Module Status
Channel Status
GE provides RSTi-EP analog output modules with up to 4 analog outputs at +/-10 V,
GFK-2961A Analog Output Modules EP-4164, EP-4264
December 2015
+/-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-5 V, 2-10 V, 1-5 V, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA. The resolution is 16 bit per
channel. An output can be connected to each connector, the internal switching is
carried out automatically. The output range is defined using parameterization. A
status LED is assigned to each channel. The outputs are supplied with power from
the output current path (I
The EP-4264 module provides individual channel diagnosis with channel related
error messages.
Each module features a type plate, which includes identification information, the
key technical specifications, and a block diagram. In addition, a QR code allows for
direct online access to the associated documentation. The software for reading the
QR code must support inverted QR codes.
Markers are available as accessories for labelling equipment. Each I/O module can
be labelled using the markers to ensure clear identification when replacing
individual modules or electronic units.
The RSTi-EP station is usually installed on a horizontally positioned DIN rail.
Installation on vertically positioned DIN rails is also possible.
The outputs as well as the sense-lines of the AO modules must not be used as
power outputs.
Analog Output Module
Modules should to be allowed to de-energize for a minimum 10 seconds after
power down, prior to starting any maintenance activity.
Refer to the RSTi-EP Slice I/O User Manual (GFK-2958) for additional information.
Refer to the RSTi-EP Power Supply Reference Guide, a software utility available on
PME V9.00, for detailed power-feed requirements.
Module Features
Control up to four analog outputs
Module diagnosis
Spring style technology for ease of wiring
DIN rail mounted
Double-click installation for positive indication of correct installation
Supports indirect firmware update through the network monitor
Supports hot insertion and extraction
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2 RSTi-EP Slice I/O Analog Output Module
Process, parameter, and diagnostic data depend on the network adapter used.
1. Voltage (0 – 5 V, ±5 V, 0 – 10 V, ±10 V, 1 – 5 V, 2 – 10 V)
2. Current (0 – 20 mA, 4 – 20 mA)
0.1 % FSR max., 0.05 % FSR typ.
20 ppm voltage / 31 ppm current measurement / K
Crosstalk between the channels
total sensor current of 10 mA per channel but 25 mA per module)
≤ 600 Ω including field cable resistance
2-wire (current and voltage; automatic detection), 4-wire (voltage)
Individual channel diagnosis
system current path I
output current path I
Ordering Information
Module Description
EP-4164 Analog Output, 4 Channels Voltage/Current 16 Bits 2, 3, or 4-Wire
EP-4264 Analog Output, 4 Channels Voltage/Current 16 Bits with Diagnostics 2, 3, or 4-Wire
Potential isolation
Output levels
Max. error between T
Voltage load resistance
and T
Channel/system bus = yes
≥ 1 kΩ (at > 50°C (122 °F) max ambient temperature,
±220 ppm FSR
Can be used with EP-19xx
Current consumption from
Current consumption from
8 mA
85 mA

RSTi-EP Slice I/O Analog Output Module 3
-20°C to +60°C (-4 °F to +140 °F)
-40°C to +85°C (-40 °F to +185 °F)
Current consumption from the system current path
Must be included when calculating the power supply
Red: Module System Fault or Diagnostic Fault
Red: Module System Fault or Diagnostic Fault
resistance too high or line break detected
resistance too high or line break detected
Red: Channel 1 at voltage output: overload
resistance too high or line break detected
Red: Channel 2 at voltage output: overload
resistance too high or line break detected
Red: Channel 2 at voltage output: overload
resistance too high or line break detected
Red: Channel 3 at voltage output: overload
resistance too high or line break detected
Red: Channel 3 at voltage output: overload
resistance too high or line break detected
Air humidity
Current Demand for Analog Output Modules
Power consumption from input current path
Power consumption from output current path
Current demand of the connected sensors
Current demand of the connected actuators
Green: Communication over the system bus
Red: Channel 0 at voltage output: overload
short-circuit, at current output: shunt
5% to 95%, noncondensing as per IEC 61131-2
Green: Communication over the system bus
Red: Channel 0 at voltage output: overload
short-circuit, at current output: shunt
short-circuit, at current output: shunt
resistance too high or line break detected
short-circuit, at current output: shunt
short-circuit, at current output: shunt
Red: Channel 1 at voltage output: overload
short-circuit, at current output: shunt
short-circuit, at current output: shunt
short-circuit, at current output: shunt
For public disclosure