Product is deemed accepted by Recipient and is provided without interface to Recipient´s products.
The Product constitutes pre-release version and code and may be changed substantially before
commercial release. The Product is provided on an “as is” basis only and may contain deficiencies or
inadequacies. The Product is provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied. To the
maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Siemens further disclaims all warranties, including
without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and
noninfringement of third-party rights. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the
Product and documentation remains with Recipient. This Product is not intended for use in life support
appliances, devices or systems where a malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to
result in personal injury. Applications incorporating the described product must be designed to be in
accordance with the technical specifications provided in these guidelines. Failure to comply with any
of the required procedures can result in malfunctions or serious discrepancies in results. Furthermore,
all safety instructions regarding the use of mobile technical systems, including GSM products, which
also apply to cellular phones must be followed. Siemens AG customers using or selling this product
for use in any applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Siemens for any
damages resulting from illegal use or resale. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in
no event shall Siemens or its suppliers be liable for any consequential, incidental, direct, indirect,
punitive or other damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business
profits, business interruption, loss of business information or data, or other pecuniary loss) arising out
the use of or inability to use the Product, even if Siemens has been advised of the possibility of such
damages. Subject to change without notice at any time.
Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its
contents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders
will be held liable for payment of damages. All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility
model or design patent are reserved.
Figure 39: Reference equipment for Type Approval ..............................................................88
Figure 40: Lithium Ion battery from VARTA ...........................................................................96
Figure 41: Lithium Polymer battery from VARTA ................................................................... 97
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0 Document History
Preceding document: "TC63 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.192
New document: "TC63 Hardware Interface Description" Version 00.432
Chapter What is new
3.6 5.3
2.1 Added 7-bit addressing to list of I2C features.
3.1 New chapter: Operating Modes
3.2.1 Added description for undervoltage shutdown in IDLE and SLEEP mode.
3.3.1 Added remarks on different operating modes. Added remark on shutdown threshold in IDLE mode. Orderly shutdown in case of overvoltage - added maximum voltage value.
3.5.2 New chapter to describe requirements to control end of charging.
3.5.4 Updated recommended battery specifications.
3.5.6 Corrected current value in case of undervoltage charging.
3.5.7 Added remarks on how to switch the module off when in Charging-only mode and how
IGT line needs to be driven low for at least 400ms
Modified description of EMERG_RST line: EMERG_RST and additional activation of
IGT will reset TC63. EMERG_RST without activation of IGT will switch TC63 off.
Corrected module’s weight.
Further details on overvoltage shutdown.
to switch to other operating modes. No automatic shutdown in Charge-only mode.
Updated list of AT commands.
Removed AT^SMSO from list of AT commands supported in Charge-only mode.
3.6 New chapter: Summary of State Transitions (Except SLEEP Mode)
3.12 Added 7-bit addressing and remark on AT^SSPI command.
3.13 Corrected figure “Audio block diagram”.
3.13.4 Updated description of the DAI.
3.14.1 Updated forward time of SYNC signal during transmit burst.
4.1 Corrected figure “Never use antenna connector and antenna pad at the same time”.
5.1 Added conditions for absolute maximum ratings.
5.2 Added remark on temperature tolerances.
5.4 New chapter: Power Supply Ratings
6.1 Updated Figure 35.
8.1 Changed figure “Reference equipment for type approval”
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1 Introduction
This document describes the hardware of the Siemens TC63 module that connects to the
cellular device application and the air interface. It helps you quickly retrieve interface
specifications, electrical and mechanical details and information on the requirements to be
considered for integrating further components.
