GE ZIC36NMASSLH, ZIC36NMASSRH Installation Guide

GE Monogram _
36" Bottom Mount
Options Guide
These Monogram refrigerators are designed to be customized with decorator door and grille panels. Field installed panels are required.
Factory installed trim will accommodate
1/4" thick custom panels or optional
Lexan c_and stainless steel panel kits.
Optional trim kits allow an even broader
range of custom appearance options.
Read this booklet carefully to accomplish the
desired appearance and to instwe a trouble free
This booklet contains information and
illustrations to demonstrate custom
possibilities. Custom door and grille panel sizes vary to accommodate the kit being used. Dimensions for each application are
included and can be faxed or sent to the
and Trim Kit Installation Instructions
Models: ZIC36N RH ZIC36N LH
cabinet manufacturer so that the panels can be constructed accurately.
36" Bottom Mount Refrigerator
Before you begin - Read these instructions completely and carefully. IMPORTANT - Save these instructions for local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - OBSERVE ALL GOVERNING CODES AND ORDINANCES. Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these instructions with the Consumer.
Note to Consumer - Keep these instructions with your Use and Care Book for future reference,
This appliance must be properly grounded. See "Grounding the Refrigerator," page 12.
If you have a question concerning the installation of this product, call the GE Answer Center _>Consumer Information Service at 800.626.2000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you received a damaged refrigerator, you should immediately contact your dealer or builder.
Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the GE Appliance Warranty. See the Use & Care Guide for warranty information.
Contents Design Information
Flush or Semi-Flush Enclosure Installations ............................................................................................................................... 3
Enclosure Cutout and Product Dimensions ................................................................................................................................. 3
Installation Examples, Between Base & Wall Cabinets ........................................................................................................... 4
Installation at End-of-Run ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Frameless Cabinets .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Accessory Panel Kits ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Models Available .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Advance Planning Exterior Appearance Options ....................................................................................................................... 5
Trim Kit Descriptions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose.
Immediately repair or replace electric service cords that become frayed or damaged.
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning or making repairs,
Repairs should be made by a qualified service technician.
For Monogramlocal service in yourarea, 1-800-444-1845.
For Monogramservice in Canada 1-888-880-3030
ForMonogramParts andAccessories,call
CustomPanel Dimensions
Product andCutout Information ....................................................................................................................................................7
1/4"Thick Custom Panels or Panels Secured to 1/4"thick backing ........................................................................................8
3/4"Thick Panelswith Supplied Handle, ZKTC36Lor ZKTC36R...............................................................................................9
3/4"Thick Panelswith Custom Handle .......................................................................................................................................10
Side Panel or Filler Options ..........................................................................................................................................................11
Installation Instructions...........................................................................................................................................................12-17
Trim Kits
ZGC2 Trim Kit, Grille Panel Frame Adjustment .......................................................................................................................... 18
ZKHC1 Trim Kit (for 1/4" Panels), Support for Custom Handles ......................................................................................... 19-21
ZKTC36L/ZKTC36R Trim Kit, 3/4" Custom Panels .................................................................................................................. 22-27
ZKHTC1 Trim Kit (for 3/4" Panels), Support for Custom Handles ...................................................................................... 28-31
ZKHCSS1 Trim Kit (for 1/4" Panels), Tubular Stainless Steel Handles ............................................................................. 32-35
ZKHTCSS1 Trim Kit (for 3/4" Panels), Tubular Stainless Steel Handles ........................................................................... 36-38
ZFC1 Trim Kit, for side to side installation .................................................................................................................................. 39
Flush or Semi-Flush Enclosure Installations
Design Information
36" Bottom Mollnt Refrigerators
Advance Planning
Enclosure Cutout and Product Dimensions
True Flush Installation
In a flush installation,
the refrigerator doors
will align evenly with the
front face of adjacent cabinet
doors. The refrigerator blends
into the surrounding cabinetry.
Monogram built-in refrigerators can be installed flush with typical 24-3/4" deep cabinetry.
When installed semi-flush, the case trim will conceal slight gaps around the enclosure. The refrigerator will
project forward approximately 3/4" beyond the front face of surrounding cabinetry.
