gefran SIEIDrive ADV200-x-6 Series, SIEIDrive ADV200-x-6-DC Series Quick Start Up Manual

Field oriented vector AC Drive
for syncronous/asyncronous motors
...... Quick start up guide
Specification and installation
The ADV200 Quick start guide is a handy-sized manual for mechanical installation, electrical connection and fast start-up. The manual explaining the functions and a description of the parameters and the manuals of the expansions and eld bus can be found on the CD provided with the drive.
Software version
This manual is updated according the software version V 6.X.0. Variation of the number replacing “X” have no inuence on the functionality of the device.
The identication number of the software version is indicated on the identication plate of the drive or can be checked with the Firmware ver.rel - PAR 490 parameter, menu 2.5.
General information
Note ! In industry, the terms “Inverter”, “Regulator” and “Drive” are sometimes interchanged. In this document, the
term “Drive” will be used.
Before using the product, read the safety instruction section carefully. Keep the manual in a safe place and available to engineering and installation personnel during the product function­ing period. Gefran S.p.A has the right to modify products, data and dimensions without notice. The data can only be used for the product description and they can not be understood as legally stated properties.
Thank you for choosing this Gefran product. We will be glad to receive any possible information which could help us improvingthis manual. The e-mail address is the following: All rights reserved.
2 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
Table of contents
Information about this manual ................................................. 2
1 - Safety Precautions ...............................................................6
1.1 Symbols used in the manual ....................................................................................6
1.2 Safety precaution...................................................................................................... 7
1.3 General warnings .....................................................................................................7
1.4 Instruction for compliance with UL Mark (UL requirements), U.S. and Canadian
electrical codes ............................................................................................................... 9
2 - Introduction to the product ................................................ 11
2.1 Drive type designation ............................................................................................ 12
2.1.1 Parallel inverters ..............................................................................................................13
3 - Transport and storage ........................................................ 14
3.1 General ................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Permissible Environmental Conditions ................................................................... 15
4 - Mechanical installation ...................................................... 16
4.1 Inclination and mounting clearance ........................................................................ 17
4.2 Fastening positions................................................................................................. 18
5 - Wiring Procedure ................................................................ 22
5.1 Power section ......................................................................................................... 25
5.1.1 Cable Cross Section ........................................................................................................25
5.1.2 EMC guide line ................................................................................................................27
5.1.3 Block diagram power section ...........................................................................................28
5.1.4 Internal EMC lter ............................................................................................................29
5.1.5 Power line connection ......................................................................................................30
5.1.6 Input mains choke (L1) ....................................................................................................33
5.1.7 Motor connection .............................................................................................................34
5.1.8 Braking unit connection (optional) ...................................................................................35
5.1.9 Parallel connection on the AC (Input) and DC (Intermediate Circuit) side of several invert-
ers .............................................................................................................................................36
5.1.10 Parallel DC connection ..................................................................................................37
5.1.11 Connection of fans .........................................................................................................38
5.2 Regulation section .................................................................................................. 41
5.2.1 Removing the terminal cover ...........................................................................................41
5.2.2 Cable Cross Section ........................................................................................................41
5.2.3 Regulation section connection .........................................................................................41
5.2.4 Switches, jumpers and LED .............................................................................................43
5.2.5 Power supply unit regulation card (only for sizes ≥ 71600) .............................................46
5.3 Braking ...................................................................................................................48
5.3.1 Braking unit ......................................................................................................................48
5.4 Encoder .................................................................................................................. 49
5.5 Serial interface (XS connector)............................................................................... 49
5.5.1 Drive / RS 485 Port (not insulated) point-to-point connection ..........................................49
5.5.2 Drive / RS485 port point-to-point connection (with insulation) .........................................51
5.5.3 RS 485 multi-drop connection .........................................................................................51
5.6 Typical connection diagrams .................................................................................. 52
6 - Use of the keypad ...............................................................56
6.1 Description.............................................................................................................. 56
6.2 Navigation............................................................................................................... 57
6.2.1 Scanning of the rst and second level menus .................................................................57
6.2.2 Display of a parameter .....................................................................................................57
6.2.3 Scanning of the parameters ............................................................................................58
6.2.4 List of the last parameters modied .................................................................................58
6.2.5 “Goto parameter” function ................................................................................................58
6.3 Parameter modication........................................................................................... 59
6.4 How to save parameters......................................................................................... 60
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 3
6.5 Conguration of the display .................................................................................... 61
6.5.1 Language selection ..........................................................................................................61
6.5.2 Selection of Easy / Export mode ......................................................................................61
6.5.3 Startup display .................................................................................................................61
6.5.4 Back-lighting of the display ..............................................................................................61
6.6 Alarms.....................................................................................................................62
6.6.1 Alarm reset ....................................................................................................................... 62
6.7 Messages ............................................................................................................... 62
6.8 Saving and recovery of new parameter settings ....................................................63
6.8.1 Selection of the keypad memory .....................................................................................63
6.8.2 Saving of parameters on the keypad ...............................................................................63
6.8.3 Load parameters from keypad .........................................................................................64
6.8.4 Transfer of parameters between drives ...........................................................................64
7 - Commissioning via keypad (STARTUP WIZARD) ............ 65
7.1 Startup Wizard ........................................................................................................ 68
7.1.1 Startup Wizard for Asynchronous Motors ........................................................................68
7.1.2 Startup Wizard for Asynchronous Motors for Hoist Applications ......................................77
7.1.3 Startup Wizard for Synchronous Motors ..........................................................................87
7.2 First customized start-up ........................................................................................ 96
7.2.1 For Asynchronous Motors ................................................................................................96
7.2.2 For Synchronous Motors, Flux vector CL and Flux vector OL control ...........................100
7.3 Programming ........................................................................................................ 104
7.3.1 Menu display modes ......................................................................................................104
7.3.2 Programming of “function block” analog and digital input signals ..................................104
7.3.3 Variable interconnections mode ..................................................................................... 104
7.3.4 Multiple destination ........................................................................................................106
8 - Troubleshooting ................................................................107
8.1 Alarms...................................................................................................................107
8.1.1 Speed fbk loss alarm according to the type of feedback ...............................................113
8.2 Messages ..............................................................................................................119
9 - Specication .....................................................................125
9.1 Environmental Conditions..................................................................................... 125
9.2 Standards ............................................................................................................. 125
9.3 Accuracy (Asyncronous) ....................................................................................... 125
9.3.1 Current control ...............................................................................................................125
9.3.2 Speed control .................................................................................................................125
9.3.3 Speed control limits .......................................................................................................126
9.3.4 Torque control ................................................................................................................126
9.3.5 Overload ........................................................................................................................126
9.4 Accuracy (Synchronous).......................................................................................126
9.4.1 Current control ...............................................................................................................126
9.4.2 Speed control .................................................................................................................126
9.4.3 Initial torque limit ............................................................................................................127
9.4.4 Overload ........................................................................................................................127
9.4.5 Flux reduction ................................................................................................................127
9.5 DC circuit .............................................................................................................. 127
9.6 Input electrical data ..............................................................................................128
9.6.1 AC power supply ............................................................................................................128
9.6.2 DC power supply ...........................................................................................................129
9.7 Output electrical data............................................................................................ 130
9.7.1 Overload for output frequency .......................................................................................132
9.7.2 Switching frequency .......................................................................................................134
Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations ........................................................135
9.9 Cooling .................................................................................................................136
9.10 Weight and dimensions ...................................................................................... 137
10 - Options ............................................................................ 141
10.1 Optional external fuses ...................................................................................... 141
10.1.1 AC input side fuses (F1) ..............................................................................................141
10.1.2 External fuses of the power section DC input side (F2) ...............................................142
10.1.3 Optional internal fuses for the DC connection (F2) ......................................................143
4 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
10.2 Choke ................................................................................................................. 144
10.2.1 Optional input chokes (L1) ...........................................................................................144
10.2.2 Optional external choke (L2) ........................................................................................145
10.3 External EMC lter (optional).............................................................................. 149
10.4 Braking resistor (optional)................................................................................... 149
10.5 Installation of optional cards ............................................................................... 150
10.5.1 SLOT / Encoder Card Management ............................................................................151
10.5.2 Procedure ...................................................................................................................152
10.5.3 Shielding of optional card connections ........................................................................153
Appendix 1 - Parallel connection (400 ... 1000kW sizes) .... 154
A 1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................154
A 1.2 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 400...710 kW ............................................. 156
A 1.2 MS-SL interface cable wiring sizes 900...1000 kW ........................................... 157
A 1.4 Jumpers and Switches ...................................................................................... 158
A 1.5 LEDs..................................................................................................................158
A 1.6 EXP-SFTy-ADV card ......................................................................................... 160
Appendix 2 - Miscellaneous .................................................. 161
A 2.1 DC-link capacity ................................................................................................ 161
A 2.2 Encoders ........................................................................................................... 162
A.2.3 - Phasing .......................................................................................................................164
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 5

