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FAQs about the Genteq rebranding
Why is the company rebranding its GE products?
When Regal Beloit acquired General Electric’s Commercial and HVACR Motors and Capacitors businesses in 2004, it also acquired limited license rights to use the GE brand in connection with the acquired businesses. This license is royalty-free through 2008 and is subject to a royalty obligation after 2009. Since the royalty-free license to use the GE name will expire at the end of 200 9, this is th e perfect time to intr oduce a stand-alone brand that highlights our company’s innovation, unites our brands, and kicks off a new era for the company.
Why doesn’t the company renew its license with GE?
Ever since Regal Beloit acquired the GE motor division, it has known that its ability to use the GE name on OEM equipment at no additional cost had an expiration date of 2009. We will continue to utilize the GE name on som e aftermarket/replacement pro ducts beyond 2009 as this new brand becomes established. Regal Beloit benefited from its use of the GE brand while it could, knowing that developing its own brand would be the eventual and critical next step.
Which products are affected?
The GE branded motors and capacitors that Regal Beloit purchased in 2004 are affected by this rebranding campaign. Both groups will now be called Genteq.
Is the company being purchased?
There is no change in the company’s organization, leadership, or legal structure.
Will there be a change in leadership?
There is no organizational or leadership changes as a result of this rebranding.
When will the new brand go into effect?
The rebranding is being announced at ACCA on February 24, and the Genteq brand will be effective from that point on. Complete implementation of the new brand and brand standards will be finished by December 31, 2009.
Who came up with this name, and what does it mean?
Regal Beloit consulted with a marketing agency that helped identify the unique attributes of its HVAC motor division, such as ingenuity, reliability and global vision. After considering a variety of names, senior management decided that Genteq, best achieves the goal, while at the same time makes a statement on our commitment to innovative technology. The contemporary Genteq logotype is accompanied by a distinctive blue logo that displays converging paths, giving it a technical look. The strong left to right direction of the paths reflects a flow of air and energy. The paths converge to represent Genteq’s commitment to forming a strong relationship with every customer.