1.1 Related Documents
[1] TC63 AT Command Set
[2] TC63 Release Notes 00.432
[3] DSB75 Support Box - Evaluation Kit for Siemens Cellular Engines
[4] Application 07: Rechargeable Lithium Batteries in GSM Applications
[5] Multiplexer User's Guide (not yet available)
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1.2 Terms and Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter
AGC Automatic Gain Control
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ARFCN Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
ARP Antenna Reference Point
ASC0 / ASC1 Asynchronous Controller. Abbreviations used for first and second serial interface of
B Thermistor Constant
B2B Board-to-board connector
BER Bit Error Rate
BTS Base Transceiver Station
CB or CBM Cell Broadcast Message
CE Conformité Européene (European Conformity)
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CPU Central Processing Unit
CS Coding Scheme
CSD Circuit Switched Data
CTS Clear to Send
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
DAI Digital Audio Interface
dBm0 Digital level, 3.14dBm0 corresponds to full scale, see ITU G.711, A-law
DCE Data Communication Equipment (typically modems, e.g. Siemens GSM engine)
DCS 1800 Digital Cellular System, also referred to as PCN
DRX Discontinuous Reception
DSB Development Support Box
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DSR Data Set Ready
DTE Data Terminal Equipment (typically computer, terminal, printer or, for example, GSM
DTR Data Terminal Ready
DTX Discontinuous Transmission
EFR Enhanced Full Rate
EGSM Enhanced GSM
EIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
ERP Effective Radiated Power
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Abbreviation Description
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ETS European Telecommunication Standard
FCC Federal Communications Commission (U.S.)
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
FR Full Rate
GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global Standard for Mobile Communications
HiZ High Impedance
HR Half Rate
I/O Input/Output
IC Integrated Circuit
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
ISO International Standards Organization
ITU International Telecommunications Union
kbps kbits per second
LED Light Emitting Diode
Li-Ion / Li+ Lithium-Ion
Li battery Rechargeable Lithium Ion or Lithium Polymer battery
Mbps Mbits per second
MMI Man Machine Interface
MO Mobile Originated
MS Mobile Station (GSM engine), also referred to as TE
MSISDN Mobile Station International ISDN number
MT Mobile Terminated
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PA Power Amplifier
PAP Password Authentication Protocol
PBCCH Packet Switched Broadcast Control Channel
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCL Power Control Level
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCN Personal Communications Network, also referred to as DCS 1800
PCS Personal Communication System, also referred to as GSM 1900
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PPP Point-to-point protocol
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Abbreviation Description
PSK Phase Shift Keying
PSU Power Supply Unit
R&TTE Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment
RAM Random Access Memory
RF Radio Frequency
RMS Root Mean Square (value)
ROM Read-only Memory
RTC Real Time Clock
RTS Request to Send
Rx Receive Direction
SAR Specific Absorption Rate
SD Secure Digital
SELV Safety Extra Low Voltage
SIM Subscriber Identification Module
SMS Short Message Service
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
TA Terminal adapter (e.g. GSM engine)
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TE Terminal Equipment, also referred to as DTE
Tx Transmit Direction
UART Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter
URC Unsolicited Result Code
USB Universal Serial Bus
USSD Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
Phonebook abbreviations
FD SIM fixdialing phonebook
LD SIM last dialing phonebook (list of numbers most recently dialed)
MC Mobile Equipment list of unanswered MT calls (missed calls)
ME Mobile Equipment phonebook
ON Own numbers (MSISDNs) stored on SIM or ME
RC Mobile Equipment list of received calls
SM SIM phonebook
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1.3 Type Approval
TC63 is designed to comply with the directives and standards listed below. Please note that
the product is still in a pre-release state and, therefore, type approval and testing procedures
have not yet been completed.
