Downdraft Vent
WWV_o IT_ 0 n O_T_TI. CO_
We bring good things tolife.

Consumer Infk)rmadon
Dow.drafl I?_zt S3stem
lr troductior
Yore m_ew Mort ogram down draft vel]t system m a kes am_e] oq uen t sta tern en t of sty] e, com_vem]] em_ce
am] kitchem_ p]m_m_im_g flexibihtv: Whether vol_ chose it {iw its pm'ity of design, assiduol_s attem_tion
to detail--or for both of these reasons--_ol_']] tim] that yol_r Monogram dowmh_dt remit sl_stem's
slq)e_J oi" b] e]_ d of fi)rm a N_d hm cti om_wi]] de]ight yol_ for vears to corn e.
Yore" Mom_ogram dowmlm{_ remit system was designed to provide the flexibility to blend im_with
vol_r kitchem_ cabim_etr_. Its sleek design cam_ be beal_tihfl]y ]m_tegrated ]m_to the kitchem
The i_{bm_ation o_ the tb]]owi_g pages w]]] help yo_ operate a_d mai_tai_ vo_r dowmlra{t ve_t
Care and Clea_ng
Grease Fi]ters ........................... 9
Pai_ted or Stai_]ess Steel Sm'J_i_ces .......... 9
Consumer Services
Beflwe Yo_ Ca]] For Service ................ 9
lmporta_ t P]]o_ e Nim_bers .............. ] 0
Mode] and Serial Nm/_bers ................ 2
Sa{etv I]]strllctio_s ..................... 4--7
Warrm_tv ........................... ] 1, ] 2
Do--draft Vent System
Cooki_g Tips ........................... 8
Raisi_g or i,o_eri_g the Ve_t System ........ 8
Selector S_]tch .......................... 8
dowr drqfi
verst s),stem
Write dowr
the model
Read this g_fide carehfl]v. It is i_temled to help
VOII operate alld _//ai_/tai_/ voln" _?ew dowlldI"a[_
vent s}_stem properly.
Keep it ham]v lot a_swers to vo_r q_mstions.
PLEASE NOTE: The dowmh'a{t ve_t svstem vo_
have pro'chased was designed to be _ased with
Monogram cooktops listed i_ the i_sta]]atio_
i _/S t111 cti 01/S.
These mlmbers are o_ the Co]_sllmer Prod_lct
Ownership Registration Card packed separately
with vom" dowmh'aft ve_/t slistem.
If voll do_'t imdersta_d somethi_g oi" _eed
more help, there is a list of to]]-{kee co_]sm/_er
service mm_bers i_c]mIed i_ the back section
of this ma_a].
Visit ore" Website at: www.monogram.com
Before sending in this card, please write these
numbers here:
Mode] Nm/_ber
Serial Nm/_ber
l]se these mlmbers i_ a_y corresponde_ce
or service ca]is concer_i_g yo_*r downdra{}
yen t system.

down(b q
Immediately tom,tact the dealer (or blfilder)
that sok] _oll the downdra['t vent s_stem.
Beiore )ira re(p_est service, check d_e Be{ore
¥1m Call For Service secti(m im_ tl_e back of
d_is g_fide.
To obta]m_ seP, ice, see the (:onsm_er Services
page h_ the back of this glfide.
We're ])l'oHd (If I)IH" service amid wam_t voll to be
pleased. If fin" some reasim vim are m)t happy
with the service vol_ receive, here are two steps
to fi)]]ow for fm'ther help.
For _.a._tomers in _ke USA:
FIRST. conltact the [:)eop]e who serviced yore"
app]ian_ce. Exp]ah_ why yim are m_ot pleased.
hi most cases, this _i]] solve the problem.
NEXT, if vol_ are still _ot pleased, _rite a]] t]_e
Mal_age:; (5_stomer Re]at]o_s
(;E App]ia_ces
App]im_ce Park
I,o_fisvi]]e, KY 40225
It lists cm_ses o{ mim)_" operatim_g problems that
_1)1l call co]Tect _olH'se]f.
For _.as_omers in Canada:
FIRST. clmtact the people who serviced yore"
app]ia_]ce. Exp]a]_ why y(m are _ot pleased.
1_ most cases, this w]]] solve the problem.
NEXT, if vo_ are still m)t pleased, _rite a]] the
detai]s--i_ch_di_g yore" ])holle mlmbel_to:
Mam_ge_; Col_sm_er Re]atiims
(2m_co Inc.
I Factory l,ane, S_l]te 310
Mo_ctom N.B. El(: 9M3

For )our safety tile infornmtion in this guide must be followed to minimize tile risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prexent property damage, personal injm'), or loss of life.
IsOLL 0 WIN(;.
[] Use this unit onl) in tile manner intended
by tile manufacturer. If you have am
questions, contact tile manuthcturer.
[] Before serxicing or cleanim*_ trait, switch
power off at service panel and lock the
service disconnecting means to prevent
power fl'om being switched on accidentally:
When the service disconnecting means
cannot be locked, securely tasten a
prominent warning device, such as a tag,
to the service panel.
CAUTION: vof_enet'_,l,entilating
ttse only. Do not ttse to exhattst h_lz_lt'do/ts ot"
explosive materials and wq)ors.
• Installation work and electrical wiring must
be done by qualified person (s) in accordance
with all applicable codes and standards,
including fire-rated construction.
• When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling,
do not damage electrical wiring and other
hidden utilities.
• Ducted rims must always be xented to
tile o/ttdoors.
• Sufficient air is needed fin" proper combustion
and exhausting of gases through the flue
(chimney) of fuel-bm'ning equipment to
prevent backdrafling. Follow the heating
equil)ment manufi_ctm'er's guideline and
safety standards such as those published bv the
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
and tile American Society fl)r Heating,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
(ASH1LCE), and the local code authorities.
• To reduce tile risk of fire, use onlx metal
• PVC sewer pipe can be used as duct trader
concrete slab if allowed b_ local code board.
• This unit must be gro/mded.
OF A P_NGE TOP (;P__;AS_;FI_2,
] Never leave sm'{_ce m_its m_attem_ded at
hb,h_ settim_gs_ Boilovers cause smokiN_g
amid greas)spi]]overs that ma)ignite. Heat
oils slowly om_ low or medilm_ settim_gs.
[] ¢]wa)s turn hood ON when cookiN_g at
high heat or wheN_ cookim_g fiamim_gfoods.
[] C]eaN_ venti]atim_g rims frequently. Grease
sl]()10](] mlot 1)e allowed to accHmH]a[e oral
[_m or filter.
[_] [Jse proper [xm size. 4Iwa_,s use cookware
appropriate for the size of the sm'Ii_ce
e] el?? el? t.