MDS Mercury Series
Secure, Long Range IP/Ethernet & Serial
Technical Manual
Covering Subscriber, Base, and Outdoor Subscriber Units
of the Mercury 16E Series
MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B
Installation and Operation Guide
All GE MDS user guides are available online at
1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Product Models .............................................................................................................................2
1.2 Key Features ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Key Specifications .........................................................................................................................3
Accessory Items............................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 QUICK-START INSTRUCTIONS.......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Connecting to the Device Manager ...............................................................................................5
2.2 Configure IP Address and Identity ................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Basic Connectivity ......................................................................................................................... 7
Setup for Maximum Throughput ...................................................................................................... 9
3.0 FEATURE DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Security Features .......................................................................................................................... 9
Overview ..........................................................................................................................................9
Authentication ................................................................................................................................ 10
User Authentication........................................................................................................................ 10
PKMv2 Device Authentication........................................................................................................10
Test Auth Mode (for Bench Test/Evaluation).................................................................................. 11
X.509 Certificates........................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Multiple In / Multiple Out (MIMO) Operation ................................................................................ 11
3.3 ARQ and Hybrid ARQ .................................................................................................................12
ARQ Setup..................................................................................................................................... 12
HARQ Setup .................................................................................................................................. 13
4.0 PERFORMING COMMON TASKS ..................................................................................... 14
4.1 Basic Device Management .......................................................................................................... 14
USB Console ................................................................................................................................. 14
Using Configuration Scripts ...........................................................................................................15
Perform Firmware Upgrade ...........................................................................................................16
Instructions for Completing the Firmware Upgrade Process .........................................................17
Configuring Networking Features for VLAN................................................................................... 17
Configure Serial Data Interface for TCP, UDP, MODBUS.............................................................. 21
Configure QOS .............................................................................................................................. 25
Flow Parameters............................................................................................................................26
Quality of Service (QoS) Screen.................................................................................................... 27
Creating a Service Flow................................................................................................................. 28
QOS Example: Low Latency..........................................................................................................28
QOS Example: Controlling Bandwidth in Video Applications......................................................... 28
QOS Example: Prioritizing a Data Flow ......................................................................................... 29
QoS Traffic Shaping.......................................................................................................................31
MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual i
4.2 802.11 Wi-Fi Interface (Optional Feature) ................................................................................... 31
802.11 Configuration Options ........................................................................................................ 32
802.11 Status .................................................................................................................................36
4.3 Radio Test Mode Menu ............................................................................................................... 38
4.4 Configure Security Features & Integration with a RADIUS Server .............................................. 39
Device Management Interface Configuration................................................................................. 39
User Accounts................................................................................................................................ 40
4.5 RADIUS Server Configuration .....................................................................................................41
Creation of X.509 Certificates ........................................................................................................ 41
Load X.509 Certificates..................................................................................................................41
Configure SNMPV3........................................................................................................................42
4.6 Use of the Antenna Alignment Tool ............................................................................................. 45
5.0 TROUBLESHOOTING........................................................................................................ 46
5.1 LED INDICATORS ....................................................................................................................... 46
5.2 WiMAX Statistics ......................................................................................................................... 46
5.3 Common Troubleshooting Scenarios .......................................................................................... 47
6.0 SITE INSTALLATION GUIDE ............................................................................................. 48
6.1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 48
Mounting Considerations ............................................................................................................... 49
6.2 Site Selection ..............................................................................................................................50
6.3 Equipment Grounding ................................................................................................................. 50
6.4 LAN Port ...................................................................................................................................... 51
6.5 COM1 Port ..................................................................................................................................51
6.6 Antenna & Feedline Selection ..................................................................................................... 52
Antennas........................................................................................................................................ 52
Feedlines ....................................................................................................................................... 53
GPS Cabling & Antenna ................................................................................................................54
6.7 Conducting a Site Survey ............................................................................................................54
6.8 A Word About Radio Interference ................................................................................................ 54
6.9 Radio (RF) Measurements .......................................................................................................... 55
Transmitter Power Output and Antenna System SWR .................................................................. 55
Antenna Heading Optimization ...................................................................................................... 56
7.0 PERFORMANCE NOTES................................................................................................... 57
7.1 Wireless Bridge ........................................................................................................................... 57
7.2 Distance-Throughput Relationship .............................................................................................. 58
7.3 Data Latency—TCP versus UDP Mode ...................................................................................... 58
7.4 Packets-per-Second (PPS) .........................................................................................................58
7.5 Subscriber-to-Subscriber Traffic ..................................................................................................58
7.6 Interference has a Direct Correlation to Throughput ................................................................... 59
7.7 Placing the Radio Behind a Firewall ............................................................................................59
8.0 INDEX OF CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS................................................................... 60
ii MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B
9.0 dBm-WATTS-VOLTS CONVERSION CHART .................................................................... 76
Band History .................................................................................................................................. 77
Technical Details ............................................................................................................................ 77
Exclusion Zones............................................................................................................................. 77
APPENDIX A—3650 MHz Band Information .............................................................................. 77
APPENDIX B—Glossary of Terms & Abbreviations.................................................................... 79
Copyright and Trademark
This manual and all software described herein is protected by Copyright: 2012 GE MDS, LLC. All rights reserved. GE MDS, LLC reserves its right to correct any errors and omissions in this
publication. Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric Corporation. All other trademarks and product names are the property of their respective owners.
FCC Part 15 Notice
The transceiver series complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules for a Class A digital device. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any unauthorized modification or changes to this device without the express approval of GE MDS may void the user’s authority to operate this device. Furthermore, the Mercury Series is intended to be used only when installed in accordance with the instructions outlined in this guide. Failure to comply with these instructions may void the user’s authority to operate the device.
Industry Canada Notices (English and French)
Industry Canada rules (SRSP 301.7) require that the power to the antenna on an 1800-1830 MHz installation shall not exceed 2 watts in any 1 MHz channel bandwidth.
Industrie Canada (PNRH 301.7) exigent que le pouvoir de l'antenne sur une installation de 1800 à 1830 MHz ne doit pas dépasser 2 watts en tout bande passante de 1 MHz canal.
For ODU installations: Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
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Pour les installations ODU: Dans l'industrie des règlements du Canada, cet émetteur radio peut fonctionner uniquement à l'aide d'une antenne d'un type et un maximum (ou moins) de gain approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Pour réduire le risque d'interférence aux autres utilisateurs, le type d'antenne et son gain doivent être choisis afin que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) ne dépasse pas ce qui est nécessaire pour une communication réussie.
Cet appareil est conforme la norme d'Industrie Canada exempts de licence RSS (s). Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne peut pas causer d'interférences, et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris les interférences qui peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement de l'appareil.
For IDU Installations: This radio transmitter (identify the device by certification number) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.
Pour les installations UDI: Cet émetteur radio (identifier le périphérique par numéro de certification) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d'antennes énumérées ci-dessous avec le gain maximal admissible et l'impédance d'antenne requise pour chaque type d'antenne indiqué. Types d'antennes ne figurent pas dans cette liste, ayant un gain supérieur au gain maximum indiqué pour ce type, sont strictement interdites pour une utilisation avec cet appareil.
RF Exposure Notices (English and French)

