PRO 6000 CPE Quick Installation Guide
This Quick Installation Guide covers the basic installation of the PRO 6000 CPE. For more information, refer to the relevant
sections in the Product Manual.
ONLY experienced installation professionals who are familiar with local building and safety codes and,
wherever applicable, are licensed by the appropriate government regulatory authorities should install outdoor
units and antennas.
Failure to do so may void the product warranty and may expose the end user or Service Provider to legal and
financial liabilities. The manufacturer and its resellers or distributors are not liable for injury, damage or
regulation violations associated with the installation of Outdoor Units or antennas.
Français SEULS les installateurs professionnels expérimentés qui sont familiers avec les codes locaux des bâtiments et
de la sécurité et, lorsque cela s'applique, qui sont autorisés par les autorités gouvernementales de régulation,
doivent installer les unités extérieures et les antennes. Le non-respect de cette clause peut invalider la
garantie du produit et exposer l'utilisateur final ou le prestataire de services à des responsabilités légales et
financières. Le fabricant et ses revendeurs ou distributeurs ne sont pas responsables pour toute blessure,
dommage ou violation de la réglementation associée à l'installation d'unités extérieures ou d'antennes.
Italiano ATTENZIONE: SOLO professionisti esperti che hanno familiarità con le norme di costruzione locali e coi codici
di sicurezza e, ove applicabile, sono autorizzati dalle autorità governative competenti possono installare unità
esterne ed antenne. Assicurarsi che le unità esterne, antenne e strutture di supporto siano installate
correttamente per eliminare ogni pericolo fisico a persone o cose. In caso contrario, ciò può invalidare la
garanzia del prodotto e può esporre l'utente finale o il fornitore di servizi a responsabilità legali ed economiche.
Anche quando la messa a terra non è obbligatoria in base alla normativa regolatoria applicabile e ai codici
nazionali, è obbligatorio garantire che l'unità esterna e il palo dell'antenna siano messi a terra e idonei
dispositivi di protezione contro i fulmini siano utilizzati in modo da fornire protezione contro le sovratensioni e le
scariche statiche. In ogni caso, il Fornitore e i suoi rivenditori non sono responsabili per eventuali danni fisici,
danni ad oggetti o violazioni del regolamento associati con o causati dall' installazione, la messa a terra o di
protezione contro i fulmini.
Professional Installation Instructions
1 Installation personnel - This product is designed for specific application and must be installed by a qualified person who
has RF and related rule knowledge. The general user shall not attempt to install or change the settings.
2 Installation location - The product shall be installed at a location where the radiating antenna can be kept 60 cm from
nearby person in normal operation condition to meet regulatory RF exposure requirements.
3 External antenna - Use only the antennas which have been approved by the applicant. The non-approved antenna(s) may
produce unwanted spurious or excessive RF transmitting power which may lead to the violation of FCC/IC limit and is
4 Installation procedure - Please refer to the user’s manual for the details.
5 Warning - Please carefully select the installation position and make sure that the final output power does not exceed the
limit set force in relevant rules. The violation of the rule could lead to serious federal penalty.
Instructions d'installation professionnelle
1 Installation - Ce produit est destine a un usage specifique et doit etre installe par un personnel qualifie maitrisant les
radiofrequences et les regles s'y rapportant. L'installation et les reglages ne doivent pas etre modifies par l'utilisateur final.
2 Emplacement d'installation - En usage normal, afin de respecter les exigences reglementaires concernant l'exposition
aux radiofrequences, ce produit doit etre installe de facon a respecter une distance de 60cm entre l'antenne emettrice et
les personnes.
3 Antenn externe - Utiliser uniiquement les antennes approuvees par le fabricant. L'utilisation d'autres antennes peut
conduire a un niveau de rayonnement essentiel ou non essentiel depassant les niveaux limites definis par FCC/IC, ce qui
est interdit.
