IEC Power Devices
CLXE1A LAC00-45 CL00-45 Starter without 10 6 4.6 55-215878
CLXE1B LAC05-08 CL05-08 Star ter without 13.3 7.4 6.1 55-215895
CLXE1C LAC09-10 CL09-10 Star ter without 20.3 8.8 7.3 55-215880
CLXE1D LAC00-45 CL00-45 Starte r with 10 10 4.6 55-21 5879
CLXE1E LAC05-08 CL05-08 St arter with 13. 3 12 6.1 55-2158 96
CLXE1F LAC09-10 CL09-10 Starter with 25 8.8 7.3 55-215898
CLXE1G LAR00-45 CL00-45 Reverserwith16.8156.955-215894
CLXE1G LAD00-45 CL00-45 Wye-Delta without 16.8 15 6.9 55-215894
CLXE1H LAR05-10 CL05-10 Reverserwith20.316.86.655-215897
CLXE1LLAD05-10 CL05-10 Wye-Delta without 27 22 8.6 55-215893
CLXE2A LAC00-45 CL00-45 Starter without 14.5 6.4 5.5 55-2158 75
CLXE2B LAC05-10 CL05-10 Star ter without 16.5 7.8 6.25 55-215 891
CLXE2C LAC00-45 CL00-45 Star ter with 14.5 10.4 5.5 55-215888
CLXE2C LAR00-45 CL00-45 Reverserwithout14.510.45.555-215888
CLXE2D LAC05-10 CL05-10 Starte r with 16.5 12.5 6.25 55-215889
CLXE2D LAR05-10 CL05-10 Reverserwithout16.512.56.2555-215889
CLXE2E LAR00-45 CL00-45 Reverserwith14.514.45.555-215892
CLXE2F LAR05-10 CL05-10 Reverserwith1716.56.2555-215890
CLXE2G LAD00-45 CL00-45 Wye-Delta with or without 17 16.5 6.5 55-215887
CLXE2H LAD05-10 CL05-10 Wye-Delta with or without 22 21.2 8 55-215886
CLXE4A LAC00-45 CL00-45 Starter without 17 7.75 6.5 55-215867
CLXE4B LAC05-10 CL05-10 Star ter without 17 7.75 6.5 55-215866
CLXE4C LAC00-45 CL00-45 Star ter with 14.5 10.5 5.5 55-215865
CLXE4C LAR00-45 CL00-45 Reverserwithout14.510.55.555-215865
CLXE4D LAC05-10 CL05-10 Starte r with 17 12.5 6.25 55-2 15864
CLXE4D LAC05-10 CL0 5-10 Reverserwithout1712.56.2555-215864
CLXE4E LAR00-45 CL00-45 Reverserwith16.516.56.555-215863
CLXE4F LAR05-10 CL05-10 Reverserwith1716.56.555-215862
CLXE4E LAD00-45 CL00-45 Wye-Delta with 17 16.5 6.5 55-215863
CLXE4H LAD05-10 CL05-10 Wye-Delta with 26 18 8.0 55-215860
Product Number
Product Number
Basic Enclosure
Assembled Starter
For Use
With or
Without CPT
Dimensions (in inches)
Section 5
IEC Assembled Starters Enclosures
NEMA Type 1 (General-Purpose)
NEMA Types 12/3R (Oil-, Dust-, and Rain-Tight)
NEMA Type 4 (Water-Tight)
Dimension Legend
Enclosures For CL Contactors—Dimensions and Outlines
Note: Enclosures are designed for use with ac contactors without front-mounted accessories. Order CL25, CL45, and CL06-CL10
contactors with side-mounted auxiliary contacts for use in these enclosures.
Rev. 8/15
Prices and data subject to
change without notice
Control Catalog
IEC Power Devices
Type HWD
KAC75-08 CK75-08 Starter with or without 28 14 9 55-216404
KAC09-95 CK09-95 Starter with or without 36 17 12 55-215859
KAC10-12 CK10-12 Starter with or without 46 20 15.5 55-215858
KAR75-08 CK75-08 Reverser with or without 28 14 9 55-216404
KAR09-95 CK09-95 Reverser with or without 36 17 12 55-215859
KAR10-12 CK10-12 Reverser with or without 46 26 15.5 55-215857
KAD75-08 CK75-08 Wye-Delta with or without 32 22 9 55-216405
KAD09-95 CK09-95 Wye-Delta with or without 48 30 12 55-215856
KAD10-12 CK10-12 Wye-Delta with or without 56 36 15.5 55-215855
KAC75-08 CK75-08 Starter with or without 28 18 9 55-216406
KAC09-95 CK09-95 Starter with or without 36 22 12 55-215854
KAC10-12 CK10-12 Starter with or without 46 20 15.5 55-215858
KAR75-08 CK75-08 Reverser with or without 28 18 9 55-216406
KAR09-95 CK09-95 Reverser with or without 36 22 12 55-215854
KAR10-12 CK10-12 Reverser with or without 46 26 15.5 55-215857
KAD75-08 CK75-08 Wye-Delta with or without 32 22 9 55-216407
KAD09-95 CK09-95 Wye-Delta with or without 48 30 12 55-215851
KAD10-12 CK10-12 Wye-Delta with or without 56 36 15.5 55-215850
KAC75-08 CK75-08 Starter with or without 28 18 9 55-216408
KAC09-95 CK09-95 Starter with or without 36 22 12 55-215849
KAC10-12 CK10-12 Starter with or without 46 20 15.5 55-215848
KAR75-08 CK75-08 Reverser with or without 28 18 9 55-216408
KAR09-95 CK09-95 Reverser with or without 36 22 12 55-215849
KAR10-12 CK10-12 Reverser with or without 46 27 15.5 55-215847
KAD75-08 CK75-08 Wye-Delta with or without 32 22 9 55-216409
KAD09-95 CK09-95 Wye-Delta with or without 48 30 12 55-215846
KAD10-12 CK10-12 Wye-Delta with or without 56 36 15.5 55-215845
Dimensions (in inches)
Assembled Starter
Product Number
For Use
With or
Without CPT
IEC Assembled Starters Enclosures
NEMA Type 1 (General-Purpose)
NEMA Types 12/3R (Oil-, Dust-, and Rain-Tight)
NEMA Type 4 (Water-Tight)
Dimension Legend
Enclosures For CK Contactors—Dimensions and Outlines
CK enclosures are only supplied with complete factory-assembled contactors and starters.
Section 5
Control Catalog
Rev. 8/15
Prices and data subject to
change without notice