PETOL™ Tong Jack
Operating Manual
P.O. Box 192
4450 South Highway 6
Clifton, Texas 76634
Phone: (254) 675-8651
Fax: (254) 675-6100
© 2014 by GEARENCH. All rights reserved
Form TJA35 revision 07/15/14

Table of Contents
PETOL™ Tong Jack Description ......................................................................................... 1
Warranty ................................................................................................................................. 2
Safe Practices and Procedures ............................................................................................... 4
Responsibility ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Replacement Parts .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Safety .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Safe Practices...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Safety Sources and Publications ......................................................................................................................... 5
Responsibility of Distributors ............................................................................................................................. 6
Safety Precautions .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Operation ................................................................................................................................. 7
Pressure to Force Conversion Chart ................................................................................................................... 8
Making-Up a Connection.................................................................................................................................... 9
Breaking-Out a Connection ................................................................................................................................ 9
Parts List ................................................................................................................................ 10

PETOL™ Tong Jack Description
The TJA35 PETOL™ Tong Jack is a portable pneumatic powered actuator designed to
provide the operating force on a tong handle. It was designed to eliminate the use of
“cheaters” and overhead hoists on connections unable to be made up or broken out by hand.
The Tong Jack can produce up to 3500 pounds of force lifting on a tong handle. It is
intended for use in a shop with a floor of adequate strength to support 3500 pounds.
The TJA35 offers the following features:
Tilting the unit back, and engaging the wheels allows the unit to be easily maneuvered
around the workshop.
The applied force is controlled by adjusting an hydraulic relief valve on the side of the
unit. A pressure gauge and pressure to force conversion chart are mounted to the unit
to indicate the applied force produced.
The machine is operated by using minimum 40 psi regulated compressed air.
Tongs can be easily changed to accommodate different diameter ranges and torque

What Is Covered
GEARENCH™ tools are expressly warranted to you, the purchaser, to be free of defects in material and
How Long Coverage Lasts
This express warranty lasts for the lifetime of the GEARENCH tool. Warranty coverage ends when the tool
becomes unusable for reasons other than defects in workmanship or material.
How Can You Get Warranty Service
To obtain the benefit of this warranty, contact a GEARENCH sales representative in Clifton, Texas.
GEARENCH · 4450 South Highway 6 · P.O. Box 192 · Clifton, TX 76634
What Will We Do To Correct Problems
Warranted products will be repaired or replaced, at GEARENCH’s option, and returned at no charge to you, the
original purchaser; or, if after three attempts at repair or replacement during the warranty period, the product
defect in material or workmanship persists, you can elect to receive a full refund of your original purchase price
for the product.
What Is Not Covered
Defects, failures or conditions that are due to normal wear and tear, abuse or misuse, are not covered by this
limited warranty. In addition, this limited warranty is in lieu of all other war ranties, express or implied, verbal
or written. To the maximum extent allowed by law GEARENCH disclaims all imp lied wa rranties, including
implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. GEARENCH also specifically
denies any liability for any incidental damages and/or consequential damages, including but not limited to
property damage to property other than the product itself, loss of sales profits, down time, costs or any other
damages measurable in money, whether or not included in the foregoing enumeration.
Please be advised that some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so this limitation or exclusion may no t apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you
may also have other rights, which vary from state to state, province to province, or country to country.
Are Personal Injuries Covered
In the event you, s omeone working for you, or any othe r pe rso n sustain a pe rsona l inj ury as a r esult o f using the
GEARENCH tool, GEARENCH limits its potential liability for such a claim or injury to the fullest extent
allowed by law, and disclaims and denies any liability for such personal injury.
Please be advised that some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for personal injuries, so
the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you, or the individual claiming injury.
No Other Express Warranty Applies
This GEARENCH LIMITED WARRANTY is the sole and exclusive warranty, express or implied for
GEARENCH products. No employee, agent, dealer or other person is authorized to alter, modify, expand or
reduce the terms of this warranty or to make any other warranty on behalf of GEARENCH.
Law Applicable
All matters related to the sale and/o r use of the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of this limited warranty,
along with the construction and enforcement of the terms of this limited warranty itself, shall be subject to the
substantive and procedural laws of the state of Texas, not the conflicts of laws provisions of Texas, but rather
the laws of Texas themselves.

Forum Selection Clause
Any dispute arising out of the sale and/or use of the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of this limited warranty
shall be presented in the form of a claim or lawsuit to the offices of GEARENCH in Clifton, Bosque County,
Texas. No claim or suit may be brought against GEARENCH, arising out of the sale and/or use of the tool, or
arising out of the terms o f this warranty, except in suc h forum. Purchase and /or use of the GEAREN CH tool
makes you subject to the benefits and limitations of this limited warranty. Accordingly, any writ, judgment or
other enforcement, obtained from a jurisdiction, county, parish, state o r fede ral co urt or other co untry, other that
from the forum identified above, shall be void and unenforceable against GEARENCH.
Arbitration Clause
In the event of dispute or claim arises out of the sale and/or use of the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of
this limited warranty, or arises out of the interpretation or enforcement of the terms and conditions of this
limited warranty, such dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American
Arbitration Association. If r equired to accomplish the purpose o f this Arbitration clause, the purchaser hereby
expressly waives any right to demand trial by jury.
Complete Agreement
This express limited warranty contains the entire agreement regarding express or implied warranties related to
the GEARENCH tool that is the subject of it. No writing or language contained in the purchase order o r any
other document of the purchaser, or invoice of GEARENCH or any intermediate seller, shall be construed as
modifying, in any way, the rights and liabilities contained in this limited warranty. GEARENCH expressly
disclaims any obligations expressed in any customer purchase order or document that are contrary to the terms
and limitations of this warranty.
If any term or limitation contained in this limited warranty is deemed unenforceable by law, then the term shall
be severed from the remaining portions of the limited warranty which shall remain enforceable.
All communications to GEARENCH regarding the use of the tool and any aspect of the sale of the tool of this
limited warranty should be addressed to GEARENCH.
GEARENCH · 4450 South Highway 6 · P.O. Box 192 · Clifton, TX 76634