GemTek Technology A911028 User Manual

Wi-Fi HiaB “Hot-Spot in a Box”Access Point
User's Guide
Revision 0 December 25, 2002
Copyright © 2002 Gemtek Systems Holding BV
Revision Date Description Author
November 6, 2002
Initial version of the document. Rasa Unguraityte
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© 2002 Gemtek Systems Holding BV. This user’s guide and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission of Gemtek Systems Holding BV.
Gemtek Systems reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. While the information in this manual has been compiled with great care, it may not be deemed an
assurance of product characteristics. Gemtek Systems shall be liable only to the degree specified in the terms of sale and delivery.
The reproduction and distribut ion of the docum entati on and sof t ware su pp lied with this pr oduct and the use of its contents is subject to written authorization from Gemtek Systems.
The product described in this book is a licensed product of Gemtek Systems Holding BV. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective.
Limited Warranty, Disclaimer
For a period two (2) year from the data of purchase.
National Radio Regulations
The usage of wireless network components is subject to national and or regional regulations and laws. Administrator must ensure that they select the correct radio settings according to their regulatory domain. Refer to the regulatory domains chapter in the appendix to get more information on regulatory domains. Please check the regulations valid for your country and set the parameters concerning frequency, channel, and output power to the permitted values!
Channel and output power settings may be modified by experienced service personnel only!
Wi-Fi “Hot Spot in a Box” Access Point P-360 User’s Guide Rev.1
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Limited Warranty, Disclaimer...............................................................................................................5
National Radio Regulations .................................................................................................................5
ABOUT THIS GUIDE ..............................................................................................................................8
Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge ......................................................................................................8
Conventions Used in this Document....................................................................................................8
Gemtek Systems Technical Support ...................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................10
Product Description ............................................................................................................................10
Operating Modes ...............................................................................................................................10
Difference to P-320............................................................................................................................11
System Requirements........................................................................................................................11
The Product Package ........................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER 2 – INSTALLATION............................................................................................................13
Hardware Installation.........................................................................................................................13
Attaching the Access Point to the Wall..........................................................................................13
Removing the Access Point from the Wall.....................................................................................14
Software Installation...........................................................................................................................14
Find Your New P-360! .......................................................................................................................14
Test: Calling P-360 with Ping.............................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 3 - CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................16
Accessing the Web Manager Interface..............................................................................................16
Device Statu s.....................................................................................................................................18
System Status ................................................................................................................................18
Service/Interface Status.................................................................................................................18
Network Status...............................................................................................................................19
Network Statistics...........................................................................................................................19
Setup Wizard .....................................................................................................................................21
General Configuration Settings......................................................................................................21
Network Configuration Settings......................................................................................................22
Wireless Configuration Settings.........................................................................................................24
Access Point SSID.........................................................................................................................24
Encryption Algorithm ......................................................................................................................25
ACL Settings ..................................................................................................................................26
Firewall Settings.............................................................................................................................27
Isolation Settings............................................................................................................................30
Routing Settings.............................................................................................................................30
DHCP Settings...............................................................................................................................31
Port Forwarding Settings................................................................................................................32
Administrator’s Settings .................................................................................................................33
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802.1x Settings...............................................................................................................................34
PPPoE Settings..............................................................................................................................36
QoS 37
Redirect Settings............................................................................................................................37
Load Balance .................................................................................................................................38
System Tools .....................................................................................................................................39
Clients 39
Loopback Test................................................................................................................................39
SNMP Settings...............................................................................................................................40
Site Survey.....................................................................................................................................43
Reboot 45
Reset Device..................................................................................................................................46
REFERENCE GUIDE............................................................................................................................48
GLOSSARY ..........................................................................................................................................53
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About this Guide
This document provides information and procedures on hardware installation, setup, configuration, and management of the Gemtek Systems Wi-Fi ‘Hot-Spot in the Box’ Access Point model P-360.
Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge
To use this document effectively, you should have a working knowledge of Local Area Networking (LAN) concepts and wireless Internet access infrastructures. In addition, you should be familiar with the following:
! Hardware installers should have a working knowledge of basic electronics and mechanical assembly, and should understand related local building codes.
! Network administrators should have a solid understanding of software installation procedures for network operating systems under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Millennium Edition, 2000, NT, and Windows XP and general networking operations and troubleshooting knowledge.
