STEP3 -Determine the Scale Multiplier Value, “SCM”, and calculate the Scale
Factor, “SF”, using Formula #3 of Appendix “E”.
A Scale Multiplier v alue of 0.1 is chosen to provide the maximum number of
significant digits in the Scale Factor.
SF = K
SF = 0.083333/0.1 = 0.8333
In this application the rate indicator can be programmed with the same scale
factorand scale multiplier values asobtained when scaling the counter. The only
other scaling that would be required is choosing the proper Rate Conversion
Factor,to obtainthe display in the desiredtime units.The applicationcalls for the
rate to be indicated in feet per minute, therefore, the Rate Per Minute Rate
Conversion Factor is selected.
STEP 1 - Enter code 41 (Unit Personality). Select and enter a mode identifier of
1, for the Gemini to operate as a Counter and Rate indicator.
STEP2 - Enter code 42 (ResetButton & Terminal Actuation Modes).Select and
enter mode 2 to reset the counter when reset is activated.
STEP3 -Enter code 43(Inputs 1& 2 ResponseModes). Selectand enter mode1,
“Count with Inhibit”.
STEP 4 - Enter code 44 (Counter B Number of Count Edges). Select and enter
mode 1 for single edge counting.
STEP5 -Enter code45 (Counter BScale Multiplier).Select and entermode 2for
a scale multiplier of 0.1.
STEP 6 - Enter code 46 (Counter B Decimal Point & Leading Zero Blanking).
Select and enter mode 1 for no decimal point.
STEP 7 - Enter code 51 (Output Assignment). Select and enter mode 1 to assign
Output 1 to the rate indicator and Output 2 to the counter.
STEP8 - Enter code 52 (Output 1 TerminationModes). Select and enter mode 6
for boundary operation. Output 1 will activate when the maximum speed
value, Preset 1, is exceeded. Output 1 will deactivate when the rate decreases
to a value below the maximum speed.
Note: The Timed Output 1 Value, code 53, is not used in this application.
STEP9 - Enter code 54 (Output 2 TerminationModes). Select and enter mode 4
for Output 2 Terminate at Manual Reset.
Note: The Timed Output 2 Value, code 55, is not used in this application.
STEP 10 - Enter code 56 (Counter B Reset Modes). Select and enter mode 1 for
manual reset to zero.
STEP 11 - Enter code 61 (Rate Right Hand Dummy Zeros). Select and enter
mode 4 for no right hand dummy zeros.
STEP12 - Entercode 62 (Rate ConversionFactor). Select and entermode 2 fora
Rate Per Minute conversion factor.
STEP13 - Entercode 63 (Rate MinimumUpdate Time).Select and entermode 1
for a minimum update time of 0.5 Second. If the rate display jumps around, a
larger minimum update time can be used to provide averaging.
STEP 14 - Enter code 64 (Rate Scale Multiplier). Select and enter mode 5 for a
Scale Multiplier of 0.1, as previously d etermined.
STEP15 - Enter code 65 (Rate DecimalPoint & Leading Zero Blanking). Select
and enter mode 1 for no decimal point.
STEP 16 - Enter code 66 (Operator Accessible Functions Modes). Select and
entermode (+)1 for no functions except reset enabled.When the “PGM.DIS.”
terminal is connected to “COMM.”, the only changes that will be possible is
resetting the counter.
STEP17 -The “+/-”key ispushed, ifnecessary, sothat therate isbeing indicated
on the Gemini 4200. The “3” key is then pushed to call up the Rate Scale
Factor. The value is changed to 0.8333.
STEP 18 - The “+/-” key is pushed, so that the count is being indicated on the
Gemini 4200. The “3” key is then pushed to call up the Counter Scale Factor.
The value is changed to 0.8333.
STEP19 - Entera Preset1 value of 250,by pushing the“1” key andchanging the
value to 250.
STEP20 - Enter aPreset 2 value of15,000, by pushing the “2” key and changing
the value to 15,000.
After the unit is programmed, the “PGM. DIS.” terminal is connected to
“COMM.” to p revent any unauthorized or accidental mode changes. The
function codes can, however, be called up to view or verify that the proper
modes are entered.