In any installation situation, a wide range of appear- ance options can be accomplished through the use of one or more trim kits. See trim kit descriptions and appearance options on page 6.
To achieve a flush fit the finished cutout width must be at least 36" wide.
A semi-flush installation requires 35-1/2" min. finished cutout width.
The electrical and water locations must be located as shown for either type of installation.
Semi-Flush Installation
These refrigerators
can also be installed
semi-flush into an enclosure
using the minimum cutout
width. The case trim creates a
frame around the opening.
Side Panels Requirements:
Side panels are not required whenever the
refrigerator is installed into an enclosure or between pantry and oven cabinets.
Side panels are required whenever the sides of the refrigerator are exposed.
Side panel sizes vary depending on the type of installation being made.
To accomplish an attractive installation, you must:
1. Determine the need for side panels.
2. Determine side panel thickness.
3. Order matching side panels from the cabinet
manufacturer. Be sure to provide the exact dimen- sions.
",. *FinishedWidth
"7 Area
/ Electrical
Wall View
83q/2" Min 84q/2" Max
841/2"max 831/2"rain
-24 3/4" Total Depth
74" FromFloor
to Bottom
of Electrical
L3 1/2"
*36" Min. for a flush installation
35-1/2" Min. for a semi-flush installation
Note: Additional cutout width may be required when side panels are used. Add side panel thickness to the finished cutout to calculate rough-in width. See installation examples on the following page.
Installation Examples
Design Information
36" Bottom Mount Refrigerators
Installa tion Between
Base &
Wall Cabinets
Installa tion A t End-of-Run
Side panels are required whenever the sides of the refrigera-
tor will be exposed.
1/2"to 3/4"side panels are normally set into place and fastened to adjacent cabinetry or to the back wall before
rolling the refrigerator into the opening.
Flushand Semi-Flush
[_ 1/4" Thick
__SidePanels ! I
FinishedDim.I._ 35q,/2_]
RoughedqnDirn,_36" I
Note: 1/4"thick side panels can be inserted into the case trim, making the rough-in the same as the outside trim
width, 36".
Flushand Semi-Flush
Therefore, the rough-in dimensions must allow for side panel
thickness. In both aflush and semi-flush installation, the
finished dimension, (the width ofthe opening after side panels are installed), must accommodate the full width of the refrigerator.
See page 11for side panel sizes.
Cabinet _
) Refrigeratordoor \
1/4" Side Panels.Insertendof
side panel into trim
Frameless Cabinets
Accessory Panel Kits
II1/2"Th °kII I
Finished Dim, k_36'_
Roughedqn Dim._37"
Note: 1/2"thick side panels shown. Side panels can be any thickness. Add side panel thickness to outside trim width (36") to calculate the rough-in dimension. The leading (front) edge must be finished to match surrounding cabinetry.
Side panels, 1/2"minimum thickness are required when using frameless cabinets. The side panel acts as a
spacer between the cabinet and the case trim and
prevents interference with cabinet door swing. The leading (front) edge mustbe finished to match
surrounding cabinetry.
These refrigerators require field installed door and grille panels.The factory installed trim will accept accessory panel kits. White or black Lexan ':_and stainless steel kits are available. Panels are cut to size and ready to install. These panel kits must be ordered separately.
1/2" To 3/4" SidePanels.Leading
EdgeFlush With Cabinet
Cabinet _
) Refrigeratordoor \
1/2" To 3/4" SidePanels.Leading
EdgeFlush With Cabinet
A wide range of custom appearance options can be created with optional trim kits. See page 6 for examples and trim kit descriptions.
ZWBC36, Black Lexan _) Panels ZWWC36, White Lexan CR)Panels ZWSC36, Stainless Steel Panels
Design Information
36 " Bottom Mount Refrigerator
Models available
Advance planning
exterior appearance
36" wide model with handle on the left side, the door swings left to right.
These refrigerators are designed to be customized with decorator door and grille panels. Field installed custom door and grille panels are required for these models.
Factory installed trim will accommodate 1/4" thick custom panels, Lexan ® or stainless steel panel kits.