Conventions Used in this Document
The following typographic conventions and symbols are used throughout this document:
Very important information. Failure to observe this may result in damage.
Important information that should be observed.
<value> Placeholder for certain values, e.g. user inputs
Additional inform ation that may be helpful but which is not required.
Menu commands, buttons and input fields are displayed in bold File names, directory names, form names, and system-generated output
such as error messages are displayed in constant-width type
Comments or hints
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Help Us to Improve this Document!
If you should encounter mistakes in this document or want to provide comments to improve the manual please send e-mail directly to:
Gemtek Systems Technical Support
If you encounter problems when installing or using this product, please consult the Gemtek Systems website at for:
The latest software, user documentation and product updates.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Direct contact to the Gemtek Systems support.
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Chapter 1 – Introduction
Thank you for choosing the Gemtek Systems Wi-Fi ‘Hot-Spot in the Box’ Access Point model P-360. With this product the Gemtek Systems want to deliver a carrier class 11Mb WLAN Access Point
specially designed for single-cell hot-spot applications with an integrated Public Access Controllers (model G-6000/G-4000).
Product Description
The P-360 “Hot-Spot in a Box” Access Point (HiaB) is a stand-alone network device designed to provide user-friendly wireless public access services. It is a WLAN Access Point that supports authentication, accounting, and security mechanisms that enable operators to instantly deliver commercial Internet services to customers.
Product Features
Aprashyti featurus produkto: some features description in several sentences.
P-360 Highlights
2.4 GHz, IEEE 802.11b, 11Mbps Wi-Fi Access Point
Integrated high-gain diversity antennas
Theft protection system
User Isolation (Layer 2)
Web-based and 802.1x/EAP authentication
IP Routing , NAT, Firewall, PPTP. PPPoE
64/128-bit WEP security on wireless transmissions
Programmable RF Output Power Management
Site/Clients Survey
Private Gemtek MIB
Management via HTTPs, Telnet, SSH and SNMP
Remote software upgrade
Copy protection
Operating Modes
Aprashyti abu operation modes, kas ten vyxta.
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The P-360 HiaB Access Point can work in different operation modes:
Access point mode (AP)
Access Point-Router mode (AP-Router)
Difference to P-320
The P-360 WLAN AP is designed to cooperate with G-6000/G-4000 hot-spot gateways. As opposed to P-320 (Wi-Fi Operator Access Point) the P-360 does incorporate routing and the Universal Access. However, P-360 can be configured as a 802.1x authenticator. In this setup the G-6000/G-4000 gateway will act as a RADIUS-Proxy and controls the traffic flow. Only when 802.1x authentication chain is successfully finished the gateway will allow Internet access.
P-360 is also called “A Hot-spot in a box”, because it incorporates all necessary AAA features for single-cell hot-spots. P-360 typically works as a router, whereas P-320 is used as a layer2 bridge between wireless clients and an Ethernet backbone.
P-320 and P-360 share one hardware platform incl. housing. However it is not possible for users to upgrade from P-320 to P-360 by software (or vice versa).
System Requirements
Network Adapter with Ethernet (UTP CAT 5) Cabling and TCP/IP installed per PC
Web browser with enabled Java and JavaScripts for Web-based Manager
Cable Modem with Ethernet Connection and Int ernet Ac ces s
Windows operating system for AP search and AP upgrade tools
The Product Package
Each ”Hot-Spot in a Box” Access Point comes with the following:
One P-360 model Access Point
One Twisted-pair LAN cable
One wall mounting assem bly kit
One CD-ROM containing this User’s Guide in the Portable Document Format (PDF)
If any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact your reseller or Gemtek System Technical Support.
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The HiaB Access Point has a several LED’s located at the front side.
1. Wireless activity LED
Off: no activity Blinking: sending and receiving data
2. LAN link LED
Off: No LAN connection available On: LAN connection OK
3. Power LED
Off: Power supply connection not available or broken On: Power supply connection OK
Figure 1 – Front Side LED’s
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Chapter 2 – Installation
This chapter describes how to install Wi-Fi “Hot-Spot in a Box” Access Point. The hardware and software installation ins truc ti ons are provided here.
Hardware Installation
Before you connect the Access Point, decide where to place it. Determinate the best location of the Wi-Fi Access Point, keeping in mind the following considerations:
The length of the Ethernet cable that connects the Access Poi nt to the network must not exceed 1 00 meters.
The power source must be next to the installation place.
