Design Guide with
36" Built-In Bottom-Freezer
monogra m,com

Safety information
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
.IMPORTANT- Savetheseinstructionsfor
local inspector's use. Observe all governing codes
and ordinances.
• Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
• Note to Consumer - Keep these instructions with
your Owner's Manual for future reference.
A This is the safety alert symbol. This symbol alerts you to potential hazards that can kill or hurt you and others.
All safety messages will follow the safety alert symbol and the word "DANGER", "WARNING", or "CAUTION". These
words are defined as:
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
If you received a damaged refrigerator, you should
immediately contact your dealer or builder.
Skill Level - Installation of this refrigerator requires
basic mechanical, carpentry and plumbing skills.
Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer.
Product failure due to improper installation is not
covered under the GE Appliance Warranty.
See the Owner's Manual for warranty information.
__ Electrical Shock Hazard,
Plug into a grounded 3-prong outlet.
Do not remove the ground prong.
Do not use an adapter.
Immediately replace electric cords that become frayed
or damaged.
_Tip Over Hazard,
These refrigerators are top heavy, especially with any doors open, and must be secured to prevent tipping
forward which could result in death or serious injury. Read and follow the entire installation instructions for
securing the refrigerator with the anti-tip system.
_J_' Explosion Hazard.
Keep flammable materials and vapors, such as gasoline, away from refrigerator. Failure to do so can result in
fire, explosion, or death.
To reduce the risk associated with choking, do not allow children under 3 years of age to have
access to small parts during the installation of this product.
Lifting Hazard
This refrigerator is very heavy. To reduce the risk of person injury during maneuvering and installing this
refrigerator, 3 people are required for proper installation.
Do not use an extension cord with this appliance.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death,
fire, or electrical shock.
Follow the instructions in the section Grounding the
For Monogram local service in your area, call 1.800.444.1845.
For Monogram service in Canada, call 1.800.561.3344
For Monogram Parts and Accessories, call 1.800.626.2002.

Consignes de Securite
ACe symbole represente une alerte de s6curite, Ce symbole vous avise de dangers possibles pouvant causer la mort, des
blessures ou autres, Tousles messages de s6curite seront prec6d6s du symbole d'alerte de s6curite ainsi que des mots <<
DANGER >>,<<AVERTISSEMENT >>ou <<MISE EN GARDE >>,Ces messages sont les suivants :
Signale une situation qui presente un danger imminent et qui, si elle n'est pas evitee, entrainera des bles
sures graves, voire la mort,
Signale une situation qui presente un danger imminent et qui, si elle n'est pas evitee, peut entrainer des
blessures graves, voire la mort,,
_ ignale une situation qui presente un danger imminent et qui, si elle n'est pas evitee, peut entrainer des
blessures mineures ou graves,
Risque de choc electrique.
Branchez I'appareil dans une prise triple avec terre.
Ne retirez pas la broche de terre.
N'utilisez pas d'adaptateur.
Le non-respect de ces instructions peut entrainer des
risques d'incendies, des chocs electriques ou la mort.
N'utilisez pas de rallonge avec cet appareil,
Le non-respect de ces instructions peut entrainer des
risques d'incendies, des chocs electriques ou la mort,
Suivez les instructions de la section Mise a/a terre du
Remplacer immediatement tout cordon electrique
effiloche ou endommage.
_/_ Risque de basculement
Ces r6frigerateurs presentent une partie superieure Iourde, en particulier avec une porte ouverte; ils doivent donc
6tre fixes pour prevenir le basculement vers I'avant et le risque concomitant de blessure grave ou fatale. Lisez et
suivez les instructions d'installation completes pour I'installation du systeme anti-basculement
_( Risque d'explosion.
Conservez les materiaux et vapeurs inflammables tels que I'essence a I%cart de votre refrigerateur. Le non-
respect de cette instruction peut entrainer un risque d'incendie, d'explosion ou de deces.
Pour reduire le risque d%touffement pendant I'installation de ce produit, ne pas laisser les
petites pieces a la portee des enfants 896s de moins de 3 arts.
Risque associe a la manutention d'une charge Iourde
Ce refrig6rateur est tres Iourd. Pour reduire le risque de blessure lots de la manutention de ce refrigGrateur, trois
(3) personnes sont necessaires pour proceder a I'installation appropriee du modele 36 pouces, quatre (4) pour
I'installation des modeles 42 ou 48 pouces.

