Electrolytic Capacitors
23H Series – Inverter Grade Product Line
• Broad Capacitance Range
• Increased Volumetric Efficiency
• Low ESR
• Standard Ratings
Capacitance Range: 150 to 15,000µF
Voltage Range: 200 to 450 WVDC
Capacitance Tolerance: -10% / +50% Standard
Operating Temperature: -40oC to +85oC
Life @ 85oC: 2,000 Hrs.
Terminals: 10-32 High Post – Standard for less than 40 Amps RMS.
For applications of 40 Amps RMS and above, specify
High Current (D) or (N) terminal assembly.
100 Hz 120 Hz 400 Hz 4 KHz 10 KHz 20 KHz
0.95 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.25 1.25
85 75 65 55 45 35
1.0 1.4 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.7

Electrolytic Capacitors
23H Series – Inverter Grade Product Line
Voltage Capacitance Base Height Max ESR Max Ripple
(WVDC) (µF) Size (in.) C (in.) 120 Hz@25ºC 120 Hz@85ºC
640 23H 641 F 200 BB 1H1 1.375 2.125 0.1240 3.3
890 23H 891 F 200 BC 1H1 1.375 2.625 0.0890 3.8
1,100 23H 112 F 200 BD 1H1 1.375 3.125 0.1010 3.5
1,300 23H 132 F 200 BE 1H1 1.375 3.625 0.0850 3.7
1,600 23H 162 F 200 BF 1H1 1.375 4.125 0.0690 4.1
1,700 23H 172 F 200 BG 1H1 1.375 4.625 0.0650 4.2
2,000 23H 203 F 200 BH 1H1 1.375 5.125 0.0550 4.5
2,200 23H 222 F 200 BI 1H1 1.375 5.625 0.0500 4.7
1,100 23H 112 F 200 CB 1H1 1.750 2.125 0.1010 4.4
1,600 23H 162 F 200 CC 1H1 1.750 2.625 0.0690 4.9
2,000 23H 202 F 200 CD 1H1 1.750 3.125 0.0550 5.3
2,400 23H 242 F 200 CE 1H1 1.750 3.625 0.0460 5.7
2,900 23H 292 F 200 CF 1H1 1.750 4.125 0.0380 6.2
3,200 23H 322 F 200 CG 1H1 1.750 4.625 0.0340 6.4
3,600 23H 362 F 200 CH 1H1 1.750 5.125 0.0300 6.8
4,100 23H 412 F 200 CI 1H1 1.750 5.625 0.0270 7.1
1,200 23H 122 F 200 DB 1H1 2.000 2.125 0.0920 5.0
1,700 23H 172 F 200 DC 1H1 2.000 2.625 0.0650 5.6
2,300 23H 232 F 200 DD 1H1 2.000 3.125 0.0480 6.2
2,900 23H 292 F 200 DE 1H1 2.000 3.625 0.0380 6.7
3,300 23H 332 F 200 DF 1H1 2.000 4.125 0.0330 7.1
3,900 23H 392 F 200 DG 1H1 2.000 4.625 0.0280 7.5
4,500 23H 452 F 200 DH 1H1 2.000 5.125 0.0240 8.0
5,000 23H 502 F 200 DI 1H1 2.000 5.625 0.0220 8.3
3,800 23H 382 F 200 ED 1H1 2.500 3.125 0.0290 9.1
4,800 23H 482 F 200 EE 1H1 2.500 3.625 0.0230 10.1
5,500 23H 552 F 200 EF 1H1 2.500 4.125 0.0200 10.4
6,500 23H 652 F 200 EG 1H1 2.500 4.625 0.0170 10.9
7,400 23H 742 F 200 EH 1H1 2.500 5.125 0.0150 11.3
8,300 23H 832 F 200 EI 1H1 2.500 5.625 0.0130 12.0
5,600 23H 562 F 200 FD 1H1 3.000 3.125 0.0190 12.4
7,000 23H 702 F 200 FE 1H1 3.000 3.625 0.0150 13.8
8,100 23H 812 F 200 FF 1H1 3.000 4.125 0.0130 14.9
9,500 23H 952 F 200 FG 1H1 3.000 4.625 0.0110 15.4
10,000 23H 103 F 200 FH 1H1 3.000 5.125 0.0110 14.8
12,000 23H 123 F 200 FI 1H1 3.000 5.625 0.0092 15.7
15,000 23H 153 F 200 FL 1H1 3.000 8.625 0.0074 16.1
*It is Regal-Beloit’s goal to serve you with the most cost effective and highest quality capacitor designs.
