OW er's
i I
Built-In Refrigerators
224D!893PO06 l
49-60723-2 J
Consumer Information
Built-In Refrigerators
Consumer Services
Important Phone Numbers ................. 28
Model and Serial Numbers .................... 3
Problem Solver .......................... 25-26
Product Registration ......................... 3
Safety Instructions ........................ 4-7
Smurtwuter Filter Performance
Data Sheet................................. 27
Warranty ......................... Back Cover
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning-Outside and Inside ............... 19
Light Bulb Replacement ................ 20-21
Moving and Vacation ....................... 22
Master Light Switch ........................ 21
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemuker ........................ 12
Climate Control Drawer .............. 13, 1/4,16
Control Lock ............................... 1/4
Ice and Water Dispenser ................ !0, !!
Shelves and Bins ........................ 17, 18
Storage Puns ........................... 15, 16
Temperature Controls ........................ 8
Water Filter Cartridge ........................ 9
Sabbath Mode Product Kit, ZSAB!........... 18
Consumer Information
Built-In Refrigerators
using your
down the
& serial
If you
received a
Read this manual carefully. Itis intended to help you operate and maintain your new refrigerator properly.
Keep it handy for answers to your questions.
You'll see them on a label in the lower right hand side of the fresh food compartment beneath
the climate control drawer.
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the refrigerator.
Ifyou don't understand something or need more
help, there isa list of toll-free consumer service numbers included in the buck section of this
Visit our website at:
Before sending in the Product Registration
card, please write these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Usethese numbers inany correspondence or
service calls concerning your refrigerator.
& money
If you
Before you request service, check the Problem Solver in the back of this manual.
To obtain service, see the Consumer Services
page in the back of this manual.
We're proud of our service and want you to be pleased. If for some reason you are not happy with the service you receive, here are steps to follow for further help.
For customers in the USA:
FIRST,contact the people who serviced your appliance. Explain why you are not pleased. In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT,if you are still not pleased, write all the details-including your phone number-to:
Manager, Customer Relations GEAppliances Appliance Park Louisville, KY40225
It lists causes of minor operating problems that
you can correct yourself.
For customers in Canada:
FIRST,contact the people who serviced your
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solve the problem. NEXT,ifyou are still not pleased, write all
the details-including your phone number to:
Manager, Consumer Relations Mabe Canada Inc.
1 Factory Lane, Suite 3!0 Moncton, N.B. E1C9M3
GEAppliances Website
For more information on your refrigerator's operation, visit www.GEAppliences, com or
call 800.GECARES (800.432.2737). In Canada visit GEAppliences.ce or call 800.561.3344.
_This is the safety alert symbol. This symbol alerts you to potential hazards that can kill or hurt you and others. All safety
messages will follow the safety alert symbol and the word "DANGER","WARNING",or "CAUTION".Thesewords are defined as:
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
_ Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, or injury when using your
refrigerator, follow these basic safety precautions:
Thisrefrigerator must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it isused.
Replaceall parts and panels before operating. Do not store or usegasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids
in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. Becauseof potential safety hazards under certain conditions,
we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord. However, ifyou must usean extension cord, it is absolutely necessarythat it be a UL-listed (inthe United States)or a CSA certified (in Canada),3-wire grounding type appliance extension cord having a grounding type plug and outlet and that the electrical rating of the cord be !B amperes (minimum)and 120
Toprevent suffocation and entrapment hazards to children,
remove the fresh food and freezer doors from any refrigerator before disposing of it or discontinuing its use.
Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang on the door handles
or the shelvesin the refrigerator. They could seriously injure themselves.
Unplugthe refrigerator :
To disconnect power to the refrigerator. It cannot be turned off byany setting on the control panel.
Toclean, replace a burned out light bulb,or make repairs.
Note: Repairsmust be performed by aqualified Service Professional.
To reduce the risk of injury when using your refrigerator, follow these basic
Inrefrigerators with automatic ice makers, avoid contact with the moving parts of the ejector mechanism, or with the heating element that releasesthe cubes. Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic ice making mechanism while the refrigerator is
plugged in.
