GE - General Electric AF-600 FP Programming Manual

AF-600 FP Fan & Pump Drive
Programming Guide
Contents AF-600 FP Programming Guide
1 Introduction
1.1.1 Copyright, Limitation of Liability and Revision Rights 4
1.1.2 Approvals 4
1.1.3 Symbols 4
1.1.4 Abbreviations 5
1.1.5 Definitions 5
1.1.6 Electrical wiring - control cables 9
2 How to Program
2.1 Keypad
2.1.1 How to operate graphical keypad 11
2.1.4 Quick Menu Mode 15
2.1.5 Macros 16
2.1.6 Main Menu Mode 20
3 Parameter Description
3.1 K-## Keypad Set-up
3.2 F-## Fundamental Parameters
3.3 E-## Digital In/Outs
3.4 C-## Frequency Control Functions
3.5 P-## Motor Data
3.6 H-## High Perf Parameters
3.7 AN-## Analog In/Out
3.8 SP-## Special Functions
3.9 O-## Options/Comms
3.10 AO-## Analog I/O Options
3.11 DN-## DeviceNet
3.12 PB-## Profibus
3.13 EN-## EtherNet
3.14 BN-## BACnet
3.15 LN-## - LonWorks
3.16 ID-## Drive Information
3.17 DR-## Data Readouts
3.18 LG-## Logs & I/O Opt. Status
3.19 AP-## HVAC Appl. Param.
3.20 FB-## Fire/Bypass Operation
3.21 T-## Timed Functions
3.22 CL-## PID Closed Loop
3.23 XC-## Ext. PID Closed Loop
3.24 PC-## Pump Controller
Contents AF-600 FP Programming Guide
3.25 LC-## Logic Controller
3.26 B-## Braking Functions
4 Troubleshooting
4.1 Status Messages
4.1.1 Alarms and Warnings 166
4.1.2 Alarm Words 168
4.1.3 Warning Words 169
4.1.4 Extended Status Words 170
4.1.5 Fault Messages 171
5 Parameter Lists
5.1 Parameter Lists
5.1.1 Main Menu Structure 174
5.1.2 K-## Keypad Set-up 175
5.1.3 F-## Fundamental Parameters 177
5.1.4 E-## Digital In/Outs 178
5.1.5 C-## Frequency Control Functions 180
5.1.6 P-## Motor Data 181
5.1.7 H-## High Perf Parameters 182
5.1.8 AN-## Analog In / Out 183
5.1.9 SP-## Special Functions 184
5.1.10 O-## Options/Comms 185
5.1.11 AO-## Analog I/O Option 186
5.1.12 DN-## DevicNet 187
5.1.13 PB-## Profibus 188
5.1.14 EN-## EtherNet 189
5.1.15 BN-## BACnet 190
5.1.16 LN-## LonWorks 190
5.1.17 ID-## Drive Information 191
5.1.18 DR-## Data Readouts 192
5.1.19 LG-## Logs & I/O Opt. Status 194
5.1.20 AP-## HVAC Appl. Param. 195
5.1.21 FB-## Fire/Bypass Operation 197
5.1.22 T-## Timed Functions 198
5.1.23 CL-## PID Closed Loop 199
5.1.24 XC-## Ext. PID Closed Loop 200
5.1.25 PC-## Pump Controller 202
5.1.26 LC-## Logic Controller 204
5.1.27 B-## Braking Functions 204
Contents AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Introduction AF-600 FP Programming Guide
AF-600 FP
This guide can be used with all
AF-600 FP frequency converters
with software version 2.12 or later.
The actual software version
number can be read from
ID-43 Software Version.
GE reserves the right to revise this publication at any time and to make changes to its contents without prior notice or any obligation to notify former or present users of such revisions or changes.
It has been assumed that all devices will be sitting behind a firewall that does packet filtering and the environment has well-implemented restrictions on the software that can run inside the firewall. All nodes are assumed to be "trusted" nodes.
1.1.2 Approvals
1.1.1 Copyright, Limitation of Liability and Revision Rights
This publication contains information proprietary to GE. By accepting and using this manual the user agrees that the information contained herein will be used solely for operating equipment from GE or equipment from other vendors provided that such equipment is intended for communication with GE equipment over a serial communi­cation link. This publication is protected under the Copyright laws of Denmark and most other countries.
GE does not warrant that a software program produced according to the guidelines provided in this manual will function properly in every physical, hardware or software environment.
Although GE has tested and reviewed the documentation within this manual, GE makes no warranty or represen­tation, neither expressed nor implied, with respect to this documentation, including its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall GE be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use, or the inability to use information contained in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular, GE is not responsible for any costs, including but not limited to those incurred as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss or damage of equipment, loss of computer programs, loss of data, the costs to substitute these, or any claims by third parties.
1.1.3 Symbols
Symbols used in this guide.
Indicates something to be noted by the reader.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or equipment damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates default setting
Introduction AF-600 FP Programming Guide
1.1.4 Abbreviations
Alternating current AC American wire gauge AWG Ampere/AMP A Current limit I Degrees Celsius Direct current DC Drive Control Tool PC Software DCT 10 Drive Dependent D-TYPE Electro Magnetic Compatibility EMC Electronic Thermal Overload Elec. OL Gram g Hertz Hz Kilohertz kHz Meter m Millihenry Inductance mH Milliampere mA Millisecond ms Minute min Nanofarad nF Newton Meters Nm Nominal motor current I Nominal motor frequency f Nominal motor power P Nominal motor voltage U Parameter par. Protective Extra Low Voltage PELV Printed Circuit Board PCB Rated Inverter Output Current I Revolutions Per Minute RPM Regenerative terminals Regen Second s Synchronous Motor Speed n Torque limit T Volts V
Group 1 Reset, Coasting stop, Reset and Coasting stop,
Group 2 Start, Pulse start, Reversing, Start reversing, Jog
Motor: Motor Running Torque generated on output shaft and speed from zero rpm to max. speed on motor.
Motor frequency when the jog function is activated (via digital terminals).
Motor frequency.
Maximum motor frequency.
Minimum motor frequency.
Rated motor frequency (nameplate data).
Motor current (actual).
Rated motor current (nameplate data).
Rated motor speed (nameplate data).
Synchronous motor speed
Rated motor power (nameplate data in kW or HP).
Rated torque (motor).
1.1.5 Definitions
Drive: I
Maximum output current.
Rated output current supplied by the drive.
Maximum output voltage.
Input: Control command Start and stop the connected motor by means of keypad and digital inputs. Functions are divided into two groups.
Functions in group 1 have higher priority than functions in group 2.
Instantaneous motor voltage.
Rated motor voltage (nameplate data).
Quick-stop, DC braking, Stop and the [OFF] key.
and Freeze output
par. F
04 × 60
. P− 01
Introduction AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Break-away torque
The efficiency of the drive is defined as the ratio between the power output and the power input.
Start-disable command A stop command belonging to the group 1 control commands - see this group.
Stop command See Control commands.
References: Advanced Vector Control If compared with standard voltage/frequency ratio control, (Adv. Vector Control) improves the dynamics and the stability, both when the speed reference is changed and in relation to the load torque.
Analog Reference A signal transmitted to the analog inputs 53 or 54, can be voltage or current.
Binary Reference A signal transmitted to the serial communication port.
Preset Reference A defined preset reference to be set from -100% to +100% of the reference range. Selection of eight preset references via the digital terminals.
Pulse Reference A pulse frequency signal transmitted to the digital inputs (terminal 29 or 33).
Determines the relationship between the reference input at 100% full scale value (typically 10V, 20mA) and the resulting reference. The maximum reference value set in F-53 Maximum Reference.