Door and grille panel sizes vary to accommodate the kit being used. Sizes are provided in this booklet.
Caution: Maximum panel weight for fresh food door is 50 pounds and 30 pounds for freezer drawer panel.
Side panels must be used whenever the sides of the refrigerator will be exposed. Side panel sizes vary depending on the installation.
3/4" thick custom panels-Without trim kits
A raised panel design, screwed or glued to a 1/4" thick backing can be used. See page 8 for panel sizes and
36" wide model with handle on the right side, the door swings right to left.
1.Select the appearance option.
2.Order the trim kit for that option.
3.Order the custom door and grille panels from the cabinet manufacturer. The exact dimension for each
trim kit application is provided in this booklet, Find
and pull out the page for your application andfax or send it to the cabinet manufacturer. The cabinet
manufacturer must have this information to con- struct the panels accurately.
4.Determine the final installation situation and order matching side panels.
Design Information
36 " Bottom Mount Refrigerator
Trim kit descriptions
ZGC2 - Provides 1/4" grille panel frame side pieces for 83-1/2" and 84-1/2" installation heights. The supplied grille panel frame is factory set for 84".
ZKHC1 - Provides the necessary framework to install custom handles, ofyour choice, onto 1/4" thick panels.
(Handles not included.)
ZKHCSSI - Tubular stainless steel handles for 1/4" thick
panel installations.
ZKHTC1 - Provides the necessary framework to install custom handles, ofyour choice, onto 3/4" thick panels.
(Handles not included.) This kit must be used in
combination with ZKTC36L or ZKTC36R
ZKHTCSS1 - Tubular stainless steel handles for 3/4"
thick panel installations. This kit must be used in
combination with ZKTC36L or ZKTC36R
ZKTC36L (left opening models), ZKTC36R (right opening models) - Provides for the
installation of 3/4" thick custom door and grille panels. This kit provides a standard handle to fit 3/4" thick panels.
ZFC1 Trim Kit - For side to side installation of 2 refrigerators. This kit provides a trim strip to cover the
side case trim for a finished appearance.
1/4"Panels with standard handles. No kits required.
3/4"Custompanels with supplied handle. Trim Kit
1/4" Custom panels with custom handles. Trim Kit
3/4"Custom panels with custom handles. Trim kits
ZKTC36L (or ZKTC36R) and ZKHTC1.
1/4"Custom panels with Tubular Stainless Steel
handles, Trim Kit ZKHCSS1.
3/4" Custom panels with Tubular Stainless Steel
handles, Trim Kits
-- 243/4"--
FrontView 103/4"Max
--35"Case 10"Min
Custom Panel Dimensions
36 " Bottom Mount Refrigerators
ZIC36N Bottom Mount Refrigerator
Design Information
Designed to be installed flush or semi-flush with surrounding cabinetry. Cutout dimensions, clearances and side panel sizes are determined by the many installation options available. Side panels must be used whenever the sides of the refrigerator will be exposed. Side panels are not required when refrigerator is installed into an enclosure or between pantry and oven cabinets. IMPORTANT - Side panels, 1/2" minimum thickness are required when using FRAMELESS
Field installed custom panels, Lexan _ or stainless steel panels are required. The door panels and grille
panel sizes vary to accommodate the kit being used.
The supplied toekick is vented and must remain unobstructed for proper air circulation.
Optional Panel Kits:
ZWBC36:Black LexanCR_Panel Kit
ZWWC36:White Lexan_ Panel Kit
ZWSC36:Stainless Steel Panel Kit
*Finished Width_
Wall View
(not to Scale)
Locate Grounded
Electrical outlet
84 1/2" max
83 1t2" min
-- 3 112"
* 36" Min. for a flush installation into an enclosure.
35-1/2" Min. for a semi-flush installation into an enclosure.
Note: Additional cutout width may be required when side panels are used. Add side panel thickness to the finished cutout width to calculate rough-in width. See installation examples on page 4.
Within Solid
Area Above
Locate Water
Supply Within
the Shaded
74" From
Floor to
Bottom of
Electrical Area
-3 1/2"
Optional Custom Trim Kits:
ZKHCI: Forinstallation of a custom handle of your choice onto 1/4"Panels.
