurecontrolknobclockwise until it stops will setthe pressureback to thefactory setting.
1. Releasethe spray guntrigger.
2. Move the throttle control lever on the engine to the "LOW" (turtle) position (Figure26).
Figure 26 - Throttle Position
High Low
3. Turnthe engineON/OFFswitch to the "OFF"position.
4. ALWAYSpoint the spray gun in a safe direction, and the
squeeze spray gun trigger to release retained high water pressure.Engagethe triggerlock when not inuse.
5. TurnOFFthe watersupply.
iMPORTANT:Thesprayguntraps highwater pressure,evenwhen theengineis stoppedand thewater is disconnected.
serious burns, Exhaust heat/gasescanignite
Contact with the muffler area can result in
combustibles,structures or damagethe fuel
tank causinga fire,
DONOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaustgases.
Allowthe equipmentto cool beforetouching.
Keepat leastfive (5)feet (152 cm) of clearance on allsides ofthe
powerwasher including overhead.
It is a violation of CaliforniaPublic ResourceCode,Section 4442, to useor operatethe engineon anyforest-covered,brush-covered,
or grass-coveredland unlessthe exhaustsystemis equippedwith aspark arrester,asdefinedin Section4442, maintainedin effective workingorder.Otherstatesorfederaljurisdictions mayhavesimilar
Replacementparts must be the same and installed in the same
positionas the originalparts.
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leading to seriousinjury,possibleamputation
or death,Spray guntraps highwater pressure,even whenengineisstoppedandwater is disconnected, whichcan causeinjury,
* Keepthehigh pressurehoseconnectedtothe pump andspray gun
while thesystemis pressurized.
* ALWAYSpointthe spray gunin a safedirection,squeezethe spray
guntrigger to releasehigh pressureeverytime youstop the engine. Engagethetrigger lock when not in use.
Regularmaintenancewillimprovetheperformanceandextendthe life ofthe powerwasher.Seeanyqualifieddealerforservice.
Thepowerwasher'swarrantydoesnotcover itemsthathavebeen subjectedto operator abuseor negligence.To receivefull value
from the warranty,the operatormust maintainthe power washer
as instructedin this manual,includingproperstorageas detailedin WinterStorageandLongTermStorage.
Shouldyouhavequestionsaboutreplacingcomponentson your powerwasher,pleasecall1-888-436-3722for assistance.
Some adjustmentswill need to be made periodicallyto properly maintainyour powerwasher.
All service and adjustmentsshould be made at least once each season.Followtherequirementsinthe MaintenanceSchedulechart.
Oncea yearyoushouldcleanor replacethesparkplug,clean or replacetheair filter, andcheckthespraygun andnozzle extensionassemblyfor wear.Anewsparkplugandcleanair filter
assureproperfuel-air mixture and helpyourenginerunbetter and lastlonger.
Follow the hourly or calendar intervals, whichever occurs first. More frequent service is required when operating in adverse
Check!cleanwaterinletscreen* Checkhighpressurehose
Checkdetergentsiphoninghose/filter Checkspraygunandassemblyfor leaks
Cleandebris Checkengineoil level
Check/cleanaircleanerfilter** Changepumpoil** Changeengineoil** Inspectmufflerandsparkarrester
Maintenance,replacement,or repair of the emissions control devicesand systemsmaybe performedbyany non-roadengine repair establishment or individual, However, to obtain "no
charge" emissions control service, the work must be performed by afactory authorizeddealer.Seethe EmissionsWarranty.
Daily or beforeuse, cleanaccumulateddebris from the cleaning system.Keepthelinkage,spring and controlsclean.Keepthe area aroundand behindthe muffler freefrom anycombustible debris. Inspectthe cooling air slots and openings on the power washer.
Theseopeningsmust be kept cleanandunobstructed.
Powerwasher parts should be kept clean to reducethe risk of overheatingand ignition of accumulateddebris.
Usea dampclothto wipe exteriorsurfaces clean.
Improper treatmentof the powerwasher candamageit and shortenits life.