Do not cleanglass shelvesor covers with warm water when they are cold. Glassshelves and covers may break ifexposed to sudden temperature changes or impact, such as bumping or dropping. Tempered glass isdesigned to shatter into many small pieces if it
Keepfingers out of the "pinch point" areas; clearances between the doors and between the doors and cabinet are necessarily small.Be careful closing doors when children are in the area.
Do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer compartment when
hands are damp or wet, skin may stick to these extremely cold surfaces.
Do not refreezefrozen foods which have thawed completely.
Explosion Hazard.
Keep flammable materials and vapors, such as gasoline, away from freezer.
n fire, explosion, or death.
Failure to do so can result
f s
Site Intemet d'Electromenagers GE
Pour de plus amples informations sur le fonctionnement de votre rdfrigdrateur, consultez le
site ou composez le 800.561.3344.
,Jl_Ce symbole repr@sente une alerte de s@curit6. Ce symbole vous avise de dangers possibles pouvant causer
la mort, des blessures ou autres. Tousles messages de s@curit@seront precedes du symbole d'alerte de s@curit@
ainsi que des mots <<DANGER >>,<<AVERTISSEMENT >>ou <<MISE EN GARDE >>.Ces messages sont les suivants :
I_ ignaleune situation qui pr@senteun dangerimminent et qui,siellen'est pas@vitae,entraTneradesblessures
I_ ignale une situation qui pr@senteun danger imminent et qui, si ellen'est pas@vit@e,peut entraTnerdes
graves,voirela mort.
blessuresgraves, voire la mort. Signale une situation qui pr_sente un danger imminent et qui, si elle n'est pas 6vit6e, peut entra?ner des
blessures mineures ou graves.
Pour r6duire le risque d'incendie, d'explosion, de choc _lectrique ou de blessures Iorsque vous utilisez votre r_frig@ateur, veuillez suivre ces consignes de s_curit6
Vousdevezbieninstalleretplacervotrerdrig@ateur, conform@mentauxinstructionsd'installationavantdeI'utiliser.
Remetteztouteslespiecesetpanneauxenplaceavantd'utiliser I'appareil.
Neconservezjamaisoun'utilisezjamaisd'essenceoud'autres liquidesou gazinflammables@proximit@devotre rdrig@rateurou
de tout autreappareil@lectrom@nager.
troisbrinsavecmise@laterrepourappareil@lectrom@nageret dolt@tre@quip@d'uneficheetd'uneprisefemelleavecterre.Les caract@ristiques@lectriquesducordonprolongateurdoivent@trede
15amperes(minimum)et de120volts.
enfants.D@montezlesportesdu cong@lateuretducompartiment de rdrig@ationavantdelemettreau rebut oud'interrompreson
utilisation. Nepermettezjamaisauxenfantsdegrimper,demonter,dese
teniroudesependreaux@tageresdevotre rdrig@ateur,tls
peuventendommagerlerdrig@ateuretseblessers@ieusement. D@branchezvotrer@frig@ateur:
Pourd@brancherler@frig@ateur.L'alimentation@lectriquedu r@frig@ateurnepeutpas@recoup@eparI'interm@diairedu
panneaudecommande. D@branchezvotrer@frig@ateuravantdelenettoyer,Avantde
remplaceruneampoulegrill@e,et deler@parer.
NOTE: Nousvousrecommandonsfortementdefaireaccomplir
tout serviceparuntechnicienqualifi@.
Pour r@duire le risque de blessures Iorsque vous utilisez votre r@frig@rateur,
veuillez suivre ces consignes de s@curit@
Dans tes rdrig@ateurs qui ont des machines (_glagons, @itez tout contact avec les@I@mentsmobiles du m@canismed'@jectionou avec I'@t@mentchauffant situ@(_la partie inf@ieure de la machine (_glagons. Ne mettezjamais vos doigts ou vos mains sur le m@canismede fabrication automatique de glagons quand le rdrig@ateur estbranch@.
Nenettoyez pas les dayettes ou les couverdes en verre avec de I'eau tilde quand ceux-ci sont froids. Lesclayettes et couvercies en verre peuvent se casser s'itssont exposes (_des changements soudains de temp@ature ou si vous les cognez ou lesfaites tomber. Le verre tremp@ est congu pour se briser en petits morceaux en cas de casse.