1800 MHz Models Professional installation required. The radio equipment described in this guide emits radio

frequency energy. Although the power level is low, the concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard. Do not allow people to come closer than 0.4 meters (15 inches) to the antenna when the transmitter is operating in indoor or outdoor environments. More information on RF exposure is available on the Internet at
L'énergie concentrée en provenance d'une antenne directionnelle peut présenter un danger pour la santé. Ne pas permettre aux gens de s'approcher à moins de 0.4 metres à l'avant de l'antenne lorsque l'émetteur est en opération. On doit augmenter la distance proportionnellement si on utilise des antennes ayant un gain plus élevé. Ce guide est destiné à être utilisé par un installateur professionnel. Plus d'informations sur l'exposition aux rayons RF peut être consulté en ligne à l'adresse suivante:

3650 MHz Models Professional installation required. The transceiver described here emits radio frequency energy.

Although the power level is low, the concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard. Do not allow people to come closer than 25 cm (9.8 inches) to the antenna when the transmitter is operating. This calculation is based on an 18 dBi panel antenna. Additional information on RF exposure is available on the Internet at
iv MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B
L'énergie concentrée en provenance d'une antenne directionnelle peut présenter un danger pour la santé. Ne pas permettre aux gens de s'approcher à moins de 25 cm à l'avant de l'antenne lorsque l'émetteur est en opération. On doit augmenter la distance proportionnellement si on utilise des antennes ayant un gain plus élevé. Ce guide est destiné à être utilisé par un installateur professionnel. Plus d'informations sur l'exposition aux rayons RF peut être consulté en ligne à l'adresse suivante:
5800 MHz Models Professional installation required. The radio equipment described in this guide emits radio
frequency energy. Although the power level is low, the concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard. Do not allow people to come closer than 0.2 meters (8 inches) to the antenna when the transmitter is operating in indoor or outdoor environments. More information on RF exposure is available on the Internet at
L'énergie concentrée en provenance d'une antenne directionnelle peut présenter un danger pour lasanté. Ne pas permettre aux gens de s'approcher à moins de 0.2 metres à l'avant de l'antenne lorsque l'émetteur est en opération. On doit augmenter la distance proportionnellement si on utilise des antennes ayant un gain plus élevé. Ce guide est destiné à être utilisé par un installateur professionnel. Plus d'informations sur l'exposition aux rayons RF peut être consulté en ligne à l'adresse suivante:
FCC Co-location Requirements: To meet FCC co-location requirements for transmitting antennas, a 20 cm (7.87 inch) separation distance is required between the unit’s Wi-Fi and funda­mental antennas.
Servicing Precautions
When servicing energized equipment, be sure to wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). During internal service, situations could arise where objects accidentally contact or short circuit components and the appropriate PPE would alleviate or decrease the severity of potential injury. When servicing radios, all workplace regulations and other applicable standards for live electrical work should be followed to ensure personal safety.
Ethernet and Serial Cables
The use of shielded Ethernet and serial cables are required to ensure EMC compliance when operating this equipment.
Manual Revision and Accuracy
This manual was prepared to cover a specific version of firmware code. Accordingly, some screens and features may differ from the actual unit you are working with. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, product improvements may also result in minor differences between the manual and the product shipped to you. If you have additional questions or need an exact specification for a product, please contact GE MDS using the information at the back of this guide. In addition, manual updates can often be found on our web site at
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vi MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B


