POP-IT™ Tool
Model P95-525
Improper use of POP-IT™ Tools may result in injury or
death. Do Not Exceed Rated Load of 10,000 lbs. Always
Chock Your Work. Follow operating procedures.
P.O. Box 192
4450 South Highway 6
Clifton, Texas 76634
Phone: (254) 675-8651
Fax: (254) 675-6100
© 2008 by GEARENCH. All rights reserved
Form P95-525 Revision 07/08/08

Table of Contents
POP-IT™ Tool Description .............................................................................................. 2
Warranty ........................................................................................................................... 2
Safe Practices and Procedures ......................................................................................... 4
Responsibility ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Safety .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Warnings .................................................................................................................................................... 4
POP-IT Tool Inspection ............................................................................................................................. 4
Operating Procedure – Flange Work .............................................................................. 5
Operating Procedure – Lifting Work ............................................................................. 6
Replacement Parts ............................................................................................................ 7

POP-IT™ Tool Description
The POP-IT™ Tool takes the place of the hammer, pry-bars and wedge when working
with flanges. It can also be used as an equipment lifting tool. The Model P95-525 reduces
the risk of injury, is lightweight and compact and requires minimal maintenance. The tool
holds its setting without drifting, has precision adjustment and can spread 5 tons to 5 ¼
inches. The Model P95-525 is unique for tight spots since it has ratcheting action and a
.070 inch entrance. The Model P95-525 comes with all parts attached and external power
is not needed. It’s ready to use out of the box.
What Is Covered
How Long Coverage Lasts
This express warranty lasts for the lifetime of the GEARENCH tool. Warranty coverage ends when the
tool becomes unusable for reasons other than defects in workmanship or material.
How Can You Get Warranty Service
To obtain the benefit of this warranty, contact a GEARENCH sales representative in Clifton, Texas.
What Will We Do To Correct Problems
Warranted products will be repaired or replaced, at GEARENCH’s option, and returned at no charge to
you, the original purchaser; or, if after three attempts at repair or replacement during the warranty period,
the product defect in material or workmanship persists, you can elect to receive a full refund of your
original purchase price for the product.
What Is Not Covered
Defects, failures or conditions that are due to normal wear and tear, abuse or misuse, are not covered by
this limited warranty. In addition, this limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied,
verbal or written. To the maximum e xtent allowed by law GEARENC H disclaims all implied warra nties,
including i mplied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a pa rticular purpose. GEARENCH also
specifically denies any liability for any incidental damages and/or consequential damages, including but not
limited to property damage to property other than the product itself, loss of sales profits, down time, costs
or any other damages measurable in money, whether or not included in the foregoing enumeration.
Please be advised that so me states do not allow the e xclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so t his l i mita tion or exclu sio n may no t ap p l y to you. This war r a nt y gi ve s you s p e ci fic r i gh ts , a nd
you may also have other r ights, whic h vary from state to state, province to province, o r country to country.
Are Personal Injuries Covered
In the event you, someone wo rking for you, or any o ther person sustai n a personal injur y as a result of
using the GEARENCH tool, GEARENCH limits its potential liability for such a claim or injury to the
fullest extent allowed by law, and discla ims and denies any liability for such personal injury.
Please be advised that some st ates do not allo w the e xclusion or limitatio n of lia bility for per sonal injurie s,
so the above l imitation or exclusion may not apply to you, or the individual claiming injury.
No Other Express Warranty Applies
tools are expressly warranted to you, the purchaser, to be free of defects in material and
GEARENCH · 4450 South Highway 6 · P.O. Box 192 · Clifton, TX 76634