We will be glad to receive any possible information which could help us improving this manual. The e-mail address is the following: techdoc@gefran.com.
Before using the product, read the safety instruction section carefully.
Keep the manual in a safe place and available to engineering and installation personnel during the product functioning period.
Gefran S.p.A has the right to modify products, data and dimensions without notice.
The data can only be used for the product description and they can not be understood as legally stated properties.
This manual is updated according to rmware versions V03.06.XX and V03.07.XX.
All rights reserved.
2 AGL50-EV
Table of Contents
Safety Symbol Legend .................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Discharge time of the DC-Link .............................................................................................................................................6
3.2 Storage and transport ..........................................................................................................................................................7
3.3 Standard ...............................................................................................................................................................................7
3.5 AC Output ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.6 Open-Loop and Closed-Loop control section .....................................................................................................................10
4.1 Power Section ....................................................................................................................................................................13
4.5 RS 485 Serial Interface ......................................................................................................................................................18
4.5.1 RS485 serial terminals ..................................................................................................................................................................18
4.5.2 Serial protocol ...............................................................................................................................................................................18
5.2 Moving through the drive main menu .................................................................................................................................21
5.3 Scrolling through the drive parameters ..............................................................................................................................22
7.2.1 Lift-dedicated digital output functions............................................................................................................................................29
7.3 Ramp Function ...................................................................................................................................................................30
7.3.1 Space calculation and acceleration / deceleration ramps settings ...............................................................................................30
7.3.2 Short Floor Function .....................................................................................................................................................................31
7.4 Startup Menu ......................................................................................................................................................................32
7.6 Timer 1 function ..................................................................................................................................................................38
8.3 List of drive alarm events ...................................................................................................................................................41
Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury or
Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to or destruction of equipment.
Indicates a procedure, condition, or statement that should be strictly followed in order to optimize these applications.
Indicates an essential or important procedure, condition, or statement.
1 - Safety Precautions
According to the EEC standards the AGL50-EV and accessories must be used only after checking that the
machine has been produced using those safety devices required by the 89/392/EEC set of rules, as far as the
machine industry is concerned. These standards do not apply in the Americas, but may need to be considered in equipment being shipped to Europe.
Drive systems cause mechanical motion. It is the responsibility of the user to insure that any such motion
does not result in an unsafe condition. Factory provided interlocks and operating limits should not be bypas-
sed or modied.
Electrical Shock and Burn Hazard:
When using instruments such as oscilloscopes to work on live equipment, the oscilloscope’s chassis should
be grounded and a differential amplier input should be used. Care should be used in the selection of probes
and leads and in the adjustment of the oscilloscope so that accurate readings may be made. See instrument
anufacturer’s instruction book for proper operation and adjustments to the instrument.
Fire and Explosion Hazard:
Fires or explosions might result from mounting Drives in hazardous areas such as locations where ammable
or combustible vapors or dusts are present. Drives should be installed away from hazardous areas, even if
used with motors suitable for use in these locations.
Strain Hazard:
Improper lifting practices can cause serious or fatal injury. Lift only with adequate equipment and trained
Drives and motors must be ground connected according to the NEC.
Replace all covers before applying power to the Drive. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury.
Adjustable frequency drives are electrical apparatus for use in industrial installations. Parts of the Drives are
energized during operation. The electrical installation and the opening of the device should therefore only be
carried out by qualied personnel. Improper installation of motors or Drives may therefore cause the failure of
the device as well as serious injury to persons or material damage. Drive is not equipped with motor overspeed protection logic other than that controlled by software. Follow the instructions given in this manual and
observe the local and national safety regulations applicable.
Always connect the Drive to the protective ground (PE) via the marked connection terminals (PE2) and the
housing (PE1). AGL50-EV Drives and AC Input lters have ground discharge currents greater than 3.5 mA.
EN 50178 species that with discharge currents greater than 3.5 mA the protective conductor ground connection (PE1) must be xed type and doubled for redundancy.