Planning Guide
The Installation Space
Dimensions and Clearances
Customization Basics
3/4" Overlay Panel Dimensions - Flush
1/4" Framed Panel Dimensions - Standard
3/4" Overlay Panel Dimensions - Standard
130° Door Swing
90 ° Door Swing
Side Panels
ZUG2 and ZUGF2 Grille Panel Dimensions
Installation Instructions
Tools, Hardware, Materials
Grounding the Refrigerator
Parts Identification
Step 1, Remove Packaging
Step 2, Install Water Line
Step 3, Install Side Panels
2-3 Step 4, Install Case Trim 16
Step 5, Anti-Tip Procedures 17-18
5 Step 6, Level Refrigerator 18
5 Step 7, Secure Refrigerator to Cabinetry - Flush Install 19
7 Step 8, Secure Unit to Wall - Standard Install 19
7 Step 9, Alternate Anti-Tip Procedure 19
8 Step 10, Adjust Door Swing 19
8 Step 11, Remove Door Trim 20
9 Step 12, Layout Decorative Door Panels 21-22
11 Step 13, Attach Brackets to Panels 22
11 Step 14, Attach Brackets to Freezer Door Panel 23
11 Step 15, Hang Decorative Door Panels 23
Step 16, Layout Decorative Grille Panel 24
12 Step 17, Install Grille Panel 24
12 Step 18, Adjust Decorative Panels 25-26
13-14 Step 19, Replace Trim 26
15 Step 20, Connect Water Supply 27
15-16 Step 21, Connect Power 27
16 Step 22, Start Icemaker 27
Step 23, Install Toekick 27

Design Guide
_inished Width_
II . ,,' \Electrical
_ _2-5/!6" _I WaI: View
[ !0 - Area
84-1/2" max l't 24" Cutout Depth H 75" From
Finished ] I I I Floor to Bottom
Opening I I Water Supply Ilof Electrical Area
II 3-z/2"/ 3-z/;
_ 10" 3-Z/2" 1C _X[
*For standard/77sta//at/on, the hkT/%hedcutout width must
be 35-1/21
*For flush mount/77stallat/on, the hkT/shed cutout width
must be 39"
Water And Electrical Locations
Electrical and water supply must be located as shown,
The Cutout Depth Must Be 24" For Standard
The refrigerator will project forward, slightly beyond
adjacent cabinetry, depending on your installation,
Allow minimum 1/8" air gap between case back & wall,
The Cutout Depth Must Be 26-3/16" For Flush Installation
Wooden cleats are required for flush installation, See Side
Cleats on page 11,
Cutout depth beneath a soffit:
When installed beneath a soffit, the soffit cannot exceed
the 24" installation depth shown, The top case trim
overlaps the bottom of the soffit,
Additional Specifications
• A 115 volt 60Hz,, 15 or 20 amp power supply is required,
An individual properly grounded branch circuit or circuit
breaker is recommended, Install
a properly grounded 3-prong electrical receptacle
recessed into the back wall, Electrical must be located on
rear wall as shown,
Note: GFI (ground fault interrupter) is not recommended,
• Water line can enter the opening through the floor
or back wall, Route GESmartConnecC kit or 1/4" O,D,
copper tubing between the cold water line and the water
connection location, The tubing should be
long enough to extend to the front of the refrigerator,
Installation of an easily accessible shut-off valve in the
water line is required,
Product Clearances
These refrigerators are equipped with a 3-position door
stop, The factory set 115° door swing can be adjusted to
90° if clearance to adjacent cabinets or walls is restricted,
130°DoorSwing[ to Wall
Allow 25" minimum clearance for is"
aful1130 ° door swing, Allow15" 115°D°°rSwing
for pan removal,
For a 90 ° door swing, allow
4" min, clearance to a wall,
for framed and stainless steel
models, Allow 5" min, clearance
for professional style models, If
the 90° door stop position is used,
pan access is maintained, but pan
removal is restricted,
See illustrations pages 4 and 5 to determine door swing
interaction with adjacent cabinets or countertops,
25-3/4"StainlessSteel Models
"84"From cutout that is 84-1/2"
Floorto max, height, Note that
TopFrame the top case trim at
J the front is 1/2" higher
. and will overlap upper
- cabinetry or soffit, Use
........ 3@'Frameto
I Minimum
Shipping height, The
refrigerator can be
adjusted to fit into a
leveling legs and wheels
for a maximum 1"height
g0°DoorSwing Frame
l t
[ i
90° i
i 36-3/4"
...... I andFramed
"4" Stainless
- ,\\
x ",,",,
115° ',,\,
Min. to
',, ',,
ZUG2, ZUGSS2 Unified Grille Panel Kit for Standard
. If you are installing two refrigerators, side by side,
the installation space must be 71-1/2"wide,
Note; Additional cutout width may be required when side panels
are used, Add side panel thickness to the finished cutout to
calculate rough-in width,
. The water and electrical locations for each product must
be located as shown,
. A separate 115V, 60Hz,, 15 or 20 amp power supply is
recommended for each product,