DONOTinsert anyobjects throughthe cooling slots.
Usea soft bristlebrushto loosen cakedon dirt, oil, etc.
Usea vacuumcleanerto pick up loosedirt anddebris.
Examinethe screen on thepump's water inlet. Cleanthe screen if it is clogged,or replacethe screen if damaged.
Thehigh pressurehosescan developleaksfrom wear,kinking, or
abuse.Inspectthehoses each time beforeusingthem. Checkfor cuts, leaks,abrasionsor bulgingof cover,damageor movement of couplings. If any of these conditions exist, replace the hose immediately.
producescancut throughskinand its underlying
Thehighpressurestream of water thatthisequipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjury,possibleamputation
or death.Spray gun trapshighwaterpressure,even whenengine is stoppedand water is disconnected, whichcan causeinjury.
NEVERrepairhigh pressurehose.Replaceit.
Replacement hose rating MUST meet or exceed maximum
pressure ratingof unit.
* Cleanif clogged.Replaceif perforated ortorn. ** Service moreoften under dirty or dusty conditions.
Examinethe filter on thedetergenttube andcleanit if clogged.The
tube should fit tightly on the barbedfitting. Examinethe tube for
leaksor tears.Replacethe filter or tube if eitheris damaged.
Examinethe hoseconnectionto thespray gun andmakesure itis secure.Test the trigger by pressingthe trigger,it "springs back" into placewhenyou releaseit. Replacethe spraygun immediately
if itfails to "springback".
A pulsing sensation felt while squeezingthe spray gun trigger may becaused by excessivepumppressure.Theprincipalcause of excessive pump pressure is a nozzle clogged or restricted with foreign materials,such as dirt, etc. Tocorrect the problem, immediatelycleanthe nozzlefollowing these instructions:
1. Shutoff the engineandturn off thewater supply.
2. ALWAYSpointthe spray gun in a safe direction, squeezethe spray guntriggerto releaseretainedhighwater pressure.
producescancutthroughskinand itsunderlying
The highpressurestream of water thatthis equipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjury,possibleamputation
or death.Spray gun trapshighwaterpressure,even
whenengine isstoppedandwater is disconnected, whichcan causeinjury.
* Keepthehighpressurehoseconnectedtothepumpandspraygun
* ALWAYSpointthespraygunin a safedirection,andsqueezethe
sprayguntriggerto releasehighpressureeverytimeyoustopthe engine.Engagethetriggerlockwhennotinuse.
3. Removethe nozzlefrom theendof nozzleextension.
4. Use asmall paperclipto free anyforeignmaterialcloggingor restrictingthe nozzle(Figure27).
5. Removethe lancefrom the spray gun.
6. Using a garden hose, remove additional debris by back flushing water through the lance (Figure28) for 30 to 60
7. Reinstallthe nozzleintothe lance.
8. Reconnectthe lanceto the spray gun.
9. Make surethe gardenhose is connectedto the pump water inlet. Checkthat the high pressurehose is connectedto the
spray gun and pump.Turnon the water.
Figure28 - BackFlushLance
10. Start the enginefollowing the instructions Howto Start Your PowerWasher.
11. Testthepowerwasher by operatingit with eachquickconnect nozzle.
Changepump oil every 50 hours of operation.
1. Cleanareaaroundoil drain plug (A).
2. Removeoil drain plug. Drainoil completely.
3. Installoil drain plug. Do not overtighten.
4. CleanAreaaroundoil dipstick (B).
5. Fill pump with SAE 30 non-detergentoil to "Full" mark on dipstick.
6. Installoil dipstick until fingertight.
7. Cleanup any spilledoil.
Figure2g - Drain PumpOil
Figure 27 - Free Foreign Material
'_f Unintentionalsparkingcanresultin fire or
* Disconnectthesparkplugwirefromthesparkplugandplacethe
* Useanapprovedsparkplugtester.
* DONOTcheckforsparkwithsparkplugremoved.
electric shock.