European directives
99/05/EC “Directive of the European Parliament and of the council of 9 March
1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal
equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity”, in short
89/336/EC Directive on electromagnetic compatibility
73/23/EC Directive on electrical equipment designed for use within certain
Standards of North American Type Approval
CFR Title 47 “Code of Federal Regulations, Part 22 and Part 24 (Telecommuni-
UL 60 950 “Product Safety Certification” (Safety requirements)
NAPRD.03 “Overview of PCS Type certification review board
Mobile Equipment Type Certification and IMEI control”
PCS Type Certification Review board (PTCRB), Version 3.1.0
RSS133 (Issue2) Canadian Standard
Standards of European Type Approval
3GPP TS 51.010-1 “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Mobile
ETSI EN 301 511 “V7.0.1 (2000-12) Candidate Harmonized European Standard
GCF-CC “Global Certification Forum - Certification Criteria” V3.16.0
ETSI EN 301 489-1 “V1.2.1 Candidate Harmonized European Standard
ETSI EN 301 489-7 “V1.1.1 Candidate Harmonized European Standard
EN 60 950 Safety of information technology equipment (2000)
referred to as R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
voltage limits (Low Voltage Directive)
cations, PCS)”; US Equipment Authorization FCC
Station (MS) conformance specification”
(Telecommunications series) Global System for Mobile
communications (GSM); Harmonized standard for mobile stations in
the GSM 900 and DCS 1800 bands covering essential requirements
under article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive (1999/5/EC) (GSM 13.11
version 7.0.1 Release 1998)”
(Telecommunications series) Electro Magnetic Compatibility and
Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro Magnetic Compatibility
(EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common
Technical Requirements”
(Telecommunications series) Electro Magnetic Compatibility and
Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Electro Magnetic Compatibility
(EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 7: Specific
conditions for mobile and portable radio and ancillary equipment of
digital cellular radio telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS)”
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Requirements of quality
IEC 60068 Environmental testing
DIN EN 60529 IP codes
Compliance with international rules and regulations
Manufacturers of mobile or fixed devices incorporating TC63 modules are advised to have
their completed product tested and approved for compliance with all applicable national and
international regulations. As a quad-band GSM/GPRS engine designed for use on any GSM
network in the world, TC63 is required to pass all approvals relevant to operation on the
European and North American markets. For the North American market this includes the
Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and PTCRB, for
the European market the R&TTE Directives and GCF Certification Criteria must be fully
The FCC Equipment Authorization granted to the TC63 Siemens reference application is
valid only for the equipment described in Section 8.1.
SAR requirements specific to portable mobiles
Mobile phones, PDAs or other portable transmitters and receivers incorporating a GSM
module must be in accordance with the guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency
energy. This requires the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of portable TC63 based
applications to be evaluated and approved for compliance with national and/or international
Since the SAR value varies significantly with the individual product design manufacturers are
advised to submit their product for approval if designed for portable use. For European and
US markets the relevant directives are mentioned below. It is the responsibility of the
manufacturer of the final product to verify whether or not further standards, recommendations
or directives are in force outside these areas.
Products intended for sale on US markets
ES 59005/ANSI C95.1 Considerations for evaluation of human exposure to
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) from Mobile Telecommunication
Equipment (MTE) in the frequency range 30MHz - 6GHz
Products intended for sale on European markets
EN 50360 Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones
with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to
electromagnetic fields (300MHz - 3GHz)
Note: Usage of TC63 in a fixed, mobile or portable application is not allowed without a
new FCC certification.
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1.4 Safety Precautions
The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of the operation, usage,
service or repair of any cellular terminal or mobile incorporating TC63. Manufacturers of the
cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety information to users and
operating personnel and to incorporate these guidelines into all manuals supplied with the
product. Failure to comply with these precautions violates safety standards of design,
manufacture and intended use of the product. Siemens AG assumes no liability for
customer’s failure to comply with these precautions.
When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the restrictions on the
use of mobiles. Switch the cellular terminal or mobile off, if instructed to do so
by the guidelines posted in sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be
sensitive to RF energy.
The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medical equipment
and hearing aids can be affected by interference from cellular terminals or
mobiles placed close to the device. If in doubt about potential danger, contact
the physician or the manufacturer of the device to verify that the equipment is
properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep their hand-held
mobile away from the pacemaker, while it is on.
Switch off the cellular terminal or mobile before boarding an aircraft. Make
sure it cannot be switched on inadvertently. The operation of wireless
appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to prevent interference with
communications systems. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to
the suspension or denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or
Do not operate the cellular terminal or mobile in the presence of flammable
gases or fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when you are near petrol
stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where blasting operations are in
progress. Operation of any electrical equipment in potentially explosive
atmospheres can constitute a safety hazard.
Your cellular terminal or mobile receives and transmits radio frequency
energy while switched on. Remember that interference can occur if it is used
close to TV sets, radios, computers or inadequately shielded equipment.
Follow any special regulations and always switch off the cellular terminal or
mobile wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause
interference or danger.
Road safety comes first! Do not use a hand-held cellular terminal or mobile
when driving a vehicle, unless it is securely mounted in a holder for
speakerphone operation. Before making a call with a hand-held terminal or
mobile, park the vehicle.
Speakerphones must be installed by qualified personnel. Faulty installation or
operation can constitute a safety hazard.
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Cellular terminals or mobiles operate using radio signals and cellular
networks. Because of this, connection cannot be guaranteed at all times
under all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any
wireless device for essential communications, for example emergency calls.
