GE Industrial Solutions ZBTSCTH User Manual

46R-7000D Rev 8/97
Zenith Bypass-Isolation Closed Transition Transfer Switches provide Zenith’s most comprehensive load power protection during standard operation, maintenance and testing procedures.
Closed Transition Transfer Switches parallel two available sources of power during test procedures to enable transfer without interrupting power to the load (make-before-break). Paralleling of the two sources occurs within a predefined window of synchronization and the initial source is then disconnected. If the primary source falls below preset voltage limits and the second source is available, the transfer switch defaults to open transition (break-before-make) mode. In this mode, the transfer switch uses the power from the available source to open the switch from the “dead source” first, before closing the switch into the second source. When in the Bypass­Isolation mode, the switch acts as a manual transfer switch, enabling testing, repair and even removal of the automatic transfer switch.
All Zenith transfer switches are designed for use on emergency or standby systems, and are rated for total system or motor loads. Transfer switches are UL Listed under Standard 1008 and CSA Certified under Standard C22.2 No. 178.
This manual provides information on the installation, operation, and maintenance of the switch. In addition, a complete information package is supplied with each transfer switch which details the features and accessories provided on that switch. The information package and the instruction manual should be kept in a readily accessible location to provide complete reference information on this critically important piece of equipment.
1. Requirements
2. Equipment Inspection and Storage
3. Mounting
4. Power Connections
5. Control Connections
6. Final Equipment Inspection
7. Functional Test
1. Sequence Of Operation
2. Bypass-Isolation Switch Operation
3. Zenith Standard Package
4. Zenith Optional Accessories
1. Inspection and Cleaning
2. Servicing
3. Testing
4. Troubleshooting
5. Emergency Service Procedure/Extended Parallel Time
2 2 2 3 4 5 5
8 11 11
12 12 12 13 14
1. Paralleling Relay Settings
2. Solid State Timers
3. Voltage/Frequency Sensor (VFSM)
4. Solid State Phase Relay (ARSM)
5. Paralleling Window Under-Overvoltage Sensing Relay
6. Electronic Time Switch Z2000-2A
1. 100-400 Amps
2. 600-3000 Amps
3. Alarm Circuit Schematic
4. Three-Phase Control Sensing Schematic
5. Bypass Control Circuit
1. Power Panel — 100-400 Amps
2. Power Panel — 600-1200 Amps
3. Power Panel — 1600-3000 Amps
4. Bypass Subpanel
5. Control Panel Layout and Parts List
6. Cabinet Door Pilot Devices
16 16 16 17 17 17
19 20 21 21 22
23 23 24 24 28 31
(Can Cause Severe Injury or Death)
Turn OFF all power before installation,
adjustment, or removal of transfer switch
or any of its components.
Each Zenith transfer switch is factory wired and tested. A complete information package is furnished with each switch which includes:
a. Sequence of operation. b. Description and operation of all
accessories supplied.
c. Power panel connection diagram and
d. Description and identification of all
customer field connections.
Installation of Zenith transfer switches includes:
a. Mounting the transfer switch cabinet. b. Connection of all Normal, Emergency,
and Load cables or bus bars.
c. Connection of external control circuits
as required.
Closed transition transfer switches typically require momentary paralleling of utility and generator sources. The customer should obtain approval from their utility before using a closed transition transfer switch.
Before installation, it is necessary to store the transfer switch in a clean dry place, protected from dirt and water. Provide ample air circulation and heat, if necessary, to prevent condensation.
Storage Temperature:
-30 C to + 65 C (-22 F to +149 F)
Operating Temperature (Ambient):
-20 C to +75 C (-4 F to +167 F) [40-260 Amps]
-20 C to +40 C (-4 F to +104 F)[400-3000 Amps]
5% to 95% (non-condensing)
Adequate lifting means must be used to mount the transfer switch into place. The recommended method for moving the transfer switch using the lifting eyes and a spreader bar is illustrated in Figure 1. Enough room should be allowed to open the cabinet doors fully for inspection and servicing of the switch per NEC and local codes.
