3GSDI Fiber Optic Extender
User Manual

Technical Support:
Telephone (818) 772-9100
(800) 545-6900
Fax (818) 772-9120
Technical Support Hours:
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, Pacifi c Time
For 24 / 7 support, see the back of the product for the support number
Write To:
Gefen LLC
c/o Customer Service
20600 Nordhoff St
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Gefen LLC reserves the right to make changes in the hard ware, packaging and
any accompanying doc u men ta tion without prior written notice.
3GSDI Fiber Optic Extender is a trademark of Gefen LLC
© 2011 Gefen, LLC. All rights reserved.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Rev A3

1 Introduction
2 Operation Notes
3 Features
4 Connector Layout
5 Connector Descriptions
6 Connecting and Operating The 3GSDI Fiber Optic Extender
7 Troubleshooting
8 Specifi cations
9 Warranty

Congratulations on your purchase of the 3GSDI Fiber Optic Extender. Your complete satisfaction is very important to us.
In the realm of video distribution, certain features are invaluable in a commercial
or broadcast environment. Accommodations such as a build-in power supply
and fl at black rack-mount enclosures set GefenPRO apart from our traditional
products. Complex distribution units allow for professional DVI, 3G-SDI, and
HDMI signals to be routed and converted easily and seamlessly, while being
backed up by a renowned and dependable technical support team. Gefen invites
you to explore the GefenPRO product line and hopes that you fi nd the solution
that fi ts your needs.
The GefenPRO 3GSDI Fiber Optic Extender
The GefenPRO 3GSDI Fiber Optic Extender is a miniature digital video data
transport system over fi ber optic cable supporting 1080p for 3G-SDI and HD-
SDI. It converts a one-channel SMPTE-424M 3G-SDI, SMPTE-292M HD, or
SMPTE-259M serial digital video signal over extended distances up to 19 miles
(30 kilometers).
How It Works
The Sender receives the SDI input signal and converts the SMPTE-424M / 292M
/ 259M SDI signals to optical data. The Receiver unit collects the optical data
from the fi ber cable and converts it to an SDI signal.