Remember, in order to make or receive calls, the cellular terminal or mobile
must be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular signal
Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain network services or
phone features are in use (e.g. lock functions, fixed dialing etc.). You may
need to deactivate those features before you can make an emergency call.
Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly inserted in the
cellular terminal or mobile.
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2 Product Concept
2.1 Key Features at a Glance
Feature Implementation
Frequency bands Quad band: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
GSM class Small MS
Output power
(according to
Release 99, V5)
Power supply 3.2V to 4.5V
Power consumption Sleep mode: max. TBD
Operating temperature -30°C to +65°C ambient temperature
Physical Dimensions: 33.9mm x 44.6mm x max. 3.5mm
GSM / GPRS features
Data transfer GPRS
Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EGSM850
Class 4 (+33dBm ±2dB) for EGSM900
Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM1800
Class 1 (+30dBm ±2dB) for GSM1900
The values stated above are maximum limits. According to
Release 99, Version 5, the maximum output power in a multislot
configuration may be lower. The nominal reduction of maximum
output power varies with the number of uplink timeslots used and
amounts to 3.0dB for 2Tx, 4.8dB for 3Tx and 6.0dB for 4Tx.
Power down mode: typically 50µA
Auto switch-off at +90°C board temperature (preliminary)
Weight: approx. 7.5g
• Multislot Class 12
• Full PBCCH support
• Mobile Station Class B
• Coding Scheme 1 – 4
• V.110, RLP, non-transparent
• 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4kbps
PPP-stack for GPRS data transfer
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• Point-to-point MT and MO
• Cell broadcast
• Text and PDU mode
• Storage: SIM card plus 25 SMS locations in mobile equipment
• Transmission of SMS alternatively over CSD or GPRS.
MicrosoftTM compatibility RIL / NDIS for Pocket PC and Smartphone
SIM Application Toolkit SAT Release 99
TCP/IP stack Access by AT commands
IP addresses IP version 6
Remote SIM Access TC63 supports Remote SIM Access. RSA enables TC63 to use a
remote SIM card via its serial interface, in addition to the SIM card
locally attached to the dedicated lines of the application interface.
In a vehicle mounted scenario, for example, this allows the driver
to access a mobile phone brought into the car from a carembedded phone. The connection between both phones can be a
Bluetooth wireless link or a serial link, e.g. via the car cradle.
The necessary protocols and procedures are implemented
according to the “SIM Access Profile Interoperability Specification
of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group”.
Firmware update Download over serial interface ASC0
Download over SIM interface
Download over USB
2 serial interfaces
• 8-wire modem interface with status and control lines,
unbalanced, asynchronous
• 1.2kbps to 460kbps
• Autobauding TBD
• Supports RTS0/CTS0 hardware handshake and software
XON/XOFF flow control.
•Multiplex ability according to GSM 07.10 Multiplexer Protocol.
• 4-wire, unbalanced asynchronous interface
• 1.2kbps to 460kbps
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Feature Implementation
• Autobauding TBD
• Supports RTS1/CTS1 hardware handshake and software
XON/XOFF flow control
USB Supports a USB 2.0 Full Speed (12Mbit/s) slave interface.
I2C I2C bus for 7-bit addressing and transmission rates up to 400kbps.
Programmable with AT^SSPI command.
SIM interface Supported SIM cards: 3V, 1.8V
Antenna 50Ohms. External antenna can be connected via antenna
Module interface 80-pin board-to-board connector
Power on/off, Reset
Power on/off
Special features
Charging Supports management of rechargeable Lithium Ion and Lithium
Real time clock Timer functions via AT commands
• 2 analog interfaces
• 1 digital interface (PCM)
connector or solderable pad.
• Switch-on by hardware pin IGT
• Switch-off by AT command (AT^SMSO)
• Automatic switch-off in case of critical temperature and
voltage conditions.
• Orderly shutdown and reset by AT command
• Emergency reset by hardware pins EMERG_RST and IGT.
Polymer batteries
Phonebook SIM and phone
Evaluation kit
DSB75 DSB75 Evaluation Board designed to test and type approve
Siemens cellular engines and provide a sample configuration for
application engineering.