Before drilling conduit entry holes or any accessory mounting holes, cover and protect the switch and control panel to prevent dirt and metal fragments from entering the mechanical and electrical components. Failure to do so may result in damage and malfunction of the switch.
The following requirements must be met to use a closed transition transfer switch:
a. Isochronous governor with a frequency
range of 60 ± 0.2 Hz.
b. Shunt trip breaker on the genset with
a response time not exceeding 50 milliseconds.
Immediately inspect the transfer switch when received to detect any damage which may have occurred during transit. If damage is found or suspected, file claims as soon as possible with the carrier and notify the nearest Zenith representative.
ZBTSCTH Operation and Maintenance Manual (46R-7000)2 Zenith Controls, Inc.
Figure 1
When lifting the switch using a spreader bar, height H must be equal to half of distance D.
Zenith transfer switches are supplied with UL listed solderless screw type terminals as standard for the Normal, Emergency, and Load power connections. Table 1 lists the number and sizes of the cable lugs supplied as standard for each switch amp rating.
Connect the Normal, Emergency, and Load conductors to the clearly marked terminals on the transfer switch. Remove surface oxides from cables by cleaning with a wire brush. Verify that
all connections are correct before tightening the lugs. All cable lug connections must be tightened to the proper torque values as shown in Table 2.
Do not run cables or wiring behind front­connected transfer switches.
In cases where the Normal, Emergency, and Load connections are made to a rear connected bus bar, a compression washer, flat washer, and a minimum grade 5 bolt must be used and torqued to the values in Table 3.
Screw Type Terminals for External Power Connections
Switch Size
100 1 #14 to 1/0 AWG 3 #14 to 1/0 AWG 150 1 #8 to 3/0 AWG 3 #6 AWG to 300 MCM 225 1 #6 AWG to 250 MCM 3 #6 AWG to 300 MCM 260 1 #6 AWG to 350 MCM 3 #6 AWG to 300 MCM
Normal, Emergency & Load Terminals Fully Rated Neutral Bar (When Required) Cable Per Pole Range of Wire Sizes Number of Cables Number of Cables
400 1 #4 AWG to 600 MCM 4 #6 AWG to 300 MCM 600 2 #2 AWG to 600 MCM 8 #2 AWG to 600 MCM
800 1000 1200 1600 2000 3000 4000
Line and load terminals are located in rear and arranged for bus bar connection.
4 #2 AWG to 600 MCM 12 #2 AWG to 600 MCM
12 3/0 AWG to 750 MCM
Table 1
Tightening Torque for Lugs
Socket Size Torque
Across Flats Lb.-In. Lb.-Ft.
1/8 45 4 5/32 100 8 3/16 120 10 7/32 150 12
1/4 200 17 5/16 275 23
3/8 375 31
1/2 500 42 9/16 600 50
Tightening Torque for Bus Bars
Bolt Size Torque Bolt (Grade 5)
Lb.-In. Lb.-Ft.
1/4-20 72 6
5/16-18 132 11
3/8-16 300 25 1/2-13 720 60
Table 3
Table 2
ZBTSCTH Operation and Maintenance Manual (46R-7000)Zenith Controls, Inc. 3
A complete information package is furnished with each transfer switch including a complete connection diagram and schematic which details all necessary control circuit field connections.
The engine start control wires connect to the terminals specified in the upper right corner of the bypass cabinet. Terminals for field connections to the A3 Emergency auxiliary contacts and the A4 Normal auxiliary contacts are also provided. These terminals are clearly marked and appear on the left side of the ATS power panel. Figure 2 below shows the location of these terminals.
Make all other necessary external control connections to the appropriate terminal blocks located on the control panel. Insure that all connections are tightened to the torque specified in Table 4.
Control Wire Connections
Wire Size (AWG) Torque Lb.-In.
