Built-In Refrigerators

Consumer Infbrmafion
Bottom t@¢ezer /_(/)'ig'¢rator
Your new Monogran_ refl'igerator makes an eloquent statement of style, convenience and kitchen
planning flexibility. Whether you chose it for its purity of design, practical storage arrangements
or assiduous attention to detail--or tbr all of these reasons--you'll find that vom _Monogram
reti'igerator's superior blend of fln'm and flmction will delight you tin" years to come.
The Monogram refl'igerator was designed to provide the flexibility to blend in with yore" kitchen
cabinetry. Decorative door insert panels allow it to match vom" kitchen cabinets or blend with
w)ur kitchen decor.
Since the Monogram refl'igerator is a built-in product, custom panels are reqtfired on the
fl'ont of the Monogram refl'igeratm; Consult yore" kitchen designer or cabineunaker fin" wmr
customized look.
The information on the fl_llowing pages will hel I) you operate and maintain wmr refl'igerator
If you have any other questions, visit ore" _,Vebsite at: www,monogram.com
Contents Consumer Services
Importnnt Phone Nmnbe_ ................ 19
Model and Serial Nmnbers ................. 3
Pert0rmance Data Sheet .................. 17
Problem Solver . ...................... 15, 16
Product Registration ...................... 3
Satiety Insmmtions ...................... 4-7
State of (_alifln'nia
_.V_ter Treatment Device Certificate ......... 18
Wm'antv ........................ Back Cover
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker . ..................... 10
Master I,ight Switch ....................... 9
Sh elves ................................. 12
Storage Pans ............................ 11
Temperatm'e Controls ..................... 8
Water Filter Cartridge ..................... 9
Care mad Clemahag
Cleaning--Outside and Inside ............. 13
Condenser . ............................. 13
I,ight Bulb Replacement .................. 14
¼_cation ................................ 14
Read this manual careflfllv. It is intended to
help you operate and maintain your new
refl'igera tot properly:
Keep it handy for answers to w)ur questions.
If wm don't tmderstand something or need
more help, there is a list of toll-free consulner
service nmnbers included in the back section
of this manual,
Visit ore" Website at: www.monogrmn.com

down the
model &
n lA _7_lD_S
You'll see then_ on a label inside the fl'esh fi)od
compartment under the storage drawers on the
right side.
These numbers are also on the Consmner
Product Ownership Registration Card included
with this manual.
Before sending in this card, please write these
numbers here:
Model Nmnber
Serial Nmnber
Use these nuinbers in any correspondence or
serxice calls concerning )ore" refl'igerator.
If you received
a damaged
Save time
& mon_
hmnediatelv contact the dealer (or builder)
that sold xou the refrigerator.
Before you request serxice, check the Problem
Solxer in the back of this manual.
To obtain service, see tile Consumer Services
page in the back of this manual.
We're proud of our service and want wm to be
pleased. If fl)r some reason wm are not hal_py
with the service you receive, here are steps to
tollow for flH'ther hell).
For customers in the USA:
FIRST, contact tile people who serviced yore"
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solve the problem.
It lists causes of minor operating problems that
VO/I C_lIl correct VOtlrself.
For customers in Canada:
FIRST, contact the people who serxiced xotn"
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solxe the problem.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details--including, your, I_h°ne number to:
Manager, Consmner Relations
Camco Inc.
1 Factor_ i,ane Suite 310
Moncton, N.B. E 1C 9M3
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details--including your phone nmnbe_to:
Manager, Customer Relations
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
I,ouisville, KV 40225

WARNING: _,_hen using this
appliance, always exercise basic safeW
precautions, including tile following:
• Use this appliance only for its intended
purpose as described in this Owner's
Man ual,
• This refrigerator must be properly installed
ha accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used.
Do not allow children to climb, strand or hmag
on the shelves in the refrigerator. They could
damage tile refl'igerator and seriously iI_jm'e
them selves,
Do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer
compartment when hands axe damp or wet.
Skin mav adhere to these extremely cold
• Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance.
In refrigerators with automatic icemakers,
avoid contact with moving parts of tile ejector
mechanism, or with tile heating element
located on tile bottom of tile icemaker. Do
not place fingers or hands on tile automatic
icemaking mechanism while the refrigerator
is phlgged in.
Keep fingers out of the "pinch point" areas:
clearances between tile doors and between
tile doors and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be careflfl closing doors when children are
in tile area.
Unplug your refrigerator before cleaning
and making repairs. NOTE: We strongly
recommend that any servicing be performed
bv a qualified individual.
Before replacing a burned-out light bulb,
set tile Master I,ight switch in tile OFF
position to turn off tile lights in order to
avoid contact with a live wire filament.
(A burned-out light bulb mav break when
being replaced,) NOTE: Setting the
refl'igerator temperature controls to OFF
does not remove power to tile light circuit.
• Do not refreeze frozen foods which have
thawed completely.
Child entrapment and suffocation are not
problems of tile past.flmked or abandoned
refrigerators are still dangerous...even if they
will sit for 'iJust a tew days." If vou are getting
rid of wmr old refl'igerator, please tollow tile
instructions below to hel I) prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old
Refrigerator or Freezer:
• Take off tile doors.
• I,eave tile shelves in place so that children
mav not easily climb inside.
Your old refrigerator may have a cooling
svstem that used CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons).
CFCs are believed to harln stratospheric ozone.
If vou are throwing away your old refl'igerato_;
make sure tile CFC refl'igerant is removed fl)r
proper disposal bv a qualified servicer. If wm
intentionally release this CFC refrigerant you
can be subject to fines and imprisonment
trader provisions of environmental legislation,