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2.2 TC63 System Overview
Application Interface
Serial 1
SIM card
Serial 2
or Headset
User Application
Figure 1: TC63 system overview
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2.3 Circuit Concept
Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the TC63 module and illustrates the major functional
TC63 is equipped with an 80-pin board-to-board connector that connects to the external
application. The host interface incorporates several sub-interfaces described in the following
• Power supply - see Section 3.2
• Charger interface – Section 3.5
• SIM interface - see Section 3.8
• Serial interface ASC0 - see Section 3.9
• Serial interface ASC1 - see Section 3.10
• Serial interface USB - see Section 3.11.
• Serial interface I²C - see Section 3.12
• Two analog audio interfaces - see Section 3.13
• Digital audio interface (DAI) - see Section 3.13 and 3.13.4
• Status and control lines: IGT, EMERG_RST, PWR_IND, SYNC - see Table 17
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3.1 Operating Modes
The table below briefly summarizes the various operating modes referred to in the following
Table 1: Overview of operating modes
Normal operation
GSM / GPRS SLEEP Various power save modes set with AT+CFUN
Software is active to minimum extent. If the module was
registered to the GSM network in IDLE mode, it is
registered and paging with the BTS in SLEEP mode,
too. Power saving can be chosen at different levels:
disables the AT interface. The CYCLIC SLEEP modes
AT+CFUN=7 and 9 alternatively activate and deactivate
the AT interfaces to allow permanent access to all AT
GSM IDLE Software is active. Once registered to the GSM
network, paging with BTS is carried out. The module is
ready to send and receive.
GSM TALK Connection between two subscribers is in progress.
Power consumption depends on network coverage
individual settings, such as DTX off/on, FR/EFR/HR,
hopping sequences, antenna.
GPRS IDLE Module is ready for GPRS data transfer, but no data is
currently sent or received. Power consumption depends
on network settings and GPRS configuration (e.g.
multislot settings).
GPRS DATA GPRS data transfer in progress. Power consumption
depends on network settings (e.g. power control level),
uplink / downlink data rates, GPRS configuration (e.g.
used multislot settings) and reduction of maximum
output power.
POWER DOWN Normal shutdown after sending the AT^SMSO command.
The Power Supply disconnects the supply voltage from the baseband part of
the circuit. Only a voltage regulator is active for powering the RTC. Software is
not active. Interfaces are not accessible.
Operating voltage (connected to BATT+) remains applied.
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Airplane mode Airplane mode shuts down the radio part of the module, causes the module to
log off from the GSM/GPRS network and disables all AT commands whose
execution requires a radio connection.
Airplane mode can be controlled by using the AT commands AT^SCFG and
• With AT^SCFG=MEopMode/Airplane/OnStart the module can be configured
to enter the Airplane mode each time when switched on or reset.
• The parameter AT^SCFG=MEopMode/Airplane can be used to switch back
and forth between Normal mode and Airplane mode any time during
• Setting an alarm time with AT+CALA followed by AT^SMSO wakes the
module up into Airplane mode at the scheduled time.
Charge-only mode Limited operation for battery powered applications. Enables charging while
module is detached from GSM network. Limited number of AT commands is
accessible. Charge-only mode applies when the charger is connected if the
module was powered down with AT^SMSO.
Charge mode
during normal
See Table 6 for the various options proceeding from one mode to another.
Normal operation (SLEEP, IDLE, TALK, GPRS IDLE, GPRS DATA) and
charging running in parallel. Charge mode changes to Charge-only mode when
the module is powered down before charging has been completed.
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3.2 Power Supply
TC63 needs to be connected to a power supply at the B2B connector (5 pins each BATT+
and GND).
The power supply of TC63 has to be a single voltage source at BATT+. It must be able to
provide the peak current during the uplink transmission.
All the key functions for supplying power to the device are handled by the power
management section of the analog controller. This IC provides the following features:
• Stabilizes the supply voltages for the GSM baseband using low drop linear voltage
• Switches the module's power voltages for the power up and down procedures.
• Delivers, across the VEXT pin, a regulated voltage for an external application. This
voltage is not available in Power-down mode.
•SIM switch to provide SIM power supply.
3.2.1 Minimizing Power Losses
When designing the power supply for your application please pay specific attention to power
losses. Ensure that the input voltage V
even in a transmit burst where current consumption can rise to typical peaks of 2A. It should
be noted that TC63 switches off when exceeding these limits. Any voltage drops that may
occur in a transmit burst should not exceed 400mV.