18-16 19
14-8 19
6-4 36
Table 4
Figure 2
ZBTSCTH Operation and Maintenance Manual (46R-7000)4 Zenith Controls, Inc.
Prior to energizing the transfer switch:
a. Remove any debris incurred due to
shipment or installation. DO NOT use a blower since debris may become lodged in the electrical and mechanical components and cause damage. Use of a vacuum is recommended.
b. Verify that all cabled connections are
correct and that phase rotation of both sources match.
c. Check engine start connections and verify
the correct connection of all control wires.
d. Check settings of all timers and adjust as
necessary. Also adjust any optional accessories as required. [See MX200 manual (50R-2000) for instructions on timer and option adjustments.]
e. Check the integrity of power connections
by verifying actual lug torque values as specified in this manual.
f. Make sure that all covers and barriers are
installed and properly fastened.
pick up and the LED indicator will illuminate. Check the phase to phase voltages at the Emergency line terminals. Also, verify that the phase rotation of the Emergency source is the same as the phase rotation of the Normal source.
After the sources have been verified, shut down the engine generator, and put the starting control in the automatic position. Complete the visual inspection of the transfer switch, and close and lock the cabinet door.
Initiate the electrical transfer test by activating the test switch (TS). This de-energizes the engine start relay. The transfer switch closes into Emergency only after the sync-check relay ensures the proper phase relationship of both sources. After the transfer switch closes into Emergency, the SE limit switch becomes activated to de-energize the CCE relay and energize the CCNO relay. This opens the transfer switch out of Normal. When the transfer switch has opened out of Normal, the SNO-2 limit switch activates to de-energize the CCNO relay. The transfer switch has now closed into Emergency power without interrupting the load.
The functional testing of the transfer switch consists of electrical tests described in this section. Before proceeding, refer to the information package supplied with the transfer switch. Read and understand all instructions and review the operation of all accessories provided.
Before starting the operation test, check the equipment rating nameplate on the transfer switch to verify the correct system voltage. An example of the equipment rating nameplate is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
To begin the test, close the Normal source circuit breaker. Phase relays B1, B2, and B3 will pick up and the LED indicators will illuminate. Verify the phase to phase voltages at the Normal line terminals.
Next, close the Emergency source breaker and start the engine generator. The VFSM relay will
ZBTSCTH Operation and Maintenance Manual (46R-7000)Zenith Controls, Inc. 5
Turning the TS to AUTO initiates re-transfer to Normal. The transfer switch closes into Normal only after the sync-check relay ensures the proper phase relationship of both sources. After the transfer switch closes into Normal, the SN limit switch becomes activated (de-activated in 400 Amp units) to de-energize the CCN relay and energize the CCEO relay; the transfer switch opens out of Emergency. Then the SEO-2 limit switch activates to de-energize the CCEO relay. The transfer switch has now closed back into Normal power without interrupting the load.
The transfer switch defaults to an open transition transfer when the Normal source fails. Closed transition transfer is not possible with one source available. Open transition transfer for testing can be selected via the transition mode selector switch. (For a description of the Open Transition sequence of operation, refer to Section II ­Operation and Features, page 6.)
A 24 VDC circuit is supplied to control the alarm and warning indicators. To ensure continuous power to this circuit, a constant 24 VDC can be supplied by the customer from the engine start battery.
A periodic test of the transfer switch under load conditions is recommended to insure proper operation.
Figure 4 is a typical schematic diagram of a Zenith closed transition transfer switch. The information supplied with the transfer switch includes a schematic diagram and description of operation of all accessories provided.
Transfer of the load to the Emergency source begins automatically when any phase of the Normal source falls below the preset dropout point and this undervoltage failure condition is detected by solid state phase relays B1, B2, B3.
The phase relays drop out, de-energizing the Normal control relays CR & CR2, and engine start timer P1 begins its timing cycle. The P1 time delay is provided to override momentary outages and to prevent nuisance starting of the engine generator. If the Normal source voltage returns above the phase relays’ pickup setting, the P1 timing cycle is reset to zero by re-energizing the CR relay.