Werecommendthe use of high=qualitydetergentoils acceptableif classifiedfor service SF,SG,SH,SJor higher.DONOTusespecial
additives. Outdoortemperatures determinethe proper oil viscosity for the
engine.Usethe chart to select the best viscosity for the outdoor temperaturerangeexpected.
, lm| zmm
°F =20 -10 0 10 20 32 40 60 80 100
oc-3'o -2'o -I'o 6 1'o 2'0 3'o 40
Temperature Range of Expected Use
* Below 50°F (10°C) the use of SAE 30 will result in hard starting. ** Above 80°F (27°C) the use of 10W30 may causeincreased oil consumption.
Checkoil levelmore frequently.
Synthetic oil meetingILSACGF-2,API certificationmark and API servicesymbolwith "SJ/CFENERGYCONSERVING"
or higher,is an acceptableoil at all temperatures.Useof syntheticoil doesnotalter requiredoil changeintervals.
If you are usingyour power washer underextremelydirty or dusty conditions,or in extremelyhot weather,changethe oil moreoften.
,_ Avoid prolongedor repeatedskincontactwith used
* Usedmotoroil hasbeenshownto causeskincancerin certain
* Thoroughlywashexposedareaswithsoapandwater.
* Don'tpollute.Conserveresources.Returnusedoil to collection
Changeoil while the engineis still warm from running as follows:
1. Makesurethe unitis on a levelsurface.
2. Disconnectthe sparkplug wirefrom the spark plugand place thewire whereit cannot contactspark plug.
3. Cleanthe area aroundthe oil drain plug (A) (Figure30). The oil drain plugis locatedat the baseof the engine,oppositethe
Figure30 - OilDrain Plug
Theengineis equipped withan "OilAlert System". This systemwill automaticallystopthe engine beforethe oil level
fails below a safe limit.Toavoidtheinconvenienceof an unexpectedshutdown,alwayscheckthe engine oil levelbefore
Theoil levelshould be checkedprior to eachuse or at leastevery 8 hoursof operation.Keepthe oillevelmaintained.
1. Makesurethe powerwasherison a levelsurface.
2. Cleanareaaroundoil fill cap (Figure31).
3. Removeoil fill cap andwipedipstick clean.
4. Insert dipstick into filler neck but do notscrew it in.
5. Verifyoil is at properlevelonthe dipstick.
6. Replaceandtighten oil fill cap,fingertight.
1. Makesurethe powerwasherison a levelsurface.
2. Checkthe oil levelasdescribedin CheckingOilLevelsection.
3. If needed, slowly pour oil into the oil fill opening until the proper levelon the dipstick is reached(Figure31).
4. Verifyoil levelperthe CheckingOilLevelsection.
5. Replaceandtightenthe oil fill cap,finger tight.
4. Removethe oil fill cap (Figure31).
5. Removethe oil drain plug and drain oil completely into a suitablecontainer.
6. Reinstallthe oil drainplug andtighten securely.
Figure 31 - Fi// Engine Oil
7. Slowly pour oil (about 20 oz.) into the oil fill openingto the proper levelon the dipstick. DO NOToverfill.
8. Reinstallthe oil fill cap. Fingertightencap securely.
9. Wipeup any spilledoil.
10. Properly dispose of oil in an accordance with all local regulations.
Yourenginewill notrun properly andmay bedamagedif you runit with a dirty air cleaner.Servicemoreoftenif operatingunderdirty or dustyconditions.
Toservicethe air cleaner,follow these steps:
1. Loosenthe screw andremovecover (Figure32).
2. Carefullyremovethe filter assembly.
3. Removethe foam filter.
4. Tocleanthe cartridge, gentlytap it on a flat surface.
5. Reinstallthe foam filter.
6. Reinstalla clean or newcartridgeassembly.
7. Installthe cover andtighten screwsecurely.
Figure 33 - Change the Spark Plug
Inspect the muffler for cracks, corrosion, or other damage. Removethe spark arrester,if equipped,and inspectit for damage or carbon blockage.If replacementparts are required,makesure to use only originalequipmentreplacementparts.