4 Procedure d'installation - Consulter lemanuel d'utilisation.
5 Avertissement - Choisir avec soin la position d'installation et s'assurer que la puissance de sortie ne depasse pas les
limites en vigueur. La violation de cette regle peut conduire a de serieuses penalites federales.
P/N 216000 -1- May 2012

PRO 6000 CPE Quick Installation Guide
The PRO 6000 CPE is a WiMAX subscriber station designed to provide Internet access for a home or small office. The PRO CPE
includes an outdoor unit (ODU) connected to an indoor unit (IDU). The ODU provides the WiMAX Internet link, and the IDU
serves as the gateway for a local Ethernet wired and phone.
The indoor unit includes:
• One standard RJ-45 Ethernet port for LAN connections,
• One 8 PIN RJ-45 Ethernet port for connection to the ODU. This cable provides a dedicated Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) power
supply to the ODU, as well as a data link between the ODU and the IDU. The IDU should be connected to an AC power
• One RJ-11 port for telephone (VoIP) connection
The PRO CPE provides a web-based management interface for the configuration of all features
Package Content
Please make sure that each package contains the items listed below:
• Outdoor WiMAX unit (ODU)
• Indoor Power Supply unit (IDU) with adaptor plug
• Crossed Ethernet cable with two RJ-45 connectors for connecting the IDU to a PC/HUB/switch.
• Pole mounting kit
• Optional - Tilt Accessory kit (ordered separately)
• This Quick Installation Guide
Figure 1: ODU and IDU
Additional Installation Requirements
• Indoor-to-outdoor Category 5E PoE 4x2x24# FTP Ethernet cable with two shielded RJ-45 connectors* and an RJ-45
connectors crimping tool.
• Grounding cable with an appropriate termination.
• Sealing materials: mastic tape (Scotchfil™ Electrical Insulation Putty), Cold Shrink sealing kit.
• Installation tools and materials
• Sealing gland fastening tool*
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are available from the manufacturer.
Installing the ODU
Before installing the CPE, verify that you have all the items listed in the package checklist. If any of the items are missing or
damaged, contact your WiMAX service provider.
Selecting a Location
The ODU should be pole-mounted outdoors and aligned so its antenna faces the nearest WiMAX base station. When selecting a
suitable location for the unit, consider these guidelines:
• Place the ODU as high as possible to achieve the best possible link quality.
• Place the ODU away from power and telephone lines.
• Avoid placing the ODU too close to any metallic reflective surfaces.
• Be sure to ground the ODU with an appropriate grounding wire (not included) by attaching it to the grounding screw on the
unit and to a good ground connection.
P/N 216000 -2- May 2012

PRO 6000 CPE Quick Installation Guide
Weather Proof Sealing
Protect the RJ-45 Ethernet Port
Pole-Mount Bracket
Attaches to a 1~4 inch
diameter pole
M10*100 Bolt, nuts and
spring washers
Tilt Control Screw
Tilt Accessory
Mounting the ODU
Mount the ODU unit on a 1"-4" pole using the supplied kit (Figure 2), or the optional Tilt accessory.
Using the Clamp
1 Thread the M10*100mm bolt through a spring washer, flat washer and the bracket holes.
2 With the connector facing downward, attach the ODU to a 1" -4" pole.
3 Attach the bracket to the other side of the pole.
4 Thread the M10*100 mm bolts through both holes on either side. Tighten the nuts.
Figure 2: Mounting the ODU on the Pole
Using the Tilt Accessory
1 Attach the Tilt accessory to the ODU using the two pairs of flat washers, spring washers and nuts supplied in the Tilt kit.
2 Mount the Tilt accessory on a 1" to 4" pole using two 9/16" metal bands.
3 Slightly release the Tilt Control Screw, tilt the ODU downward/upward as required, and re-tighten the screw.
Figure 3: ODU Pole Installation Using the Tilt Accessory, Vertical Polarization
P/N 216000 -3- May 2012