Determines the relationship between the reference input at 0% value (typically 0V, 0mA, 4mA) and the resulting reference. The minimum reference value set in F-52 Minimum Reference.
Miscellaneous: Analog Inputs The analog inputs are used for controlling various functions of the drive. There are two types of analog inputs: Current input, 0-20mA and 4-20mA Voltage input, 0-10V DC Voltage input, -10 - +10V DC.
Analog Outputs The analog outputs can supply a signal of 0-20mA, 4-20mA.
Auto Tuning The Auto Tune algorithm determines the electrical parameters for the connected motor at standstill.
Brake Resistor The brake resistor is a module capable of absorbing the brake power generated in regenerative braking. This regenerative braking power increases the intermediate circuit voltage and a brake chopper ensures that the power is transmitted to the brake resistor.
CT Characteristics Constant torque characteristics used for all applications such as conveyor belts, displacement pumps and cranes.
Digital Inputs The digital inputs can be used for controlling various functions of the drive.
Digital Outputs The drive features two Solid State outputs that can supply a 24V DC (max. 40mA) signal.
DSP Digital Signal Processor.
Electronic Thermal Overload The Electronic Overload is a thermal load calculation based on present load and time. Its purpose is to estimate the motor temperature.
Intermittent Duty Cycle An intermittent duty rating refers to a sequence of duty cycles. Each cycle consists of an on-load and an off-load period. The operation can be either periodic duty or non­periodic duty.
Keypad The Keypad makes up a complete interface for control and programming of the drive. The keypad is detachable and can be installed up to 10ft/3M from the drive, i.e. in a front panel with the optional Remote Keypad Mounting Kit (RMKYPDAC)..
Introduction AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Logic Controller (LC) The LC is a sequence of user defined actions executed when the associated user defined events are evaluated as true by the Logic Controller. (Par. group LC-##).
lsb Least significant bit.
msb Most significant bit.
MCM Short for Mille Circular Mil, an American measuring unit for cable cross-section. 1 MCM = 0.5067mm
On-line/Off-line Parameters Changes to on-line parameters are activated immediately after the data value is changed. Changes to off-line parameters are not activated until you enter [OK] on the keypad.
Process PID The PID control maintains the desired speed, pressure, temperature, etc. by adjusting the output frequency to match the varying load.
PCD Process Control Data
Power Cycle Switch off the mains until display (keypad) is dark – then turn power on again
Trip A state entered in fault situations, e.g. if the drive is subject to an over-temperature or when the drive is protecting the motor, process or mechanism. Restart is prevented until the cause of the fault has disappeared and the trip state is cancelled by activating reset or, in some cases, by being programmed to reset automatically. Trip may not be used for personal safety.
Trip Locked A state entered in fault situations when the drive is protecting itself and requiring physical intervention, e.g. if the drive is subject to a short circuit on the output. A locked trip can only be cancelled by cutting off mains, removing the cause of the fault, and reconnecting the drive. Restart is prevented until the trip state is cancelled by activating reset or, in some cases, by being programmed to reset automatically. Trip may not be used for personal safety.
VT Characteristics Variable torque characteristics used for pumps and fans.
60° AVM Switching pattern called 60° Modulation (F-37 Adv. Switching Pattern).
Power Factor The power factor is the relation between I
Pulse Input/Incremental Encoder An external, digital pulse transmitter used for feeding back information on motor speed. The encoder is used in applications where great accuracy in speed control is required.
RCD Residual Current Device.
Set-up You can save parameter settings in four Set-ups. Change between the four parameter Set-ups and edit one Set-up,
Power factor
The power factor for 3-phase control:
I1 x cos
The power factor indicates to which extent the drive imposes a load on the mains supply. The lower the power factor, the higher the I same kW performance.
while another Set-up is active.
SFAVM Switching pattern called
Stator Flux oriented Asynchronous
Vector Modulation (F-37 Adv. Switching Pattern).
Slip Compensation The drive compensates for the motor slip by giving the frequency a supplement that follows the measured motor load keeping the motor speed almost constant.
STW Status Word
Drive Standard Bus Includes RS-485 bus with Drive protocol or MC protocol. See O-30 Protocol.
In addition, a high power factor indicates that the different harmonic currents are low. The frequency converters' built-in DC link reactor produce a high power factor, which minimizes the imposed load on the mains supply.
The voltage of the drive is dangerous whenever connected to mains. Incorrect installation of the motor, drive or network may cause death, serious personal injury or damage to the equipment. Consequently, the instructions in this manual, as well as national and local rules and safety regulations, must be complied with.
A temperature-dependent resistor placed where the temperature is to be monitored (drive or motor).
Asynchronous Vector
and I
3 x U x
since cos
+ .. +
ϕ1 = 1
3 x U x
for the
Introduction AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Safety Regulations
1. The mains supply to the drive must be discon­nected whenever repair work is to be carried out. Check that the mains supply has been discon­nected and that the necessary time has elapsed before removing motor and mains supply plugs.
2. The [OFF] button on the keypad of the drive does not disconnect the mains supply and consequently it must not be used as a safety switch.
3. The equipment must be properly earthed, the user must be protected against supply voltage and the motor must be protected against overload in accordance with applicable national and local regulations.
4. The earth leakage current exceeds 3.5mA.
5. Protection against motor overload is not included in the factory setting. If this function is desired, set F-10 Electronic Overload to data value Elec. OL trip 1 [4] or data value Elec. OL warning 1 [3].
6. Do not remove the plugs for the motor and mains supply while the drive is connected to mains. Check that the mains supply has been disconnected and that the necessary time has elapsed before removing motor and mains plugs.
7. Please note that the drive has more voltage sources than L1, L2 and L3, when load sharing (linking of DC intermediate circuit) or external 24V DC are installed. Check that all voltage sources have been disconnected and that the necessary time has elapsed before commencing repair work.
Warning against unintended start
1. The motor can be brought to a stop by means of digital commands, bus commands, references or a local stop, while the drive is connected to mains. If personal safety considerations (e.g. risk of personal injury caused by contact with moving machine parts following an unintentional start) make it necessary to ensure that no unintended start occurs, these stop functions are not sufficient. In such cases the mains supply must be disconnected.
2. The motor may start while setting the parameters. If this means that personal safety may be compromised (e.g. personal injury caused by contact with moving machine parts), motor starting must be prevented by disconnection of the motor connection.
3. A motor that has been stopped with the mains supply connected, may start if faults occur in the electronics of the drive, through temporary overload or if a fault in the power supply grid or
motor connection is remedied. If unintended start must be prevented for personal safety reasons (e.g. risk of injury caused by contact with moving machine parts), the normal stop functions of the drive are not sufficient. In such cases the mains supply must be disconnected.
4. Control signals from, or internally within, the drive may in rare cases be activated in error, be delayed or fail to occur entirely. When used in situations where safety is critical, e.g. when controlling the electromagnetic brake function of a hoist application, these control signals must not be relied on exclusively.
High Voltage
Touching the electrical parts may be fatal - even after the equipment has been disconnected from mains. Also make sure that other voltage inputs have been disconnected, such as external 24 V DC, load sharing (linkage of DC intermediate circuit), as well as the motor connection for kinetic back up. Systems where frequency converters are installed must, if necessary, be equipped with additional monitoring and protective devices according to the valid safety regulations, e.g law on mechanical tools, regulations for the prevention of accidents etc. Modifications on the frequency converters by means of the operating software are allowed.
Hazardous situations shall be identified by the machine builder/ integrator who is responsible for taking necessary preventive means into consideration. Additional monitoring and protective devices may be included, always according to valid national safety regulations, e.g. law on mechanical tools, regulations for the prevention of accidents.