The GE MDS Mercury SeriesTM transceiver is an easy-to-install WiMAX solution offering extended range, secure operation, and multi-megabit performance in a compact and rugged package. Mercury is ideally suited for wireless data applications in Smart Grid Electric, Oil and Gas, Water/Wastewater, and other industrial uses in fixed locations where range, reliability, throughput, and security are paramount.
Figure 1. Mercury MIMO Series Transceiver
(Top: Base Station, Bottom: Subscriber Unit)
The transceivers are commonly used to convey SCADA traffic, automated metering, distribution automation, command and control traffic, text documents, graphics, e-mail, video, Voice over IP (VoIP), and a variety of other application data between field devices and WAN/LAN-based entities.
Based on multi-carrier Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), the transceiver features high speed/low latency, Quality of Service (QoS), Ethernet and serial encapsulation, and MIMO (multiple-input and multiple output)-enhanced performance. It also provides enhanced security including 128-bit AES encryption and EAP-TLS IEEE 802.1x Device Authentication. These features make the Mercury system the best combination of security, range, and speed of any industrial wireless solution on the market today.
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For installation and setup instructions for these products, please refer to GE MDS publication 05-6301A01.

1.1 Product Models

The Mercury transceiver is available in several different product models:
• The indoor Base Station (BS) acts as the center of each
point-to-multipoint network. It has two RJ-45 Ethernet ports and a DB-9 RS-232 serial port for data connections.
• The indoor Subscriber Unit (SU) acts as one of the multipoints
in the network. It also has two RJ-45 Ethernet ports and a DB-9 RS-232 serial port for data connections.
• The Outdoor Subscriber Unit (ODU) is a weatherproof ver-
sion of the standard Subscriber Unit. The ODU has one RJ-45 Ethernet port and a DB-9 serial port for data connections.
Invisible place holder
Figure 2. Outdoor Subscriber Unit (ODU)
(Back of unit, showing interface connectors)
The key features and options for the various models are listed in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Mercury Models and Interfaces

