Gefran SERIE KD Specification Sheet

SERIE KD DP404 CAN OPEN digital output
The KD Series are for use in high temperature applica­tions where the process temperatures may reach 538°C (1000°F) such as high temperature engineered polymers. The K Series utilizes standard melt pressure principles and construction, but uses a near incompressible NAK (Sodium Potassium) for pressure transmission. The K Series strain sensing technology is bonded foil strain gage.
• Digital output signal with DP404 CAN OPEN communication protocol
• Transmission frequency (Baud rate): 10 Kbaud to 1Mbaud (default 500 Kbaud)
• Software selection of Baud rate and ID nodes
• Operation with 1 or 2 settable alarm limits
• “Autozero” for temperature compensation
• 80% FSO calibration signal
• Pressure ranges: 0-35 to 0-1000 bar / 0-500 to 0-15000 psi
• Accuracy: < ± 0.25% FSO (H); < ±0.5% FSO (M)
• Hydraulic transmission system to guarantee temperature stability (NaK). Liquid conforming to RoHS Directive. NaK is defined as a safe substance (GRAS).
• Quantity of NaK contained per model: KD0 series (30mm³) [0.00183 in³], KD1,KD2,KD3 (40mm³) [0.00244 in³]
• Standard threading: 1/2-20 UNF, M18x1.5; other versions on request.
• Inconel 718 diaphragm with GTP+ coating for temperatures up to 538°C (1000°F)
• 15-5 PH diaphragm with GTP+ coating for temperatures
up to 400°C (750°F)
• Hastelloy C276 diaphragm for temperatures up to 300°C
• 17-7 PH corrugated diaphragm with GTP+ coating for
ranges below 100 bar-1500 psi up to 400°C (750°F)
• Stem material: 17-4 PH
GTP+ (advanced protection) Coating with high resistance against
corrosion, abrasion and high temperature.
Accuracy (1)
Sampling 16 bit
Measurement range
Maximum overpressure (without degrading performan­ces)
Measurement principle Extensimetric Power supply 12...40Vdc Maximum current absorption 20mA Insulation resistance
(at 50Vdc) Output signal Full Scale FSO Depends on FSO Zero balance 0 Calibration of ambient
Signal protocol
Response time (10 at 90% FSO)
Electronic response time (10 at 90% FSO)
Calibration signal 80% FSO Protection against overvoltage
and reverse polarity of power supply
Compensated temperature range
Operating temperature range -30…+105°C Thermal drift in compesated
range: Zero / Calibration / Sensibility
Diaphragm maximum temperature
Zero drift (zero)
Thermocouple (model KD2) STD : type “J” (isolated junction) Protection degree
(with 5-pole female connector)
FSO = Full Scale Output (1) BFSL method (Best Fit Straight Line): includes combined effects of Non­Linearity, Hysteresis and Repeatability.
H <±0.25%FSO (100...1000 bar)
M <±0.5%FSO (35...1000 bar)
0..35 to 0..1000bar
0..500 to 0..15000ps
2 x FSO
>1000 MOhm
Insertion of an offset
DP404 CAN OPEN, with baudra-
te selectable from 10K to 1Mbaud
(default 500Kbaud)
20 ms
2 ms
<0.02 %FSO/°C
538°C (1000°F)
< 3,5bar/100°C
(< 28 psi/100°F )