1 - Safety Precautions

1.1 Symbols used in the manual

Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury or death.
Indique le mode d’utilisation, la procédure et la condition d’exploitation. Si ces consignes ne sont passtrictement respectées, il y a des risques de blessures corporelles ou de mort.
Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to or destruction of equipment.
Indique et le mode d’utilisation, la procédure et la condition d’exploitation. Si ces consignes ne sont pas strictement respectées, il y a des risques de détérioration ou de destruction des appareils.
Indicates that the presence of electrostatic discharge could damage the appliance. When handling the boards, always wear a grounded bracelet.
Indique que la présence de décharges électrostatiques est susceptible d’endommager l’appa­reil. Toujours porter un bracelet de mise à la terre lors de la manipulation des cartes.
Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that should be strictly followed in order to optimize these applications.
Indique le mode d’utilisation, la procédure et la condition d’exploitation. Ces consignes doivent êtrerigoureusement respectées pour optimiser ces applications.
Note ! Indicates an essential or important procedure, condition, or statement.
Qualied personnel
For the purpose of this Instruction Manual , a “Qualied person” is someone who is skilled to the installation, mounting, start-up and operation of the equipment and the hazards involved. This operator must have the following qualications:
- trained in rendering rst aid.
- trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with established safety procedures.
- trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground and tag circuits and equipment in accordance with established safety procedures.
Personne qualiée
Aux ns de ce manuel d’instructions, le terme « personne qualiée » désigne toute personne compétente en matière d’installation, de montage, de mise en service et de fonctionnement de l’appareil et au fait des dangers qui s’y rattachent. L’opérateur en question doit posséder les qualications suivantes:
- formation lui permettant de dispenser les premiers soins.
- formation liée à l’entretien et à l’utilisation des équipements de protection selon les consigne de sécurité en vigueur.
- formation et habilitation aux manoeuvres suivantes : branchement, débranchement, vérication des isolations, mise à la terre et étiquetage des circuits et des appareils selon les consignes de sécurité en vigueur.
6 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
Use for intended purpose only
The power drive system (electrical drive + application plant) may be used only for the application stated in the manual and only together with devices and compo­nents recommended and authorized by Gefran.
Utiliser uniquement dans les conditions prévues
Le système d’actionnement électrique (drive électrique + installation) ne peut être utilisé que dans les conditions d’exploitation et les lieux prévus dans le manuel et uniquement avec les dispositifs et les composants recommandés et autorisés par Gefran.

1.2 Safety precaution

The following instructions are provided for your safety and as a means of preventing damage to the product or components in the machines connected. This section lists instructions, which apply generally when handling electrical drives. Specic instruc­tions that apply to particular actions are listed at the beginning of each chapters.
Les instructions suivantes sont fournies pour la sécurité de l’utilisateur tout comme pour éviter l’endommagement du produit ou des composants à l’intérieur des machines raccordées. Ce paragraphe dresse la liste des instructions généralement applicables lors de la manipulation des drives électriques. Les instructions spéciques ayant trait à des actions particulières sont répertoriées au début de chaque chapitre.
Read the information carefully, since it is provided for your personal safety and will also help prolong the service life of your electrical drive and the plant you connect to it.
Lire attentivement les informations en matière de sécurité personnelle et visant par ailleurs à prolonger la durée de vie utile du drive tout comme de l’installation à laquelle il est relié.