The drive may cause accidental motion in the event of a failure, even if it is disabled, unless it has been
disconnected from the AC input feeder.
Never open the device or covers while the AC Input power supply is switched on. Minimum time to wait before
working on the terminals or inside the device is listed in section 1.1.
4 AGL50-EV
Do not connect power supply voltage that exceeds the standard specication voltage uctuation permissible.
If excessive voltage is applied to the Drive, damage to the internal components will result.
Do not operate the Drive without the ground wire connected. The motor chassis should be grounded to earth
through a ground lead separate from all other equipment ground leads to prevent noise coupling.
The grounding connector shall be sized in accordance with the NEC or Canadian Electrical Code.
The connection shall be made by a UL listed or CSA certied closed-loop terminal connector sized for the
wire gauge involved. The connector is to be xed using the crimp tool specied by the connector manufactu-
Do not perform a megger test between the Drive terminals or on the control circuit terminals.
Because the ambient temperature greatly affects Drive life and reliability, do not install the Drive in any location that exceeds the allowable temperature.
If the Drive’s Fault Alarm is activated, consult the chapter 8. TROUBLESHOOTING of this instruction book,
and after correcting the problem, resume operation. Do not reset the alarm automatically by external sequence, etc.
Be sure to remove the desicant dryer packet(s) when unpacking the Drive. (If not removed these packets may
become lodged in the fan or air passages and cause the Drive to overheat).
The Drive must be mounted on a wall that is constructed of heat resistant material. While the Drive is opera-
ting, the temperature of the Drive’s cooling ns can rise to a temperature of 194° F (90°C).
Do not touch or damage any components when handling the device. The changing of the isolation gaps or the
removing of the isolation and covers is not permissible.
Protect the device from impermissible environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, shock etc.)
No voltage should be connected to the output of the drive (terminals U2, V2 W2). The parallel connection of
several drives via the outputs and the direct connection of the inputs and outputs (bypass) are not permissible.
A capacitative load (e.g. Var compensation capacitors) should not be connected to the output of the drive
(terminals U2, V2, W2).
The electrical commissioning should only be carried out by qualied personnel, who are also responsible for
the provision of a suitable ground connection and a protected power supply feeder in accordance with the
local and national regulations. The motor must be protected against overloads.
No dielectric tests should be carried out on parts of the drive. A suitable measuring instrument (internal resi-
stance of at least 10 kΏ/V) should be used for measuring the signal voltages.
In case of a three phase supply not symmetrical to ground, an insulation loss of one of the devices connected to the same network can cause functional problem to the drive, if the use of a delta/wye transformer is
avoided (see par. 3.4).
If the Drives have been stored for longer than two years, the operation of the DC link capacitors may be
impaired and must be “reformed”.
Before commissioning devices that have been stored for long periods, connect them to a power supply for
two hours with no load connected in order to regenerate the capacitors, (the input voltage has to be applied
without enabling the drive).
The terms “Inverter”, “Controller” and “Drive” are sometimes used interchangably throughout the industry. We
will use the term “Drive” in this document.
AGL50-EV 5
1.1 Discharge time of the DC-Link
TypeInTime (seconds)
Tabella 1.1 DC Link Discharge Times
This is the minimum time that must be elapsed since a Drive is disconnected from the AC Input before an operator may
service parts inside the Drive to avoid electric shock hazard.
These values consider a turn off for a Drive supplied at 480Vac +10%, without any option, ( the charge
for the switching supply is the regulation card, the keypad and the 24Vdc fans “if mounted”).
The Drive is disabled. This represents the worst case condition.
2 - Introduction
AGL50-EV is a series of dedicated drives used to control lift asynchronous motors ranging from 4 to 7.5 kW.
Thanks to the special lift application software, it is best used in case of plant modernization and, in general, in all open
loop applications up to 1 m/s.
The easy and adaptable programming procedure can be managed via the alphanumeric keyboard or via the PC congurator and it allows the drive fast commissioning.
