GE Monogram ®
Assembly Instructions
Before you Begin - Read these instruclions completely and careflllly.
Note To Inslaller: Be sure to leave these instructions wilh tile ConsuIner.
Note to Consunmr: Keep these instructions with your Use and Ca1 e Book for fhture reference.
If you have questions concerning the installation of
this product, call tile GE Answer Center ® Consumer
Information Service at 800.626.2000, 24 hours a day,
7 days a week.
If you received a damaged Grill Cart, you should
contact your dealer.
Step h
Open lhe box and remove the contents.
• Remove packaging and prmective fihn fl*om
• Remove the packaging inside dm cart used
to protect the slide-out 1ray during shipping
Locate the hardware accessory package and
check conteIltS.
10-24x 1-1/2 Screws
Assembly of this grill cart requires basic mechanical
skills. Proper assembly is the responsibility of tile
For MonograIn local service in your area,
For MonograIn service in Canada, 1-888-880-3030.
For MonograIn Parts and Accessories, call
_ _ PhillipsHeadScrews
1/4-20 Nuts Side Shelves
GrillCart With
Slide-0ut Tank Tray

36" and 48" Grill Cart Assembly
You Will
Step 2:
Mount GdU
on Assembled
• 3/8" wrench or socket
• Phillips head screwdriver
• Gloves to protect against shall0 edges
*V_l_[ll_llllfl_m The grill is extremely hea W.
2 people are required m lift and place the
grill onto the cart.
•" Le gril esl exlremement
lourd, n faul deux personnes pour le
soulever et le mettre ur un chariot.
• Remove the mp screw in file front shelf slide
on the left and right sides. Retain screws.
CAUTION: Lock firont cas/er on the cart m
prevent moveIllent.
See Installation inslructions packed with the
grill. Remove packaging, drip tray, smoker
tray, burner gra/es and paris box.
CAUTION: The grill is extremely heavy. 2
people are required to lift and place the grill
onto the cart.
• Carefidly, lower the grill onto the cart. The
grill should be behind the lip on the front of
the cart.
• Check to be sure the grill resls securely and
fits square on the cart. The screw holes at the
front and back should be aligned.