Protection Mode Once a hardware limit on motor current or dc-link voltage is exceeded the frequency converter will enter “Protection mode”. “Protection mode” means a change of the PWM modulation strategy and a low switching frequency to minimize losses. This continues 10 sec after the last fault and increases the reliability and the robustness of the frequency converter while re-establishing full control of the motor.
Introduction AF-600 FP Programming Guide
1.1.6 Electrical wiring - control cables
Illustration 1.1 Diagram showing all electrical terminals without options.
Very long control cables and analog signals may in rare cases and depending on installation result in 50/60 Hz earth loops due to noise from mains supply cables.
If this occurs, it may be necessary to break the screen or insert a 100 nF capacitor between screen and chassis.
The digital and analog inputs and outputs must be connected separately to the common inputs (terminal 20, 55, 39) of the frequency converter to avoid ground currents from both groups to affect other groups. For example, switching on the digital input may disturb the analog input signal.
Introduction AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Input polarity of control terminals
Control cables must be screened/armoured.
See section entitled Earthing of Screened/Armoured Control Cables for the correct termination of control cables.
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
2How to Program
2.1 Keypad
2.1.1 How to operate graphical keypad
The keypad is divided into four functional groups:
1. Graphical display with Status lines.
2. Menu keys and indicator lights (LEDs) - selecting mode, changing parameters and switching between display functions.
3. Navigation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
4. Operation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
Graphical display: The LCD-display is back-lit with a total of 6 alpha-numeric lines. All data is displayed on the keypad which can show up to five operating variables while in [Status] mode.
Display lines:
a. Status line: Status messages displaying icons and
b. Line 1-2: Operator data lines displaying data and
variables defined or chosen by the user. By pressing the [Status] key, up to one extra line can be added.
c. Status line: Status messages displaying text.
The display is divided into 3 sections:
Top section (a) shows the status when in status mode or up to 2 variables when not in status mode and in the case of Alarm/Warning.
The number of the Active Set-up (selected as the Active Set-up in K-10 Active Set-up) is shown. When programming in another Set-up than the Active Set-up, the number of the Set-up being programmed appears to the right in brackets.
The Middle section (b) shows up to 5 variables with related unit, regardless of status. In case of alarm/warning, the warning is shown instead of the variables.
The Bottom section (c) always shows the state of the frequency converter in Status mode.
It is possible to toggle between three status read-out displays by pressing the [Status] key. Operating variables with different formatting are shown in each status screen - see below.
Each value / measurement readout parameter selected in K-20 Display Line 1.1 Small to K-24 Display Line 3 Large has its own scale and number of digits after a possible decimal point. Larger numeric values are displayed with few digits after the decimal point. Ex.: Current readout
5.25 A; 15.2 A 105 A.
Status display I: This read-out state is standard after start-up or restore. Use [INFO] to obtain information about the value/ measurement linked to the displayed operating variables (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2, and 3). See the operating variables shown in the display in this illustration. 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are shown in small size. 2 and 3 are shown in medium size.
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Status display II: See the operating variables (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 2) shown in the display in this illustration. In the example, Speed, Motor current, Motor power and Frequency are selected as variables in the first and second lines.
1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are shown in small size. 2 is shown in large size.
Status display III: This state displays the event and action of the Logic Controller. For further information, see section Logic Controller.
Indicator lights (LEDs):
If certain threshold values are exceeded, the alarm and/or warning LED lights up. A status and alarm text appear on the keypad. The On LED is activated when the frequency converter receives power from mains voltage, a DC bus terminal, or an external 24 V supply. At the same time, the back light is on.
Green LED/On: Control section is working.
Yellow LED/Warn.: Indicates a warning.
Flashing Red LED/Alarm: Indicates an alarm.
Display Contrast Adjustment
Press [status] and [ Press [status] and [
] for darker display
] for brighter display
Menu keys The menu keys are divided into functions. The keys below the display and indicator lamps are used for parameter set­up, including choice of display indication during normal operation.
[Status] indicates the status of the frequency converter and/or the motor. 3 different readouts can be chosen by pressing the [Status] key: 5 line readouts, 4 line readouts or Logic Controller. Use [Status] for selecting the mode of display or for changing back to Display mode from either the Quick Menu mode, the Main Menu mode or Alarm mode. Also use the [Status] key to toggle single or double read-out mode.
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
[Quick Menu] allows quick set-up of the frequency converter. The most common AF-600 FP functions can be programmed here.
The [Quick Menu] consists of:
-Quick Start
-Fan Macros
-Pump Macros
- Compressor Macros
- Closed Loop
- Parameter Data Check
The Function set-up provides quick and easy access to all parameters required for the majority of AF-600 FP applications including most VAV and CAV supply and return fans, cooling tower fans, Primary, Secondary and Condenser Water Pumps and other pump, fan and compressor applications. Amongst other features it also includes parameters for selecting which variables to display on the keypad, digital preset speeds, scaling of analog references, closed loop single zone and multi-zone applications and specific functions related to Fans, Pumps and Compressors.
[Alarm Log] displays an Alarm list of the ten latest alarms (numbered A1-A10). To obtain additional details about an alarm, use the arrow keys to manoeuvre to the alarm number and press [OK]. Information is displayed about the condition of the frequency converter before it enters the alarm mode.
The Alarm log button on the keypad allows access to both Alarm log and Maintenance log.
[Back] reverts to the previous step or layer in the navigation structure.
[Cancel] last change or command will be cancelled as long as the display has not been changed.
[Info] displays information about a command, parameter, or function in any display window. [Info] provides detailed information when needed. Exit Info mode by pressing either [Info], [Back], or [Cancel].
The Quick Menu parameters can be accessed immediately unless a password has been created via K-60 Main Menu
Password, K-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password, K-65 Quick Menu Password or K-66 Access to Quick Menu w/ o Password.
It is possible to switch directly between Quick Menu mode and Main Menu mode.
[Main Menu] is used for programming all parameters.The Main Menu parameters can be accessed immediately unless a password has been created via K-60 Main Menu Password,
K-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password, K-65 Quick Menu Password or K-66 Access to Quick Menu w/o Password. For
the majority of AF-600 FP applications it is not necessary to access the Main Menu parameters but instead the Quick Menu, Quick Set-up and Function Set-up provides the simplest and quickest access to the typical required parameters. It is possible to switch directly between Main Menu mode and Quick Menu mode. Parameter shortcut can be carried out by pressing down the [Main Menu] key for 3 seconds. The parameter shortcut allows direct access to any parameter.
Navigation Keys The four navigation arrows are used to navigate between the different choices available in [Quick Menu], [Main Menu] and [Alarm Log]. Use the keys to move the cursor.
[OK] is used for choosing a parameter marked by the cursor and for enabling the change of a parameter.
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Operation Keys for local control are found at the bottom of the keypad.
[Hand] enables control of the frequency converter via the keypad. [Hand] also starts the motor, and it is now possible to enter the motor speed data by means of the arrow keys. The key can be selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0] via K-40 [Hand] Button on Keypad. The following control signals will still be active when [Hand] is activated:
[Hand] - [Off] - [Auto]
Coasting stop inverse
Set-up select lsb - Set-up select msb
Stop command from serial communication
Quick stop
DC brake
[Reset] is used for resetting the frequency converter after an alarm (trip). It can be selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0] via K-43 [Reset] Button on Keypad.
The parameter shortcut can be carried out by holding down the [Main Menu] key for 3 seconds. The parameter shortcut allows direct access to any parameter.
2.1.2 Quick Transfer of Parameter Settings between Multiple Frequency Converters
Once the set-up of a drive is complete, we recommend that you store the data in the keypad or on a PC via Drive Control Tool Software DCT 10.