Available options on demand:
- External EMC input lters
- External Input / Output chokes
- External braking resistors (connected between terminals C and BR1).
6 AGL50-EV
3 - Environment
3.1 Environmental Conditions
Installation location ��������������������� Pollution degree 2 or lower (free from direct sunligth, vibration, dust, corrosive or inammable
gases, fog, vapour oil and dripped water, avoid saline environment)
Installation altitude ���������������������� Max 2000m (3281 feet) above sea level; above 1000m a current reduction of 1.2% for every
100m (328 feet) of additional height applies.
Mechanical conditions for installation ������� Vibrational stress: EN 60721-3-3 Class 3M1
Operation temperature ������������������ -10…50°C (14°…122°F). At above 40°, 2% derating for each °C, at 50°, 20% derating.
Air humidity (operation) ������������������ 5 % to 85 %, 1 g/m3 to 25 g/m3 without moisture condensation or icing (Class 3K3 as per
Air pressure (operation) [kPa] ������������� 86 to 106 (Class 3K3 as per EN50178)
Drive shall operate under environmental service conditions (climatic, mechanical, pollution, ...) dened in
EN61800-2 as for “usual service conditions”.
3.2 Storage and transport
storage ������������������������������ -20…+55°C (-4…+131°F), (class 1K4 as per EN50178)
transport ����������������������������� -20…+60°C (-4…+140°F), class 2K3 as per EN50178,
Air humidity :
storage ������������������������������ 5% to 95 % (Class 1K3 as per EN50178)
1) Drives are designed to be powered from standard three phase lines that are electrically symmetrical with respect
to ground (TN or TT network).
2) In case of supply with IT network, the use of delta/wye transformer is mandatory, with a secondary three phase
wiring referred to ground.
In case of a three phase supply not symmetrical to ground, an insulation loss of one of the devices connected to the same network can cause functional problem to the drive, if the use of a delta/wye transformer is
Please refer to the following connection sample.
Mains connection and inverter output
The drivea must be connected to an AC mains supply capable of delivering a symmetrical short circuit current lower or
equal to the values indicated on table. For the use of an AC input choke see chapter 4.
Note from the table the allowable mains voltages. The cycle direction of the phases is free.
Voltages lower than the min. tolerance values can cause the block of the inverter.
Adjustable Frequency Drives and AC Input lters have ground discharge currents greater than 3.5 mA. EN 50178 species
that with discharge currents greater than 3.5 mA the protective conductor ground connection (PE1) must be xed type.
8 AGL50-EV
AC Input Current
The Input current of the Drive depends on the operating state of the connected motor. The tables (chapter
3.4) shows the values corresponding to rated continuous service, keeping into account typical output power
factor for each size.
3.5 AC Output
Pnmot (recommended motor output):
@ Uln=400Vac; fsw=default [kW]45.57.5
@ Uln=460Vac; fsw=default [Hp]57.510
U2 Max output voltage[V]0.98 x Uln (AC Input voltage)
f2 Max output frequency[Hz]500 Hz (V/f)
InRated output current::
@ Uln=400Vac; fsw=default [A]10.11317.7
@ Uln=480Vac; fsw=default [A]8.611.714.9
Switching frequency fsw (Default) (5)[kHz]8
Switching frequency fsw (higher) (5)[kHz]10,12
Iovld[A]Short term overload current. 170% of In for 10s on 100s.
Derating factor
Kv (1)0.87
Kt (2)0.8
Kf(3)0.85; 0.7
Kalt (4)1.2
Braking unit intervention threshold (@ 380 V - 480 V)[Vdc]ON = 780 Vdc, OFF= 770 Vdc (6)
(1): Derating factor for mains voltage at 460 Vac
(2): Derating factor for 50°C ambient temperature (2 % each °C > 40 °C)
(3): Derating factor for higher switching frequency
(4): Derating factor for installation at altitudes above 1000 meters a.s.l.. Value to be applied at each 100 m increase
above 1000 m
(5) It is possible to set a xed switching frequency (from 4 to 12 kHz depending on size and with derating where applicable).
