GeneCopoeia AOPR-0200, AOPR-0600, AOPR-1200 User Guide

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Cat.No.AOPR0200(200qPCRreactions) Cat.No.AOPR0600(600qPCRreactions) Cat.No.AOPR1200(1200qPCRreactions)
PerformanceoptimizedwithAllInOne™qPCRPrimersandAll‐in‐OneFirst‐StrandcDNA SynthesisKit
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GeneCopoeia,Inc. 9620MedicalCenterDrive,#101 Rockville,MD20850 USA
3017620888 8663609531 
© 2009 GeneCopoeia, Inc.
All-in-One™ qPCR Mix Manual
I. Description II. Related Products III. Contents and Storage IV. Preparation V. Procedure VI. Example VII. Trouble Shooting Guide VIII. Limited Use License and Warranty
I. Description
The All-in-One™ qPCR Mix provides fast and efficient SYBR qPCR Mix uses a high-fidelity hot-start DNA polymerase, optimized reaction buffer and high-quality dNTPs to enable specific and sensitive amplification of even low-copy genes. The All-in-One qPCR Mix reduces experimental design time by providing a universal reaction condition that can be used with almost all primers and most real-time PCR instruments.
II. Related Products
GeneCopoeia offers comprehensive solutions for studying gene expression. A careful process of co develop-ment ensures that they work well together and provide robust and reproducible results.
qPCR Mix
Green-based real-time quantitative PCR. The
GeneCopoeia Description
All-in-One™ First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
All-in-One™ qPCR Primers
All-in-One™ qPCR Primer Array
All-in-One™ miRNA qRT-PCR Detection Kits
All-in-One™ miRNA qPCR Primers
OmicsLink™ Expression-Ready ORF cDNA Clones
Endofectin™ Transfection Reagents
Reverse transcription kit
Human, mouse and rat primers
User specified, ready-to-use primer arrays in 96-well­plate format
Green-based Accurately quantify miRNA expression
Human, mouse and rat primers
20,000 human 15,000 mouse
Optimized for specific cell types
Produces first-strand cDNA using poly A or total RNA as template
Validated, gene-specific primers ensure specificity and sensitivity
Reliable tools ideal for analyzing the expression of a focused panel of genes such as pathways, diseases or customized gene panels
Validated for robust, reproducible and reliable quantitation of miRNA activity
Perform a variety of applications with expression-ready clones
Transfect efficiently and with low toxicity
All-in-One™ qPCR Mix Manual
III. Contents and Storage
Contents and storage recommendations for the All-in-One qPCR Mix
Cat. Nos. AOPR-0200, AOPR-0600
Contents Quantity Storage temperature/ conditions
2X All-in-One qPCR Mix
50X ROX Reference Dye
and AOPR-1200 are provided in the following table.
2 x 1 ml
3 x (2 x 1 ml)
6 x (2 x 1 ml)
1 x 80 µl
3 x 80 µl
6 x 80 µl
–20°C (Stable for at least 12 months)
Alternatively, the solution can also be stored at -80°C in aliquots. Avoid repeated freezing/ thawing.
–20°C (Stable for at least 12 months)
Alternatively, the solution can also be stored at -80 °C in aliquots. Avoid repeated freezing/ thawing.
IV. Preparation
Wearing a lab coat, disposable gloves and protective goggles are recommended when handling
1. Store the kit at –20°C. Avoid storage or leaving reagents at 4°C or room temperature. Avoid light
exposure at all times.
2. Mix reagents thoroughly by gently inverting tubes several times avoiding bubbles and then briefly
centrifuge before use.
3. Prepare the reaction mix with PCR grade water.
4. Strictly follow standard procedures for PCR to avoid nucleic acid contamination and non-specific
5. Read all procedures before setting up the PCR reaction
V. Procedure
1. Thaw the 2X All-in-One qPCR Mix and 50X ROX Reference Dye as needed.
2. Prepare the PCR reaction mix on ice. See the example below.
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