Magnetic Door Switch Kit
quick setup guide
Your Magnetic Door Switch Kit should include the following items:
Magnetic Switch
Switch-Contact Cover
2-conductor alarm wire
(30ft (10m), 50ft (16.7m), or
100ft (33.4m), depending on
which option was requested
when kit was ordered)
1Magnetic Door Switch Kit quick-start guide (rev.140729A-GG) Geist, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA — geistglobal.com

The switch assembly consists of three parts: The magnetic switch itself, a magnet, and a
cover to protect the wire terminals. The preferred mounting method is to mount the magnet
on the door or access panel to be monitored, and to mount the switch and terminal cover
on the door frame, as shown here. Ideally, they should be positioned such that the two
pieces will be within ½in. (1.54mm) of each other when the door is closed, to ensure that
the magnet will be close enough to operate the switch.
terminal cover goes
over the electrical
alarm wire
switch to
switch mounts to
door frame
unit’s analog
magnet mounts
to door
(polarity of
red & black
wires is not
Note that because the door switch is operated by a magnet, it may not function well when
mounted directly to a metal door and/or door frame, because the metal will tend to “absorb”
or disperse the magnet’s field, causing intermittent or unreliable operation. If you find that
your door switch is not actuating reliably when mounted to this type of door, inserting at
least ½-inch (1.54mm) of some suitable non-magnetic material, such as wood or plastic,
between the switch components and the metal door and frame, can often alleviate this
2Magnetic Door Switch Kit quick-start guide (rev.140729A-GG) Geist, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA — geistglobal.com