If the normal source voltage does not return before the P1 time delay is completed, the P1 timer drops out and sends a starting signal to the engine generator. An Emergency voltage and frequency sensing relay (VFSM) monitors the voltage and frequency of the Emergency source. When both the voltage and the frequency of the Emergency source reach the preset pickup points, the VFSM relay initiates transfer to the Emergency source and timer W begins it timing cycle. The W timer provides an adjustable transfer delay to the Emergency source as required.
When the W time is completed, the Emergency control relay RT energizes and picks up the CCNO relay. The CNO solenoid is then energized to open the transfer switch from normal position to neutral position. The switch remains in the neutral position for the duration of the DW time delay. After the DW time delay is completed, the CCE relay energizes the CE solenoid to close the transfer switch into the emergency source. The SE limit switch activates to de-energize the CCE relay.
The sequence for retransfer to the Normal source begins automatically when the voltage on all phases of the Normal source reach the preset pickup point and this condition is detected by the solid state phase relays, B1, B2, B3.
When the Normal source restores and if the transition mode selector switch is in CT (Closed Transition), the transfer switch will return to the Normal source in a make-before-break sequence (this is described in the Testing section of this manual).
If the transition mode selector switch is in OT (Open Transition), the transfer switch will return to the normal source in a break-before-make sequence. When the Normal source restores, the solid state phase relays, B1, B2, B3 pick up and switching to the Normal source is initiated by energizing timer T, beginning its timer cycle. The T timer provides an adjustable delay to insure that the Normal source has stabilized before reconnection to the load. If the Normal source fails before the T time delay completes, the phase relays drop out and the T timing cycle is reset to zero.
When the T time delay is completed, the Normal control relay CR energizes and picks up the power relay CCEO. This energizes the CEO solenoid opening the transfer switch out of the emergency source. The SEO-1 limit switch activates to energize the DT time delay and de-energize the CCEO relay. After the DT time delay is completed, the CCN relay energizes the CN solenoid to retransfer the switch into the normal source. The SN limit switch activates to de-energize the CCN relay. The SN limit switch also energizes the engine over-run timer U and begins its timing cycle. This timer provides a period of time for the engine generator to run without load and cool down before shutdown. After the U time delay is completed, the P1 timer isenergizedand the enginegeneratoris shutdown.
1. The transition mode selector switch on the front door enables the user to operate the unit in Open Transition mode, if so desired.
2. When in Closed Transition mode, if the transfer switch does not open the first source within 100 milliseconds, an alarm will sound, the transfer switch will open the last source it closed in to and will lock out the control circuit from any transfer operation. After the condition has been corrected the control circuit should be reset by turning the Failed to Open Lockout Reset switch to the right.
3. The controls will provide a signal to shunt trip the generator breaker if the transfer switch remains closed into both sources for more than 325 ms. The load will then be fed by the utility source. The maximum time that the two sources would be parallel, under these conditions, is less than 0.5 sec. Before operating the closed transition transfer switch the condition must be corrected and the shunt trip reset. Refer to the procedure for servicing the switch after shunt tripping occurs. The shunt trip reset switch is provided on the front door. Alarm and lights on the front door provide indication of failure conditions.
ZBTSCTH Operation and Maintenance Manual (46R-7000)6 Zenith Controls, Inc.
Figure 4
ZBTSCTH Operation and Maintenance Manual (46R-7000)Zenith Controls, Inc. 7
a. Automatic
1) Manually operated bypass switch contacts (BN/BE) are open and ATS is supplying load.
2) Disconnect Switch (DS) is in Auto.
b. To Bypass ATS
1) Open bottom cabinet door and turn DS to Inhibit.
2) Position Manual Bypass Handle (MBH) to same power source as ATS.
c. To Test ATS
1) Bypass per above instructions.