Interfaces Base Station Indoor Subscriber Outdoor Subscriber

Ethernet ports
Serial port
USB 1 USB host port
GPS Internal receiver
2 RJ-45 Ethernet with built-in Layer 2 switch
1 DB-9 RS-232 1 DB-9 RS-232 1 DB-9 RS-232
1 USB device port
(1800 and 3650 models)
Dual SMA for MIMO (5800 model)
with SMA connector
2 RJ-45 Ethernet with built-in Layer 2 switch
1 USB host port
1 USB device port
Dual TNC for MIMO (1800 and 3650 models)
Dual SMA for MIMO (5800 model)
Optional internal receiver with SMA connector
1 RJ-45 Ethernet. May be ordered as Power over Ethernet or AC model
1 USB host port
Internal RF connections
2 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B
Table 1. Mercury Models and Interfaces (Continued)
Antenna External External 15 dBi panel ant. for 1800 model
18 dBi panel ant. for 3650 model
18 dBi panel ant for 5800 model
Wi-Fi -- Optional reverse SMA
Optional reverse SMA connector
1.2 Key Features
The Mercury transceiver supports:
• WiMAX IEEE 802.16e-2005 interoperability
• Scalable OFDM using 512 or 1024 subcarriers
• 2x2 MIMO on all models supporting Matrix A and Matrix B Space Time Coding, Spatial Multiplexing, Maximum Ratio Combining, and Maximum Likelihood Detection
• PKMv2 security including AES-CCMP 128-bit encryption, EAP-TLS, and X.509 digital certificates
• Hybrid ARQ up to Category 4
• Adaptive modulation from QPSK with 1/2-rate FEC coding to 64-QAM with 5/6-rate coding
• Quality of Service (QoS) including:
• Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS), Real-time polling service
(RTPS), Non-real-time polling service (nRTPS), Enhanced real-time polling service (eRTPS), Best Effort (BE)
• Wi-Fi service available as an option for ODU and Subscriber units
• SNMP MIB support: MIB-II, GE MDS Proprietary, WiMAX* * Expected availablity 2012
1.3 Key Specifications
Table 2 lists key operational specifications for the Mercury Transceiver.
Table 2. Key Specifications
Primary Wireless IEEE 802.16E-2005 WiMAX
Local Interfaces (indoor models)
Local Interfaces (ODU models)
MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual 3
Two channel WiMAX, TNC connectors (1800, 3650 models) Two channel WiMAX, SMA connectors (5800 model) Dual 10/100 Ethernet, RJ-45, auto-sense, auto-mdix DB9 Serial Port USB host and device ports GPS receiver, SMA connector (Optional on Subscriber) Wi-Fi, Reverse SMA connector
(1) 10/100 Ethernet, RJ-45, auto-sense, auto-mdix DB-9 Serial Port USB Host Port
Table 2. Key Specifications (Continued)
Frequency Bands 1800 to 1830 MHz (Industry Canada)
Frequency step size 250 kHz
Bandwidth 3.5, 5, 7, 8.75, and 10 MHz
Wi-Fi (optional) 2.4 GHz, 802.11b/g protocol
RF Power Output 1800 and 3650 models: 30 dBm for all units, except 23 dBm
Transmitter Dynamic Range
Antenna 1800 Subscriber: 15 dBi panel, dual-polarized
Input Power Indoor units: 10 to 60 VDC
Power Consumption (average ratings)
Operating Temperature
Unit Dimensions (excluding connectors)
3650 to 3675 MHz (FCC, Industry Canada) 5725 to 5825 MHz (FCC)
for 3650 ODU
5800 model: +18.0 dBm for ODU; 17.7 dBm for indoor units (limited for FCC compliance)
60 dB, 1 dB step size
1800 Base Station: 12 dBi sector, dual-polarized, 120 beamwidth 3650 Subscriber: 18 dBi panel, dual-polarized
3650 Base Station: 14 dBi sector, dual-polarized, 120 beamwidth 5800 Subscriber: 18 dBi panel, dual-polarized
5800 Base Station: 15.5 dBi sector, dual-polarized, 90o beamwidth
Outdoor units:
Power over Ethernet
10 to 60 Vdc
110/220 Vac
1800 Base: 17 Watts 1800 Subscriber: 10 Watts 1800 ODU: 10 Watts
3650 Base: 13 Watts 3650 Subscriber: 8 Watts 3650 ODU: 8 Watts
5800 Base: 14 Watts 5800 Subscriber: 9 Watts 5800 ODU: 9 Watts
-30 to +70 degrees C
Indoor Base/Subscriber:
4.5 x 7.75 x 2.75 inches (11.43 x 19.69 x 6.99 cm)
ODU: 14.5 x 14.5 x 4.5 inches (37 x 37 x 11.5 cm)

Accessory Items

GE MDS can provide accessory items for use with the Transceiver, including the items listed below:
• Antennas—Omni and directional types
• USB cable, CAT5, serial DB9s
• RF coaxial cable, connectors
4 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B


2.1 Connecting to the Device Manager

The Mercury transceiver contains a built-in web server, known as the Device Manager, for configuration and diagnostics. Each transceiver needs to have some basic configuration parameters set before placing the unit in service. To start the Device Manager, connect an Ethernet cable from the Mercury to the PC used for configuration. The radio’s Ethernet interfaces have auto-sense detection allowing a straight-through or crossover cable to be used.
NOTE: The PC used for radio management must be in the radio’s
default IP Subnet for communications to take place. It can be changed once the desired IP address is chosen.
To manage the radio, start a web browser and enter the unit’s IP address. The transceiver defaults to an IP address The Mercury will prompt for a username and password.
The default entries for both of these fields are admin.
NOTE: In case of a lost password and an inability to login, see
“Common Troubleshooting Scenarios” on Page 47 for details
on resetting the password and the unit's configuration. and netmask
Once connected to the Device Manager, the summary page shown in
Figure 3 is displayed.
Invisible place holder
Figure 3. Mercury Summary Page Example
(Shows connection after IP address has been changed)
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2.2 Configure IP Address and Identity

The IP Address of the unit is configured on the Configuration - IP &
the network configuration defined by the system administrator. Note that if the IP address is changed, the web browser session will need to be re-started with the new configuration.
page. The IP address and netmask should be set according to
Invisible place holder
Figure 4. Mercury Configuration-IP & Networking
In addition to the IP address, the unit can be configured with an optional Device Name for ease of administration. The name can be set on the
Configuration - Identity & Time page.
Invisible place holder
Figure 5. Mercury Configuration —Identity & Time
6 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B