1.3 General warnings

This equipment contains dangerous voltages and controls potentially dangerous rotat­ing mechanical parts. Non-compliance with Warnings or failure to follow the instructions contained in this manual can result in loss of life, severe personal injury or serious damage to property.
Cet appareil utilise des tensions dangereuses et contrôle des organes mécaniques en mou­vement potentiellement dangereux. L’absence de mise en pratique des consignes ou le non­respect des instructions contenues dans ce manuel peuvent provoquer le décès, des lésions corporelles graves ou de sérieux dégâts aux équipements.
This equipment contains dangerous voltages and controls potentially dangerous rotat­ing mechanical parts. Non-compliance with Warnings or failure to follow the instructions contained in this manual can result in loss of life, severe personal injury or serious damage to property.
Les drives occasionnent des mouvements mécaniques. L’utilisateur est tenu de s’assurer que de tels mouvements mécaniques ne débouchent pas sur des conditions d’insécurité. Les butées de sécurité et les seuils d’exploitation prévus par le fabricant ne doivent être ni contournés ni modiés.
Only suitable qualied personnel should work on this equipment, and only after becom­ing familiar with all safety notices, installation, operation and maintenance procedures contained in this manual. The successful and safe operation of this equipment is dependent upon its proper handling,installation, operation and maintenance.
Seul un personnel dûment formé peut intervenir sur cet appareil et uniquement après avoir assimilé l’ensemble des informations concernant la sécurité, les procédures d’installation, le fonctionnement et l’entretien contenues dans ce manuel. La sécurité et l’efcacité du fonction­nement de cet appareil dépendent du bon accomplissement des opérations de manutention, d’installation, de fonctionnement et d’entretien.
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 7
In the case of faults, the drive, even if disabled, may cause accidental movements if it has not been disconnected from the mains supply.
En cas de panne et même désactivé, le drive peut provoquer des mouvements fortuits s’il n’a pas été débranché de l’alimentation secteur.
Electrical Shock
The DC link capacitors remain charged at a hazardous voltage even after cutting off the power supply. Never open the device or covers while the AC Input power supplyis switched on. Mini­mum time to wait before working on the terminals or inside the device is listed in par.
“9.8 Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations”, page 135.
Risque de décharge électrique
Les condensateurs de la liaison à courant continu restent chargés à une tension dangereuse même après que la tension d’alimentation a été coupée.
Ne jamais ouvrir l’appareil lorsqu’il est suns tension. Le temps minimum d’attente avant de pouvoir travailler sur les bornes ou bien àl’intérieur de l’appareil est indiqué dans la section
«9.8 Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations», page 135.
Electrical Shock and Burn Hazard:
When using instruments such as oscilloscopes to work on live equipment, the oscil­loscope’s chassis should be grounded and a differential probe input should be used. Care should be used in the selection of probes and leads and in the adjustment of the oscilloscope so that accurate readings may be made. See instrument manufacturer’s instruction book for proper operation and adjustments to the instrument.
Décharge Èlectrique et Risque de Brúlure : Lors de l’utilisation d’instruments (par example oscilloscope) sur des systémes en marche, le chassis de l’oscilloscope doit être relié à la terre et une sonde différentiel devrait être utilisé en entrée. Les sondes et conducteurs doivent être choissis avec soin pour effectuer les meilleures mesures à l’aide d’un oscilloscope. Voir le manuel d’instruction pour une utilisation correcte des instruments.
Fire and Explosion Hazard:
Fires or explosions might result from mounting Drives in hazardous areas such as loca­tions where ammable or combustible vapors or dusts are present. Drives should be installed away from hazardous areas, even if used with motors suitable for use in these locations.
Risque d’incendies et d’explosions: L’utilisation des drives dans des zônes à risques (pré­sence de vapeurs ou de poussières inammables), peut provoquer des incendies ou des explosions. Les drives doivent être installés loin des zônes dangeureuses, et équipés de moteurs appropriés.
8 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
1.4 Instruction for compliance with UL Mark (UL require­ments), U.S. and Canadian electrical codes
Short circuit ratings
ADV200 inverters must be connected to a grid capable of supplying a symmetrical short-circuit power of less than or equal to “xxxx A rms (at 600 V +10% V max).
The values of the “xxxx” A rms short-circuit current, in accordance with UL require­ments (UL 508 c), for each motor power rating (Pn mot in the manual) are shown in the table below.
Short current rating
Pn mot (kW) SCCR ( A ) @ 600Vac
75 ...132 10000
160 ... 250 18000
315 ... 400 30000
500 ... 630 42000
Note! Drive will be protected by semiconductor Fuse type as specified in the instruction manual.
Branch circuit protection
In order to protect drive against over-current use fuses specied in par. “10.1
Optional external fuses”, page 141.
Environmental condition
The drive has to be considered “Open type equipment”. Max surrounding air temperature equal to 40°C. Pollution degree 2.
710 ... 1000 85000
Wiring of the input and output power terminals
Use UL listed cables rated at 75°C and round crimping terminals. Crimp terminals with tool recommended by terminal manufacturer. Field wiring terminals shall be used with the tightening torque specied in par. “9.9
Cooling”, page 136.
Over-voltage control
In compliance with CSA-requirements Overvoltage at mains terminal is achieved installing an overvoltage protection device as for :
Type OVR 3L 15 660 from ABB or similar.
Minimum time required for safe DC-link voltage
Before removing drive cover in order to access internal parts, after mains discon­nection wait 300 sec for time.
Over-speed; over-load/current limit; motor overload
Drive incorporate over-speed, over-current/current limit, motor overload protection. Instruction manual specify degree of protection and detailed installation instruc­tion.
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 9
Solid State Motor Overload Protection.
Drive incorporate motor overload protection. Protection is implemented as software function. Instruction manual specify degree of protection and detailed installation instruction. *
*Applicable up to 9 May 2013.
New requirement. Applicable as from 9 May 2013.
The drive is not provided with the internal motor overload protection (software function) as required under UL 508c as from 9 May 2013. The drive is designed for use with motors with integrated thermal overload protec­tion. The integrated thermal overload protection signal must be connected to the equip­ment, starting from a contact, on the “digital input connector” terminal, pins 4 and 10, that accepts a maximum of 24 VDC, 5 mA. The nal result of this signal is the switching of the motor control device output to solid state OFF.
10 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