External stop signals activated by means of control signals or a serial bus will override a “start” command via the keypad.
[Off] stops the connected motor. The key can be selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0] via K-41 [Off] Button on Keypad. If no external stop function is selected and the [Off] key is inactive the motor can only be stopped by disconnecting the mains supply.
[Auto] enables the frequency converter to be controlled via the control terminals and/or serial communication. When a start signal is applied on the control terminals and/or the bus, the frequency converter will start. The key can be selected as Enable [1] or Disable [0] via K-42 [Auto] Button on Keypad.
An active HAND-OFF-AUTO signal via the digital inputs has higher priority than the control keys [Hand] – [Auto].
Data storage in keypad
1. Go to K-50 Keypad Copy
2. Press the [OK] key
3. Select “All to keypad”
4. Press the [OK] key
All parameter settings are now stored in the keypad indicated by the progress bar. When 100% is reached, press [OK].
Stop the motor before performing this operation.
You can now connect the keypad to another drive and copy the parameter settings to this drive as well.
Data transfer from keypad to drive
1. Go to K-50 Keypad Copy
2. Press the [OK] key
3. Select “All from keypad”
4. Press the [OK] key
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
The parameter settings stored in the keypad are now transferred to the drive indicated by the progress bar. When 100% is reached, press [OK].
Stop the motor before performing this operation.
2.1.3 Parameter Set-Up
The frequency converter can be used for practically all assignments, thus offering a significant number of parameters. The series offers a choice between two programming modes - the Quick Menu mode and the Main Menu mode. The latter provides access to all parameters. The former takes the user through a few parameters making it possible to program the majority of AF-600 FP applications. Regardless of the mode of programming, you can change a parameter both in the Quick Menu mode and in the Main Menu mode.
2.1.4 Quick Menu Mode
Parameter Data The keypad provides access to all parameters listed under the Quick Menus. To set parameters using the [Quick Menu] button - enter or change parameter data or settings in accordance with the following procedure:
1. Press Quick Menu button then press Quick Start
Use the [ you want to change
3. Press [OK]
Use [ parameter setting
5. Press [OK]
6. To move to a different digit within a parameter setting, use the [
7. Highlighted area indicates digit selected for change
8. Press [Cancel] button to disregard change, or press [OK] to accept change and enter the new setting
Example of changing parameter data Assume parameter F-07 Accel Time 1 is set to 6 seconds and you want to change it to 10 seconds. Use the following procedure:
] and [▼] buttons to find the parameter
] and [▼] buttons to select the correct
] and [▶] buttons
With the [
5. Press [OK]
6. Use the arrow keys to change the 6.00 to 10.00.
7. Press [OK]
The drive will now accelerate to rated speed in 10 seconds instead of 6 seconds.
It is recommended to do the set-up in the order that the parameters are listed!
Select [Parameter Data Check] to get information about:
The last 10 changes. Use the up/down navigation
keys to scroll between the last 10 changed parameters.
The changes made since default setting.
Select [Trendings]: to get information about the display line read-outs. The information is shown as graphs. Only display parameters selected in K-20 Display Line 1.1 Small and K-24 Display Line 3 Large can be viewed. It is possible to store up to 120 samples in the memory for later reference.
Efficient Parameter Set-up for AF-600 FP Applications: The parameters can easily be set up for the vast majority of the AF-600 FP applications only by using the [Quick Setup] option. After pressing [Quick Menu], the different choices in the Quick Menu are listed.
Example of using the Quick Setup option:
] button find par. F-07 Accel Time 1
A complete description of the function is found in the parameter sections of this manual.
Illustration 2.1 Quick Menu view.
1. Press Quick Menu key
2. Choose Quick Start
3. Press [OK]
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
The Quick Setup menu gives access to the most important setup parameters of the frequency converter. After programming the frequency converter will, in most cases, be ready for operation. The Quick Setup parameters are shown in the table below. A complete description of the function is given in the parameter description sections of this manual.
Parameter [Units]
K-01 Language K-02 Motor Speed Unit P-02 Motor Power [HP]*[HP] P-07 Motor Power [kW] [kW] F-05 Motor Rated Voltage [V] F-04 Base Frequency [Hz] P-03 Motor Current [A] P-06 Base Speed [RPM] F-01 Frequency Setting 1 F-02 Operation Method F-07 Accel Time 1 [s] F-08 Decel Time 1 [s] F-10 Electronic Overload
F-15 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]*
F-16 Motor Speed Low Limit [Hz]*
F-17 Motor Speed High Limit
F-18 Motor Speed Low Limit
[RPM] H-08 Reverse Lock P-04 Auto Tune
2.1.5 Macros
The Macros provide quick and easy access to all parameters required for the majority of AF-600 FP applications including most VAV and CAV supply and return fans, cooling tower fans, Primary, Secondary and Condenser Water Pumps and other pump, fan and compressor applications.
How to access Macros - example
Illustration 2.2 Step 1: Turn on the frequency converter (green LED lights)
Table 2.1 Quick Setup parameters
*The display showing depends on choices made in K-02 Motor Speed Unit and K-03 Regional Settings. The default settings of K-02 Motor Speed Unit and K-03 Regional Settings depend on which region of the world the frequency converter is supplied to but can be re­programmed as required.
Illustration 2.3 Step 2: Press the [Quick Menus] button (Quick Menus choices appear).
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Illustration 2.4 Step 3: Use the up/down navigation keys to scroll down to Fan Macros. Press [OK].
Illustration 2.5 Step 4: Use the up/down navigation keys to scroll down to find AP-62 Broken Belt Delay.
Illustration 2.7 Step 6: Use the up/down navigation keys to change the delay time.
Illustration 2.6 Step 5: Press [OK].
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Function Set-ups parameters The Quick Menu parameters are grouped in the following way:
Application Settings
Fan Macros Pump Macros Compressor Macros
AP-60 Broken Belt Function AP-20 Low Power Auto Set-up H-43 Torque Characteristics
AP-61 Broken Belt Torque AP-21 Low Power Detection F-24 Holding Time
AP-62 Broken Belt Delay AP-22 Low Speed Detection AP-75 Short Cycle Protection
C-40 Semi-Auto Jump Freq Set-up AP-23 No-Flow Function AP-76 Interval between Starts
H-43 Torque Characteristics AP-24 No-Flow Delay AP-77 Minimum Run Time
AP-22 Low Speed Detection AP-40 Minimum Run Time E-51 Terminal 27 Mode
AP-23 No-Flow Function AP-41 Minimum Sleep Time E-52 Terminal 29 Mode
AP-24 No-Flow Delay AP-42 Wake-up Speed [RPM] E-03 Terminal 27 Digital Input
AP-40 Minimum Run Time AP-43 Wake-up Speed [Hz] E-04 Terminal 29 Digital Input
AP-41 Minimum Sleep Time AP-44 Wake-up Ref./FB Difference E-24 Function Relay
AP-42 Wake-up Speed [RPM] AP-45 Setpoint Boost H-09 Start Mode
AP-43 Wake-up Speed [Hz] AP-46 Maximum Boost Time H-36 Trip Speed Low [RPM]
AP-44 Wake-up Ref./FB Difference AP-26 Dry Pump Function H-37 Trip Speed Low [Hz]
AP-45 Setpoint Boost AP-27 Dry Pump Delay
AP-46 Maximum Boost Time AP-80 Flow Compensation
B-10 Brake Function AP-81 Square-linear Curve Approximation
B-16 AC brake Max. Current AP-82 Work Point Calculation
B-17 Over-voltage Control AP-83 Speed at No-Flow [RPM]
H-09 Start Mode AP-84 Speed at No-Flow [Hz]
F-24 Holding Time AP-85 Speed at Design Point [RPM]
H-80 Function at Stop AP-86 Speed at Design Point [Hz]
B-00 DC Hold Current AP-87 Pressure at No-Flow Speed
H-08 Reverse Lock AP-88 Pressure at Rated Speed
AP-89 Flow at Design Point
AP-90 Flow at Rated Speed
H-43 Torque Characteristics
H-09 Start Mode
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Closed Loop Settings
Single Zone Int. Set Point Single Zone Ext. Set Point Multi Zone / Adv
H-40 Configuration Mode H-40 Configuration Mode H-40 Configuration Mode
CL-12 Reference/Feedback Unit CL-12 Reference/Feedback Unit F-01 Frequency Setting 1
CL-13 Minimum Reference/Feedb. CL-13 Minimum Reference/Feedb. C-30 Frequency Command 2
CL-14 Maximum Reference/Feedb. CL-14 Maximum Reference/Feedb. CL-00 Feedback 1 Source
AN-22 Terminal 54 Low Current AN-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage CL-01 Feedback 1 Conversion
AN-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value AN-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage CL-02 Feedback 1 Source Unit
AN-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value AN-12 Terminal 53 Low Current CL-03 Feedback 2 Source
AN-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant AN-13 Terminal 53 High Current CL-04 Feedback 2 Conversion
AN-27 Terminal 54 Live Zero AN-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value CL-05 Feedback 2 Source Unit
AN-00 Live Zero Timeout Time AN-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value CL-06 Feedback 3 Source
AN-01 Live Zero Timeout Function AN-22 Terminal 54 Low Current CL-07 Feedback 3 Conversion
CL-21 Setpoint 1 AN-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value CL-08 Feedback 3 Source Unit
CL-81 PID Normal/ Inverse Control AN-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value CL-12 Reference/Feedback Unit
CL-82 PID Start Speed [RPM] AN-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant CL-13 Minimum Reference/Feedb.