2.3 Basic Connectivity

To establish basic connectivity between a Base Station and a Subscriber, start the configuration with the Base Station. The IP address and Device Name will be as set from the factory (or by the previous user). With a factory-fresh unit, the Device Name will blank. The Configuration - Radio page contains the key parameters for configuring the WiMAX interface.
Invisible place holder
Figure 6. Mercury Configuration—Radio
For 3650 units, the frequency defaults to 3662.5 MHz and the bandwidth is set to 3.5 MHz. These default values are sufficient to perform benchtop testing prior to final installation. Set the frequency and bandwidth to the same values on the Base Station and Subscriber. If performing the test on a table, cable the units as shown in Figure 7. The attenuator cables should be connected to the radio’s TX/RX connectors.
NOTE: The frequency default for the 1800 model is 1815 MHz. For
the 5800 model it is 5800 MHz. Not all frequencies can be configured for each bandwidth. Ranges differ.
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Invisible place holder
Figure 7. Benchtop Test Setup
Use the Maintenance & Status - Performance page on the Subscriber to monitor the establishment of the link.
Invisible place holder
Figure 8. Maintenance and Status Screen
The WiMAX Network Status will display a Conn ec tion Status of
OPERATIONAL when the Subscriber is successfully linked to the Base
Station. This pane also displays the signal strength and quality. For a cabled, benchtop test, an RSSI of -70 dBm is acceptable. For a -70 dBm signal, a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 28 dB or greater is expected.
8 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B

Setup for Maximum Throughput

To demonstrate maximum throughput, several configuration changes must be made. In addition, the link needs to be cabled according to
Figure 7, with a strong signal, that is, above -70 dBm. If necessary, the
link attenuation should be adjusted to reach the desired RSSI level. The transmit power of the Base Station should be reduced to 10 dBm to ensure that the Subscriber only receives the signal through the cables and not directly from enclosure to enclosure.
With this strong signal the modulation rate downlink and uplink should be 64QAM FEC 5/6. There may need to be data flow, such as an ICMP ping, in order to have the modems shift up to this modulation rate. Both the Base Station and Subscriber need to be set for MIMO Type Matrix A/B. The Base Station should have HARQ (4) enabled and ARQ disabled. These changes are made using the Configuration - Radio page. This setup and configuration can be used with any RF bandwidth. Approximate aggregate throughput for each bandwidth is given below.
Table 3. Throughput Ratings (Nominal)
Bandwidth Aggregate
3.5 MHz 7 Mbps
5 MHz 10 Mbps
7 MHz 15 Mbps
8.75 MHz 16 Mbps
10 MHz 28 Mbps*
* 28 Mbps aggregate throughput was attained at 64QAM FEC 5/6, 10 Mhz bandwidth and rev. 2.0.4 product firmware.


3.1 Security Features


The Mercury transceiver employs many security features to keep the device, network, and data secure. Some of these features include WiMAX PKMv2, EAP-TLS, and AES-CCMP encryption on the WiMAX interface and HTTPS, SNMPv3, and RADIUS authentication for the configuration interfaces.
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Authentication is the process by which one network entity verifies that another entity is who or what it claims to be and has the right to join the network and use its services. Authentication in wireless SCADA networks has two primary forms: User Authentication and Device Authentication. User authentication allows a device to ensure that a user may access the device's configuration and services. Device authentication allows a network server to verify that a hardware device may access the network.

User Authentication

The Mercury transceiver requires user login with an account and password in order to access the Device Manager menu. This process can be managed locally in which the device stores the user account information in its on-board non-volatile memory, or remotely in which a RADIUS server is used. The transceiver has two local accounts: operator and admin. The operator account has read-only access to configuration parameters and performance data. The admin account has read-write access to all parameters and data.
NOTE: The Operator account has access through the web, console,
Telnet, or SSH interfaces, but settings may only be viewed, not changed.
To centralize the management of user accounts, a RADIUS server may be used. Each Mercury transceiver must be configured with the IP address, port, shared secret, and authentication protocol of a RADIUS server. When a user attempts to login, the credentials are forwarded to the RADIUS server for validation.

PKMv2 Device Authentication

The IEEE 802.16e-2005 WiMAX standard uses PKMv2 for securing the wireless channel. PKMv2 stands for Privacy Key Management version 2. The Privacy Key Management protocol is used to exchange keying material from the Base Station to the Subscriber. This keying material is used to encrypt data so that it is secure during transport over the air. The encryption keys are routinely rotated to ensure security.
Initial keying material is obtained during the device authentication process. This occurs when a Subscriber attempts to join a Base Station. The Base Station initiates an EAP-TLS negotiation with the Subscriber to begin the device authentication process. The Subscriber is only allowed to transmit EAP messages until the authentication has finished successfully. The Base Station forwards messages to the RADIUS server where the decision to allow the Subscriber to join is made. If the Subscriber authenticates successfully and the RADIUS server allows
10 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B
the Subscriber to join the network, then the data encryption keying material is sent to the Base Station. The Base Station then continues the PKM protocol to further derive keying material that is used to secure transmissions between the Base Station and the Subscriber.
The Subscriber must be configured with X.509 certificates that are appropriate for the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in which they are deployed. These certificates are used to identify and authenticate the Subscriber to the RADIUS sever.

