Electrolytic Capacitors
23C Series – Long Life Series
• Broad Capacitance Range
• Increased Volumetric Efficiency
• Low ESR
• Standard Ratings
Capacitance Range: 380 to 180,000µF
Voltage Range: 50 to 250 WVDC
Capacitance Tolerance: -10% / +50% Standard
Operating Temperature: -45oC to +95oC
Life @ 85oC: 2,000 Hrs.
Life @ 95oC: 1,000 Hrs.
Terminals: 10-32 High Post – Standard
(Other terminal configurations available)
100 Hz 120 Hz 400 Hz 4 KHz 10 KHz 20 KHz
0.95 1.00 1.15 1.20 1.35 1.40
105 95 85 75 65 55 45 35
- 1.0 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.7

Electrolytic Capacitors
23C Series – Long Life Series
Voltage Capacitance Base Height Max ESR Max Ripple
(WVDC) (µF) Size (in.) C (in.) 120 Hz@25ºC 120 Hz@85ºC
6,200 23C 622 F 050 BB 1H1 1.375 2.125 0.0237 6.9
8,800 23C 882 F 050 BC 1H1 1.375 2.625 0.0174 8.8
12,000 23C 123 F 050 BD 1H1 1.375 3.125 0.0137 10.7
15,000 23C 153 F 050 BE 1H1 1.375 3.625 0.0118 12.3
17,000 23C 173 F 050 BF 1H1 1.375 4.125 0.0110 13.6
20,000 23C 203 F 050 BG 1H1 1.375 4.625 0.0100 15.0
23,000 23C 233 F 050 BH 1H1 1.375 5.125 0.0093 16.3
25,000 23C 253 F 050 BI 1H1 1.375 5.625 0.0090 17.4
11,000 23C 113 F 050 CB 1H1 1.750 2.125 0.0146 10.1
16,000 23C 163 F 050 CC 1H1 1.750 2.625 0.0114 12.5
21,000 23C 213 F 050 CD 1H1 1.750 3.125 0.0098 14.5
27,000 23C 273 F 050 CE 1H1 1.750 3.625 0.0087 16.5
31,000 23C 313 F 050 CF 1H1 1.750 4.125 0.0082 17.9
36,000 23C 363 F 050 CG 1H1 1.750 4.625 0.0077 19.4
41,000 23C 413 F 050 CH 1H1 1.750 5.125 0.0074 20.8
46,000 23C 463 F 050 CI 1H1 1.750 5.625 0.0071 22.1
21,000 23C 213 F 050 DB 1H1 2.000 2.125 0.0118 12.1
28,000 23C 283 F 050 DC 1H1 2.000 2.625 0.0098 14.5
35,000 23C 353 F 050 DD 1H1 2.000 3.125 0.0085 16.7
40,000 23C 403 F 050 DE 1H1 2.000 3.625 0.0078 18.7
47,000 23C 473 F 050 DF 1H1 2.000 4.125 0.0075 20.2
54,000 23C 543 F 050 DG 1H1 2.000 4.625 0.0071 21.8
60,000 23C 603 F 050 DH 1H1 2.000 5.125 0.0068 23.3
48,000 23C 483 F 050 DI 1H1 2.000 5.625 0.0066 24.7
46,000 23C 463 F 050 ED 1H1 2.500 3.125 0.0071 20.8
57,000 23C 573 F 050 EE 1H1 2.500 3.625 0.0067 22.8
66,000 23C 663 F 050 EF 1H1 2.500 4.125 0.0065 24.6
77,000 23C 773 F 050 EG 1H1 2.500 4.625 0.0063 26.2
88,000 23C 883 F 050 EH 1H1 2.500 5.125 0.0061 27.8
100,000 23C 104 F 050 EI 1H1 2.500 5.625 0.0060 29.3
66,000 23C 663 F 050 FD 1H1 3.000 3.125 0.0065 24.3
83,000 23C 833 F 050 FE 1H1 3.000 3.625 0.0062 26.4
100,000 23C 104 F 050 FF 1H1 3.000 4.125 0.0060 28.3
110,000 23C 114 F 050 FG 1H1 3.000 4.625 0.0059 30.0
130,000 23C 134 F 050 FH 1H1 3.000 5.125 0.0058 31.7
140,000 23C 144 F 050 FI 1H1 3.000 5.625 0.0057 33.2
150,000 23C 154 F 050 FJ 1H1 3.000 5.875 0.0057 33.6
180,000 23C 184 F 050 FL 1H1 3.000 8.625 0.0056 40.7
*It is Regal-Beloit’s goal to serve you with the most cost effective and highest quality capacitor designs.
