Theinformation in this Operator’s Manual was writtento give the owner/operatorassistance inpreparing,adjusting, maintaining and servicing of thepaver. Moreimportant, this manual providesan operating planfor safeand proper use of the machine. Major points of safe operation are detailed in theSAFETY chapterof thismanual.
Theuse ofthis asphalt paver(referred toas paverthroughout the restof the manual)is subjectto certainhazards thatcannot be eliminated by mechanicalmeans,but only by theexercise ofintelligence, care andcommon sense. It is therefore essentialto have competentand carefuloperators, who are not physically ormentally impaired, and who are thoroughly trained in the safe operation of the equipment.
Throughout this manualinformation is provided thatis setinitalictypeand introduced by thewordIMPORTANT orNOTE. Besureto read carefully and comply withthe messageor directive given.Fol-lowing this information willimprove operating and maintenance efficiency, help to avoid breakdownsanddamage, and extend the machine’s life. A chart of standard hardware torques is located inthebackof thismanual. “Right” and “left”are determined from a position standing on the screed and facing forward.
A storage compartmentis provided on the unit for storing theOperator’s Manual. After using the manual,please return it to the storage compartment and keepit with the unit at all times! If the machineis resold,GEHL Company recommends that this manual be given to the new owner.
If this machine was purchased "used," or if theowner's address has changed, please provide your GEHLdealer or GEHL Company Service Department with the owner's name and current address, along with themachine model and serial number. This will allowthe registeredowner information to be updated, so thatthe owner can be notified directly in case of an important product issue, such as a safety update program.
The wideGEHLdealership network stands ready toprovide any assistance that may be required, includinggenuine GEHL service parts. All partsshould be obtained from or ordered through your GEHL dealer.Give completeinformation about the part and includethemodel andserial number of the machine.Recordthe serialnumber in the space provided in “Model/SerialNumber Information”on page6, asahandyrecord forquick reference.
GEHL Company reserves the rightto make changesor improvementsin thedesign orconstruction of anypart without incurring the obligation to installsuch changes on any unit previously delivered.
The following Checklistis an important reminder ofvaluable information and inspections thatMUST bemade beforedelivering the machine to thecustomer.Check off each itemafter the prescribedaction istaken.
RNo partsof Paver have been damaged in shipment.
Check for such things as dents and loose or missingparts; correct or replace components as required.
RBattery is securely mounted and not cracked. Cable
connections are tight.
RCylinders, hoses and fittings are notdamaged,leaking
or loosely secured.
ROil, fueland air filters are not damaged leaking or
fittingsare missing; see Lubrication chapter ofthismanual.
RHydraulicsystemreservoir, engine crankcase, and
engine coolant are filled to the proper operating levels.
I acknowledgethat pre-delivery procedureswereperformed on this unit as outlined on this page.
Dealership’s Name
Dealer Representative’s Name
Date Checklist Filled Out
Paver Model # Serial # Engine Serial#
The following Checklist is an important reminder ofvaluable information that MUST be passed on to thecustomer atthe time the unit is delivered. Check offeach item as you explain it to thecustomer.
Review with the customer the contents of this manual;especially:
RAll adjustmentshave been made to comply with the
settingsgiven in this manual and in the separate enginemanual.
RAllguards, shieldsand decals are in place and securely
RModeland serial number for this unit are recorded in
RAll indicators(lamps, meters, etc.) function properly.
RProper operation of allhopper and screed controls.
RDynamic braking in effect with drive motors in neutral.
RNo hydraulic system leaks when under pressure.
RListen for abnormal noises or vibrations;if detected,
determine their cause and repair asnecessary.
RThe index at theback, for quickly locating topics;
RThe Safety, Indicators and Controls and Operation
chapters for information regardingsafe use of themachine.
RTheLubrication, Service and Storage and
Troubleshooting chapters, for informationregardingproper maintenanceof themachine. Explain that regularlubrication and maintenance are required for continuedsafe operation and long life.
RGive this Operator’s Manual and theAEM Safety
Manual to the customer and instructthem to be sure toread and completely understand the contents beforeoperating the unit.
RExplain that the customermust consultthe engine
manual (provided) for related specifications, operatingadjustments and maintenance instructions.
RCompletely fill outthe Owner’sRegistration, including
customer’s signature, and return itto the Company.
RExplain that a copy of the product warranty is included
on theinside front cover of this operator’s manual.