CL-83 PID Start Speed [Hz] AN-27 Terminal 54 Live Zero CL-14 Maximum Reference/Feedb.
CL-93 PID Proportional Gain AN-00 Live Zero Timeout Time AN-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage
CL-94 PID Integral Time AN-01 Live Zero Timeout Function AN-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage
CL-81 PID Normal/ Inverse Control AN-12 Terminal 53 Low Current
CL-82 PID Start Speed [RPM] AN-13 Terminal 53 High Current
CL-83 PID Start Speed [Hz] AN-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
CL-93 PID Proportional Gain AN-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. Value
CL-94 PID Integral Time AN-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time Constant
AN-17 Terminal 53 Live Zero
AN-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage
AN-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage
AN-22 Terminal 54 Low Current
AN-23 Terminal 54 High Current
AN-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. Value
AN-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. Value
AN-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time Constant
AN-27 Terminal 54 Live Zero
AN-00 Live Zero Timeout Time
AN-01 Live Zero Timeout Function
H-76 Warning Feedback Low
H-77 Warning Feedback High
CL-20 Feedback Function
CL-21 Setpoint 1
CL-22 Setpoint 2
CL-81 PID Normal/ Inverse Control
CL-82 PID Start Speed [RPM]
CL-83 PID Start Speed [Hz]
CL-93 PID Proportional Gain
CL-94 PID Integral Time
CL-70 Closed Loop Type
CL-71 PID Performance
CL-72 PID Output Change
CL-73 Minimum Feedback Level
CL-74 Maximum Feedback Level
CL-79 PID Autotuning
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
2.1.6 Main Menu Mode
Select the Main Menu mode by pressing the [Main Menu] key. The below read-out appears on the display. The middle and bottom sections on the display show a list of parameter groups which can be chosen by toggling the up and down buttons.
Each parameter has a name and number which remain the same regardless of the programming mode. In the Main Menu mode, the parameters are divided into groups. The first digit of the parameter number (from the left) indicates the parameter group number.
All parameters can be changed in the Main Menu. However, depending on the choice of configuration (H-40 Configuration Mode), some parameters can be hidden.
2.1.7 Parameter Selection
Group no. Parameter group: KKeypad Set-up F Fundamental Parameters EDigital In/Outs C Frequency Control Functions P Motor Data H High Perf Parameters AN Analog In/Out SP Special Functions O Options/comms AO Analog I/O Option DN DeviceNet PB Profibus LN LonWorks BN BACnet ID Drive Information DR Data Readouts LG Logs & I/O Opt. Status AP HVAC Appl. Param. FB Fire/Bypass Operation TTimed Functions CL PID Closed Loop XC Extended PID Closed Loop PC Pump Controller LC Logic Controller B Braking Functions
In the Main Menu mode, the parameters are divided into groups. You select a parameter group by means of the navigation keys. The following parameter groups are accessible:
After selecting a parameter group, choose a parameter by means of the navigation keys. The middle section on the display shows the parameter number and name as well as the selected parameter value.
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
2.1.8 Changing Data
The procedure for changing data is the same whether you select a parameter in the Quick menu or the Main menu mode. Press [OK] to change the selected parameter. The procedure for changing data depends on whether the selected parameter represents a numerical data value or a text value.
2.1.9 Changing a Text Value
If the selected parameter is a text value, change the text value with the [
The up key increases the value, and the down key decreases the value. Place the cursor on the value you want to save and press [OK].
] [▼] navigation keys.
2.1.10 Changing a Group of Numeric Data Values
If the chosen parameter represents a numeric data value, change the chosen data value by means of the [ navigation keys as well as the [ the [
] [▶] navigation keys to move the cursor horizontally.
] [▼] navigation keys. Use
] [▶]
2.1.11 Value, Step-by-Step
Certain parameters can be changed step by step or infinitely varying. This applies to P-07 Motor Power [kW], F-05 Motor Rated Voltage and F-04 Base Frequency. The parameters are changed both as a group of numeric data values and as numeric data values infinitely varying.
2.1.12 Read-out and Programming of Indexed Parameters
Parameters are indexed when placed in a rolling stack.
ID-30 Alarm Log: Error Code to ID-33 Alarm Log: Date and Time contain a fault log which can be read out. Choose a
parameter, press [OK], and use the up/down navigation keys to scroll through the value log.
Use C-05 Multi-step Frequency 1 - 8 as another example: Choose the parameter, press [OK], and use the up/down navigation keys keys to scroll through the indexed values. To change the parameter value, select the indexed value and press [OK]. Change the value by using the up/down keys. Press [OK] to accept the new setting. Press [CANCEL] to abort. Press [Back] to leave the parameter.
Use the [▲] [▼] navigation keys to change the data value. The up key enlarges the data value, and the down key reduces the data value. Place the cursor on the value you want to save and press [OK].
2.1.13 Restore to Default Settings
Restore the frequency converter to default settings in two ways:
Recommended restore (via H-03 Restore Factory Settings)
1. Select H-03 Restore Factory Settings
2. Press [OK]
3. Select “restore”
4. Press [OK]
5. Cut off the mains supply and wait until the display turns off.
6. Reconnect the mains supply - the frequency converter is now reset.
7. Change H-03 Restore Factory Settings back to Normal Operation.
How to Program AF-600 FP Programming Guide
Resets parameters selected in Personal Menu with default factory setting.
Manual restore
1. Disconnect from mains and wait until the display turns off.
2. Press [Status] - [Main Menu] - [OK] at the same time while power up forkeypad, Graphical Display
3. Release the keys after 5 seconds
4. The frequency converter is now programmed according to default settings. This procedure restores all except: ID-00 Operating Hours; ID-03 Power Up's; ID-04 Over Temp's; ID-05 Over Volt's.