Otherwise it is possible to set a variable switching frequency between two levels (hswf and Iswf) dened according
to size, heat sink temperature and stator frequency:
TypeHigher sw frequency
Lower sw frequency
F out
The output of the Drive is ground fault and phase to phase output short protected.
The connection of an external voltage to the output terminals of the Drive is not permissible! It is allowed to
disconnect the motor from the Drive output, after the Drive has been disabled.
The rated value of direct current output ( Icont ) depends on the ambient temperature ( KT ) and the switching frequency
( Kf) if higher than the default setting:
Icont = In x Kt x Kf
(6) With parameter P.344 “BU threshold factor” is possible change the threshold in use:
Reference value ����������������������� 0.1 Hz (Resolution of Reference preset via terminals)
0.1 Hz (Resolution of Reference preset via interface)
10 AGL50-EV
3.8 Dimensions and installation guidelines
104 (4.09)
212 (8.35)
190 (7.48)
4.6 (0.18)
15.5 (0.61)
130 (5.12)
221 (8.70)
176.5 (6.95)
122 (4.80)
54.5 (2.15)
212 (8.35)
104 (4.09)
202 (7.95)
190 (7.48)
104 (4.09)
5 (0.2)
123 (7.84)
mm (inches)
Wall mounting Mounting with external dissipator
2040 ... 20753.06.6
AGL50-EV 11
Mounting Clearance
150 mm (6)
50 mm (1.97)
20 mm
150 mm (6)
The Drives must be mounted in such a way that the free ow of air is ensured.
The clearance to the device must be at least 150 mm (6 inches).
A space of at least 50 mm (2 inches) must be ensured at the front.
Maximum angle of inclination: 30° with respect to the vertical axis.
Devices that generate a large amount of heat must not be mounted in the direct vicinity of the frequency inverter.
Fastening screws should be re-tightened after a few days of operation.
12 AGL50-EV
4 - Wiring Procedure
4.1 Power Section
U1/L1, V1/L2, W1/L3 AC mains voltage (3 x 380 V (-15%) ... 3 x 480 V (+10%)
PE1 Mains ground connection (on terminal)
BR1 Braking unit resistor command (braking resistor must be connected between BR1 and C)
The inverter must be fused on the AC Input side.
Use fast-acting fuses only. Use the fuses shown in the table below.
Connections with three-phase inductance on AC input will improve the DC link capacitors life time.
DC link capacitor hours
of service life [h]
External fuses of the Power Section DC input side
torque (min)
Use fast-acting fuses only. Use the fuses shown in the table below.
Fuse manufacturers: Type GRD... , Z14... 14 x 51 mm Jean Müller, Eltville
A70... Ferraz
FWP... Bussmann
Input chokes
The three-phase mains choke is strongly recommended in order to:
- limit the RMS input current of the AGL50-EV inverter.
- increase the life of intermediate circuit capacitors and reliability of input diodes.
- reduce the harmonic distortion of the current absorbed by the grid to typical values of 70% (with rated current)
SizesTHDIn @ 400 V [A]TypeCode
< 70 %
AGL50-EV 13
Use the following AC chokes to reduce the line current THD even more (< 35%).
SizesTHDIn @ 400 V [A]TypeCode
< 35%
Output chokes
Output chokes are used to reduce the effects of the dv/dt of the power modules (IGBT). Voltage fronts can damage the
electrical insulation of the motors or, if the motor cables are long (typically more than 100 m in length) or highly capacitive, they can cause drive malfunctions and the repeated generation of overcurrent (OC) or desaturation (OCH) alarms.
The output chokes are listed in the table below:
Internal braking unit
Internal braking units with external braking resistors (wired between terminals C and BR1) are used to prevent dangerous
DC link voltage levels in case of braking. Technical data of the internal braking unit (50% duty cycle)
SizesRated current
Peak current
Minimum braking R value
Braking Resistors
The braking resistors can be subject to unforeseen overloads due to possible failures.