2 - Introduction to the product

The new inverter series “SIEIDrive ADV200” represents an innovative concept in drive technology, as a result of the constant technological research and of the ex­perience that the Gefran Group has acquired keeping a constant presence aside that of the major sector players. The new range has been engineered and developed to satisfy the real needs of System Integrators and OEM’s in order to provide them the best innovations and economical competitiveness in the international markets. Based on full mechanical modularity and on a powerful, intuitive and “fully open” programming platform, ADV200 offers absolute integration exibility with high­end performance in any system architectures of the most advanced automation environments.
• Modularity
An innovative concept of integrated technology that offers full modularity. Mountable side by side and with accessories specically dedicated to system solutions, ADV200 has been engineered to make installation easy for any operator, both in existing systems and in specic machine solutions, always offering a real reduction of required space in the cabinet and the best manageability.
• Integrated Quality
ADV200 integrates the fundamental devices for an absolute quality level, such as the DC choke that ensures maximum reliability in any conditions of working and the input lter that renders the drive in compliance with the EMC normative EN61800-3. Note: the choke and lter are not present in ADV200-DC models.
• Fast Access
Structured to offer simple and fast management of the product in any situation of instal­lation and mounting. From the terminal access to the rack assembling of the options, each operation is quick and easy.
• Smart Connections
Dedicated accessories and fully removable terminals, ensure simple and fast installa­tion and start-up in compliance with the EMC normative.
• Options
ADV200 manages up to 3 option cards.
• Safety Card
Integrated on board as the 4th option (ADV200-...-SI models), the EXP- SFTy card al­lows the motor to be disabled without the use of a safety contactor on the drive output, guaranteeing compliance to the directive for machine safety EN61800-5-2 SIL3.
The EXP- SFTy card is integrated as standard in the master inverter of 400 to 1000 kW parallel versions.
• Serial Line
Integrated standard RS485 serial line with Modbus RTU protocol, for peer-to-peer or multidrop connections (with OPT-RS485-ADV card).
• Back-Up Supply
ADV200 can be supplied through an external +24Vdc supply in order to be kept active in case of mains input loss, ensuring in this situation the operation of all monitoring functions, programming and any connected eldbus network.
• Cables shield
OMEGA clamp to grounding 360° of shielded cables.
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 11

2.1 Drive type designation

Firmware HW release S/N 07012345 Prod. Release
Cards revision
Firmware revision
Braking unit
4.0.0 -.E -L 14.15.18 A1
The main technical characteristic of the drive are showed in the product code and in the nameplate. I.e. product code:
ADV 7 2000 -K X X -6 -XX YY -DC -SI
Safety card
EXP-SFTy-ADV included
DC bus power supply version
Parallel version only:
Rated voltage :
6 = 690 Vac (sizes 5 and 6) 6 = 500...690 Vac (sizes 7).
Braking unit:
X = non included
X = non included
Drive power, in kW:
750 = 75.0 kW 900 = 90.0 kW 1100 = 110.0 kW 1320 = 132.0 kW 1600 = 160.0 kW
Mechanical drive sizes:
5 = size 5 6 = size 6
7 = size 7
Drive ADV200 series
YY : 04 = 400.0 kW 05 = 500.0 kW 06 = 630.0 kW 07 = 710.0 kW 09 = 900.0 kW 10 = 1000.0 kW
X = standard
B = included
K = included
2000 = 200.0 kW
2500 = 250.0 kW 3150 = 315.0 kW 3550 = 355.0 kW
Identication Nameplate
Serial number
Drive model
Input (mains supply, frequency,AC Input Current at constant torque)
Output (Output voltage, frequency, power, current, CT and VT overloads)
Type: ADV72000 -KXX-6 S/N: 07012345
Inp: 500Vac-10% 690Vac+10% 50/60Hz 3Ph
Out : 0-690Vac 200Hz 3Ph 200kW@690Vac 200Hp @ 575Vac
200kW 210A Ovld . 150%-60s
250kW 265A Ovld . 110%-60s
Firmware & cards revision level nameplate
12 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
The inverter must be selected according to the rated current of the motor.
The rated output current of the drive must be higher than or equal to the rated cur­rent of the motor used. The speed of the three-phase motor is determined by the number of pole pairs and the frequency (nameplate, data sheet) of the motor concerned. Operation above the rated frequency and speed of the motor must take into ac­count the specications given by the manufacturer losses (bearings, unbalance etc.). This also applies to temperature specications for continuous operation under 20 Hz (poor motor ventilation, not applicable to motors with external ventilation).