Figure 32 - Service the Air Cleaner
Cleaner Cover
Paper Filter
Changingthe spark plug will help the engineto start easier and run better.
burns.Exhaustheat/gasescan ignite
Contactwith muffler area can result in serious combustibles,structuresor damagefuel tank
causinga fire.
* DONOTtouchhotpartsandAVOIDhotexhaustgases. * Allowequipmenttocoolbeforetouching.
* Keepatleast5feet(152cm)ofclearanceonallsidesofthepower
* It isa violationof CaliforniaPublicResourceCode,Section4442,
to useoroperatetheengineonanyforest-covered,brush-covered,
orgrass-coveredlandunlesstheexhaustsystemis equippedwith asparkarrester,asdefinedinSection4442,maintainedineffective workingorder.Otherstatesorfederaljurisdictionsmayhavesimilar
laws. Contactthe originalequipmentmanufacturer,retailer,or dealerto
obtainasparkarresterdesignedforthe exhaustsysteminstalled onthisengine.
* Replacementpartsmust bethesameand installedin the same
Water should not remain in the unit for long periods of time. Sedimentsormineralscan depositon pumpparts andfreezepump action. Followthese proceduresafter every use:
1. Shut off the engine,turn off the water supply, point the gun in a safe direction,andsqueezethe triggerto relievetrapped
pressure,and let the enginecool.
1. Cleanthe areaaroundthe sparkplug.
2. Removeandinspect the spark plug (Figure33).
3. Checkthe electrodegapwith a wirefeelergaugeandresetthe spark plug gap to the recommendedgap, if necessary (see
4. Replacethe spark plug if the electrodesarepitted, burnedor the porcelain is cracked. Usethe recommendedreplacement plug.SeeSpecifications.
5. Installthe spark plug andtightenfirmly.
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjury,possibleamputation
or death.Sprayguntrapshighwater pressure,even whenengineisstoppedandwater is disconnected, whichcan causeinjury.
* Keepthehigh pressurehoseconnectedtothe pump andspray gun
while thesystemis pressurized.
* ALWAYSpointthespraygunin a safedirection,andsqueezethe
sprayguntriggerto releasehighpressureeverytimeyoustopthe engine.Engagethetriggerlockwhennotinuse.
2. Disconnectthe hosesfrom the spray gun and high pressure outlet on the pump. Drainwaterfrom the hoses, spray gun, and lance.Use a ragto wipe off the hose.
3. Emptythe pump of all pumped liquids. Checkthat the engine ON/OFFswitch andfuel valveareintheOFFposition.Thenpull
therecoil handleaboutsixtimes. This should removemost of the liquidin the pump.
4. Storethe unit inaclean,dry area.
5. If storing for morethan 30 days,seethe LongTermStorage section.
Fueland itsvaporsare extremelyflammable and explosive.Fireor explosioncan cause
severeburnsor death.
* Storeawayfromfurnaces,stoves,waterheaters,clothesdryers,
or otherappliancesthathaveapilotlightor otherignitionsource becausetheycanignitefuelvapors.
Youmustprotectthe unitfrom freezing temperatures.
* Failuretodosowillpermanentlydamagethepumpandrenderthe
* Freezedamageisnotcoveredunderthewarranty.
Toprotectthe unit from freezingtemperatures:
1. Followsteps 1-3 inthe previoussection, After EachUse.
2. Use a pump saver to treat pump. This minimizes freeze damageand lubricatesthe pistons andseals.
3. If a pump saver is not available,connect a 3-foot sectionof garden hose to the water inlet adapter. Pour RV-antifreeze
(antifreeze without alcohol) into the hose. Pull the recoil handletwice. Disconnectthe 3-foot hose.
4. Storethe unit inaclean,dry area.
If the gasoline in the engine has not been treated with a fuel stabilizer,it must be drainedinto an approvedcontainer.Runthe engineuntil it stops from lack of fuel. Theuse of a fuel stabilizer in thestoragecontaineris recommendedto maintainfreshness.