The resistors have to be protected using thermal protection devices. Such devices do not have to interrupt
the circuit where the resistor is inserted but their auxiliary contact must interrupt the power supply of the drive
power section. In case the resistor foresees the precence of a protection contact, such contact has to be used
together with the one belonging to the thermal protection device.
Recommended resistors for use with internal braking unit:
Max Overload
energy, 30”- duty-
cycle 25%
Pn cont
SizesResistor typeCode
Max Overload
energy, 1”- duty-
cycle 10%
2040RF 200 100RS8SA151.54200100
2055RF 200 68RS8SA141.5420068
2075RF 400 68RS8SA163.51040068
Resistors protection degree: IP44.
The braking resistor is optional and has always to be mounted externally.
(*) rated power with continuous operation. Without heat sink.
If the resistors are mounted on unpainted radiation plates (thermal resistance shown) the power ratings are
those shown in the table below. In overload conditions, heavier duty cycles can be set proportional to the
power ratings.
14 AGL50-EV
Radiator Therm. Res.
( °C/W )
RF 200 100R0.75400
RF 200 68R0.55550
RF 400 68R0.4750
Optional EMC lters
An external EMI lter can be used to meet the requirements of EN 12015.
P Cont. serv.
( W )
SizesFilter typeCode
(Motor cable length)
2040EMI-FTF-480-7S7GHL5 m
2055EMI-FTF-480-16S7GHO5 m
2075EMI-FTF-480-16S7GHO5 m
4.2 EMC compliant electrical cabinet wiring rules
In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio inference, in which case supplementary mitigation
measures may be required.
Panels and cabinets
Mounting panel and cabinet (including the doors) have to be grounded, with a direct connection to the ground bus, using
Removal of the paint from the support areas
The paint should be removed from the choke, mounting panel and chassis support areas.
The anodized aluminium does not conduct.
Ground terminals of the inverter
The inverters are provided with two ground terminals: one must be connected to the ground bus and the other to the lter.
Ground terminal of the choke
The earth terminal of the choke must be connected to the ground bus.
Shielding of cables for analog signals
Analog signals must be shielded (each signal must be contained in the screen united with the zero volt), the same is true
for the constant references (E.g.. 10V). The shield must be grounded at 360° using the omega connectors available on
the support panel of the regulation board. This is in front of the terminals strip on the bar above the board.
Cable shields should be grounded at one end only.
Min. distance between signal and power cables
The minimum distance between parallel signals and power cables is 30cm (12 inches). Possible crossings have to be
made at 90°. In case of double cabinets (entry to the insde of the cabinet on both sides with 2 different panels installed)
it is advisable to have all signals cables conveyed into troughs mounted on the inverter side (front) and to pass motor
cables on the other side (back) trough. In case of single cabinets, it is advisable to let the power cable run vertically, while
signal cables run horizontally, keeping the maximum possible distance.
Shielding of the supply for an AC motor
The AC motors have to be supplied through a four pole shielded cable (three phases plus a green/yellow ground wire),
or through four unshielded cables, which are inserted inside a metal channel. It is important that a direct connection (four
cables) between the panel grounding and the motor ground has been made and that the fourth cable had been inserted
in a shield.
AGL50-EV 15
Ground connection to both sides of the cable shield (AC motor)
Connettore Omega
Omega connector
Area non verniciata
Not painted area
Pannello di fissaggio
Mounting panel
The shield of the supply cable of the AC motors must be grounded on both sides in order to obtain 360° contact, that
means the whole shield. This can be accomplished using suitable metallic EMC cables press grounded at a full 360° at
the input of the cabinet and of the motor’s terminal strip. If this connection is not possible, the shielded cables should
be brought inside the cabinet and connected with an omega connector to the mounting panel. The same must be done
on the motor side. In case a 360° connection on the motor’s terminal strip is not possible, the shield must be grounded
before entering into the terminal strip. This should be done on the metal support of the motor, using an omega connector
(see gure). In case a metal duct has to be used, it should be grounded at a full 360° where possible.
