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Short Operating Instruction for temperature regulator 450
We deliver our temperature regulator in its basic adjustment for the control of heaters. For other applications, the parameters should be
accordingly modified with the help of the attached operating instruction.
1. Link: There is a link for the thermocouple (NiCr Ni, type K) on the front plate. Laterally, heaters can be steered through the
automatic controller. The permissible power for each power connection amounts to 5 A with 230 ~V. Attention the output is only
for resistive load!
2. Display: The temperature (actual value) measured at the thermocouple is displayed. Heater switching impulses (220 V at the plug
sockets) are displayed by a left red LED. The Set value will be indicated below the actual value and can select with the arrows.
3. Temperature adjustment: With the arrow keys > v / ^ < the desired set point can be set. After the modification, the value will be
used immediately.
4. Temperature control: Thermocouple NiCr Ni type K, with proportional temperature control, with soft start function (note:
heating regulates the full heating power after approximately 3-5 minutes; in any case soft start for the protection of the heating
Important adjustments for modifications of the temperature control:
Blocked: Pass: 99 (protection: 28)
by parameter CFG (press >F< key for 2 seconds, press twice afterwards, CFG appears)
S.tu: Adjustment whether working with optimization (see instruction)
h.Pb: Value of heating in proportion to the final value of the thermocouple; i.e. the regulation starts 1 % of the thermocouple’s
final value below the set point. Example: adjustment: 1,0, thermocouple type K: 1300°C = 1 % = 13 °C, set point: 500 °C; this
means that the temperature control is started at 487°C.
h.It: the smaller the value, the more an adaptation value to the set point is attempted. If the value is small, there is the danger of
over swing.
h.dt: the larger the value, the more an over swing is prevented; this affects a dampening of the controlling action. The relation of
the values h.It to h.dt should always be 4:1.
5. Manual regulation: Through pressing key > O < you can choose between automatic and manual operation. In case of manual
operation the instrument is only used as a momentum generator and there is no need for a thermocouple (important when sensor
breaks). After reversing, LED L1 light up and the value can be chosen. Value 100 means constant heating, value 50 means that the
processes of turning on and turning off take equally long. The clock speed is entered. A set point is not considered. The temperature
and the set value are displayed alternately. Change over to the automatic mode by pressing key > O <.
6. Turning on/Turning off: The instrument can be turned on and off by using the power switch at the rear. Furthermore, there is the
possibility of turning the instrument off while it is connected with the voltage supply. Therefore, key >F< and key > ^ < have to be
pressed at the same time and for 5 seconds. After turning the instrument off, only a decimal point can be seen. The instrument is
turned on by pressing key >F< for 5 seconds.
7. Alarm: right red LED out: If temperature more as 400 °C the alarm function will be activated and heating stopped (right LED goes
out. It will be worked again, if the temperature is below 400 °C.
8. A fuse is installed inside as protection, if the current is more than 5 amperes. Attention: The relay can switch only resistive
load (ohm-resistance)! Don’t regulate transformer and systems with more as 5 amperes. Working temperature: -10 to +40°C
Protection against manipulation of the parameters
To deactivate the protection:
Press the F-key as long as „PAS “appears. With the up and down key type the number 99, afterwards press F key until „Pro“
appears. Type there the number 00. After renewed long pressing of the F-key, the menu is left and the protection is deactivated.
You activate the protection like follows:
Press the F-key as long as „PAS“ appears. With the up and down key type the number 99, afterwards press F key until „Pro“
appears. Type there the number 30. After renewed long pressing of the F-key, the menu is left and the protection is activated.