Try to place the Access Point in a dry, clean location as far from the ground as possible, such as on top of a desk or bookcase, keeping clear of metal obstructions.
Try to place the Access Point away from transformers, heavy-duty motors, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens, refrigerators, or other equipment that could cause radio signal interference.
Try to centrally locate the Access Point to provide the best coverage of the area.
Attaching the Access Point to the Wall
1. Place the Access Point in the desired location. Use the wall mounting assembly kit available with P-360 Access Point. Follow the instructions:
Attach the wall mounting clamp to the wall with the spring latch to the upper side using the
four enclosed screws.
Connect the rear side of the Access Point to the mounting plate:
Figure 2 -- Attaching the P-320 housing to the mounting clamp
Move the housing slightly upwards until the spring latch is locked in place. The P-320
Operator Access Point is now securely mounted onto the wall and can not be removed without special tools.
2. Insert the twisted pair LAN cable to a Power-over-Ethernet socket. At least the power LED and the LAN link LED should light up.
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Removing the Access Point from the Wall
1. Open the housing of the Access Point by pressing the spring latches on the upper rear side of the access point using the disassembling tool delivered with your P-360.
Figure 3 -- Removing the P-360 housing using the disassembling tool
2. Release the housing from the wall mounting clamp by carefully pressing the spring latch in the center of the device (see Figure 3 -- Removing the P-360 housing using the disassembling tool) using the small edge of the disassembling tool.
3. Move the housing slightly downward and remove it.
Software Installation
Insert the installation CD delivered with your new P-360 Access Point into your CD-ROM drive. The installation wizard starts automatically and will guide you through the rest of the installation
process. If the installation wizard does not start automatically, please run “autorun.exe” manually from the root directory of the installation CD.
Software is needed for setup and management of the P-360 HiaB Access Point. In general, there are four different ways to access the device:
Windows applications: AP search and AP upgrade (installation required)
Standard HTML browser (Java and JavaScript enabled) using Configuration Manager
CLI (command line interface)
Find Your New P-360!
To find your new P-360 HiaB Access Point you will need to connect the AP to the same logical network as your PC. The standard IP address of the P-360 in factory default status is To access the P-360 in its default configuration you will need to use one of the following IP settings in your network:
IP address space 192.168.x.x
Subnet mask
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Test: Calling P-360 with Ping
To test the accessibility of your P-360 from your PC, just type the following from a command prompt:
If ping replays, you can access the P-360 from this PC. Otherwise there is a problem accessing the P­360 in default status from this PC. You should either change the IP address of your PC or of the P-
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Chapter 3 - Configuration
The configuration manager provides the user interface to configure and manage HiaB Access Point (P-360). When the Access Point is installed, access the user interface using the standard Web browser such as Internet Explorer 6 or Netscape Navigator 6 (Java and JavaScript enabled).
This chapter includes the following subsections:
System Status
Setup Wizard
Advanced Settings
System Tools
Accessing the Web Manager Interface
3. Open a Web browser on a network computer.
4. In the Address or Location field, enter the IP address of a HiaB Access Point on the network. For example if the IP address for HiaB is, type: to access the Web Manager.
Your Web browser session is automatically redirected to the secured connection to the device (https).
5. The Network Authentication dialog appears as sho wn in the example:
Figure 4 – Login to the Web Manager
Enter default login settings: root as user name and pass as password.
The default user name is fixed and cannot be changed. Password can be managed using the Advanced Settings menu.
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After successful authentication the Web Manager user interface is displayed as following:
Figure 5 – Main Web Manager Page
The device status headline is displayed in the upper part of the screen. Some general information of this device is provided here:
Figure 6 -- Status Headline
SSID of the device Uptime since last reboot Average Load of processor
Number of Clients currently con nec te d to this de vic e.
In the next subsections different configuration Web Manager parts are described.
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Device Status
The device status page shows some information about the HiaB P-360 itself, its loaded services, its operating mode and position in your network and the data traffic on the wireless interface.
System Status
Figure 7 – Device Status (1)
Version is the current version of the firmware.
This is important information for support requests and for preparing firmware uploads.
Uptime is the time in days since last system reboot. Average Load shows the average load of the P-360 processor. System Memory Total shows the total P-360 memory. System Memory Free shows the currently available P-360 memory. Radio Signal Strength shows ?????
Service/Interface Stat us
Different services status (enabled/disabled) and WAN interface status is provided in the following status table:
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