ZKTC36Lor ZKTC36R:Forinstallation of 3/4"thick custom panels.
ZKHTCI: For installation of acustom handle of your choice onto 3/4"thick panels. (This kit must be used in
combination with ZKTC36Lor ZKTC36R.
ZKHCSSI: Tubular Stainless Steel handles for 1/4"
thick panels.
ZKHTCSSI:Tubular Stainless Steel handles for 3/4"
thick panels.
ZGC2:1/4"grille panel frame side pieces for 83-1/2 and 84-1/2"installation heights. Factory set height is
Additional Specifications
A 115volt 60Hz.,15or 20amp power supply is required. An individual properly grounded branch
circuit or circuit breaker is recommended. Install a properly grounded 3-prong electrical receptacle
recessed into the back wall. Electrical must be located on rear wall as shown.
Water line can enter opening through the floor or back wall. Thewater line should be 1/4"O.D.copper
tubing between the cold water line and water
connection location, long enough to extend to the front of the refrigerator. Installation of an easily
accessible shut off valve in the water line is recommended.
If the refrigerator is to be installed in a corner:
A 4" clearance is required on the hinge side for a 90 ° door opening and access to fresh food drawers. A 10" clearance is required on the hinge side for removal of pans.
Custom Panel Dimensions
36" Bottom Mount Refrigerators
Custom Door Panel Dimensions Using Standard Trim
1/4"thick panels
Panels secured to 1/4"thick backing
"1" 35-1t16'_
Fresh Food Panel
Freezer Panel
.I 35 118"
45 1/2"
21 11/16"
ZIC36N Bottom Mount Refrigerator
1/4"Panels: Cut panels to size.
Custom handles with 1/4"door panels require Trim kits ZKHC1or ZKHCSS1for tubular stainless steel
Standard Trim with Panels secured
to I/4" thick backing
Applying a raised panel design to a 1/4" thick backing (screws or glued): Cut 1/4" thick panels to size. On the fresh food door, fabricate the raised panel to permit at least 2" fingertip clearance of the standard handle. 1- 1/4" clearance from the hinge side to avoid striking adjacent cabinetry and 5/16" from the top and bottom edges to allow for the trim flange. For the freezer drawer, allow 2" clearance at the top handle end and 5/16" clearance on both sides and the bottom edge to allow for trim flange.
Note: ZKHTC1 custom handle kit cannot be used in
this configuration.
Custom Grille Panel
35 1t8"
1/4" Thick Panel
Raised Panel on 1/4" Thick Backing
Using Standard Handles
7 LAppeorance
Backing I I Panel
5116" Clearance
Fresh Food Panel
_ 5/16" Clearance
2" Clearance Handle End
Freezer Panel
5/16" Clearance
The grille panel frame is factory assembled for 84" installation height. If installation height varies, order
ZGC2 trim kit that provides optional side trim pieces. Cut grille panel to sizes shown below.
Installation Height Panel Height
83-1/2" 7-1/2" 84-1/2" 8-1/2"
1-1/4" Clearance
hinge side
Custom Panel Dimensions
36 " Bottom Mount Refrigerator
Custom Door Panel Dimensions
Using Trim KitsZKTC36Lor ZKTC36R
314"thick panel with kit supplied handle
75 -1t16" _1" [
45-9tl 6"
Fresh Food Panel
Freezer Panel
ZIS36N Bottom Mount Refrigerator
The ZKTC36L (or ZKTC36R) trim kit provides for the installation of 3/4" thick custom door and grille panels, using the supplied handle. Cut panels to size and
Custom Grille Panel
35 1/4"
A 3/4" Thick Panel
Grille Panel height can vary to fill installation height.
Installation Height Dimension A
83-112" 7-314"
84" 8-I/4"
84-I/2" 8-3/4"
Important: Maintain 1-1/2" min. gap between top of door and bottom of grille panel.
