GE Monogram ®
Use and Care Guide
Stainless Steel
24" 27" 36" & 48"
Cooking Center

Consumer In%rmation
Stoit_Ie._s SteH O_tdom" CookDtg" Ce_ter
Your new Monogram ( ooking center makes an e]oquem smtemem of s@e, ( onvenience and
home planning flexibih_y. Whether you _.hose it for i_s pmity of design, assiduous attention _o
derail-or %r bod_ of these reasons-you'll find dm_ your Monogrm_ cooking cemer's superior
blend of form and flmcdon _dll deligb you for yems to come.
The infonnmion on fl_e %llowing pages will help you operate and maintain your tooking
temer properly.
Kvou have any od_er queslions-please (all lhe GE Answer (emer :_800.696.9000.
In Canada, please tall ].888.880.3030.
Care and ClemJng
Burner Giales ................................
Burners .............................. 22, 23
( erami( Briquettes ....................... 20
Conuol Panel and Knobs .................. 23
Drip Trays ............................... 20
Grill Rack(s) ............................. 90
Lava Rocks ............................... 90
Orifice Cleaning .......................... 93
Rotary Igniter. ............................ 21
Rotisserie ................................ 23
Spider and h_se(_ Wmning ................. 21
Stainless S_eel ...............................
Consumer Services
Impo_Iam Phone Numbers ................ 28;
Model and Serial Number . .............. 4, 30
No_es ................................. 95-97
Problem Solver ........................... 24
Produ(_ Regisu:mion ................. 4, 29, 30
Safe_y Instructions ..................... 3, 5-7
Warranty for customers in Canada .......... 31
Wanamy fo_ (us_omers in _he USA ......... 32
Using the Cooking Center
Features .................................. 8
( enm_ic Briquettes ....................... 10
( ooking Cemer ........................ 9-13
Grilling Guide ............................ 13
Grilling Hires ............................ l2
Lm'a Rocks ............................... ] 0
Ligbing fl_e Grill ......................... l l
Range-Top Burners ....................... 14
Rotisserie ............................. l 3-18
Smoker System ........................... 19
Check your local building codes for
the proper method of installation.
In the absence of local codes, this
unit should be installed in accordance
with the national Fuel Gas Code No.
Z223.1, Latest Edition and the
National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA
No. 70, Latest Edition.

Safety Precautions
Stai_le,_,_ Steel Outdoor Cooking Ce_ter
If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flame.
3. Open lid.
4. If odor continues, immediately call
your gas supplier or your fire
1. Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
2. An LP cylinder not connected for use
shall not be stored in the vicinity of
this or any other appliance.
Do not try lighting this appliance
without reading the lighting
instructions contained in this
Use and Care Guide.
Si vous sentez une odeur de gaz :
1. Fermer l'alimentation de gaz vers
2. l_teindre toute flamme nue.
3. Ouvrir le couvercle.
4. Si l'odeur persiste, t616phoner
imm,_diatement _ivotre fournisseur
de gaz ou _ivotre service d'incendie.
1. Ne pas remiser ou utiliser de
l'essence ou autres vapeurs et
liquides inflammables pros de cet
appareil ou de tout autre appareil.
2. Un cylindre de gaz propane non
reli6 pour l'utilisation ne doit pas
6tre remis6 prbs de cet appareil ou
de tout autre appareil.
Ne pas essayer d'allumer cet appareil
sans lire les instructions d'allumage
contenues dans ce Guide d'utilisation
et d'entretien.

Consumer Inff)rmadon
StaD_te.s.s Steel Ouldoor Coot_ing Ce_gev
down the
model &
n "urn bets
fly 0"1t,
received a
Read d_is guide (areii_lly h is in_ended _o help
?ou operate and maimain ?our new (ooking
cemer properly.
I_.eep it handy for answers to your (tuestions.
On 36" or 48" models you will find diem on a
label in tile rein of tile burner box below tile
bran er gr_t es.
On 27" models you will find diem in die back
right corner o_ tile ( ooking center.
On 24" models, you will find diem on die
angled sm%_(e beneadl die grill (omrols.
These numbers are also oil the Consumer
Product Ownership Registration Card
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder)
dlat sold }ou tile (:ooking (:enter.
Ifyou do not understand somedling or need
more help, talk
GE Answer Center ®
24 hom°s a day, 7 days a week
1.888.880.3030 in Canada.
Before sending in this card, please write these
nmnbers here:
Model Nm_ber
Serial NmM)er
Use dlese numbers in any (orrespondence or
service calls (:oncerning ?our (:ooking (:enter.
Save time
Before you request service, check the Problem It lists causes of minor operating problems that
Solver in tile back of dfis guide, you (:an correct yourself.
To obtain se_vi( e, see tile Consm_ler Services
page in die back of this guide.
We are proud of ore service and want you to be
pleased. Ifior some reason you are not happy
with the service you receive, here are steps to
fbllow ior filrther help.
FIRST, coma( t die people who serviced your
applian( e. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most (ases, this will solve die problem.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all die
details-in( luding your phone nmM)el-to:
Managel, ( onsml_er Relations
GE Appliances
Applian( e Park