Test Auth Mode (for Bench Test/Evaluation)

The Device Auth Mode can be set to Test Auth to enable encryption on the WiMAX link without requiring an AAA server. To use this mode, both the Base Station and the Subscriber(s) must be set to Test Auth. In this arrangement, the Base Station acts as a simple AAA server and authenticates the subscriber without actually evaluating its identity certificate. This is convenient when doing bench testing in which the performance with encryption enabled is to be measured but without the complexity of setting up a AAA server and identity certificates.

X.509 Certificates

A digital certificate, also known as an X.509 certificate, is a file that contains identification data and asymmetric key material. Each certificate contains a Common Name that identifies the user or device that owns the certificate. The primary information in the certificate is the public key for the user or device and a digital signature proving the authenticity of the certificate's contents.
The Mercury transceiver uses X.509 certificates in the EAP-TLS handshake during device authentication as described in the PKMv2 section above.
NOTE: Certificates must start with the serial number of the radio to

3.2 Multiple In / Multiple Out (MIMO) Operation

MIMO stands for Multiple In / Multiple Out. The Mercury transceiver features 2x2 MIMO on all models. This means that there are two full transmit and receive channels on each device. The use of 2x2 MIMO causes the Mercury transceiver to have higher throughput and greater range and coverage than single channel devices in the same environment.
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There are two operating modes that the Mercury supports. The first mode is Matrix A in which the Mercury uses Space-Time Coding (STC) on the transmitter to allow it to send the same data on each channel but coded differently in order to get transmit diversity. On the receive side, the Mercury transceiver uses Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) to more accurately reconstruct the received signal by using both receive channels.
The second mode is Matrix B in which the Mercury uses Spatial Multiplexing (SM) to send different data flows on each channel allowing it to effectively double the amount of data transmitted. The Mercury offers a Matrix A/B setting in which the transceivers determine in real time which mode, Matrix A or Matrix B, to use according to the channel conditions. This determination is made based on the SNR and Packet Error Rate (PER).
GE MDS sells antennas that are dual-polarized for MIMO applications. This includes sector antennas for Base Stations and panel antennas for Subscribers. Each antenna has two feed lines, one for the vertically polarized element, and one for the horizontally polarized element.

3.3 ARQ and Hybrid ARQ

Automatic Retransmission Request (ARQ) enables retransmission of erroneous or lost data packets. Hybrid ARQ (HARQ) combines forward error correction with ARQ retransmissions to improve performance at lower RF signal levels.
With ARQ, the receiver discards erroneous packets and requests retransmission. With HARQ, erroneous packets are saved by the receiver and combined with the retransmitted data. Generally, HARQ provides better throughput than ARQ. While ARQ and HARQ can be enabled at the same time, it is not recommended to do so because throughput will be less than if either ARQ or HARQ was enabled on its own.
ARQ and HARQ can be enabled or disabled in the ARQ/HARQ Settings table of the
Configuration-Radio page on the Base Station.

ARQ Setup

ARQ utilizes a sliding window approach where a “window” of blocks can be transmitted without receiving acknowledgement from the receiver. ARQ blocks that are unacknowledged will be resent. You can specify the block and window size at the Base Station, as well as Block Lifetime, Transmitter Delay, and Receiver Delay.
• ARQ Block Size - The size, in bytes, of the block of data to be considered for retransmission.
12 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B
• ARQ Window Size - The number of blocks of ARQ data that
can be transmitted without receiving an acknowledgment.
• ARQ Block Lifetime - The maximum period, in milliseconds, that the ARQ block is considered still valid and can be retrans­mitted.
• ARQ Transmitter Delay - The amount of delay time, in millisec­onds, at the transmitter.
• ARQ Receiver Delay - The amount of delay time, in millisec­onds, at the receiver. The Receiver Delay taken together with the Transmitter Delay determines the total ARQ retry timeout.
Use the Configuration - Radio page to set ARQ parameters on the Base Station. ARQ/HARQ settings are located at the bottom of the page.
Invisible place holder
Figure 9. Configuration—Radio
(ARQ/HARQ Settings)