2.1.1 Parallel inverters

Inverters of between 400 kW and 710 kW comprise one master and one
Inverters of over 900 kW comprise one master and two slaves.
When placing your order please give the code number of the master and slave
and number of these:
Power code Description (Designation) Power code Description (Designation)
S9O76M ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 -SI S9O76S ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL S9O76SC ADV-72000-KXX-6-SL-DC S9O77M ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 -SI S9O77S ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL S9O77SC ADV-72500-KXX-6-SL-DC S9O78M ADV-731500-KXX-6-MS 06 -SI S9O78S ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL S9O78SC ADV-73150-KXX-6-SL-DC S9O79M ADV-735500-KXX-6-MS 07 -SI S9O79S ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-KXX-6-SL-DC
S9O78M1 ADV-731500-KXX-6-MS 09 -SI
S9O78S ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL S9O78SC ADV-73150-KXX-6-SL-DC S9O78S ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL S9O78SC ADV-73150-KXX-6-SL-DC
S9O79M1 ADV-735500-KXX-6-MS 10-SI
S9O79S ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-KXX-6-SL-DC S9O79S ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL S9O79SC ADV-73550-KXX-6-SL-DC
S9O76MC ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04-DC- SI
S9O77MC ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05-DC-SI
S9O78MC ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 06-DC-SI
S9O79MC ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 07-DC-SI
S9O78M1C ADV-73150-KXX-6-MS 09-DC-SI
S9O79M1C ADV-73550-KXX-6-MS 10-DC-SI
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 13
S9O80M ADV-731500-KXX-6A-MS 06 -SI S9O80S ADV-731500-XXX-6A-SL S9O80S ADV-73150-KXX-6A-SL-DC S9O81M ADV-735500-KXX-6A-MS 07 -SI S9O81S ADV-735500-XXX-6A-SL S9O81S ADV-73550-KXX-6A-SL-DC
S9O80M1 ADV-731500-KXX-6A-MS 09 -SI
S9O80S ADV-731500-XXX-6A-SL S9O80S ADV-73150-KXX-6A-SL-DC S9O80S ADV-731500-XXX-6A-SL S9O80S ADV-73150-KXX-6A-SL-DC
S9O81M1 ADV-735500-KXX-6A-MS 10-SI
S9O81S ADV-735500-XXX-6A-SL S9O81S ADV-73550-KXX-6A-SL-DC S9O81S ADV-735500-XXX-6A-SL S9O81S ADV-73550-KXX-6A-SL-DC
S9O80M ADV-73150-KXX-6A-MS 06-DC-SI
S9O81M ADV-73550-KXX-6A-MS 07-DC-SI
S9O80M1 ADV-73150-KXX-6A-MS 09-DC-SI
S9O81M1 ADV-73550-KXX-6A-MS 10-DC-SI

3 - Transport and storage

Correct transport, storage, erection and mounting, as well as careful operation and maintenance are essential for proper and safe operation of the equipment.
Protect the inverter against physical shocks and vibration during transport and storage. Also be sure to protect it against water (rainfall) and excessive temperatures.
Le bon accomplissement des opérations de transport, de stockage, d’installation et de mon­tage, ainsi que l’exploitation et l’entretien minutieux, sont essentiels pour garantir à l’appareil un fonctionnement adéquat et sûr.
If the Drives have been stored for longer than two years, the operation of the DC link capacitors may be impaired and must be “reformed”. Before commissioning devices that have been stored for long periods, connect them to a power supply for two hours with no load connected in order to regenerate the capacitors, (the input voltage has to be applied without enabling the drive).
En cas de stockage des variateurs pendant plus de deux ans, il est conseillé de contrôler l’état des condensateurs CC avant d’en effectuer le branchement. Avant la mise en service des appareils, ayant été stockés pendant long temps, il faut alimenter variateurs à vide pen­dant deux heures, pour régénérer les condensateurs : appliquer une tension d’alimentation sans actionner le variateur.

3.1 General

A high degree of care is taken in packing the ADV Drives and preparing them for delivery. They should only be transported with suitable transport equipment (see weight data). Observe the instructions printed on the packaging. This also ap­plieswhen the device is unpacked and installed in the control cabinet.
Upon delivery, check the following:
- the packaging for any external damage
- whether the delivery note matches your order.
Open the packaging with suitable tools. Check whether:
- any parts were damaged during transport
- the device type corresponds to your order
In the event of any damage or of an incomplete or incorrect delivery please notify the responsible sales ofces immediately. The devices should only be stored in dry rooms within the specied temperature ranges .
Note! A certain degree of moisture condensation is permissible if this arises from changes in temperature.
This does not, however, apply when the devices are in operation. Always ensure that there is no moisture condensation in devices that are connected to the power supply!
14 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

3.2 Permissible Environmental Conditions

storage �������������������� -25…+55°C (-13…+131°F), class 1K4 per EN50178
transport ������������������� -25…+70°C (-13…+158°F), class 2K3 per EN50178
Air humidity
storage �������������������� 5% to 95 %, 1 g/m3 to 29 g/m3 (class 1K3 as per EN50178) transport ������������������� 95 % (3), 60 g/m3 (4)
A light condensation of moisture may occur for a short time occasionally if the device is not in operation
(class 2K3 as per EN50178)
Air pressure:
storage �������������������� [kPa] 86 to 106 (class 1K4 as per EN50178) transport ������������������� [kPa] 70 to 106 (class 2K3 as per EN50178)
(3) Greatest relative air humidity occurs with the temperature @ 40°C (104°F) or if the temperature of the
device is brought suddenly from -25 ...+30°C (-13°...+86°F).
(4) Greatest absolute air humidity if the device is brought suddenly from 70...15°C (158°...59°F).
The drive is suitable for use under the environmental service conditions (climate, mechanical, pollution, etc.) dened as usual service conditions according to EN61800-2.
-20…+55°C (-4…+131°F), for devices with keypad
-20…+60°C (-4…+140°F), for devices with keypad
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 15

4 - Mechanical installation

The Drive must be mounted on a wall that is constructed of heat resistant material.
While the Drive is operating, the temperature of the Drive’s cooling ns can rise to a
temperature of 158° F (70°C).
Le drive doit être monté sur un mur construit avec des matériaux résistants à la chaleur. Pendant le fonctionnement du drive, la température des ailettes du dissipateur thermique peut arriver à 70°C (158° F).
Because the ambient temperature greatly affects Drive life and reliability, do not install the Drive in any location that exceeds the allowable temperature.
Étant donné que la température ambiante inue sur la vie et la abilité du drive, on ne devrait pasinstaller le drive dans des places ou la temperature permise est dépassée.
Be sure to remove the desicant dryer packet(s) when unpacking the Drive. (If not removed these packets may become lodged in the fan or air passages and cause the Drive to overheat).
Lors du déballage du drive, retirer le sachet déshydraté. (Si celui-ci n’est pas retiré, il em­pêche la ventilation et provoque une surchauffe du drive).
Protect the device from impermissible environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, shock etc.).
Protéger l’appareil contre des effets extérieurs non permis (température, humidité, chocs etc.).
16 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

