Gemalto CT200, CT30, CT40 User Manual

SIM card reader for telecom retailers
I Issue new and replacement SIMs with one reader
E N T E R P R I S E > P R O D U CT
SIM card reader for telecom retailers
I Issue new and replacement SIMs with one reader
o you have a need to persona lize both ID001 an d
ID000 S IM cards? Are you providi ng both n ew and re placement SIM using a RPS (remote persona lization system)? Are you tired of having to use multiple readers for all the se tasks?
Gemalto provides a complete line o f readers to meet the needs of telec om retaile rs. This innovativ e range o f product s was des igned wit h dual ca rd slots that allow for use with both card and plu g-in SIM (ID001 an ID000) f orm factors. This el iminates the need for multipl e readers when con necting t o the RPS to retrieve subscriber dat a for the rem ote real- time issuance of a new SIM cards or for SIM replace ment.
Gemalto’s dual sl ot reader provides the cap ability t o persona lize plug -in SIM cards. With trad itional s mart card readers , this is not poss ible with out using a PCB adapter with plug-in S IM connect or. Th e dual sl ot elimin ates the need fo r adapter s with sp ecificall y designe d slots for each c ard size.
• Dual slots: Reader designed for use wit h ID001 a nd ID000 SIM card formats
• Ease of use: Vert ical ID00 1 inserti on for us e (for ID Bridge CT 30)
• Ease of set-up: Plug & Play – No drivers , compatible with all stand ard OS
• Graphical cust omization : Reader can be customize d with yo ur brand
• Compliant with all smar t card standards: ISO7816, EMV L1,
PC/SC V 2, USB 2. 0, CCID1. 0
• High reliabi lity: 100K insertions
• Warranty: 24 months
• Environmenta l and sus tainability:
RoHS, WEEE, REACH and ISO14001
Gemalto provides a complete line of readers to meet the needs of telecom retailers. This innovative range of products was designed with dual card slots that allow for use with both card and plug-in SIM (ID001 an ID000) form factors.
IDBridge CT30
The IDB ridge CT3 0 is modu lar and i s compatible with a variety of accessories. Thi s include s a stand for vertica l inserti on (deskt op) and f loppy disk tr ay that converts the reader to an interna l device inserted in a PC F loppy Disk or CD-ROM bay.
> IDBridge CT40
IDBridge CT200
For example, Chi na Mobile ’s SIM are partially in ID- 1 format and partially in SIM plu g-in form at. With Gema lto’s new rea ders, you can reap the followi ng benefi ts:
www. g e m a l t o . c o m
> IDBridge CT200
This reader is ideal for SIM programming in both ID001 and ID000 formats. Designed for countertop use, the reader is compact in size without compromising on functionality. The reader can also be a countertop display and customized for branding purposes.
> IDBridge CT30
The inn ovative t ransparen t design of the IDB ridge CT3 0 highlig hts the c ard rather than the reader. An easy to use and eas y to install reader, the IDBridg e CT30 is compact and lightwe ight optimizing sh ipping expense s and off ers a cos t effecti ve solution for all your smart card reader needs.
IDBridge CT40
The IDB ridge CT4 0 is a sl im-line reader with tamp er-evident casing. Its housing is ideal for corp orate bra nding purpose s and als o offers a simple and ergonomic solution with a modern a nd sleek d esign.
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