HARQ Setup

A HARQ Category may be set on the Subscriber. Higher category numbers provide a higher number of HARQ channels and more bursts per frame. Therefore, the greatest throughput will be obtained at HARQ category 4. For more information on HARQ categories, refer to the WiMAX Forum Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS), or the IEEE-802.16 Standard, OFDMA Parameters.
Use the
Category value. This value is located at the bottom of the page.
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Configuration - Radio page on the Subscriber to set the HARQ
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Figure 10. Configuration—Radio
(HARQ Category Setting)


Installing the Gadget Serial Driver:

Connecting the device to a Windows PC:

4.1 Basic Device Management

There are several ways to configure and monitor the Mercury transceiver. The most common method is to use a web browser to connect to the device's HTTP/HTTPS server. This can be done by opening a web browser and entering the Mercury's IP address.
Another way to connect, especially if the IP address is unknown, is to use the USB interface. Simply connect a standard-A/mini-B USB cable between the Mercury transceiver and the PC or laptop. A Windows device driver needs to be installed if the USB console port is to be used. This driver is available from GE MDS.

USB Console

To connect a PC or laptop to the transceiver's USB port, a serial device driver needs to be installed on the PC or laptop. This can be done by downloading the the contents to a temporary folder. Next, right-click on the and click Install. Once this is completed, the PC is ready to be connected to the Mercury transceiver's USB device (gadget) port.
Upon reboot or power-cycle of the transceiver, wait at least 60 seconds before connecting it to the PC. Connect the USB Mini-B port on the
transceiver to a USB port on the PC (the USB type A connector on the Mercury will not work). Next, on the PC, run the following: file from the GE MDS website and extracting
gserial.inf file
Start>>Control Panel>>System>>Hardware>>Device Manager
14 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B
Next, expand the group labeled Ports (COM & LPT). A new COM port will appear as Gadget Serial when the device is connected. Open a new session for the newly added COM port using a terminal program such as PuTTY, HyperTerminal, ProComm, etc. Note that the baud rate will be ignored as this is not an actual serial port.

Using Configuration Scripts

Configuration scripts can be used to save, restore, and copy configurations from unit to unit. The script is a text file containing a simple list of parameter names and values. A snippet of a configuration file follows:
IP Address: ; IP address of the unit IP Netmask: ; IP netmask of the unit RF bandwidth: 3.5 ; WiMAX RF bandwidth Frequency: 3662.5 ; WiMAX operating frequency
To get started with configuration files, it is easiest to have a unit generate a file. The generated file can then be saved, modified, and/or downloaded to another unit in identical fashion. The transceiver’s
Maintenance & Status - Configuration Files page (Figure 11) can be used to
generate the file. The file can be transferred to and from the unit via TFTP, FTP, SFTP, or USB flash drive. Choose the appropriate value for the File Media parameter. If using TFTP, FTP, or SFTP, configure the Host Address parameter with the IP address of the host server.
The use of SFTP/FTP requires a username, password, and port for transfer of data.
NOTE: If using a USB flash drive, it must be formatted for use by
Microsoft Windows (FAT32 format), and be non-encrypted.
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Figure 11. Maintenance & Status—Configuration Files
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Perform Firmware Upgrade

New firmware is periodically released by GE MDS to deliver new features and performance enhancements. The latest firmware can be downloaded from the GE MDS website at
There are several ways to load new firmware on the Mercury transceiver. The firmware file can be transferred using FTP, SFTP, TFTP, or a USB flash drive. The selection between FTP, SFTP, or TFTP must be made according to the user's network and security environment. The process of loading firmware is essentially the same regardless of network protocol chosen.

Instructions for loading firmware using FTP

1. Download the .mpk firmware file from GE MDS.
2. Place the .mpk firmware file on a server that has an FTP server run­ning. Ensure that the file is placed in a folder accessible to the FTP server.
3. Follow the instructions for configuring IP network access for the Mercury transceiver (see “Basic Connectivity” on Page 7).
4. Navigate to the Maintenance & Status - Firmware Utilities page on the transceiver’ Device Manager.
5. Set the Host Address to the IP address of the server on the network. Set the Firmware Filename to the folder and filename as it appears to the FTP server.
6. If the FTP server does not support an anonymous user, enter the username and password for an account on the FTP server (and the port number if it is not 21).
7. Press the
Program button and wait for the file transfer to complete.