4.1 Inclination and mounting clearance

The Drives must be mounted in such a way that the free ow of air is ensured see paragraph “9.9 Cooling”, page 136.
Maximum angle of inclination �����������30° (referred to vertical position) Minimum top and bottom distance �������150 mm (≥ADV71600 = 400mm) Minimum free space to the front ���������25 mm Minimum distance between drives �������none Minimum distance to the side with the cabinet
150 mm [ 6" ]
400 mm [ 15.75" ] (ADV 7...)
10 mm [ 0.4" ]
150 mm [ 6" ]
400 mm [ 15.75" ] (ADV 7...)
10 mm
25 mm [ 0.98” ]10 mm [ 0.4" ]
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 17
200mm [7.87"]
100mm [3.93"]
400mm [15.75"]
Taglia 5
Size 5

4.2 Fastening positions

100mm [3.93"]
942mm [37.08"]
904 mm [35.6"]
417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”]
200mm [7.87"]
Taglia 6
Size 6
400mm [15.75"]
Fissaggio a muro
Wall mounting
1113mm [43.82"]
1095mm [43.11"]
Fissaggio a muro
Wall mounting
12.75 mm
7.5 mm
7.5 mm
12.75 mm
Taglia 7
Size 7
(*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente
(*) Protective trasparent policarbonate
18 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
Ø 13
Recommended screws for fastening
Size 5 (ADV 5...) 4 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat washer
Size 6 (ADV 6...) 5 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat washer
Size 7 (ADV 7...) 6 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat washer
Note! Other dimensions see chapter “9.10 Weight and dimensions”, page 137.
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 19
417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”]
417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”]
(*) (*)
Fissaggio a muro
Wall mounting
400 ... 710 kW
417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”]
417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”]
(*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente
(*) Protective trasparent policarbonate
417 [16.42”]
355.6 [140”]
177.8 [7.00”]
Fissaggio a muro
Wall mounting
900 ... 1000 kW
(*) (*)
20 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
(*) Protezione in policarbonato trasparente
(*) Protective trasparent policarbonate
Recommended screws for fastening
400 kW
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04 -SI ADV-72000-XXX-6-SL
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05 -SI ADV-72500-XXX-6-SL
ADV-731500-KXX-6-MS 06 -SI ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL
ADV-735500-KXX-6-MS 07 -SI ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL
ADV-731500-KXX-6-MS 09 -SI ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL
ADV-735500-KXX-6-MS 10-SI ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL
12 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat washer
18 x M6 x 16 mm screws + Grover (spring-lock) washer + Flat washer
Note! Other dimensions see chapter “9.10 Weight and dimensions”, page 137.
Ø 13
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 21