Important SafEty Instructions
Stai_dess Steel O.t(toor CookitLg" Ce_ter
"The California Safe Drinking Water and
Toxic Enforcement Act requires d_e
Gove_ nor of ( alifo_ nia _o publish a lis_ of
sHbs_H_ces kuown _o _he S_e _0 (_Hse
(an('er, bird_ defe(_s or od_er reprodu( five
harm, and requhes businesses to warn
(Hs[oulerg Of' po[efHiH1 exposHre 1o sH(h
sHbs_ _Hlces.
When using your appliance, follow basic safety
precautions, including the following:
• Be sure your appliance is properly installed
and grounded by a qualified lechnician in
accordan(e wid_ d_e provided installation
irisH'u( _ions,
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of your cooking center unless it is
specifically recm_tmended in this guide.
All od_e_ servicing shouk] be referred
to a qualified _echnician.
• Have the installer show you where the gas
shut-off valve is located so d_a_ you know
where to shu_ ofi d_e gas _o d_e (ooking cemer.
• If you smell gas, d_e installer has no_ done a
proper job of che(king ihr leaks. You can have
a small leak and d_ereiore a fifim gas smell if
the connections are no_ completely fight.
Finding a gas leak is NOT a do-i%omseK
procedure. Some leaks can only be f(nmd wid_
the burner comrol in d_e ON position and for
your pro_ec0on i_ums_ be done by a qualified
sea-vice_echnician. Never use an open flm_e _o
loca_e a leak.
• This cooking center is for outdoor use only.
Tested in accordance wid_ ANSI Z21.58,
La_es_ Edition standard for outdoor cooking
• Check your local building codes for the
proper method of installation. In d_e absence
of local codes, dfis mfi_ should be installed in
accordance wid_ d_e National Fuel (',as Code
No. Z223A, Lates_ Edition and d_e National
Electrical Code ANSI-NFPA No. 70, La_es_
° Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to
four of these substances, namely benzene,
cmbon mono×ide, formaldehyde _md sooL
(amsed p_hmHily by d_e h_(omplete
combustion of natural gas o_ LP fuels,
Proper D a(_jus_ed burners, indi(med by _
bluish rudder d_an a yellow flame, will
minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure
to d_ese substances is minimized because this
is an outdoor uniL
• Do not try fighting this appliance without
reading the lighting instructions in this guide.
°Read this guide carefully and completely
before using your cooking center _o reduce
the risk offire, bmn hazard or od_er i_@_ry.
Please retain dfis guide _br timbre reference.
°This outdoor cooking gas appliance is not
intended to be installed in or on recreational
vehicles andgor boats.
°Never allow anyone to sit, stand or play on or
around the cooking center at any time. When
in use, portions of d_e (:ooking cemer ge_ ho_
enough [o cause severe burns.
• Do not store items of interest to children
around or below the cooking center, in the
cart or builtoin enclosure.
• Never allow children to crawl inside a cart
or enclosure.
• Never let clothing, pot holders or other
flammable materials come in contact with or
too close to arty grate, burner or hot surface
until it has cooled. Fabric may ignite and
result in personal injury.
°Do not use water on _'ease fires. Never pick up
a flaming pan. Turn the controls off. Smod_er a
f]aming pan on a burner by covering d_e pan
completely wid_ a well4i_fing lid, cookie shee_
or fia_ m_7,',IIse a umlfi-pmpose dry chemical
or foam-_ype fire ex6nguisher.
Flaming grease omside a pan can be pm out by
i_wid_ baking soda or, if available, by
using a multi-propose dry chemical or tbam-
type fire extinguisher.

