NEMA Full Voltage Power Devices
NEMA Rated Full Voltage Starters - Magnetic
CR306, CR386 Magnetic Starters
1600 Horsepower Maximum
NEMA Sizes 00-9
600 Volts Maximum
50/60 Hertz
Basic 300-Line Features
GE’s full voltage (600-Volt maximum) magnetic motor starter has
an encapsulated coil and a 3-leg overload relay to protect
against overloads in all phases. It is on standard specifications of
major manufacturers. The line offers features and benefits most
asked for by users.
Forms available include reversing and nonreversing, two-speed,
and combination, sizes 00-9.
—Toolless contactor disassembly (Sizes 00-4)—allows quick
access for inspection and maintenance. Just release two
retainers and pull a clip to get at magnet, coil, and contacts.
—Saddle clamp terminals (Sizes 00-1)—accommodate ring,
spade, and stripped wire leads and carry permanent stampedin identification. Staggered arrangement makes wiring easier
and helps prevent shorting between phases.
—Current-carrying components—contact tips are weld-resistant
silver cadmium oxide (fine silver on sizes 00 and 0 only).
Contacts are installed in a wedge configuration for positive
make with minimum bounce.
—Optional PF capacitor terminals—permit easy connection of
power factor correction capacitors between contactor and
overload relay for energy conservation.
—Class 20 overload protection.
—Visual trip indicator with manual reset—to avoid surprise
restarts. Reset occurs on arm upstroke so a tripped condition
can’t be overridden by holding the arm down.
—Manual weld check—provides a convenient test against
welding of overload relay contacts. Just depress the weld
check operator to trip the relay, run a simple continuity test
across the relay contacts, then depress the manual reset to
return the starter to service.
—Optional Isolated NO contact on the overload relay—provides
means of direct interface with programmable controller or
computer to monitor performance and diagnose faults.
—Dual bimetals—anticipate overloads, responding to rising cur-
rent and temperature with faster tripping on severe overloads
for better motor protection. Trip points are factory-calibrated
for accuracy.
—±10% trip adjustment—by turning a dial in the overload relay
face allows “tuning” the protection to the motor on the spot.
—Largest selection of modifications and accessory kits—
includes auxiliary contacts, coils, fifth-pole addition, vertical
and horizontal mechanical interlocks, surge suppressors, control circuit fusing, NEMA Type enclosures, push buttons, selector
switches, indicating lights, control transformers, space heaters,
and more.
Technical Features — Solid-State Overload
—2:1 Adjustable full load amps with tactile feedback dial
—Selectable 10/20/30 protection class
—Ambient insensitive within the stated operating temperature
range of -20° to +70°C
—Built-in thermal memory to prevent hot motor restarts
—Protection against complete phase current loss
—Manual reset (standard) and remote reset (optional) 120 VAC
—Accuracy: ± 2%
—Repeatability: ± 2%
—Self-powered @ 50% of minimum current range
—Size: 1-6 (0.40A-540A, 600V, 50/60 Hz)
—Unbalance trip signal for PLC operation
—Manual trip
—Visual trip indication
—Standard isolated 1 NO and 1 NC aux. contact (A600, Q600)
—Built-in line/load straps
—Fits with existing 300-Line Starters
—Power factor correction terminals (sizes 1-4)
—DIN rail mountable sizes 1 & 2
CR306 Si ze 1 Mo to r Star ter w it h Soli d- St at e
Section 1
Typical Size 1 Motor St ar ter
Overload Relay installed
Rev. 4/16
Prices and data subject to
change without notice
Control Catalog