The measurement network monitors outburst and inburst values. The drop is the difference
of both values. The maximum drop (Dmax) since the last start of the module will be saved. In
IDLE and SLEEP mode, the module switches off if the minimum battery voltage (V
min = 3.2V
Dmax = 0.35V
min = VImin + Dmax
min = 3.2V + 0.35V = 3.55V
The best approach to reducing voltage drops is to use a board-to-board connection as
recommended, and a low impedance power source. The resistance of the power supply lines
on the host board and of a battery pack should also be considered.
Note: If the application design requires an adapter cable between both board-to-board
connectors, use a flex cable as short as possible in order to minimize power
never drops below 3.2V on the TC63 board, not
min) is
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Example: If the length of the flex cable reaches the maximum length of 100mm, this
connection may cause, for example, a resistance of 30m in the BATT+ line and
30m in the GND line. As a result, a 2A transmit burst would add up to a total
voltage drop of 120mV. Plus, if a battery pack is involved, further losses may
occur due to the resistance across the battery lines and the internal resistance of
the battery including its protection circuit.
min. 3.2V
Figure 3: Power supply limits during transmit burst
burst 2A
burst 2A
3.2.2 Measuring the Supply Voltage V
The reference points for measuring the supply voltage V
GND, both accessible at a capacitor located close to the board-to-board connector of the
Figure 4: Position of the reference points BATT+ and GND
point GND
on the module are BATT+ and
3.2.3 Monitoring Power Supply by AT Command
To monitor the supply voltage you can also use the AT^SBV command which returns the
value related to the reference points BATT+ and GND.
The module continuously measures the voltage at intervals depending on the operating
mode of the RF interface. The duration of measuring ranges from 0.5s in TALK/DATA mode
to 50s when TC63 is in IDLE mode or Limited Service (deregistered). The displayed voltage
(in mV) is averaged over the last measuring period before the AT^SBV command was
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3.3 Power Up / Power Down Scenarios
In general, be sure not to turn on TC63 while it is beyond the safety limits of voltage and
temperature stated in Chapter 5. TC63 would immediately switch off after having started and
detected these inappropriate conditions. In extreme cases this can cause permanent
damage to the module.
3.3.1 Turn on TC63
TC63 can be started in a variety of ways as described in the following sections:
• Hardware driven start-up by IGT line: starts Normal mode or Airplane mode (see Section
• Software controlled reset by AT+CFUN command: starts Normal or Airplane mode (see
• Hardware driven start-up by VCHARGE line: starts charging algorithm and Charge-only
mode (see Section
•Wake-up from Power-down mode by using RTC interrupt: starts Airplane mode
The option whether to start into Normal mode or Airplane mode depends on the settings
made with the AT^SCFG command or AT+CALA. With AT+CALA, followed by AT^SMSO the
module can be configured to restart into Airplane mode at a scheduled alarm time. Switching
back and forth between Normal mode and Airplane mode is possible any time during
operation by using the AT^SCFG command.
After startup or mode change the following URCs indicate the module’s ready state:
• “SYSSTART” indicates that the module has entered Normal mode.
• “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE” indicates that the module has entered Airplane mode.
• “^SYSSTART CHARGE ONLY MODE” indicates that the module has entered the
Charge-only mode.
Detailed explanations on AT^SCFG, AT+CFUN, AT+CALA and Airplane mode can be found
in [1]. Turn on TC63 Using Ignition Line IGT
When the TC63 module is in Power-down mode, it can be started to Normal mode or
Airplane mode by driving the IGT (ignition) line to ground. This must be accomplished with an
open drain/collector driver to avoid current flowing into this pin.
The module will start up when both of the following two conditions are met:
• The supply voltage applied at BATT+ must be in the operating range.
• The IGT line needs to be driven low for at least 400ms.
Considering different strategies of host application design the figures below show two
approaches to meet this requirement: The example in Figure 5 assumes that IGT is activated
after BATT+ has already been applied. The example in Figure 6 assumes that IGT is held
low before BATT+ is switched on. In either case, to power on the module, ensure that low
state of IGT takes at least 400ms from the moment the voltage at BATT+ is available.