Nelaissezjamaisvosdoigtsdansdesendroitso0 itsrisquentd'@trepinc_s. L'_cartemententre lesporteset I'armoireestn_cessairementpetit.Faites
attentiondefermerlesportesquanddes enfantssetrouvent(_proximitY.
, Netouchezjamaislessurfacesfroidesdans lecompartimentcong_tation
quandvosmainssonthumidesoumouitt@s.Votrepeaupeutcotter(_ces surfacesextr@mementfroides.
_' Risque d'explosJon.
Conservez les mat@iaux et vapeurs inflammables tels que I'essence 5 I'#cart de votre cong#lateur. Une explosion, un incendie voire la mort pourrait en r#sulter.
_ Electrical Shock Hazard.
Plug into a grounded 3-prong outlet Do not remove the ground prong
Do not use an adapter Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, fire, or electrical shock.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground} prong from the power cord. For personal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance isequipped with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which motes with a standard 3-prong (grounding)wall outlet to minimize the possibility of electric shock hazardfrom this appliance.
Hove the wall outlet and circuit checked by oqualified electrician to make surethe outlet is properly grounded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet isencountered, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet. Do not use on adopter.
The refrigerator should always be plugged into its own individual electrical outlet which has o voltage rating that
matches the rating plate. This provides the best performance and also prevents overloading house wiring circuits which
could cause ofire hazard from overheated wires. Never unplug your refrigerator by pulling on the power cord.
Always grip plug firmly and pullstraight out from the outlet. Repairor replace immediately all power cords that hove
become frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not useo cord that shows crocks or abrasion damage along its length or at either
end. When moving the refrigerator away from the wall, be careful
not to roll over or damage the power cord.
Becauseof potential safety hazardsunder certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the useof an extension cord.
However, ifyou must use anextension cord, it isabsolutely necessarythat it be a UL-listed (inthe United States)or a CSA-listed(inCanada),3-wire grounding type appliance extensioncord having a grounding type plug and outlet
and that the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 volts.
Suffocation and child entrapment hazard. Remove fresh-food and freezer doors from the refrigerator, prior to disposal. Failure to do so can result in child entrapment which can lead to death or brain damage.
Childentrapmentandsuffocationarenotproblemsofthepast. Junkedor abandonedrefrigeratorsarestilldangerousevenif
theywillsitfor 'lustafew days."Ifyouaregettingridofyourold refrigerator,pleasefollowtheinstructionsbelowto helpprevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer:.
, Takeoffthefreshfoodandfreezerdoors. , Leavetheshelvesinplacesothat childrenmaynoteasily
climb inside.
Allrefrigerationproductscontain refrigerants,whichunder federallaw must beremoved priorto product disposal.Ifyou
aregetting rid of anold refrigerationproduct,checkwith the companyhandlingthe disposalabout what to do.
Risquede choc _lectrique.
BranchezI'appareildans uneprisetriple avecterre. Ne retirez pas la broche de terre.
INutilisez pas d adaptateur.
Ne coupez pas ou n'enlevez pas, sous aucun pr_texte, la troisi_me broche de mise 6 la terre du cordon
d'alimentation. Pour des raisons de s_curit6, cet appareil doit 6tre correctement mis 6 la terre.
Le non-respect de ces instructions peut entratner
des risques d'incendies, des chocs 61ectriques ou la
Lecordond'alimentationdecetappareilest6quip6d'unefiche 5 troisbroches(pourunemise5 laterre)quis'adapte@la prise de courantstandard@3 broches(pourunemise@laterre)pour
Faitesv6rifierla prisemuraleetlecircuit61ectriquepar
un61ectricienqualifi6pours'assurerquelesyst@meest correctementmis@laterre.
Dansle cas d'une prise biphas6e, I'installateur a la responsabilit6 et I'obligation de la remplacer par une prisetriphas6e correctement mise5 la terre. N'utilisez pas d'adaptateur.
Ler6frig6rateur doit toujours @re branch6 @sa propre prise 61ectriqued'une tension nominale correspondant 5 celle
indiqu6e sur sa plaque signal6tique.