Customer’s Signature
Date Delivered
Courtesy of Machine.Market
Courtesy of Machine.Market
The following Checklistis an important reminder ofvaluable information and inspections thatMUST bemade beforedelivering the machine to thecustomer.Check off each itemafter the prescribedaction istaken.
RNo partsof Paver have been damaged in shipment.
Check for such things as dents and loose or missingparts; correct or replace components as required.
RBattery is securely mounted and not cracked. Cable
connections are tight.
RCylinders, hoses and fittings are notdamaged,leaking
or loosely secured.
ROil, fueland air filters are not damaged leaking or
fittingsare missing; see Lubrication chapter ofthismanual.
RHydraulicsystemreservoir, engine crankcase, and
engine coolant are filled to the proper operating levels.
I acknowledgethat pre-delivery procedureswereperformed on this unit as outlined on this page.
Dealership’s Name
Dealer Representative’s Name
Date Checklist Filled Out
Paver Model # Serial # Engine Serial#
The following Checklist is an important reminder ofvaluable information that MUST be passed on to thecustomer atthe time the unit is delivered. Check offeach item as you explain it to thecustomer.
Review with the customer the contents of this manual;especially:
RAll adjustmentshave been made to comply with the
settingsgiven in this manual and in the separate enginemanual.
RAllguards, shieldsand decals are in place and securely
RModeland serial number for this unit are recorded in
RAll indicators(lamps, meters, etc.) function properly.
RProper operation of allhopper and screed controls.
RDynamic braking in effect with drive motors in neutral.
RNo hydraulic system leaks when under pressure.
RListen for abnormal noises or vibrations;if detected,
determine their cause and repair asnecessary.
RThe index at theback, for quickly locating topics;
RThe Safety, Indicators and Controls and Operation
chapters for information regardingsafe use of themachine.
RTheLubrication, Service and Storage and
Troubleshooting chapters, for informationregardingproper maintenanceof themachine. Explain that regularlubrication and maintenance are required for continuedsafe operation and long life.
RGive this Operator’s Manual to the customer and
instruct them to be sure to read and completelyunderstand the contents before operating the unit.
RExplain that the customermust consultthe engine
manual (provided) for related specifications, operatingadjustments and maintenance instructions.
RCompletely fill outthe Owner’sRegistration, including
customer’s signature, and return itto the Company.
RExplain that a copy of the product warranty is included
on theinside front cover of this operator’s manual.
Customer’s Signature
Date Delivered
Courtesy of Machine.Market
Courtesy of Machine.Market
The above safety alert symbol means
ATTENTION! BE ALERT! SAFETY ISINVOLVED! It stresses an attitude of “safety
awareness” and can be found throughoutthisoperator’s manual and on the paver.
Gehl Company always takes operator’s safety into consideration during the design process. Guardsand shield are provided, protecting the operator and bystanders from moving parts orother hazards. Owners and operatorsmust be alert, however, because some areas cannot be guarded or shieldedwithout preventing or interfering with properoperation. Additionally, this operator’s manual and decals on thepaverwarn ofadditional hazardsand should beread and observed closely.
REMEMBER: It is the owner’s responsibility to communicate information about the safe use and proper maintenance of the paver! This includesproviding understandable interpretations of theseinstructions for operators who are not fluent inreading English.
Pavers should be operated only by qualifiedoperators. Itisthe responsibility of the operator to read and understand this operator’s manualand to follow correct operating procedures.
•User/operator safety practices are included inthis operator’s manual and are intended topromote the safe operation of the paver. Theseguidelinesdo not preclude the use of good judgment, care and commonsense as indicated by thespecific jobsite work conditions.
•It is essential thatoperators be physically and mentally fit and free of mind-altering drugsand chemicals.
Courtesy of Machine.Market
•It is essential that operators be thoroughly trained in the safe operationof thepaver. Suchtraining should be presented completely to allnew operators and not condensed for thoseclaiming previous experience.
•Some illustrations in this manual may showdoors, guards and shields open or removed. Thisisfor illustration purposes only. Be surethat alldoors, guards and shields are in their proper operating positions before starting theengine to operate the paver.
•Always wear personal protective equipmentappropriatefor thejob and working conditions. Hard hats, safety glasses, protective shoes, gloves, reflective vests, respiratorsand earprotection are examples of types of equipmentthat may be required. Do not wear loose-fitting clothing, long hair, jewelry or loose personalitems whileoperating or servicing the paver.
•Always check the job site for obstructions and bystanders.
•Always perform a daily inspection of the paverbefore using it. Look for damage, loose ormissing parts, leaks, etc.