Whilethe engineis still warm, drain the oil from crankcase. Refill with the recommendedgrade.SeeChangingEngineOil in Engine
Toprotect the pump from damagecausedby mineral depositsor freezing, use PumpSaver,Model 61350, to treat the pump. This
preventsfreezedamageand lubricatesthe pistonsandseals.
PumpSaveris available as anoptional accessory,it is notincludedwiththe powerwasher.Contactthenearest authorizedservicecenterto purchasePumpSaver.
Failureto dosowill permanentlydamagethe pumpandrenderthe
Freezedamageis notcoveredunderwarranty.
To use PumpSaver,make sure the power washer is turned off
and disconnectedfrom the water supply.Read andfollow all the instructionsandwarnings given on the PumpSavercontainer.
1. DONOTstore fuel from one seasonto anotherunlessit has beentreatedas describedin Protect FuelSystem.
2. Replacethe fuel containerif it starts to rust. Rustand/ordirt infuel can causeproblems if it's usedwiththis unit.
3. Coverthe unit with a suitable protectivecover that does not retainmoisture.
If you do not planto use thepower washerfor morethan 30 days, you must preparetheengineandpump for longtermstorage.
Fuelcan become stale when stored for over 30 days. Stalefuel causes acid and gum deposits to form in the fuel system or
on essentialcarburetor parts. To keepthe fuel fresh, use afuel stabilizer, available as a liquid additive or a drip concentrate
cartridge. Thereis no needto drain the gasoline from the engineif a fuel
stabilizeris added according to instructions. Run the enginefor 2 minutes to circulatethe stabilizerthroughout the fuel system.
Theengineandfuel canthen bestored up to 24 months (perfuel stabilizermanufacturer'sspecifications).
Storage coverscan beflammable.
*DONOTplaceastoragecoveroverahotpowerwasher. *Lettheequipmentcoolforasufficienttimebeforeplacingthe
coveronthe equipment.
Storethe unitin a clean,dry area.
1. Low pressurenozzleinstalled. 1. Replacewith high pressurenozzle.
2. Waterinlet is blocked. 2. Clearinlet.
3. Inadequatewatersupply.
Pumphasfollowingproblems: failuretoproducepressure,erratic pressure,chattering,lossofpres- sure,lowwatervolume.
Detergent fails to mix with spray, cracked.
Engineruns well at no-load but 1. Enginespeedistoo slow. 1. Movethrottle control to FASTposition.If engine "bogs" when load isadded, still "bogs down", contact local servicefacility.
4. Inlet hoseis kinked or leaking.
5. Cloggedinlethose screen.
6. Watersupplyis overlO0°E
7. Highpressurehose is blocked orleaks.
8. Spray gunleaks.
9. Nozzleis obstructed.
10. Pumpis faulty.
1. Detergentsiphoningtube is not submerged. 1. Insert detergentsiphoning tubeinto detergent.
2. Detergentsiphoningtube/filteris cloggedor 2. Cleanor replacefilter/detergentsiphoningtube.
3. Highpressurenozzleinstalled. 3. Replacewith low pressurenozzle.
! I
3. Provideadequatewaterflow.
4. Straighteninlethose,patch leak.
5. Checkand cleaninlet hose screen.
6. Providecoolerwater supply.
7. Clearblocks in outlethose or replacehose.
8. Replacespray gun.
9. Cleannozzle.
10. Contact local servicefacility.
1. Low oil level,"OilAlert System".
2. Dirty air cleaner.
3. Outof fuel.
Enginewill notstart;orstartsand runsrough.
Engineshutsdownduring 1. Outof fuel. 1. Fillfuel tank. operation.
Enginelacks power. 1. Dirty air filter. 1. Replaceairfilter.