5 - Wiring Procedure

Adjustable frequency drives are electrical apparatus for use in industrial installations.
Parts of the Drives are energized during operation. The electrical installation and the
opening of the device should therefore only be carried out by qualied personnel. Im­proper installation of motors or Drives may therefore cause the failure of the device as well as serious injury to persons or material damage. Drive is not equipped with motor overspeed protection logic other than that controlled by software. Follow the instructions given in this manual and observe the local and national safety regulations applicable.
Les drives à fréquence variable sont des dispositifs électriques utilisés dans des installations industriels. Une partie des drives sont sous tension pendant l’operation. L’installation élec­trique et l’ouverture des drives devrait être executé uniquement par du personel qualié. De mauvaises installations de moteurs ou de drives peuvent provoquer des dommages materiels ou blesser des personnes. On doit suivir les instructions donneés dans ce manuel et observer les régles nationales de sécurité.
Replace all covers before applying power to the Drive. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury.
Remettre tous les capots avant de mettre sous tension le drive. Des erreurs peuvent provo­quer de sérieux accidents ou même la mort.
The drive must always be grounded. If the drive is not connected correctly to ground, extremely hazardous conditions may be generated that may result in death or serious injury.
Le drive doit toujours être raccordé au système de mise à la terre. Un mauvais raccorde­ment du drive au système de mise à la terre peut se traduire par des conditions extrêmement dangereuses susceptibles d’entraîner le décès ou de graves lésions corporelles.
Never open the device or covers while the AC Input power supply is switched on. Minimum time to wait before working on the terminals or inside the device is listed in section “9.8 Volt-
age level of the inverter for safe operations”, page 135.
Ne jamais ouvrir l’appareil lorsqu’il est suns tension. Le temps minimum d’attente avant de pouvoir travailler sur les bornes ou bien à l’intérieur de l’appareil est indiqué dans la section
Voltage level of the inverter for safe operations”, page 135.
Do not touch or damage any components when handling the device. The changing of the isolation gaps or the removing of the isolation and covers is not permissible.
Manipuler l’appareil de façon à ne pas toucher ou endommager des parties. Il n’est pas permis de changer les distances d’isolement ou bien d’enlever des matériaux isolants ou des capots.
Do not connect power supply voltage that exceeds the standard specication voltage uctuation permissible. If excessive voltage is applied to the Drive, damage to the
internal components will result.
Ne pas raccorder de tension d’alimentation dépassant la uctuation de tension permise par les normes. Dans le cas d’ une alimentation en tension excessive, des composants internes peuvent être endommagés.
Operation with Residual Current Device
If an RCD (also referred to as ELCB or RCCB) is tted, the inverters will operate without nuisance tripping, provided that:
- a type B RCD is used.
- the trip limit of the RCD is 300mA.
22 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
- the neutral of the supply is grounded (TT or TN systems)
- only one inverter is supplied from each RCD.
- the output cables are less than 50m (screened) or 100m (unscreened).
RCD: Residual Current Device RCCB: Residual Current Circuit Breaker ELCB: Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
Note: The residual current operated circuit-breakers used must provide protection
against direct-current components in the fault current and must be suitable for briey suppressing power pulse current peaks. It is recommended to protect the frequency inverter by fuse separately.
The regulations of the individual country (e.g. VDE regulations in Germany) and
the regional power suppliers must be observed!
Fonctionnement avec un dispositif de courant résiduel
En cas d’installation d’un RCD – dispositif de courant résiduel – (également dénommé RCCB ou ELCB), les onduleurs fonctionneront sans faux arrêt à condition que :
- le RCD utilisé soit de type B
- le seuil de déclenchement du RCD soit xé à 300 mA
- le neutre du bloc d’alimentation soit mis à la terre (systèmes TT ou TN)
- chaque RCD n’alimente qu’un seul onduleur
- la longueur des câbles de sortie soit inférieure à 50 m (blindés) ou 100 m (non blindés)
RCD: Dispositif de courant résiduel RCCB: Disjoncteur à courant résiduel ELCB: Disjoncteur contre fuite à la terre
Remarque : Les RCD utilisés doivent assurer la protection contre les composants à courant
Respecter la réglementation des pays concernés (par exemple, les normes VDR
continu présents dans le courant de défaut et doivent être capables de suppri­mer des crêtes de courant en peu de temps. Il est recommandé de protéger séparément l’onduleur au moyen de fusibles.
en Allemagne) et des fournisseurs locaux d’énergie électrique.
Functioning of the Drive without a ground connection is not permitted. To avoid distur­bances, the armature of the motor must be grounded using a separate ground connec-
tor from those of other appliances.
Défense de faire fonctionner le drive sans qu’il y ait eu raccordement de mise à la terre préa­lable. Pour éviter les perturbations, la carcasse du moteur doit être mise à la terre à l’aide d’un raccord de mise à la masse séparé de ceux des autres appareils.
The grounding connector shall be sized in accordance with the NEC or Canadian Elec­trical Code. The connection shall be made by a UL listed or CSA certied closed-loop terminal connector sized for the wire gauge involved. The connector is to be xed using the crimp tool specied by the connector manufacturer.
Le raccordement devrait être fait par un connecteur certié et mentionné à boucle fermé par lesnormes CSA et UL et dimensionné pour l’épaisseur du cable correspondant. Le connecteur doit êtrexé a l’aide d’un instrument de serrage specié par le producteur du connecteur.
Do not perform a megger test between the Drive terminals or on the control circuit terminals.
Ne pas exécuter un test megger entre les bornes du drive ou entre les bornes du circuit de contrôle.
No voltage should be connected to the output of the drive (terminals U2, V2 W2). The parallel connection of several drives via the outputs and the direct connection of the inputs and outputs (bypass) are not permissible.
Aucune tension ne doit être appliquée sur la sortie du convertisseur (bornes U2, V2 et W2). Il n’est pas permis de raccorder la sortie de plusieurs convertisseurs en parallèle, ni d’effectuer une connexion directede l’entrée avec la sortie du convertisseur (Bypass).
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 23
The electrical commissioning should only be carried out by qualied personnel, who are also responsible for the provision of a suitable ground connection and a protected power supply feeder in accordance with the local and national regulations. The motor must be protected against overloads.
La mise en service électrique doit être effectuée par un personnel qualié. Ce dernier est responsable del’existence d’une connexion de terre adéquate et d’une protection des câbles d’alimentation selon les prescriptions locales et nationales. Le moteur doit être protégé contre la surcharge
If the Drives have been stored for longer than two years, the operation of the DC link capacitors may be impaired and must be “reformed”. Before commissioning devices that have been stored for long periods, connect them to a power supply for two hours with no load connected in order to regenerate the capacitors, (the input voltage has to be applied without enabling the drive).
En cas de stockage des variateurs pendant plus de deux ans, il est conseillé de contrôler l’état des condensateurs CC avant d’en effectuer le branchement. Avant la mise en service des appareils, ayant été stockés pendant long temps, il faut alimenter variateurs à vide pen­dant deux heures, pour régénérer les condensateurs : appliquer une tension d’alimentation sans actionner le variateur.
Type of networks
ADV200-6 drives are designed to be powered from standard three phase lines that are electrically symmetrical with respect to ground (TN or TT network). In case of supply with IT network, sizes ≥ 71600 (with integrated EMI lter and max. distance of 50 m between inverter and motor) can be used.
For sizes < 71600, the use of the “ADV200….-IT” series is mandatory. ADV200...-IT does not include the use of an EMI lter with internal capacitors connected to the ground. The RFI emissions level are more relevant but in accordance with EN 61800-3. In case of limited emission levels requirements, it is suggested to check for excessive noise from close electrical equipment or to the public low-voltage mains. If necessary, to reduce the levels of emissions is enought to use a voltage transformer with static screening between the primary and secondary windings.
Do not install an external EMI lter to the ADV200-6. Capacitors inside the lter could be damaged and could cause safety problem.
Type de réseaux : Les variateurs ADV200-6 sont conçus pour être alimentés à partir des lignes triphasées standard qui sont électriquement symétrique par rapport à la terre (TN ou réseau TT). En cas d’alimentation avec le réseau IT, les tailles ≥ 71600 (avec ltre EMI intégré et une distance maxima le de 50 m entre le variateur et le moteur) peuvent être utilisés.
Pour les tailles <71600, la référence «ADV200 ....-IT» est obligatoire.
ADV200...-IT’’ n’inclut pas l’utilisation d’un ltre EMI avec des condensateurs internes reliés à la masse. Le niveau des émissions de RFI sont plus pertinentes, mais en con­formité avec la norme EN 61800-3. En cas de besoins pour limités les niveaux d’émission, il est suggéré de vérier le bruit excessif provenant des équipements électriques à proximité ou sur le réseau basse tension . Si nécessaire, pour réduire les niveaux d’émissions trop important utiliser un transformateur d’isolement entre les enroulements primaires et secondaires.
Ne pas installer un ltre EMI externe à l’ADV200-6. Les condensateurs à l’intérieur du ltre pourraient être endommagés et pourraient causer des problèmes de sécurité.
24 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.1 Power section