Design Guide
Framed Or Overlay Panels, Custom
Handles and Accessory Kits
Professional Style Stainless Steel Refrigerators
Stainless steel wrapped refrigerators with beveled edges
and professional style handles, These models are shipped
ready for installation,
Stainless Steel Wrapped Refrigerators
Stainless steel wrapped refrigerators with beveled edges
and tubular stainless steel handles that coordinate with
other Monogram appliances, These models are shipped
ready for installation,
Trimmed Refrigerators
Trimmed refrigerators are designed to be customized
with decorative panels, Field installed custom door and
grille panels are required,
Side Panels
Side panels must be used whenever the sides of the
refrigerator will be exposed,
Optional Accessory Kits
• ZKHCSS2: Monogram Tubular Stainless Steel handles
designed to fit 3/4" overlay panels, This kit also includes a
handle side trim for custom handles,
• ZKHPSSI: Professional Tubular Stainless Steel Handle
designed to fit 3/4" overlay panels, Kit includes one
handle, Order 2 kits for bottom-freezer refrigerators from
your Monogram supplier,
• ZUG2: For side-by-side installation of two trimmed
bottom-freezer refrigerators, This kit provides for the
installation of a unified custom grille panel to span the
width of two units using a framed or overlay panel,
• ZUGPP2: For side-by-side installation of two professional-
style bottom-freezer refrigerators, This kit provides a
unified stainless steel grille panel to span the width of two
• ZUGSS2: For side-by-side installation of two stainless steel
wrapped bottom-freezer refrigerators, This kit provides a
unified stainless steel grille panel to span the width of two
. ZUGF2: For side-by-side installation of two trimmed
models, This kit provides for the installation of a unified
custom grille panel to span the width of two units using
flush installation panel,
• ZKHCT: Handle side trim for left-hand and right-hand
doors, For use on 3/4" custom panels when using a
custom handle,
• ZTK36BFHRH: Trim kit for standard installation using
custom panels, This kit is for use with a right hand door
• ZTK36BFHLH: Trim kit for standard installation using
custom panels, This kit is for use with a left hand door

Design Guide
(Flush Installation Only)
For a more custom appearance, overlay panels may be
installed to give a flush appearance with surrounding
cabinets, The overlay panel must be 3/4" thick, Panel
attaches to included brackets to provide mounting to the
appliance door,
NOTE: We recommend that decorative panels have inside
corners and edges rounded or beveled by cabinet maker
to avoid sharp edges on the panels. Edges to be treated
should include the top, bottom and hinge side edges.
Grille Panel 9-5/8"
Fresh Food
Panel 46-!/2"
Top/Bottom Hinge
Router 1/8" Deep
-.,,P-1-1/4" T l"q
i _1/2"
(Flush Installation Only)
For custom handle installation, counterbore holes in rear
of decorative panels may not exceed 1/4" depth to ensure
1/2" material thickness remains for handle support,
NOTE: The counterbore 1/_,,
must not exceed 1" in t
Minimum distance from handle
side edge to handle center on
the fresh food door should be
2-1/2" as shown.
Minimum distance from top
edge to handle center on the
freezer drawer should be 1-1/2"
as shown.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Maximum total weight for the assembled panels:
Door panel- 67 Ibs, Grille Panel- 18 Ibs,
Door Trim Pinch Point Hazard
Improperinstollotioncon leodtoofinger pinch
pointhozordbetweenthe sidedoor trimond the
cobinetswhenoperoting the door,especiolly
with children. Tominimizethis riskyoumust
followthe instollotioninstructionsfor cobinet
dimensions,trim assembly,anddoorstop ungle.

Design Guide
(Standard Installation Only)
If you choose to install framed panels, they must be cut
to the dimensions shown, The panels will slide into the
frame on the door, drawer and grille,
If the custom panel is less than 1/4"thick and if it fits
loosely in the door frame, it can be backed up with a
piece of filler material or foam tape to improve the fit,
Grille Panel ]
Framed Panel Dimensions
1/4" Framed Panel 33-7/8" 8-7/8" 46-1/16" 21-7/8"
Fresh Food C
Panel [
Freezer Drawer D
Overlay Panel Dimensions
1/4" Backer Panel 33-7/8" 8-7/8" 46-1/16" 21-7/8"
0,10" Spacer Panel 32-1/2" 7-5/8" 44-11/16" 20-1/2"
3/4" Overlay Panel 34-1/8" 9" 46-5/16" 22"
IMPORTANT NOTE: Maximum total
panel weight:
• Fresh food door panel- 58 Ibs,
• Freezer drawer panel - 28 Ibs,
• Grille Panel - 11 Ibs,
A(Width) B (Grille Height) C(FFHeight) D (FZHeight)
A(Width) B (Grille Height) C(FFHeight) D(FZHeight)
(Standard Installation Only)
For a more custom appearance, overlay panels may be installed
on trimmed models, The overlay panel must be secured to a
1/4"thick backer panel which slides into the trim, A spacer
panel 0,10" thick must be placed between the overlay and
backer panel,
Assemble the panels with glue and screws,
. Center the spacer panel on the backer panel, left to right and
top to bottom, Secure the panels with glue,
. Center the spacer and backer panel on the overlay panel and
secure with glue and screws, Screws must
be countersunk into the backer panel,
Backe_ _.
Panel Spacer
NOTE: Left-to-right offset is not always equal to
top-to-bottom offset,
total weight for the assembled
• Fresh food door panel- 58 Ibs,
Freezer drawer panel - 28 Ibs,
Grille Panel- 11 Ibs,

Design Guide
Frameless Cabinets: The case trim
overlaps cabinets at the top and sides,
Therefore, frameless cabinets
may require filler strips to prevent
interference with cabinet door swing,
The opening must allow for filler strips,
.... :-.... 1/2"
i ..... 3/4"
1 ,F
Top View
(Standard installation
3/4" Overlay
Scale 1:1