Important SafEty Instructions
StaD_less Steel O.tdoor CookDL_" Ce_ter
"Use this appliance only for its intended use
as described in this guide.
°Children should not be left alone or
unattended in an area where the cooking
center is being used.
°For personal safety, wear proper apparel.
Loose fiuing garments or sleeves shouM
never be worn while using this appliance.
Some synthetic fabrics are highly flammable
and should not be worn while cooking.
• Only certain types of glass, heatoproof glass
ceramic, earthenware, or other glazed
utensils are suitable for grill use. Unsuitable
types of materials may break with sudden
temperature changes. Use only on low or
mediml_ heat seuings according to the
manuf_cmrer's directons.
° Do not heat unopened food containers as a
build-up of pressure m_y (ause the ( ontainer
to burst.
°Use a pot holder when opening the roll top
lid. Open the lid slowly to allow heat and
steam to escape.
"Use only dry pot holders--moist or damp pot
holders on hot surfi_ces may result in bm:ns
from steam. Do not use a towel 05 other bulky
cloth in place of a pot holder. Do not let pot
holders touch hot portions of the grill rack or
• Never lean over an open grill.
°Pay close attention when lighting a burner.
Be (ertain you are rotatng the igniter labeled
for the bmner you intend on using.
°When using the grill, do not touch the grill
rack, burner grate or immediate surrounding
areas as these areas become extremely hot
and could cause burns. Keep children away!
• Grease is flammable. Let hot grease cool
before attempting to handle it. Avoid letting
grease deposits collect in the drip pans. Clean
the drip pans ofien. (On some models)
°Do not use aluminum foil to line drip
pans or grill racks. This can severely upset
combustion air flow o57trap excessive heat in
the control area. The resuh of this (:an be
mehed knobs or rotary igniters.
. When using the range-top burners always use
flat-bottomed pans which are large enough to
cover the burner. A(_just th e tam e so that it
heats only the bouom of the pan to avoid
igniuon of clothing. Positon handles inward
away from open edges of the mlit to avoid
bm:ns associated with spillovers. Hold the
handle of the pan with a pot holder when
turning or strring food.
°Do not use the grill for cooking excessively
fatty meats or products which promote
"Never grill without the drip pan in place and
pushed all the way to the back of the grill
Without it, hot grease could leak downward
and produce a fire 05 explosion hazard.
Never rotisserie cook without the basting
pan in place and pushed all the way to the
back of the grill. Withom it, hot grease
could leak downward and produce a fire
or explosion hazard.
Do not leave the cooking center unattended
while cooking.
For proper lighting and performance of the
burners it is necessary to keep the ports (;lean.
°Clean the grill with caution. To avoid steam
burns, do not use a wet sponge or cloth to
(:lean the grill while it is hot. Some cleaners
produce noxious tirades or (:an ignite if
applied to a hot smf_ce.
• Do not operate the cooking center under
unprotected combustible construction°
Use only in well vemilated areas. Do not
use in buiMings, garages, sheds, breezew_ys
or other such enclosed areas. This unit is fbr
outdoor use only.
. Do not locate the cooking center where
the grill exhaust is directed at combustible
materials, windows (open or closed),
doosways, eu:. The grill vents combuston
gases and smoke to the back of the appliance.
• Keep the area surrounding the cooking center
free from combustible materials, trash, or
combustible fluids and vapors such as gasoline
or charcoal lighter fluid. Do not obstruct the
flow of combustion and ventlauon air.