•Walk around the paver and warn all nearbypersonnel before starting the paver.
•Do notuse etheror otherstarting fluids tostartthe paver engine. Doing so may void theengine warranty.
•Do notattempt to movehot asphalt mix with your hands or feet. Contact with hotasphaltcan cause serious skin burns.
•Do notallow minors or any unqualifiedpersonnel to operate or be near the paverunless properly supervised.
•Do not operate the paver in an enclosed areawithout adequate ventilation. Internalcombustion enginesdeplete theoxygen supply within enclosed spaces and may create aserious hazard unless the oxygen is replaced.
•Do not leave the paver unattended with theengine running. Always lower the hopper to “full down” position, shut off the engine, and place all controls in neutral before leaving thepaver.
•Do not jump off thepaver. Do not dismountfrom the paver while it is moving.
•Check paverforproper functioning ofcontrolsbefore operating. Observe all gauges and instruments, and correct any malfunctionsbefore operating.
•Do not lift the hopper if pushing adump truck with the paver. Damage to the paver/truck may result.
•Never use your hands to search for hydraulicfluid leaks. Use apieceof paper or cardboard instead. Escaping fluid under pressure can beinvisible and can penetrate theskin and causeseriousinjury.If any fluid is injectedintoyourskin, see a doctor atonce. Injected fluid mustbe surgically removed by a doctor familiarwith thistype of injury or gangrenemay result.
•Never attempt to bypass the keyswitch to startthe engine. Only usethe jump starting procedure described in this manual. See“Jump-starting” on page57.
•Never use fuel for cleaning purposes.
•Always position thesafety propsup when leaving the hopper raised for inspection,cleaning or service.
Courtesy of Machine.Market
•Always wear safety glasses with side shieldswhenstriking metal against metal. In addition,it is recommended that a softer (chip-resistent)material be used to cushion the blow, such asabrass drift. Failure to follow could lead to serious injury to the eyes or other parts of thebody.
•Do notrefill the fuel tank when the engine ishot. Allow engine to cool before refilling to prevent the hot engine from igniting any spilled or splashed fuel.
•Do not smokewhile filling thefuel tank, whileworking on the fuel or hydraulic systems, orwhile working around the battery or propaneheater.
•Do notattempt to loosen or disconnect any hydrauliclines, hoses or fittings without firstrelieving hydraulic circuit pressure. Also, becarefulnot to touch any hydrauliccomponentsthat have been in recent operation, becausetheycan beextremely hot and can cause burns.
•Beforeperforming any service/maintenance onthe paver, always disconnect thebattery to prevent unintentional starting.
•Do not attempt to remove the radiator cap afterthe engine hasreached operating temperatureor if it is overheated. Atoperatingtemperatures, enginecoolant is extremely hotand underpressure. Always wait forthe engineto coolbefore attempting to relieve pressureand remove the radiator cap. Failure to heed this warning could result in severeburns.
•Dispose of all petroleum-based oils and fluidsproperly. Used motor oil may pose a health risk. Wipeoil from your hands promptly and wash off any residue. Used motor oil is an environmental contaminant and may only bedisposed of at approved collection facilities. Never drain any petroleum-based product on the ground, dispose of in municipal wastecollection containers, or in metropolitan sewersystems or landfills. Check state and localregulations for other requirements.
•Only use propane gas with the screed propaneheater.
•Wrench-tighten all fittings.
•Never use oil or grease for lubrication.
•Keep the propanesupply cylinder upright at alltimes.
•Keep the paver free of dirt and oil.
•Use a regulator valve on thepropane supplycylinder.
•Check thescreed propane heater equipmentcarefully each timebefore lighting.
•Do notoperatethe screed propaneheater in anenclosed areaor near flammable material.
•Close all valves when not in use.
•Comply with all federal, state and localregulations during operation.
Courtesy of Machine.Market
Modifications and additions that affect capacity orsafe operation of the paver must not be performedwithoutthe prior written approval of the GehlCompany.
The paver is fitted with protective covers over theengine area in accordance with industry standards.They areintended to offer protection to theoperator from physical injury.
A horn isprovided, which can be activated fromeither side of thepaver.
Replacement Parts
To ensure continued safe operation, replacedamaged or wornout parts with genuine GEHLservice parts, beforeoperating the paver. If there isa decal on a part that is to be replaced, besure thatthe replacement part has the decal applied to it.
Courtesy of Machine.Market
Courtesy of Machine.Market
Courtesy of Machine.Market
Courtesy of Machine.Market
Courtesy of Machine.Market
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