H-03 Restore Factory Settings restores all except:
SP-50 RFI Filter
O-30 Protocol
O-31 Address
O-32 Drive Port Baud Rate
O-35 Minimum Response Delay
O-36 Maximum Response Delay
O-37 Maximum Inter-Char Delay ID-00 Operating Hours to ID-05 Over Volt's ID-20 Historic Log: Event to ID-22 Historic Log: Time ID-30 Alarm Log: Error Code to ID-32 Alarm Log: Time
When you carry out manual restore, you also reset serial communication, SP-50 RFI Filter and fault log settings.
After restore and power cycling, the display will not show any information until after a couple of minutes.
Parameter Description AF-600 FP Programming Guide
3Parameter Description
3.1 K-## Keypad Set-up
Parameters related to the fundamental functions of the frequency converter, function of the keypad buttons and configuration of the keypad display.
3.1.1 K-0# Keypad Basic Settings
Parameter group for basic frequency converter settings.
K-01 Language
Option: Function:
Defines the language to be used in the display.
The frequency converter is delivered with 4 different languages.
[0] [2] Francais [4] Spanish [10] Chinese [22] English US
K-02 Motor Speed Unit
Option: Function:
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running. The display showing depends on settings in K-02 Motor Speed Unit and K-03 Regional Settings. The default setting of K-02 Motor Speed Unit and K-03 Regional Settings depends on which region of the world the drive is supplied to, but can be re­programmed as required.
Changing the Motor Speed Unit will reset certain parameters to their initial value. It is recommended to select the motor speed unit first, before modifying other parameters.
[0] RPM Selects display of motor speed variables and
parameters (i.e. references, feedbacks and limits) in terms of motor speed (RPM).
Hz Selects display of motor speed variables and
parameters (i.e. references, feedbacks and limits) in terms of output frequency to the motor (Hz).
K-03 Regional Settings
Option: Function:
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running. The display showing depends on settings in
K-02 Motor Speed Unit and K-03 Regional Settings. The default setting of K-02 Motor
K-03 Regional Settings
Option: Function:
Speed Unit and K-03 Regional Settings depends on which region of the world the frequency converter is supplied to but can be re­programmed as required.
[0] Interna-
Sets P-07 Motor Power [kW] units to [kW] and the default value of F-04 Base Frequency [50 Hz].
Sets P-02 Motor Power [HP] units to HP and the default value of F-04 Base Frequency to 60 Hz.
The setting not used is made invisible.
K-04 Operating State at Power-up
Option: Function:
Select the operating mode upon reconnection of the frequency converter to mains voltage after power down when operating in Hand (local)mode.
Resume Resumes operation of the frequency converter
maintaining the same local reference and the same start/stop condition (applied by [Hand]/ [Off] on the keypad or Hand Start via a digital input as before the frequency converter was powered down.
[1] Forced
stop, ref=old
Uses saved reference [1] to stop the frequency converter but at the same time retain in memory the local speed reference prior to power down. After mains voltage is reconnected and after receiving a start command (using the keypad [Hand] button or Hand Start command via a digital input) the frequency converter restarts and operates at the retained speed reference.
K-05 Local Mode Unit
Option: Function:
Defines if the local reference unit should be displayed in terms of the motor shaft speed (in RPM/Hz) or as percent.
As Motor Speed
[1] %
3.1.2 K-1# Keypad Set-up Operations
Define and control the individual parameter set-ups.
Parameter Description AF-600 FP Programming Guide
The frequency converter has four parameter setups that can be programmed independently of each other. This makes the frequency converter very flexible and able to meet the requirements of many different AF-600 FP system control schemes often saving the cost of external control equipment. For example these can be used to program the frequency converter to operate according to one control scheme in one setup (e.g. daytime operation) and another control scheme in another setup (e.g. night set back). Alternatively they can be used by an AHU or packaged unit OEM to identically program all their factory fitted frequency converters for different equipment models within a range to have the same parameters and then during production/commissioning simply select a specific setup depending on which model within that range the frequency converter is installed on. The active setup (i.e. the setup in which the frequency converter is currently operating) can be selected in K-10 Active Set-up and is displayed in the keypad. Using Multi set-up it is possible to switch between set-ups with the frequency converter running or stopped, via digital input or serial communication commands (e.g. for night set back). If it is necessary to change setups whilst running, ensure K-12 This Set-up Linked to is programmed as required. For the majority of AF-600 FP applications it will not be necessary to program K-12 This Set-up Linked to even if change of set up whilst running is required, but for very complex applications, using the full flexibility of the multiple setups, it may be required. Using K-11 Edit Set-up it is possible to edit parameters within any of the setups whilst continuing the frequency converter operation in its Active Setup which can be a different setup to that being edited. Using K-51 Set-up Copy it is possible to copy parameter settings between the set-ups to enable quicker commissioning if similar parameter settings are required in different set-ups.
K-10 Active Set-up
Option: Function:
Select the set-up in which the frequency converter is to operate. Use K-51 Set-up Copy to copy a set-up to one or all other set-ups. To avoid conflicting settings of the same parameter within two different set-ups, link the set-ups together using K-12 This Set-up Linked to. Stop the frequency converter before switching between set-ups where parameters marked ‘not changeable during operation’ have different values. Parameters which are ‘not changeable during operation’ are marked FALSE in the parameter lists in the section Parameter Lists
[0] Factory
Cannot be changed. It contains the GE data set, and can be used as a data source when returning the other set-ups to a known state.
K-10 Active Set-up
Option: Function:
[1] *Set-up 1 Set-up 1 [1] to Set-up 4 [4] are the four
separate parameter set-ups within which all parameters can be programmed.
[2] Set-up 2 [3] Set-up 3 [4] Set-up 4 [9] Multi Set-upIs used for remote selection of set-ups using
digital inputs and the serial communication port. This set-up uses the settings from K-12 This Set-up Linked to.
K-11 Edit Set-up
Option: Function:
Select the set-up to be edited (i.e. programmed) during operation; either the active set-up or one of the inactive set-ups. The set-up number being edited is displayed in the keypad in (brackets).
[0] Factory
[1] Set-up 1 Set-up 1 [1] to Set-up 4 [4] can be edited
[2] Set-up 2 [3] Set-up 3 [4] Set-up 4
Active Set-up(i.e. the set-up in which the frequency
cannot be edited but it is useful as a data source to return the other set-ups to a known state.
freely during operation, independently of the active set-up.
converter is operating) can also be edited during operation. Editing parameters in the chosen setup would normally be done from the keypad but it is also possible from any of the serial communication ports.
K-12 This Set-up Linked to
Option: Function:
This parameter only needs to be programmed if changing set-ups is required whilst the motor is running. It ensures that parameters which are "not changeable during operation" have the same setting in all relevant set-ups.
To enable conflict-free changes from one set-up to another whilst the frequency converter is running, link set-ups containing parameters which are not changeable during operation. The link will ensure synchronising of the ‘not changeable during operation’ parameter values when moving from one set-up to another during operation. ‘Not changeable during operation’ parameters can be identified by the label FALSE in the parameter lists in the section Parameter Lists.
Parameter Description AF-600 FP Programming Guide
K-12 This Set-up Linked to
Option: Function:
The K-12 This Set-up Linked to feature is used when Multi set-up in K-10 Active Set-up is selected. Multi set-up can be used to move from one set-up to another during operation (i.e. while the motor is running). Example: Use Multi set-up to shift from Set-up 1 to Set­up 2 whilst the motor is running. Programme parameters in Set-up 1 first, then ensure that Set-up 1 and Set-up 2 are synchronised (or ‘linked’). Synchronisation can be performed in two ways:
1. Change the edit set-up to Set-up 2 [2] in
K-11 Edit Set-up and set K-12 This Set-up Linked to to Set-up 1 [1]. This will start the linking
(synchronising) process.