"At least once a year, the unit should be
inspected tbr die presence of spiders, spider
webs 05 odle5 insects. The burner asea is a
( ommon and deshed spider haven and (an
present a dangerous ( ondilion which can
dm_ge die ( ooking center and render it
unsafe [br use. The presence of spiders,
spider webs or odier insects (:an callse die gas
to flow from file front of d_e burner. This is a
very dangerous condition which can cause a
fire to octet behind die va]ve pane]. Check
d_e cooking center immediately if any of die
following conditons exist:
L The smell of gas in ( o_juncthm widl
extreme yellow tipping of die burner
2, The grill 05 range-top burners do not
reach temperature.
3, The gril] or range-top burners heat
4, The burners make popping noises.
• Do not use charcoal on the grill.
• The 27, 36"and 48"professional grills are
designed for a single layer of lava rock to
be spread evenly over the stainless steel
radiant tray above the grill burners. To axx)id
blocking off tlle area tbr d_e grill burners to
vent, do not use mow dmH a single layer of
laxa l_ck. Adding excess l_ck call damage
ignition compoHents and knobs and void
. If a cart unit is stored indoors ensure
that it is cool before attempting to move it.
If[_P, tlle cylinder must be unhooked and
die [ _Pcylinder s_ored outside in a well
ventilated area, out of die reach ofchik]ren.
Fl_m-5tlle caster side of the cooking center
push, hexer pull, tlle cooking _enter.
• Never use a dented or rusty LP tank. See dm
requi_>mems in tile installation instructions.
• Never put more than one LP cylinder below
a cartomounted cooking center. Never modi_
tlle cart to house a larger cylinder or more
than one (y[inder at a time, Do not stoi-e
spa_> ranks in a built-in enclosm>.
• Keep any electrical supply cord, or the
rotisserie motor away frora the heated
areas of the cooking center.
• Never use the cooking center in windy
conditions. K loca ted in a consistently windy
area (oceanfi_mt, mountaintop, etc.) a wind
bleak will be required. Abvays adhere to
tlle specified clearaHces listed in die
installation instr_[ctions
• The 24 _ professional grill is designed for
single rows of ceramic briquettes m be
placed in the stainless steel radiartt trays
above the grill burners. To axoid blocking
off die al_a lot the grill bmners to rent, do
not place the ceramic briquettes over die
holes in tlle stainless steel radium mUs.
Placing _he ceramic briquettes over die
holes in tlle stainless steel radiam trays can
damage ignition components and kHobs
and void tile warranty.
• Keep the ventilation openings of the LP
cyli_tder enclosure free and dear from debrks.
• LP units require an LP tank equipped
wid_ a type I connector and an ove>fill
pl_tection device. If you use a tank
exchange system, be sm-e to exchange this
tank for a similarly equipped tank.
• Cook meat and poultry thoroughly--meat to
at least an INTERNAL 160°F° and poultry
to at least an INTERNAL 180°F. Cooking
to dlese temperatures usually prote( ts
against %odborne illness.

(A'ot all fi,ature,_
are on all models.
Appearance may va*y
lh*'oughout this Guide.)
With Rotisserie Without Rotisserie
ZGG48L31 ZGG48L30
ZGG48N31 ZGG48N30
ZGG48L42 ZGG48L40
ZGG48N42 ZGG48N40
Feature Index Page
1 Grill Control(s) 11
2 Rotisserie Control (s) 17
3 LP Gas Cylinder Enclosure
4 Drip Tray 20
5 Range-Top P,urner Controls 14
6 Satety Valve Button 17
7 Lighting Instructions
(!ocatio_ may vao')
8 Range-Top Burners 14
9 Burner (;over 14
10 Rotisserie Electrode Cover
11 Insulated Handle
12 Model and Serial Numbers 4, 30
13 Grill Rack(s) 9-12
14 Roll Top Lid 11, 17, 19
15 Rotisserie Motor Assembly 16
16 Smoker System 19
17 Smoker Control 19
18 Rotisserie Basting,- t an 17
19 IJP Tank (on some models) 10
..... o
Features of Your Cooking (;enter
Stai_le,s,s Steel Outdoor Cooki_g Ce_ter
With Rotisserie
With Rotisserie Without Rotisserie
ZGG27L21 ZGG27L20
ZGG27N21 ZGG27N20
Without Rotisserie
) ) ) ) )Grill cow rs a)+ availabl_ flora our ! arl:s aml A ca_,s,sori_,s.
Call 800. 626.2002
With Rotisserie

The Grill
Stainle,_,_ Steel Outdoor Cooking Ce_lter
Tile grill section consists of a large cast iron
burner or burners (depending on model), a
series of stainless steel heat baffles (on some
models), a bed of natural lava rocks or ceramic
briquettes and a porcelain enameled heat
retaining grill rack(s).
Each burner is rated at 15,000 BTU titr
Each burner is rated at 20,000 BTU tor
27,"36" and 48" models.
Below each burner is a stainless steel heat
baffle (on some models) which reflects usable
heat upward into the cooking area and reduces
the temperature of the drip pan below (on
sotlle nlodels).
Tile cast iron grill burner encompasses tile
entire cooking area and is top ported to
operate cooler and last longer.
On some models, tile burners in tile cooking
area are side ported.
Above tile burner (s) is a stainless steel radiant
tray(s) which supports the lava rock or ceramic
briquettes and protects the grill burner ports
tiom blockage.
Grill rack
Lava rocks
Stainless steel _
radiant tray -- "_'_
Heat baffle _"_
Ceramic _* _"
briquettes and .
stainless steel ....
radiant trays
on 24"
models) _fi_¢-
Burners _ __:\