Instructions for loading firmware using a USB flash drive

1. Download the .mpk firmware file from GE MDS
2. Place the .mpk firmware file on USB flash drive that is formatted for use by Microsoft Windows (FAT32 format, and non-encrypted).
3. Insert the flash drive into the radio’s USB port. Navigate to the
tenance & Status - Firmware Utilities
4. Set the Firmware Filename to the folder and filename as it appears on the USB flash drive.
5. Press the
16 MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B
Program button and wait for the file transfer to complete.
Instructions for Completing the Firmware Upgrade Process
(Applies to all loading methods above)
Once the file transfer is complete, select the new image under the Device
pane (see Figure 12) and press the Reboot button. The transceiver
verifies the integrity of the new firmware image and then reboots to it.
Invisible place holder
Figure 12. Maintenance & Status—Firmware Utilities Screen

Configuring Networking Features for VLAN

The Mercury supports IEEE 802.1Q, or VLAN tagging. VLANs, or Virtual LANs, are used to create multiple logical networks that share an existing physical network. There are a number of parameters available for configuring how the transceivers behave when VLAN is enabled and they are explained below.
When VLAN is enabled, a Mercury transceiver has two IP addresses: one for the Management VLAN and one for the Serial VLAN. Subscribers and ODU units with 802.11 Wi-Fi may also have a Wi-Fi VLAN with a unique IP address.
MDS 05-6302A01, Rev. B MDS Mercury 16E Technical Manual 17
The Management VLAN IP address allows administrators to manage the transceiver using the usual networked interfaces, such as Web, telnet, and SNMP. Those services are only available through the Management VLAN IP address while VLAN is enabled. The Management VLAN IP Address settings are configured under the MGMT VLAN Subnet Configuration Menu or the IP Address section on the web page.
The Serial VLAN IP address allows SCADA networks to connect to the Serial Terminal Server on the transceiver. The terminal server provides access to the transceiver's local COM port so IP networks can utilize serial devices. The terminal server is only available through the Serial VLAN IP address while VLAN is enabled. The Serial VLAN IP Address settings are configured under the Serial VLAN Subnet Configuration Menu or the Serial VLAN IP Address section on the web page.
When configuring VLAN, Ids must be assigned to the Management VLAN, Serial VLAN, LAN 1 Port and LAN 2 Port. The Management VLAN ID and Serial VLAN ID cannot be the same value.
The Wi-Fi VLAN is available on subscribers and ODU units that have
802.11 Wi-Fi. In order to use the Wi-Fi VLAN, the 802.11 Mode must
be set to Access Point. The Wi-Fi VLAN may share a VLAN ID with the Serial VLAN. In this case, the Wi-Fi interface is part of the Serial VLAN and shares the Serial VLAN’s IP address. If the Wi-Fi VLAN is given a unique VLAN ID, it operates as a third, separate VLAN and can be configured with its own IP address under the Wi-Fi VLAN Subnet Configuration menu on the web page.
The VLAN Ethport Mode parameter determines how IP frames are handled with respect to VLAN tagging. When the mode is set to Access, a VLAN tag is added to IP frames that are received on that Ethernet port. In the case of the LAN 1 port, the LAN 1 VLAN ID would be added to the frame prior to forwarding the frame over-the-air. Likewise, the tag is removed from the IP frame for traffic that is going to be transmitted out of the Ethernet port. This is the mode that is most likely to be used on Subscribers where the LAN connected to the subscriber is non-VLAN and it would be tagged before it reaches the Base Station.
When the VLAN Ethport Mode is set to Trunk, IP frames received from the Ethernet port are not automatically tagged. It is assumed that the LAN that is connected to the Ethport is already tagged with VLAN Ids. This mode is most likely to be used on Base Stations where the network connected to the Base Station Ethports are VLAN aware.
The last mode for VLAN Ethport Mode is Auto, where the Subscriber or Base Station can automatically determine whether or not to tag frames based on the traffic it receives.
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Management VLAN Mode determines whether or not VLAN tags will be applied to Management frames. When the mode is set to Tagged Mode, management frame s are expected to already have the management VLAN ID attached to them. If management frames arrive at the trunk port without a VLAN ID and the mode is Tagged Mode, then those frames will be ignored. In Native Mode, management frames do not need the VLAN tag. The frames will automatically be included in the Native VLAN, which is the management VLAN.
The Default Route IF parameter determines which VLAN will be used to route traffic that does not yet have an entry in the ARP table. This parameter should be set to the VLAN that typically has the most routing to be performed since this should help route traffic quickly through that VLAN.
The following is an example configuration that has a VLAN enabled network connected to the Base Station and a non-VLAN enabled network connected to the Subscriber. This configuration would allow VLAN enabled devices in the Base Station network to communicate with non-VLAN devices in the Subscriber network.
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The Base Station is configured as follows:
Figure 13. Base Station VLAN Configuration Settings
The Subscriber Unit is configured as follows:
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Figure 14. Subscriber Unit VLAN Configuration Settings

Configure Serial Data Interface for TCP, UDP, MODBUS

Overview The transceiver includes an embedded serial device server that provides

transparent encapsulation of serial data in IP packets. In this capacity, it acts as a gateway between serial and network-based devices. Two common scenarios are PC applications using IP to communicate with remote devices, and serial PC applications communicating with remote serial device over an IP network.
Note that the transceiver's serial port is configured as Data Communications Equipment (DCE). A null-modem cable is required if the serial device to be connected is also DCE.
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