K-12 This Set-up Linked to
Option: Function:
[4] Set-up 4
K-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups
Array [5]
Range: Function:
0 N/A* [0 - 255
View a list of all the set-ups linked by means of K-12 This Set-up Linked to. The parameter has one index for each parameter set-up. The parameter value displayed for each index represents which setups are linked to that parameter setup.
Index keypad value 0 {0} 1 {1,2} 2 {1,2} 3{3} 4 {4}
Table 3.2 Example: Set-up 1 and Set-up 2 are linked
Not linked
[0] [1] Set-up 1 [2] Set-up 2 [3] Set-up 3
2. While still in Set-up 1, using K-50 Keypad
Copy, copy Set-up 1 to Set-up 2. Then set K-12 This Set-up Linked to to Set-up 2 [2]. This
will start the linking process.
After the link is complete, K-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups will read {1,2} to indicate that all ‘not changeable during operation’ parameters are now the same in Set-up 1 and Set-up 2. If there are changes to a ‘not changeable during operation’ parameter, e.g. P-30 Stator Resistance (Rs), in Set-up 2, they will also be changed automatically in Set-up 1. A switch between Set-up 1 and Set-up 2 during operation is now possible.
K-14 Readout: Edit Set-ups / Channel
Range: Function:
0 N/
[-2147483648 -
2147483647 N/
View the setting of K-11 Edit Set-up for each of the four different communi­cation channels. When the number is displayed in hex, as it is in the keypad, each number represents one channel. Numbers 1-4 represent a set-up number; ‘F’ means factory setting; and ‘A’ means active set-up. The channels are, from right to left: keypad, Drive-bus, USB, HPFB1.5. Example: The number AAAAAA21h means that the Drive-bus selected Set­up 2 in K-11 Edit Set-up, the keypad selected Set-up 1 and all others used the active set-up.
Parameter Description AF-600 FP Programming Guide
3.1.3 K-2# Keypad Display
Define the variables displayed in the keypad.
[0] *None No display value selected [537] Display Text 1 Enables an individual text string to be
written, for display in the keypad or to be read via serial communication.
[538] Display Text 2 Enables an individual text string to be
written, for display in the keypad or to be read via serial communication.
[539] Display Text 3 Enables an individual text string to be
written, for display in the keypad or to be read via serial communication.
[589] Date and Time
[953] Profibus Warning
[2205] Readout Transmit
Error Counter
[2206] Readout Receive
Error Counter
[2207] Readout Bus Off
[2213] Warning
[1501] Running Hours View the number of running hours of
[1502] kWh Counter View the mains power consumption
[1200] Control Word View the Control Word sent from the
[1201] Reference [Unit] Total reference (sum of digital/analog/
[1202] Reference [%] Total reference (sum of digital/analog/
[1203] Status Word Present status word [1205] Main Actual Value
[1209] Custom Readout View the user-defined readouts as
[1210] Power [kW] Actual power consumed by the motor
[1211] Power [hp] Actual power consumed by the motor
[1212] Motor Rated
Displays the current date and time.
Displays Profibus communication warnings. View the number of CAN control transmission errors since the last power-up. View the number of CAN control receipt errors since the last power-up. View the number of Bus Off events since the last power-up. View a DeviceNet-specific warning word. One separate bit is assigned to every warning.
the motor.
in kWh.
frequency converter via the serial communication port in hex code.
preset/bus/freeze ref./catch up and slow-down) in selected unit.
preset/bus/freeze ref./catch up and slow-down) in percent.
View the two-byte word sent with the Status word to the bus Master reporting the Main Actual Value.
defined in K-30 Unit for Custom
Readout, K-31 Min Value of Custom Readout and K-32 Max Value of Custom Readout.
in kW.
in HP. Voltage supplied to the motor.
[1213] Frequency Motor frequency, i.e. the output
frequency from the frequency converter in Hz
[1214] Motor Current Phase current of the motor measured
as effective value.
[1215] Frequency [%] Motor frequency, i.e. the output
frequency from the frequency converter in percent.
[1216] Torque [Nm] Present motor load as a percentage
of the rated motor torque.
[1217] Speed [RPM] Motor speed reference. Actual speed
will depend on slip compensation being used (compensation set in P-09 Slip Compensation). If not used, actual speed will be the value read in the display minus motor slip.
[1218] Motor Thermal Thermal load on the motor,
calculated by the Electronic Thermal Overload function. See also parameter group H-9# Motor Temperature.
[1222] Torque [%] Shows the actual torque produced, in
[1230] DC Link Voltage Intermediate circuit voltage in the
frequency converter.
[1232] Brake Energy /s Present brake power transferred to an
external brake resistor. Stated as an instantaneous value.
[1233] Brake Energy /2
[1234] Heatsink Temp. Present heat sink temperature of the
[1235] Drive Thermal Percentage load of the inverters. [1236] Drive Nominal
[1237] Drive Max.
[1238] Logic Controller
[1239] Control Card
[1250] External Reference Sum of the external reference as a
[1252] Feedback [Unit] Reference value from programmed
[1253] Digi Pot
[1254] Feedback 1 [Unit] View the value of Feedback 1. See
[1255] Feedback 2 [Unit] View the value of Feedback 2. See
Brake power transferred to an external brake resistor. The mean power is calculated continuously for the most recent 120 seconds.
frequency converter. The cut-out limit
± 5°
is 95 70
Nominal current of the frequency converter. Maximum current of the frequency converter. State of the event executed by the control. Temperature of the control card.
percentage, i.e. the sum of analog/ pulse/bus.
digital input(s). View the contribution of the digital potentiometer to the actual reference Feedback.
also par. CL-0#.
also par. CL-0#.
C; cutting back in occurs at
± 5°
Parameter Description AF-600 FP Programming Guide
[1256] Feedback 3 [Unit] View the value of Feedback 3. See
also par. CL-0#.
[1258] PID Output [%] Returns the Drive Closed Loop PID
controller output value in percent.
[1260] Digital Input Displays the status of the digital
inputs. Signal low = 0; Signal high =
1. Regarding order, see DR-60 Digital Input. Bit 0 is at the extreme right.
[1261] Terminal 53
Switch Setting
[1262] Analog Input 53 Actual value at input 53 either as a
[1263] Terminal 54
Switch Setting
[1264] Analog Input 54 Actual value at input 54 either as
[1265] Analog Output 42
[1266] Digital Output
[1267] Freq. Input #29
[1268] Freq. Input #33
[1269] Pulse Output #27
[1270] Pulse Output #29
[Hz] [1271] Relay Output [bin] View the setting of all relays. [1272] Counter A View the present value of Counter A. [1273] Counter B View the present value of Counter B. [1275] Analog In X30/11 Actual value at input X30/11 either as
[1276] Analog In X30/12 Actual value at input X30/12 either as
[1277] Analog Out X30/8
[1280] Fieldbus CTW 1 Control word (CTW) received from the
[1282] Fieldbus REF 1 Main reference value sent with
[1284] Comm. Option
STW [1285] Drive Port CTW 1 Control word (CTW) received from the
[1286] Drive Port REF 1 Status word (STW) sent to the Bus
[1290] Alarm Word One or more alarms in a Hex code
Setting of input terminal 53. Current = 0; Voltage = 1.
reference or protection value. Setting of input terminal 54. Current = 0; Voltage = 1.
reference or protection value. Actual value at output 42 in mA. Use AN-50 Terminal 42 Output to select the variable to be represented by output 42. Binary value of all digital outputs.