Custom Panel Dimensions
36 " Bottom Mount Re_'igerators
Custom Door Panel Dimensions Using Standard Trim
Using Trim KitZKTC36Lor ZKTC36R
3/4"thick panel
with custom handle
"[- 35 114"
Fresh Food Panel
Freezer Panel 21 13/16"
35 114 "
Rout paneHsto specification bellow on
the handHe side of each paneH
45 9/16"
_1/4" max
ZIC36N Bottom Mount Refrigerator
The ZKTC36L (or ZKTC36R) trim kit installed together
with a ZKHTC1 custom handle kit provides for the
installation of 3/4" thick custom door and grille panels
with a custom handle of your choice. Order
ZKHTCSS1 for tubular stainless steel handles. Cut panels to size, rout the handle side of the panels as
shown below and install.
1 13116" 1
'<" _\ Freezer
Fresh Food Door Face Door
Custom GriHHePanel
35 1t4"
A 3/4" Thick Panel
Grille Panel height can vary to fill installation
Installation Height Dimension A
83-I12" 7-3/4"
84" 8-1/4"
84-1/2" 8-3/4"
Important: Maintain 1-1/2" min. gap between top of door and bottom of grille panel.
Side Panel or Filler Options
(Notto scale)
Side panels must be used whenever the sides of the
refrigerator will be exposed.
Custom Panel Dimensions
36 " Bottom Mount Refrigerators
1/4" Side Panels Insertend of side panel intotrim.
Standar A,,,="
d-, mgh toekick or trimto fit.
Heightmayvarydepending onapplication.
_23 9/16"_
_23 5/16"_
1/2"to 3/4" Side Panels Leading Edge
Flushwith Cabinet Front.The front or leading edgemustbe
finished to match cabinetry.
Standar A,,,-"
d-, mgh toekick or trimto fit.
Heightmayvarydepending onapplication.
24 3/4"_
3 3/4"
1/2"to 3/4"Side Panels Recessedfront edge.
Standard4" hightoekick or trim to fit. Heightmay varydepending onapplication.
2 5/16"
36" Bottom Mount Refrigerator
Materials Required
Hardware Supplied
Grounding the
Tinsnips to cut banding
Appliance Hand Truck
Tubing cutter
Water shut-off valve (optional but recommended)
Water filter WR97X0214 (optional but recommended)
Custom panels for fresh food, freezer drawer, grille panel
1-1/2"stamped open-end wrench
Special Velcro adhesive strips for 1/4"side panels
1/4-1/4 union with nuts
For proper installation, this refrigerator must be placed on a level surface of hard material that is at the same
height as the rest of the flooring This surface should be strong enough to support a fully loaded refrigerator
IMPORTANT- (Please read carefully)
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with a
three-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a
standard three-prong (grounding) wall receptacle to minimize the possibility of electric shock hazard from
this appliance
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly grounded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is encountered, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
7/16"open-end wrench
#2Phillips screwdriver
Stubby Phillips screwdriver
Drill and appropriate bits
7/16" socket with 3" extension for ratchet
Safety glasses
Side panels
Hardware for side panel installation.
36"long 2x4for Anti-Tip support
Anti-Tip Mounting Brackets
CAUTION: Protect the finish of the flooring. Cut a large section of the cardboard carton and place under the
refrigerator where you are working.
CAUTION:Attaching the adapter ground terminal to a wall outlet cover screw does not ground the appliance
unless the cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and the wall outlet is grounded through the house wiring,
Youshould have the circuit checked by a qualified electrician to makesure the outlet is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power cord from the adapter, always hold the adapter in place with one hand and pulling the power cord with the other hand. If this is not done, the adapter ground terminal is very likely to break with repeated use
Should the adapter ground terminal break, DO NOT USE the appliance until a proper ground has again been
Use of Adapter plug Because of potential hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against use of an adapter plug. However, if you still elect to use an adapter, where local codes permit, a TEMPORARY CONNECTION, may be made to a properly grounded 2-prong wall outlet by use of a UL listed adapter available at most hardware
The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned with the larger slot in the wall outlet to provide proper polarity in
the connection of the power cord
Useof [xtension Cords Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord. However, if you still elect to use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a UL listed 3-wire grounding type appliance extension cord having agrounding type plug and outlet andthat the electrical rating of the cord be 15amperes (minimum)
and 120volts.
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