4. Stalefuel.
5. Sparkplug wire not connectedto spark plug.
6. Badspark plug.
7. Waterinfuel.
8. Excessivelyrich fuel mixture.
1. Fillcrankcaseto proper level.
2. Cleanor replaceair cleaner.
3. Fillfuel tank.
4. Drainfuel tank;fill with fresh fuel.
5. Connectwire to spark plug.
6. Replacespark plug.
7. Drainfuel tank;fill with fresh fuel.
8. Contactlocal servicefacility.
The UnitedStatesEnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA)and GeneracPowerSystems, Inc. (Generac)are pleasedto explainthe Emission Control
SystemWarranty(ECSWarranty)on your new 2011 and laterequipment.New equipmentthat use smallspark-ignited enginesmust be designed,built,
andequippedto meet stringentanti-smogstandardsfor the federal government.Generacwill warrant the emissioncontrol system on your equipment for the periodof time listed below providedtherehas been no abuse,neglect,unapprovedmodificationor impropermaintenanceofyour equipment. The emissioncontrolsystemon this equipmentincludesall components whose failurewould increasethe emissions of anyregulatedpollutant. These
componentsare listedin the EmissionsInformation section ofthis manual.
This ECSWarrantyis valid fortwo years,or for the same periodas specified inthe GeneracLimitedWarranty,whicheveris longer.Forequipmentwith
hour meters,the warranty period is a number of hours equalto halfthe Useful Lifeto which the equipmentis certified, or thewarranty period specified
abovein years,whicheveris less. TheUseful Life can befound onthe EmissionControl Labelon theengine.If, during suchwarranty period, any
emission-relatedpart on your equipmentis foundto be defectivein materialsor workmanship, repairsor replacementwill be performedby a Generac AuthorizedWarrantyServiceDealer.
As the equipmentowner,you are responsiblefor thecompletion of all requiredmaintenanceas listedin your factory suppliedOwner'sManual. For warranty purposes,Generacrecommendsthat you retainall receiptscovering maintenanceon your generator,butGeneraccannot denywarranty
solelydueto the lack of receipts. Youshould be awarethat Generacmaydeny anyand/or all warrantycoverageor responsibility if your equipment,or apart/component thereof,has
failed dueto abuse,neglect, impropermaintenance,or unapprovedmodifications. Youare responsible for contactinga GeneracAuthorizedWarrantyDealeras soonas a problemoccurs.The warranty repairsshouldbe
completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed30 days. Warrantyservice can bearrangedby contacting eitheryour sellingdealeror a GeneracAuthorizedWarrantyService Dealer.Tolocate the Generac
AuthorizedWarrantyServiceDealernearestyou, call our toll free numberbelow, oremail
IMPORTANTNOTE:Thiswarranty statementexplainsyour rightsand obligations underthe Emission ControlSystemWarranty,which is providedto
you by Generacpursuantto federal law. Seealso the "GeneracLimitedWarrantiesfor GeneracPowerSystems, Inc.,"which is enclosed herewithon a
separatesheet,also providedto you by Generac.Notethat this warranty shallnot apply to any incidental,consequentialor indirect damagescaused
bydefects in materialsor workmanship or any delayin repairor replacementof the defectivepart(s). This warranty is in place of all other warranties,
expressedor implied. Specifically,Generacmakes no other warrantiesasto the merchantabilityor fitness for a particularpurpose. Anyimplied warrantieswhich areallowedby law, shallbe limited indurationto the terms of the expresswarranty providedherein.Somestatesdo not allow
limitationson how long an implied warrantylasts, so the abovelimitation maynotapply to you.
The ECSWarrantyappliesonly to the emissioncontrol system of your newequipment. Boththe ECSWarrantyand the GeneracWarrantydescribe
importantrights and obligationswith respectto your new engine.
Warrantyservice can beperformed only by a GeneracAuthorizedWarrantyServiceFacility.Whenrequestingwarrantyservice, evidencemust be
presentedshowing the dateof the saleto the originalpurchaser/owner.
Ifyou haveany questionsregardingyour warranty rights andresponsibilities,you shouldcontact Generacatthe following address:
RO. BOX 297 * WHITEWATER, Wi 53190
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