vous utilisez le rg_ti'ig_rateui; observez toujours
certaines precautions de base, notalnlnent :
• N'utilisez le rOfrigOrateur que pour son usage
pr_vu, comme dOcrit dans le prg_sent manuel.
• InstaJlez le r_frig_rateur conform(?ment aux
directives d'installation avant de l'utiliser.
• Ne laissez pas les enfants grimper, s'asseoir,
se tenir debout ni se pendre aux clayettes du
r_frig_rateur, lls pourraient endonunager le
r_ti'ig_rateur et se blesser gravement.
• Une fois le r&frig6rateur en maacche, ne
touchez pas les surfaces froides du
congOlateur, surtout si vous avez les mains
humides ou mouill_es : la pea u risque
d'adh_rer ;'lces surtaces trOs froides.
• N'entreposez et n'utilisez pas d'essence ou
autres vapeurs et liquides inflammables h
proxilnit_ de cet appaJceil ou de tout autre
appareil _lectrom_nager.
• Pour les r_frig_rateurs dot_s d'une machine
h gla_ons automatique, &'itez le contact avec
les pi_ces Inobiles du nl_canislne &jecteur,
ou avec l'(_l(_inent chaultant situ(_ ;'l la partie
intiarieure de la machine fi gla_:ons. Ne posez
pas les doigts ou les mains sur le m_canisme
de la machine ;'l glaqons pendant que le
r_frig_rateur est branch,.
• _]loignez les doigts des parties du
rOfrigOrateur off l'on peut facilement se
pincer : les espaces entre les portes et entre
les portes et les placards sont tot!jouI_ (_troits.
Soyez prudent loi_que votts fbnnez les portes
de l'appareil ell presence des entimts.
• D&branchez votre r&frig&rateur avant
de le nettoyer et de le r&parer.
REMARQUE : Nous vous reconln/andons
viveillent de confier totlte rt_paration ;'1 tin
technicien qualifi&
• Avm_t de remplacer une ampoule grill(?e,
inettez le connn utateur de huni&re principale
ell position OFF (arr6t) pour _teindre la
hnni&re afin d'g_viter tout contact avec till
fil sous tension. (Une alnpoule grill_e
peut se briser pendant l'op&'ation).
REMARQUE : I,orsque w)us placez les
conunandes de telnp&'ature du r_fl'ig_rateur
sur OFF (arr&t), l'alilnentation _lectrique
de l'alnpoule n'est pas coup(_e.
• Ne faites PAS recongeler des aliments
surgel0s qui ont compl&tement d_gel&
I,es enthnts pris au pi&ge ou morts d'asphyxie
sont toujours d'actualitO. I,es appareils de
rg_fligOration abandong_s sont toujours aussi
dangereux, in_ine si (Ill n'attend que "quelque
jours" pour s'en d_barasser. Si vous ne gardez
pas votre ancien appareil, veuillez suivre les
directives ci-dessous afin de pr_venir les
Avmat de vous dObarrasser de votre vieux
appareil de rOfrig_ration :
• Dg_tnontez les portes.
• I,aissez les clavettes en place afin d'etnp_cher
les entants de grilnper f_l'int&'ieur.
Votre ancien i'_fi'ig_rateur peut avoir un
syst_me de refi'oidisselnent qui a utilis_ les CFC
(chlorofluorocarbones). I,es CFCs sontjug_s
nocits pour l'ozone stratosph&_ique.
Si vous d_barrassez de votre viel appareil de
r_fl'ig_ration, assurez-vous que le fl'igorig_ne
avec CFC soit enlev_ correctement par un
technicien qualifi_. Si vous lib_rez
intentionnelleinent ce fi'igog_ne avec CFC
VO/IZ potIVeZ 6tre so/ii//is aHx c()nti'aventi()ns
et fi l'elnprisonnenlent apr&s les stipulations
des lois sur Fenviromnent.

Do not, under ally circumstances, cut or
remove the third (ground) prong from the
power cord. For personal safety, this appliance
must be properly grounded.
Tile power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates
with a standard S-prong (gromlding) wall
outlet to minimize the possibility of electric
shock hazard from this appliance.
Have tile wall outlet and circ/dt checked bv a
qualified electrician to make sure tile outlet is
properly gromlded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is
encolmtered, it is yore" personal responsibility
and obligation to have it replaced with a
properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Use of a GFI (Grolmd Fatflt Intermptor) is not
recommended for tile refrigerator outlet.
The refl'igerator should alwa):s be plugged into
its own individual electrical outlet which has a
w_ltage rating that matches the rating plate,
This provides tile best perfin'mance and also
prevents overloading house wiring circuits
which could cause a fire hazard from
overheated wires.
Never mlplug yore" refl'igerator by pulling on
the power cord. Always grip plug firmly and
pull straight out fl'om the outlet,
Repair or replace immediately all power cords
that have become fl'aved or otherwise
damaged. Do not use a cord that shows cracks
or abrasion damage along its length or at
either end.
When II/oving the refl'igera tot away from the
wall, be careflfl not to roll over or damage tile
power cord.
Reier to the Installation lnstHictions fin"
particular electrical s)_stem specifications
fin" this refl'igerator.