Standardization to th e c a ta log type shown is a majo r program a t Regal-Beloi t. However, Regal-Beloit
remains sensitive to your needs and requirements, and will continue to offer the above ratings (and
more) in case configurations to meet your application(s).

Electrolytic Capacitors
23H Series – Inverter Grade Product Line
Voltage Capacitance Base Height Max ESR Max Ripple
(WVDC) (µF) Size (in.) C (in.) 120 Hz@25ºC 120 Hz@85ºC
500 23H 501 F 250 BB 1H1 1.375 2.125 0.1400 3.1
700 23H 701 F 250 BC 1H1 1.375 2.625 0.1000 3.5
870 23H 871 F 250 BD 1H1 1.375 3.125 0.0810 3.9
1,000 23H 102 F 250 BE 1H1 1.375 3.625 0.0700 4.1
1,200 23H 122 F 250 BF 1H1 1.375 4.125 0.0620 4.4
1,400 23H 142 F 250 BG 1H1 1.375 4.625 0.0520 4.7
1,500 23H 152 F 250 BH 1H1 1.375 5.125 0.0480 4.8
1,700 23H 172 F 250 BI 1H1 1.375 5.625 0.0430 5.1
910 23H 911 F 250 CB 1H1 1.750 2.125 0.0770 5.0
1,200 23H 122 F 250 CC 1H1 1.750 2.625 0.0600 5.3
1,500 23H 152 F 250 CD 1H1 1.750 3.125 0.0480 5.7
1,900 23H 192 F 250 CE 1H1 1.750 3.625 0.0380 6.3
2,200 23H 222 F 250 CF 1H1 1.750 4.125 0.0330 6.6
2,500 23H 252 F 250 CG 1H1 1.750 4.625 0.0290 7.0
2,800 23H 282 F 250 CH 1H1 1.750 5.125 0.0260 7.3
3,200 23H 322 F 250 CI 1H1 1.750 5.625 0.0230 7.7
960 23H 961 F 250 DB 1H1 2.000 2.125 0.0730 5.6
1,300 23H 132 F 250 DC 1H1 2.000 2.625 0.0560 6.1
1,800 23H 182 F 250 DD 1H1 2.000 3.125 0.0400 6.8
2,200 23H 222 F 250 DE 1H1 2.000 3.625 0.0330 7.2
2,600 23H 262 F 250 DF 1H1 2.000 4.125 0.0280 7.7
3,100 23H 312 F 250 DG 1H1 2.000 4.625 0.0230 8.2
3,500 23H 352 F 250 DH 1H1 2.000 5.125 0.0210 8.6
3,900 23H 392 F 250 DI 1H1 2.000 5.625 0.0190 9.0
3,000 23H 302 F 250 ED 1H1 2.500 3.125 0.0240 10.0
3,700 23H 372 F 250 EE 1H1 2.500 3.625 0.0200 11.0
4,300 23H 432 F 250 EF 1H1 2.500 4.125 0.0170 11.3
5,100 23H 512 F 250 EG 1H1 2.500 4.625 0.0140 11.9
5,800 23H 582 F 250 EH 1H1 2.500 5.125 0.0120 12.4
6,500 23H 652 F 250 EI 1H1 2.500 5.625 0.0110 12.9
4,300 23H 432 F 250 FD 1H1 3.000 3.125 0.0170 13.2
5,400 23H 542 F 250 FE 1H1 3.000 3.625 0.0130 14.6
6,300 23H 632 F 250 FF 1H1 3.000 4.125 0.0110 15.9
7,400 23H 742 F 250 FG 1H1 3.000 4.625 0.0100 16.3
8,500 23H 852 F 250 FH 1H1 3.000 5.125 0.0085 16.8
9,500 23H 952 F 250 FI 1H1 3.000 5.625 0.0076 17.3
11,000 23H 113 F 250 FL 1H1 3.000 8.625 0.0065 17.2
*It is Regal-Beloit’s goal to serve you with the most cost effective and highest quality capacitor designs.
Standardization to th e c a ta log type shown is a majo r program a t Regal-Beloi t. However, Regal-Beloit
remains sensitive to your needs and requirements, and will continue to offer the above ratings (and
more) in case configurations to meet your application(s).