2) Move ATS Location Handle (ALH) to Test location.
3) Turn DS to Auto.
4) Test Switch (TS) on bottom cabinet door will allow electrical operation of ATS.
d. To Isolate ATS
1) Bypass per above instructions.
2) Move ALH to Isolate location.
e. To Remove ATS
1) Bypass and isolate per above instructions.
2) Move ALH to Release location.
3) Disconnect multipin plugs.
4) Lift ATS out of drawer.
f. To Reconnect ATS
1) Place ATS into drawer slots (front rollers first).
2) Turn DS to Inhibit.
3) Manually position ATS into same source as bypass switch.
4) Reconnect multipin plugs and external connections to ATS.
5) Push ATS inward to engage carriage.
6) Move ALH to Test location (as indicated by light).
7) Turn DS to Auto and use TS to electrically operate ATS.
8) Turn DS to Inhibit.
9) Move ALH to Auto location.
10)Turn DS to Auto and open bypass with MBH.
11) ATS is now fully automatic.
1. DS in Inhibit will prevent ATS electrical operation.
2. Do not use excessive force on mechanical handles.
3. Figures depict Bypass Normal. Sequence is the same for Bypass Emergency.
4. When ATS is in Test or Isolate, bypass switch is manual; transfer switch to either available source (indicated on light panel).
5. To operate bypass switch when ATS is in Test or Isolate, position MBH to available power source.
1. BP - bypass switch (indicated by contacts BN/BE) is a three position switch.
2. ATS -Automatic Transfer Switch.
ZBTSCTH Operation and Maintenance Manual (46R-7000)8 Zenith Controls, Inc.
a. Automatic
1) Manually operated bypass switch contacts (BN/BE) are open and ATS is supplying load.
2) Disconnect Switch (DS) is in Auto.
b. To Bypass ATS
1) Open bottom cabinet door and turn DS to Inhibit.
2) Turn Bypass Selector Switch (BSS) to same power source as ATS.
3) Move the Manual Bypass Handle (MBH) upward.
c. To Test ATS
1) Bypass per above instructions.
2) Rotate crank mechanism counterclockwise until ATS Test light is illuminated.
3) Turn DS to Auto.
4) Test Switch (TS) on bottom cabinet door will allow electrical operation of ATS.
d. To Isolate ATS
1) Bypass per above instructions.
2) Rotate crank mechanism counterclockwise until ATS Isolated light is illuminated.
e. To Remove ATS
1) Bypass and isolate per above instructions.
2) Disconnect multipin plugs and external connections to ATS.
3) Rotate four power panel latches to vertical position, slide ATS forward and lock mechanism in place.
4) ATS can now be removed from cabinet.
f. To Reconnect ATS
1) Place ATS in slide mechanism.
2) Unlock slide mechanism. Slide ATS over power panel latches and rotate latches to horizontal position.
3) Turn DS to Inhibit.
4) Manually position ATS into same source as bypass switch.
5) Reconnect multipin plugs and external connections to ATS.
6) Rotate crank mechanismclockwiseuntilATS Test light is illuminated.
7) Turn DS to Auto and use TS to electrically operate ATS.
8) Turn DS to Inhibit.
9) Move ALH to Auto location.
10)Turn DS to Auto and open bypass with MBH.
11) ATS is now fully automatic.
1. DS in Inhibit will prevent ATS electrical operation.
2. Do not use excessive force on mechanical handles.
3. Figures depict Bypass Normal. Sequence is the same for Bypass Emergency.
4. When ATS is in Test or Isolate, bypass switch is manual transfer switch to either available source (indicated on light panel).
5. To operate bypass switch when ATS is in Test or Isolate: a) Move MBH downward (to open
open Bypass Contacts BN/BE).
b) Turn BSS to opposite power
c) Move MBH upward to close
into selected power source.
1. BP - Bypass Switch (indicated by contacts BN/BE) is a three posi tion switch.
2. ATS - Automatic Transfer
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