Pigtail avoidence
While grounding the shieldes of the cables, one has to use a 360° connection (E.g.: omega bus as in the gure 4.2) with
a pigtail connection to be absolutely avoided. By pigtail is meant the connection to earth ground of the cable shield by
means of an additional wire.
Direct connection between the ground bus and motor chassis
Independently from ground-connection of the motor’s chassis, it must always be connected to the ground wire (yellow/
green) coming from the panel ground bus.
Max length of the AC motor’s cables inside the cabinet
From the grounding of the screen side cabinet of the inverter terminal strip, the supply’s cables have to measure 5 meters
(16.4 feet) maximum.
Mounting sequence for EMI-... lters with inverter
In case of inverters, these lters have to be serie-connected between the inverter and the AC mains. The connection
between the lter and inverter’s terminals must be done with a four poles cable, whose max.length is 30 cm. (12 inches).
If that connection is longer, the cable must be shielded.
Grounding of EMI-... lters with inverter
The yellow/green ground wire of the four poles cable must be connected on one side directly to one of the two gounding
terminals of the inverter, the other side to one of the two lters grounding terminals. The other grounding terminal of the
lter must be brought directly to the grounding bus of the cabinet.
Figura 4.2.OMEGA plug: grounding 360° of a shielded cable.
4.3 Cooling fans
No connection is required, the internal fans are power supplied by an internal circuit.
SizesHeat dissipation)Fan capacity
Heat sink
20552052 x 20-
20752802 x 2011
16 AGL50-EV
4.4 Regulation Section
S T R I P 1
Term. Designation Function (Signal level MAX)
1/3 n.a.
5 Analog output 1 VOLTAGE programmable analog output (0...10V)
11 Digital output 1+ Programmable digital output (Optomos)
Default : I100 = [51] Contactor (+30V / 40mA)
13 Digital output 1-Programmable OPEN COLLECTOR digital output (negative terminal)
15 RS485 Link+ Link+ (RxA / TxA) signal of RS 485 serial line
17 RS485 Link- Link- (RxB / TxB) signal of RS 485 serial line
19 RS 485 eq. ref. Equipotential reference of RS 485 serial line
21 COM Relay 1Common contact RELAY 1 digital output (250Vac / 2A, 30Vdc / 2A)
23 Digital output 1 Programmable RELAY digital output, NO contact (250Vac / 2A, 30Vdc / 2A)
Default : I101 = [54] Brake cont
25 COM Relay 2Common contact RELAY 2 digital output (250Vac / 2A, 30Vdc / 2A)
17 Digital output 2 Programmable RELAY digital output, NO contact (250Vac / 2A, 30Vdc / 2A)
Default : I102 = [02] No alarms
S T R I P 2
Term. Designation Function (Signal level MAX)
2/4 n.a.
6 COM analog. In/Out Potential reference of analog inputs/outputs -
8 Analog input 1Programmable VOLTAGE analog input
Default : I.200 = [1] -10...+10V (±10V / 0.5mA)
10 0 V 24 0 V 24 potential reference
Programmable digital inputs (24Vdc/ 5mA, 12...30Vdc max)
12 Digital input 1Default : I.000 = Enable src
14 Digital input 2 Default : I.001 = Run Fwd src
16 Digital input 3Default : I.002 = Run Rev src
18 Digital input 4Default : I.003 = Freq sel 1 src
20 Digital input 5Default : I.004 = Freq sel 2 src
22 Digital input 6Default : I.005 = Freq sel 3 src
24 COM Digital inputs 0 potential reference of digital inputs
26 0 V 24 0 V 24 potential reference
28 + 24V OUT + 24 Vdc potential voltage reference (+21Vdc / 75mA)
n.a. = not assigned
AGL50-EV 17
4.5 RS 485 Serial Interface
XS1 - Drive Side
XS2 - PC Side
The RS 485 serial line on the drives of the AGL50-EV series allows the data transmission through a loop made of two
symmetrical conductors, which are twisted with a common shield. The maximum transmission speed is 38400 Baud.