5.1.1 Cable Cross Section

Terminals: U1/L1 - V1/L2 - W3/L3 - C - D - U2/T1 - V2/T2 - W2/T3
5750 50 1/0 16 3.2
6900 70 2/0 24 3.5
61100 70 2/0 24 3.5
61320 70 2/0 24 3.5
5750 35 2 15 3.2
6900 35 2 18 5
61100 35 2 18 5
61320 35 2 18 5
5750 4 10 10 0.5
6900 4 10 10 0.5
61100 4 10 10 0.5
61320 4 10 10 0.5
71600 95 AWG 4/0 M10 50
72000 150 300 kcmil M10 50
72500 240 500 kcmil M10 50
73150 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
73550 2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
Maximum Cable Cross Section (flexible conductor) Recommended stripping Tightening torque (min)
(mm2) AWG (mm) (Nm)
Morsetti: PE1 - PE2
Terminals: U3 - 2V3 - 1V3
Maximum Cable Cross Section (flexible conductor) Recommended stripping Tightening torque (min)
(mm2) AWG (mm) (Nm)
Bars: L1 - L2 - L3 - C - D - U - V - W
Recommended Cable Cross Section Lock screw diameter Tightening torque (min)
(mm2) AWG / kcmil (mm) (Nm)
on bars
Tightening torque
71600 50 AWG 1/0 M10 Eyelet 50
72000 75 AWG 2/0 M10 Eyelet 50
72500 120 250 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
73150 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
73550 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 25
Cable Cross Section Lock screw
(mm2) AWG / kcmil (mm) (mm) (Nm)
Bars: L1 - L2 - L3 - C - D - U - V - W
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04-...
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05-...
ADV-731500-KXX-6-MS 06-...
ADV-735500-KXX-6-MS 07-...
ADV-731500-KXX-6-MS 09-...
ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL -...
ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL -...
ADV-735500-KXX-6-MS 10-...
ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL -...
ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL -...
ADV-72000-KXX-6-MS 04-...
ADV-72500-KXX-6-MS 05-...
ADV-731500-KXX-6-MS 06-...
ADV-735500-KXX-6-MS 07-...
ADV-731500-KXX-6-MS 09-...
ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL -...
ADV-731500-XXX-6-SL -...
ADV-735500-KXX-6-MS 10-... 150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL -...
ADV-735500-XXX-6-SL -...
Recommended cable cross-section Lock screw
(mm2) AWG / kcmil (mm) (Nm)
150 300 kcmil M10 50
150 300 kcmil M10 50
240 500 kcmil M10 50
240 500 kcmil M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
2 x 100 2 x AWG 4/0 M10 50
Recommended cable
(mm2) AWG / kcmil (mm) (mm) (Nm)
75 AWG 2/0 M10 Eyelet 50
75 AWG 2/0 M10 Eyelet 50
120 250 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
120 250 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
150 300 kcmil M10 Eyelet 50
Lock screw
Tightening torque
torque (min)
26 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation

5.1.2 EMC guide line

Drives are designed to operate in an industrial environment where a high level of electromagnetic interference are to be expected. Proper installation practices will ensure safe and trouble-free operation. If you encounter problems, follow the guidelines which follow.
- Check for all equipment in the cabinet are well grounded using short, thick
grounding cable connected to a common star point or busbar. Better solution is to use a conductive mounting plane and use that as EMC ground reference plane.
- Flat conductors, for EMC grounding, are better than other type because they
have lower impedance at higher frequencies.
- Make sure that any control equipment (such as a PLC) connected to the
inverter is connected to the same EMC ground or star point as the inverter via a short thick link.
- Connect the return ground from the motors controlled by the drives directly to
the ground connection (
) on the associated inverter.
- Separate the control cables from the power cables as much as possible, using
separate trunking, if necessary at 90º to each other.
- Whenever possible, use screened leads for the connections to the control
- Ensure that the contactors in the cubicle are suppressed, either with R-C
suppressors for AC contactors or ‘ywheel’ diodes for DC contactors tted to the coils. Varistor suppressors are also effective. This is important when the contactors are controlled from the inverter relay .
- Use screened or armored cables for the motor connections and ground the
screen at both ends using the cable clamps
Note! For further information regarding electro-magnetic compatibility standards, according to Directive
89/336/EEC, conformity checks carried out on Gefran appliances, connection of filters and mains inductors, shielding of cables, ground connections, etc., consult the “Electro-magnetic compatibility guide” on the CD attached to this drive.
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 27

5.1.3 Block diagram power section

690Vac, 3ph
500-690Vac, 3ph
600 - 1120 Vdc
ADV- ...- MS..-6
Input fuse
Input choke
Input fuse
Input choke (mandatory)
ADV- ...- SL..-6
Output choke (mandatory)
Output choke (mandatory)
To motor
500-690Vac, 3ph
ADV- ...- MS..-6-DC
600 - 1120 Vdc
Input fuse
Input fuse
ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC
Output choke
Output choke
To motor
ADV5750-...-6 ... ADV61320-...-6
ADV71600-...-6... ADV73550-...-6
ADV71600-...-6-DC ... ADV73550-...-6-DC
400 ... 710kW (ADV200-...-6)
400 ... 710kW (ADV200-...-6-DC)
28 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
900 ... 1000kW (ADV200-...-6)
ADV- ...- MS..-6
Input fuse
Input choke (mandatory)
Input fuse
Input choke (mandatory)
ADV- ...- SL..-6
Output choke (mandatory)
Output choke (mandatory)
To motor
Input fuse
Input choke (mandatory)
ADV- ...- SL..-6
Output choke (mandatory)
500-690Vac, 3ph
ADV- ...- MS..-6-DC
Input fuse
Input fuse
ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC
Output choke (mandatory)
Output choke (mandatory)
To motor
Input fuse
ADV- ...- SL..-6-DC
Output choke (mandatory)
600 - 1120 Vdc
900 ... 1000kW (ADV200-...-6-DC)
Note! Size 7 only: pre-engineered for internal assembly of DC side fuses upon request.
ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation 29
5.1.4 Internal EMC lter
ADV200 series inverters are equipped with an internal EMI (except ADV200-...-DC models) lter able to guarantee the performance levels required by EN 61800-3 standard (according to 2nd environment, category C3) with a maximum of 20 meters of shielded motor cable (up to 50 metres for size 5 and above).
ADV5750-6 ... ADV61320-6

5.1.5 Power line connection

L1 L2 L3
ADV71600-6 ... ADV73550-6
L1 L2 L3
( 690 50/60 Hz)3ph - V
L1 L2 L3 U V W
L1 L2 L3
( 500 ... 690 50/60 Hz)3ph - VAC,
30 ADV200 • Quick start up guide - Specification and installation
+ 138 hidden pages