Unealimentation 61ectrique5 115 volts CA,60 Hz,avec
un fusiblede 15 ou 20 amp@es et une mise5 laterre est n6cessaire.Ceci permet d'obtenir un meilleur rendement et 6vite de surcharger les circuits 61ectriquesdu domicile qui risque
d'occasionner un incendie en surchauffant. Ne d6branchezjamais ler6frig6rateur en tirant sur le cordon
d'alimentation. Preneztoujours fermement la fiche en main et tirez pour la sortir de la prise.
R6parez ou remplacez imm6diatement tout cordon 61ectrique us6 ou endommag6. N'utilisez pas un cordon fissur6 ou pr6sentant desdommages dus aux frottements soit sur sa Iongueur ou aux extr6mit6s.
Lorsque vous 61oignezvotre r6frig6rateur du mur,faites attention 5 ne pas le faire rouler sur lecordon d'alimentation afin de ne pas I'endommager.
Nous vous recommandons fortement de ne pas utiliser de rallonge dlectrique, 6 cause d'un danger de risques possibles
de sdcuritddanscertainesconditions. Cependant,sivous devez absolument utiliser un cordon rallonge _lectrique,il est absolument requis que vous utilisiez
un cordon rallonge trifilaire,avec mise(3la terre, certifi_ UL(auxEtats-Unis)ou ACNOR(auCanada),avec priseet fiche (3 trois conducteurs, et (3notation 61ectriquede 15 amp@es (minimum)et 120 volts.
Un enfant risque de suffoquer ou d'y @tre emprisonn&
D6montez les portes du compartiment de r6frig6ration et du compartiment de cong61ation du r6frig6rateur, avant mettre celui-ci au rebut. Le non-respect de cette recommandation peut entraTner
I'enfermement d'un enfant qui peut entraTner la mort ou des 16sions c6r6brales.
Lesenfants pris au pi@geou marts d'asphyxie sont
toujours d'actualit& Lesr6frig6rateursjet6s ou abandonn6s
restent dangereux m@mesi vous ne leslaissezau rebut quepour <<quelquesjours >>.Sivous voulezjeter votre
ancien r6frig6rateur,suivez les instructions suivantes pour emp@cherlesaccidents.
Avant de jeter votre anden r6frig6mteur ou
D6montez lesportes du compartiment de r6frig6ration
et du compartiment de cong61ation.
Laissezles clayettes en place,pour 6viter que desenfants puissentfacilement grimper dans votre r6frig6rateur.
Fluides frigorig_nes
Lesappareils r6frig6rants contiennent des fluides frigorig_nes qui conform6ment 5 la 16gislation f6d6rale doivent _tre retir6s avant la mise au rebut de I'appareil. Si vous mettez au rebut un ancien r6frig6rateur contenant des fluides frigorig_nes, v6rifiez la proc6dure
suivre aupr_s de la compagnie responsable de
s i
°C[] I[] _F
°c [] [] °F
Preset Settings: Allow 2/4hours to reach these preset temperatures.
Dispenser Hodels
Temperoture Controls
Built-In Refrigerators
The temperature display shows the actual
temperature of the freezer and fresh food compartments. The actual temperature will vary from the set temperature based on factors such as door opening, amount of food, defrost cycling and room temperature.
NOTE:Frequent door openings or door left open for periods of time may increase the internal temperature of the freezer and fresh food compartments temporarily.
To turn off the cooling system in both the
freezer and fresh food compartments, press either (+)pad until both displays show OFF.
To turn the cooling system on, press either (-)
pad. The preset temperatures of 0°F and 37°F will appear in the display.
To check the current temperature setting for the fresh food or freezer compartment, press the (+)or (-) pad once. After 5 seconds, the display will return to the actual temperature.
To change the temperature settings, press the (+)or (-) pads to desired temperature set point for fresh food and freezer separately. Allow 2/4hours for the refrigerator to reach the temperature you
have set.
Temperature Ranges
Low High
34OF 42OF
Fresh Food
1oc 5oc
-6OF +4OF
-2!°C -!5°C
NOTE:Setting the controls to OFFstops cooling, but does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator.
display temperatures
from °F to °C
To change the temperature display between Fahrenheit and Celsius, press Display Mode °C/°F.
To turn the Door Alarm feature on, press
DOOR ALARM once. The ACTIVE light will come on. To turn it off, press it again.