Actual value of the frequency applied at terminal 29 as a pulse input. Actual value of the frequency applied at terminal 33 as a pulse input. Actual value of pulses applied to terminal 27 in digital output mode. Actual value of pulses applied to terminal 29 in digital output mode.
reference or protection value.
reference or protection value. Actual value at output X30/8 in mA. Use par. AN-60 to select the value to be shown.
Bus Master.
control word via the serial communi­cations network e.g. from the BMS, PLC or other master controller. Extended fieldbus communication option status word.
Bus Master.
(used for serial communications)
[1291] Alarm Word 2 One or more alarms in a Hex code
(used for serial communications)
[1292] Warning Word One or more warnings in a Hex code
(used for serial communications)
[1293] Warning Word 2 One or more warnings in a Hex code
(used for serial communications)
[1294] Ext. Status Word One or more status conditions in a
Hex code (used for serial communi­cations)
[1295] Ext. Status Word 2 One or more status conditions in a
Hex code (used for serial communi­cations)
[1296] Maintenance
[1830] Analog Input
[1831] Analog Input
[1832] Analog Input
[1833] Analog Out X42/7
[1834] Analog Out X42/9
[1835] Analog Out
X42/11 [V]
[2117] Ext. 1 Reference
[2118] Ext. 1 Feedback
[2119] Ext. 1 Output [%] The value of the output from
[2137] Ext. 2 Reference
[2138] Ext. 2 Feedback
[2139] Ext. 2 Output [%] The value of the output from
[2157] Ext. 3 Reference
[2158] Ext. 3 Feedback
[2159] Ext. 3 Output [%] The value of the output from
[1230] No-Flow Power The calculated No Flow Power for the
[2316] Maintenance Text [2580] Pump Status
The bits reflect the status for the programmed Preventive Maintenance Events in parameter group T-1# Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/1 on the Analog I/O card. Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/3 on the Analog I/O card. Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/5 on the Analog I/O card. Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/7 on the Analog I/O card. Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/9 on the Analog I/O card. Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/11 on the Analog I/O card. The value of the reference for extended Closed Loop Controller 1 The value of the feedback signal for extended Closed Loop Controller 1
extended Closed Loop Controller 1 The value of the reference for extended Closed Loop Controller 2 The value of the feedback signal for extended Closed Loop Controller 2
extended Closed Loop Controller 2 The value of the reference for extended Closed Loop Controller 3 The value of the feedback signal for extended Closed Loop Controller 3
extended Closed Loop Controller 3
actual operating speed
Parameter Description AF-600 FP Programming Guide
[2581] Pump Status Status for the operation of each
individual pump controlled by the Pump Controller.
K-20 Display Line 1.1 Small
Option: Function:
Select a variable for display in line 1, left position. The options are the same as those listed under K-2#.
K-21 Display Line 1.2 Small
Option: Function:
Select a variable for display in line 1, middle position. The options are the same as those listed under K-2#.
K-22 Display Line 1.3 Small
Option: Function:
Select a variable for display in line 1, right position. The options are the same as those listed under K-2#.
K-23 Display Line 2 Large
Option: Function:
Select a variable for display in line 2. The options are the same as those listed under K-2#.
K-24 Display Line 3 Large
Option: Function:
Select a variable for display in line 3. The options are the same as those listed under K-2#.
K-25 Quick Start
Array [20]
Range: Function:
0 N/
[0 -
9999 N/
Define up to 50 parameters to appear in the Q1 Quick Start, accessible via the [Quick Menu] key on the keypad. The parameters will be displayed in the Q1 Quick Start in the order they are programmed into this array parameter. Delete parameters by setting the value to ‘0000’. For example, this can be used to provide quick, simple access to just one or up to 50 parameters which require changing on a regular basis (e.g. for plant maintenance reasons) or by an OEM to enable simple commissioning of their equipment.
3.1.4 K-3# Keypad Custom Readout
It is possible to customize the display elements for various purposes: *Custom Readout. Value proportional to speed (Linear, squared or cubed depending on unit selected in K-30 Unit for Custom Readout) *Display Text. Text string stored in a parameter.
Custom Readout The calculated value to be displayed is based on settings in K-30 Unit for Custom Readout, K-31 Min Value of Custom
Readout (linear only), K-32 Max Value of Custom Readout, F-17 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM], F-15 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] and actual speed.
The relation will depend on the type of unit selected in K-30 Unit for Custom Readout:
Unit Type Speed Relation Dimensionless Speed Flow, volume Flow, mass Velocity Length Temperature Pressure Quadratic Power Cubic
K-30 Unit for Custom Readout
Option: Function:
Program a value to be shown in the display of the keypad. The value has a linear, squared or cubed relation to speed. This relation depends on the unit selected (see table above). The actual calculated value can be read in DR-09 Custom Readout, and/or shown in the display be selecting Custom Readout [DR-09] in K-20 Display Line 1.1 Small to K-24 Display Line 3 Large.
[1] [5] PPM [10] 1/min [11] RPM [12] Pulse/s [20] l/s [21] l/min [22] l/h [23] m/s [24] m/min
Parameter Description AF-600 FP Programming Guide
K-30 Unit for Custom Readout
Option: Function:
[25] m/h [30] kg/s [31] kg/min [32] kg/h [33] t/min [34] t/h [40] m/s [41] m/min [45] m [60] °C [70] mbar [71] bar [72] Pa [73] kPa [74] m WG [75] mm Hg [80] kW [120] GPM [121] gal/s [122] gal/min [123] gal/h [124] CFM [125] ft/s [126] ft/min [127] ft/h [130] lb/s [131] lb/min [132] lb/h [140] ft/s [141] ft/min [145] ft [160] °F [170] psi [171] lb/in [172] in WG [173] ft WG [174] in Hg [180] HP
K-31 Min Value of Custom Readout
Range: Function:
0.00 Custom­ReadoutUnit
[0.00 - par. K-32 CustomRea-
This parameter allows the choice of the min. value of the custom defined readout (occurs at zero speed). It is only possible to select a value different to 0 when selecting a linear unit in K-30 Unit for Custom Readout. For Quadratic and Cubic units the minimum value will be 0.
K-32 Max Value of Custom Readout
Range: Function:
100.00 Custom­ReadoutUnit
[par. K-31 -
999999.99 CustomRea­doutUnit]
This parameter sets the max value to be shown when the speed of the motor has reached the set value for F-17 Motor Speed
High Limit [RPM] or
F-15 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz] (depends on setting in K-02 Motor Speed Unit).
K-37 Display Text 1
Range: Function:
0 N/
[0 -
In this parameter it is possible to write an
0 N/
individual text string for display in the keypad or to
be read via serial communication. If to be displayed permanently select Display Text 1 in K-20 Display
Line 1.1 Small, K-21 Display Line 1.2 Small, K-22 Display Line 1.3 Small, K-23 Display Line 2 Large
or K-24 Display Line 3 Large. Use the [ buttons on the keypad to change a character. Use
the [◀] and [▶] buttons to move the cursor. When a character is highlighted by the cursor, it can be
changed. Use the [▲] or [▼] buttons on the keypad to change a character. A character can be inserted by placing the cursor between two characters and
pressing [
] or [▼].
K-38 Display Text 2
Range: Function:
0 N/
[0 -
In this parameter it is possible to write an
0 N/
individual text string for display in the keypad or
to be read via serial communication. If to be displayed permanently select Display Text 2 in
K-20 Display Line 1.1 Small, K-21 Display Line 1.2 Small, K-22 Display Line 1.3 Small, K-23 Display Line
2 Large or K-24 Display Line 3 Large. Use the [
] buttons on the keypad to change a character.
Use the [ When a character is highlighted by the cursor, this character can be changed. A character can be inserted by placing the cursor between two
characters and pressing [
] and [▶] buttons to move the cursor.
] or [▼].
] or [▼]
] or
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