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TC63 Hardware Interface Description
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If configured to a fix baud rate (AT+IPR0), the module will send the URC “^SYSSTART” or
“^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE” to notify that it is ready to operate. If autobauding is
enabled (AT+IPR=0) there will be no notification.
t = 400ms
TXD0/TXD1/RTS0/RST1/DTR0 (driven by the application)
Serial interfaces
ca. 500 ms
ASC0 and ASC1
Figure 5: Power-on with operating voltage at BATT+ applied before activating IGT
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t = 400ms
TXD0/TXD1/RTS0/RST1/DTR0 (driven by the application)
Serial interfaces
ca. 500 ms
ASC0 and ASC1
Figure 6: Power-on with IGT held low before switching on operating voltage at BATT+ Turn on TC63 Using the VCHARGE Signal
As detailed in Section 3.5.7, the charging adapter can be connected regardless of the
module’s operating mode.
If the charger is connected to the charger input of the external charging circuit and the
module’s VCHARGE pin while TC63 is off, and the battery voltage is above the undervoltage
lockout threshold, processor controlled fast charging starts (see Section 3.5.6). TC63 enters
a restricted mode, referred to as Charge-only mode where only the charging algorithm will be
During the Charge-only mode TC63 is neither logged on to the GSM network nor are the
serial interfaces fully accessible. To switch to normal operation and log on to the GSM
network, the IGT line needs to be activated as described in Section 3.3.1.
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s Reset TC63 via AT+CFUN Command
To reset and restart the TC63 module use the command AT+CFUN. You can enter
AT+CFUN=,1 or AT+CFUN=x,1, where x may be in the range from 0 to 9. See [1] for details.
If configured to a fix baud rate (AT+IPR0), the module will send the URC “^SYSSTART” or
“^SYSSTART AIRPLANE MODE to notify that it is ready to operate. If autobauding is
enabled (AT+IPR=0) there will be no notification. To register to the network SIM PIN
authentication is necessary after restart. Reset or Turn off TC63 in Case of Emergency
Caution: Use the EMERG_RST pin only when, due to serious problems, the software is not
responding for more than 5 seconds. Pulling the EMERG_RST pin causes the loss of all
information stored in the volatile memory. Therefore, this procedure is intended only for use
in case of emergency, e.g. if TC63 does not respond, if reset or shutdown via AT command
The EMERG_RST signal is available on the application interface. To control the
EMERG_RST line it is recommended to use an open drain / collector driver.
The EMERG_RST line can be used to switch off or to reset the module. In any case the
EMERG_RST line must be pulled to ground for ≥10ms. Then, after releasing the
EMERG_RST line additional activation of IGT for 400 ms will reset the module. If IGT is not
activated for 400 ms the module switches off. In this case, it can be restarted any time as
described in section
After hardware driven restart, notification via “^SYSSTART” or “^SYSSTART AIRPLANE”
URC is the same as in case of restart by IGT or AT command. To register to the network SIM
PIN authentication is necessary after restart.
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TC63 Hardware Interface Description
Strictly confidential / Draft
3.3.2 Turn off TC63
TC63 can be turned off as follows:
• Normal shutdown: Software controlled by AT^SMSO command
• Automatic shutdown: Takes effect if board or battery temperature is out of range or if
undervoltage or overvoltage conditions occur. Turn off TC63 Using AT Command
The best and safest approach to powering down TC63 is to issue the AT^SMSO command.
This procedure lets TC63 log off from the network and allows the software to enter into a
secure state and safe data before disconnecting the power supply. The mode is referred to
as Power-down mode. In this mode, only the RTC stays active.
Before switching off the device sends the following response:
After sending AT^SMSO do not enter any other AT commands. There are two ways to verify
when the module turns off:
• Wait for the URC “^SHUTDOWN”. It indicates that data have been stored non-volatile
and the module turns off in less than 1 second.
• Also, you can monitor the PWR_IND pin. High state of PWR_IND definitely indicates that
the module is switched off.
Be sure not to disconnect the supply voltage V
been issued and the PWR_IND signal has gone high. Otherwise you run the risk of losing
data. Signal states during turn-off are shown in Figure 7.
While TC63 is in Power-down mode the application interface is switched off and must not be
fed from any other source. Therefore, your application must be designed to avoid any current
flow into any digital pins of the application interface, especially of the serial interfaces. No
special care is required for the USB interface which is protected from reverse current.
before the URC “^SHUTDOWN” has
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