On models with a dispenser, the Door Alarm feature is located on the dispenser panel on the
front of the freezer door.
When the DOORALARM is active, the alarm will flash and beep if you keep the door open for
more than 2 minutes.
Water Filter Cartridge
Built-In Refrigerators
water filter cartridge
Water filter cartridge Thewater filter cartridge islocated behindthe top
access panel. When to replace the filter
On dispenser models, there is u replacement indicator light for the water filter cartridge
on the dispenser. On non-dispenser models, the replacement indicator is located on the
temperature control panel. This light will turn orange to tell you that you need to replace the filter
The filter cartridge should be replaced when the replacement indicator light turns red or if the flow
of water to the dispenser or ice maker decreases.
Removing the filter cartridge Ifyou are replacing the cartridge, first remove the old
one by slowlyturning itto the left. Do not pull down on the cartridge.A small amount of water may dripdown.
NOTE:To reduce the risk associated with property
damage due to water leakage, read and follow instructions before installation and use of this
system. Installation and use MUSTcomply with all state and local plumbing codes.
Installing the filter cartridge
_li Fill the replacement cartridge with water from the
tap to allow for better flow from the dispenser
immediately after installation.
the cartridge and the
cartridge holder. Place
the top of the new
cartridge up inside the holder. Do not push it up
into the holder.
H Slowlyturn it to the right until the filter cartridge
stops. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.Asyou turn the cartridge, it will automatically raise itself into
position. The cartridge will move about 1/2 turn.
I_ On dispenser models, run water from the
dispenser for 1-1/2 gallons (about :3minutes) to clear the system and prevent sputtering.
[] Pressand hold the RESETWATERFILTERpad,
located on the dispenser or temperature control panel depending on the model, for three seconds
to clear the red or amber light.
NOTE:A newly installed water filter cartridge may cause water to spurt into the ice maker.
Filter bypass plug
You must use the filter bypass plug when a
replacement filter cartridge is not available. The ice maker will not operate without the filter or filter bypass
Filter B_
Forthe maximum benefit of your filtration system, GErecommends the use of GE-branded filters only.
Using GE-branded filters in GE,Hotpoint® and Monogram refrigerators provides optimal performance and reliability. GEfilters meet rigorous industry NSFstandards for safety and quality that are important for products that are filtering your water. GEhas not qualified non-GE-branded filters for use in GEand Hot- point refrigerators and there is no assurance that non-GE-branded filters meet GE'sstandards for quality, performance and reliability.
If you heve questions, or to order edditionel filter certridges, visit our website et www.geweterfilters. cam or cell GE Perts end Accessories, 800.626.2002.
Customers in Canada should consult the yellow pages for the nearest Camco Service Center.
Ice & Water Dispenser Ion some models)
Built-In Refrigerators
Dispenser with
How it Works
The electronic controls on the dispenser are truly interactive. The control panel is equipped with u proximity sensor that causes the panel to light up as you approach the dispenser (approx. 2 inches).To make u selection, simply touch the graphic for the feature you want, and the halo for that feature will light up.When you walk away from the refrigerator, the lighted graphics switch off automatically.
How to Use
Todispensewater or ice:selectWATER_, CUBED ICE_/or CRUSHEDICED. Then pressthe glass
gently against the top of the dispenser cradle. The spill shelf is not self-draining. To reduce
water spotting, the shelf and its grille should be cleaned regularly.
If no water isdispensed when the refrigerator is first installed, there may be air in the water line system. Pressthe dispenser cradle for at least two minutes to remove trapped air from the water line and to fill the water system. To flush out impurities in the water line, throw away the first gallon of water.
Spill Shelf
Dispenser Light:
This feature turns the light on and off. The light also comes on when the dispenser cradle is pressed. If this light burns out, contact factory service.
Door Alarm:
To turn the Door Alarm feature on, touch
DOORALARM once. To turn it off, press it again.
When the DOORALARM is active, the alarm will flash and beep if you
keep the door open for more than 2 minutes.
Never put fingers or any
other objects into the ice crusher discharge opening.
Locking the Dispenser: Touch CONTROL LOCK for
3 seconds to lock the dispenser and control pad. To unlock, touch it again for 3 seconds.
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