The Grill
Stt_i_d('.',.', 5"tt.'e[ O_ttdoor CookD_g" Ce_&_"
(_€r(t mic
the _-il[
The grill is supplied wflh natural lava rock
(on some models), Because of die porosily of
natural lava 5o(k il is superior in ils abililv lo
capmre heal as il 5ises from die grill bmners.
h also possesses the thermal mass needed for
professional results. Flareq_ps are comrolled
because die lava radianl keeps grease from
gelting lo die flames and ignhing.
The imense ileal produced by dfis syslem
produces lrue grilled flavor as _hls and juices
are broughl lo die sm_E_ceof die food and
The imense radiam heal flora die ceramic
briqueltes caramelizes die fhls and juices thai
are broughl lo die surface of die %od, giving il
tile barbecued flavor.
The ceramic briqueltes are in lwo separale
slainless slee] Uays h)caled raider the grill
Inspe( l die gas supply piping o57hose prior to
turning die gas on. If dlere is evidence ot cms,
wear o57abrasion, il musl be replaced prior to
use. Any replacemem pressme regulators or
hose assembly musl be die lype specified by
die manufacturer.
For LP use, the pressme regulalor and hose
assembly supplied widl die unh nmsl be use&
This LP lank is equipped whh overfill
proleclion. When you refill 05 lrade in your
lank, make sme die one you receive also has
overfill prolec lion.
Place lava rocks in a single layer on lop of die
slainDss sleel radianl lray localed under die
grill rack. h is imporlam lo dislribme die rocks
evenly over tile uay widloul leaving any large
gaps. Uneven disuibmion of tile socks and ai5
gaps can cause localized "hoU and "cold" spols
which could 5esuh in unsatisfhclory cooking
rat:ks. The small lray is lo be placed in die back
and die lmge Uay is lo be placed in die fronl.
(See die Rolisserie sec lion %r placemem when
rolisserie cookingj
Make sme die b5kiueues are in place in die Uays
so dlat they do nol cover the holes in lhe trays,
If'the grill uses LP gas, (onnecl die regulator lo
lhe LP lank and chec:k lhe hose and regulalor
conneclions ior leaks widl a soap and water
solution before operating die grill.
Keep a spray bolde of soapy waler near die gas
supply valve and check die connec lions fbr gas
leaks beiore each use.
Tmn all knobs to OFF then mrn on die gas
Do not use the grill if the odor of gas is present.
Inspecler la canalisalion d'alimemalion de gaz
ou le mym_ avam d'allumer le gaz. S'il exisle
ml indice de (oupmTe, usme ou abrasion, ceue
canalisalion doll _qre remplacde avam
l'milisalion de l'appareil. Tousles rdgulalems
de pression ou momage de myau de
remplacemenl doivem _2qredu lype spdcifid par
le fabricanu
Pour Fmilisalion avec le gaz propane, le
rdgulalem de pression el le momage de myau
f(smnis avec Fappareil doivenl 6Ire milisds.
Ce rdservoir de gaz propane esl nmni dhm
disposilff de proleclion comre le remplissage
excessif. Lorsque vous remplissez de nouveau
ou dchangez volre rdservoir, s'assmTer que celui
que vous recevez a aussi !1he proleclion conlre
le remplissage excessif.
Si le gril utilise du gaz propane, connecler le
rdgulalem au rdses_-oi5 de gaz propane el
vdrifier les connexions du myau el du
rdgulatem pour les fl_iles, avec role solmion
de savon el d'eau avanl de fhire fonclionner
le gril.
Garder une bouteille de vaporisalion d'ean
saronneuse pr_'s du robinel d'alimemation de
gaz el vdrifier les connexions pour les riffles de
gaz avam chaque utilisalion.
Tomner lous les bomons fiOFF (ARRf_T)
ensuile ouvrir l'approvisionnemem de gaz.
Ne pas utillser le grll s'il exlste une odeur
de gaz.