Standardization to th e c a ta log type shown is a majo r program a t Regal-Beloi t. However, Regal-Beloit
remains sensitive to your needs and requirements, and will continue to offer the above ratings (and
more) in case configurations to meet your application(s).

Electrolytic Capacitors
23C Series – Long Life Series
Voltage Capacitance Base Height Max ESR Max Ripple
(WVDC) (µF) Size (in.) C (in.) 120 Hz@25ºC 120 Hz@85ºC
6,100 23C 612 F 060 BB 1H1 1.375 2.125 0.0363 5.6
8,700 23C 872 F 060 BC 1H1 1.375 2.625 0.0267 7.1
12,000 23C 123 F 060 BD 1H1 1.375 3.125 0.0206 8.7
14,000 23C 143 F 060 BE 1H1 1.375 3.625 0.0183 9.9
17,000 23C 173 F 060 BF 1H1 1.375 4.125 0.0160 11.3
20,000 23C 203 F 060 BG 1H1 1.375 4.625 0.0143 12.6
22,000 23C 223 F 060 BH 1H1 1.375 5.125 0.0134 13.6
25,000 23C 253 F 060 BI 1H1 1.375 5.625 0.0124 14.8
11,000 23C 113 F 060 CB 1H1 1.750 2.125 0.0221 8.2
16,000 23C 163 F 060 CC 1H1 1.750 2.625 0.0166 10.3
21,000 23C 213 F 060 CD 1H1 1.750 3.125 0.0138 12.2
26,000 23C 263 F 060 CE 1H1 1.750 3.625 0.0121 13.9
30,000 23C 303 F 060 CF 1H1 1.750 4.125 0.0112 15.4
36,000 23C 363 F 060 CG 1H1 1.750 4.625 0.0101 17.0
41,000 23C 413 F 060 CH 1H1 1.750 5.125 0.0095 18.4
45,000 23C 453 F 060 CI 1H1 1.750 5.625 0.0091 19.6
14,000 23C 143 F 060 DB 1H1 2.000 2.125 0.0183 9.7
20,000 23C 203 F 060 DC 1H1 2.000 2.625 0.0143 12.0
27,000 23C 273 F 060 DD 1H1 2.000 3.125 0.0119 14.2
34,000 23C 343 F 060 DE 1H1 2.000 3.625 0.0104 16.1
39,000 23C 393 F 060 DF 1H1 2.000 4.125 0.0097 17.7
46,000 23C 463 F 060 DG 1H1 2.000 4.625 0.0090 19.4
52,000 23C 523 F 060 DH 1H1 2.000 5.125 0.0086 20.8
59,000 23C 593 F 060 DI 1H1 2.000 5.625 0.0081 22.3
45,000 23C 453 F 060 ED 1H1 2.500 3.125 0.0091 18.4
56,000 23C 563 F 060 EE 1H1 2.500 3.625 0.0083 20.5
64,000 23C 643 F 060 EF 1H1 2.500 4.125 0.0079 22.3
76,000 23C 763 F 060 EG 1H1 2.500 4.625 0.0074 24.1
86,000 23C 863 F 060 EH 1H1 2.500 5.125 0.0072 25.7
100,000 23C 104 F 060 EI 1H1 2.500 5.625 0.0069 27.4
65,000 23C 653 F 060 FD 1H1 3.000 3.125 0.0078 22.1
81,000 23C 813 F 060 FE 1H1 3.000 3.625 0.0073 24.4
90,000 23C 903 F 060 FF 1H1 3.000 4.125 0.0071 26.1
110,000 23C 114 F 060 FG 1H1 3.000 4.625 0.0067 28.2
130,000 23C 134 F 060 FH 1H1 3.000 5.125 0.0064 30.1
140,000 23C 144 F 060 FI 1H1 3.000 5.625 0.0063 31.6
150,000 23C 154 F 060 FJ 1H1 3.000 5.875 0.0062 32.1
180,000 23C 184 F 060 FL 1H1 3.000 8.625 0.0060 39.2
*It is Regal-Beloit’s goal to serve you with the most cost effective and highest quality capacitor designs.
Standardization to th e c a ta log type shown is a majo r program a t Regal-Beloi t. However, Regal-Beloit
remains sensitive to your needs and requirements, and will continue to offer the above ratings (and
more) in case configurations to meet your application(s).