The transmission is performed via a standard RS 485 differential signal (half-duplex).
If two or more drives are connected on the serial line (Multidrop conguration), the OPT-QX option has to be used on each
This option has to be inserted between the inverter terminals and the transmission data cable.
With the Multidrop conguration it is possible to connect a maximum of 20 units of AGL50-EV inverters (for further details
see the OPT-QX manual).
The shield of serial line cable must be connected to the ground.
4.5.1 RS485 serial terminals
The RS 485 serial line is supplied through 15, 17 and 19 terminals, placed on the regulation card of the inverter.
The differential signal is transmitted on the Pin 15 (TxA/RxA) and on the Pin 17 (TxB/RxB). Terminal 19 is used as
equipotential reference of the serial line.
As for the connection of the serial line, make sure that the power cables and the cables controlling the contactors and the auxiliary relays are located into different panduits.
4.5.2 Serial protocol
The serial protocol is set via the “I.600 - Serial link cfg” parameter, which allows the selection of the following types:
proprietary protocol FoxLink, RTU Modbus (default) and Jbus.
The serial address is set via the “I.602 - Device address” parameter. Further details about the parameter transmission,
the parameter type and the value range can be found in the tables of Chapter 7.1 (INTERFACE Menu / Serial Conguration).
Table 4.6.1: Recommended Cable Section and Length for the Connection of Encoders
Cable section [mm2] 0.22 0.5 0.75 1 1.5
Max Length. m [feet] 27 [88] 62 [203] 93 [305] 125 [410] 150 [492]
Digital encoder:
• max frequency: 25 kHz (select the appropriate number of pulses depending on required max. speed)
• Channels :
- one-channel: A (one-channel complementary A-,NOT allowed)
- two-channel: A and B (two-channel complementary A- and B-, NOT allowed).
Encoder loss detection is not possible.
• Power supply: + 24V externally supplied.
• The digital inputs common (terminal 24) have to be rightly connected to the external supply:
- to 0 V of supplier, if the encoder is PNP type
- to + 24 V of supplier, if the encoder is NPN type.
If Digital input 5 and Digital input 6 are used as encoder input, I.004 and I.005 must be set to [0] None.
Than encoder feedback parametrizzation must be execute.
AGL50-EV 19
5 - Drive Keypad Operation
Codice parametro
(Menu + numero da 000 a 999)
Limit Alarm
In this chapter the parameters management is described, by using the drive keypad.
5.1 Keypad
Changes made to parameter have immediate effect on drive operation, but are not automatically stored in
permanent memory. An explicit command is required to permanently store the parameters: “C.000 Save
RevFwdLimit AlarmPrg
Prg Scroll menù: Allows navigation thruogh the drive main menu (d.xxx, S.xxx, I.xxx, F.xxx, P.xxx, A.xxx and
C.xxx). Also used to exit the editing mode of a parameter without appling the changes.
E Enter key: Used to enter the editing mode of the selected parameter or to conrm the value.
▲UP key: Used to scroll up through parameters or to increase numeric values while in editing mode; it can
also be used to increase motorpotentiometer reference value, when F.000 Motorpot ref parameter
is displayed (F, FREQ RAMP menu).
▼DOWN key: Used to scroll down through parameters or to decrease numeric values while in editing mode; it
can also be used to decrease motorpotentiometer reference values, when F.000 Motorpot ref
parameter is displayed (F, FREQ RAMP menu).
I Start key: Used to START the drive via keypad; requirements:
+24V between 12 & 26 terminals (Enable)
+24 V between 14 & 26 terminals (Run Fwd) or + 24 V between 16 & 26 terminals (Run Rev)