Stainless Steel

Consumer Information
Stait_less Steel Refligerator
Introduction Your new Monog*am refl'igerator makes an eloquent statement of style, convenience and kitchen
planning flexibility. Whether you chose it fl_r its purity of design, practical storage arrangements or
assiduous attention to detail--or fl)r all of these reasons--you'll find that your Monogram
refi'igerator's superior blend of fl)rm and flmction will delight you fl)r yea_ to come.
The inflmnation on the/ollowing pages will hel I) you operate and maintain your refl_gerator propefl>
If you have any other questions, visit our Website at: Be.corn
fi qerator
Consumer Services
important Phone Nmnbers .............. 31
Model and Serial Nmnbers ............... 3
Peril)finance Data Sheet ................ 98
Problem Solver . .................... 23-27
Product Registration .................... 3
SMbt_ Instructions .................... 4-7
State of Califl_rnia
_%lter Treatment Device Certificate ....... 29
Warranty ..................... Back Cover
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning--Outside and Inside ........... 20
Light Bulb Replacement ................ 22
Moving ............................... 21
Vacation .............................. 21
Read this manual carefully. It is intended to
help you operate and maintain yore" new
refl'igerator properl>
Kee I) it handy for answers to your questions.
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker ................. 17, 18
Additional Features .................... 15
Crispers and Pans ...................... 16
CustomCool" . ..................... 10, 11
Ice and _'VKer Dispenser . ............... l 9
Shelves and Bins .................... 124, 14
Perffwmance Air Flow System ............. 8
Temperatm'e Controls ................... 8
Turl) oCool ''_ . .......................... 9
_%_ter Filter . .......................... 12
If you don't understand something or need
more help, there is a list of toll-fl'ee consmner
service nmnbers included in the back section
of this manual.
Visit ore" Website at: Be.corn

Consumer Information
Stall, less Steel Reflige*ato*
down the
model &
received a
Save time
& money
You'll see them on a label inside tlle fl'esh fllod
comparm/ent at the top on the fight side.
Please write these numbers on the Consumer
Product Ownership Registration Card included
with the packing material.
hmnediatelv contact tlle dealer (or builder)
that sold you the refi'igerator.
Befl/re wm request service, check tile Problem
Solver ill the back of this manual.
Before sending in this card, please also write
these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Use these numbers ill any correspondence or
service calls concerning your refl'igerator.
It lists causes of minor operating problems that
yotl call correct yourself.
To obtain se_Mce, see tile ( onsumer Services
page ill the back of this manual.
We're proud of our service and want you to be
pleased. If fl/r some reason you are not happy
with the service you receive, here are steps to
fl/llow fl/r further help.
For customers in the USA:
FIRST, contact tile people who selMced your
appliance. Explain wily you are not pleased.
Ill most cases, this will solve tile problem.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details--inchlding your phone numbel_to:
Manager, Customer Relations
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Ixmisville, KY40225
For customers in Canada:
FIRST, contact tlle people who serviced your
appliance. Explain wily you are not pleased.
Ill most cases, this will solve tile problem.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details--including your phone number to:
Managei. Consumer Relations
Cam co Inc.
1 Facto U I,ane, Suite 310
Moncton, N.B. El(; 9M3

&WARNING: 1,17u+nl_sin_'U_i_a __lian. _,
alwO',s exe*ci,se ba,sic ,sg_i4y pr(maution,s, induding" tlu_
" Use this appliance only for its intended purpose
as described in this Owner's Manual.
, This re frigerator must be properly instaJled in
accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used.
Do not allow c_dren to climb, stand or hang
on the shelves in the refrigerator. They could
damage the refl'igerator and seriously il_jm'e
Do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer
compaxtment when hands are daa_ap or wet.
Skin ma} adhere to these extremel} cold
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
In refrigerators with automatic icema_kers,
avoid contact with moving parts of the ejector
mechanism, or with the heating element located
on the bottom (Y the icemakei; Do not place
fingers or hands on the automatic icemaldng
mechanism while the refl'igerator is plugged in.
, < , I/
Keep fIngers out of the "pinch point" areas:
clearances between the dom_ and between
the do(n_ and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be carefld closing (lool_ when children are
in the area.
Unplug your refrigerator before cleaning and
maJdng repairs, NOTE: We strongly recommend
that any servicing be perfinmed by a qualified
Before replacing a burned-out fight bulb,
the refligerator should be unplugged in order
to avoid contact with a live wire filament.
(A burned-out light bulb may break when
being replaced.)
NOLO: 77_rnh_<._"_>nlrol to OI;F do¢,_ not n+move p_r._o
tO tiw Q_'/I{ (7_*_Tlg_t.
Do not refreeze frozen foods which have thawed
Always clean the CustomCool 'MTray after
thawing food.
Child entrai)inent and suffocation are not
problems of the past.,]unked or abandoned
refrigeratols are soil dangerous...even if they
will sit tor "just a tbw daD." If you are getting
rid of yotu" old refl_igerator, please fi)lh)w the
instructions below to hel I) prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old
Refrigerator or Freezer:
• Take offthe dome.
• I,eave the shelves in place so that children
may not easily climb inside.
_M1 refl-igeraOon products contain refl-igerants,
which under federal law must be rein oxed prior
to product disposal.
If you are o etOng rid {)f an _)ld refl_igerafion
product checkwith the company handling
the disposal about what to do.
0 , ,

vous uli/i.v< h" *@_'&a/em; ol,ser_< /o@,m:_ _ertab_s
pr_icautio_s(1_bas_;notamm_m :
" N'ufilisez le r6frig6rateur que pour sou usage
pr6vu, comme dOcfit darts le prOsent manuel.
" InstaJlez le r6frig6rateur conform6ment attx
directives d'instaJlation avaaat de Fufiliser.
* Ne laissez pas les enfaaats grimper, s'asseoir,
se tenir debout ni se pendre attx clayettes du
r6frig6rateur. Ils pomTaient endommager le
r_fl_ig_rateur et se blesser gravement.
" Une fois le r6frig6rateur eu maxche, ne touchez
pas les surfaces froides du cong61ateur, surtout
si vous avez les matins httmides ou mottill6es :
la peau risque d'adh_rer aces sm_hces tr_s
N'entreposez et n'ufilisez pas d'essence ou
autres vapeurs et liquides infla_lmables _t
pro_t_ de cet appameil ou de tout autre
appaxeil 61ectrom6nager.
Pour les rSfrigSrateurs dot6s dhme machine
gla_orts automalique, &itez le contact avec
les pi_ces mobiles du m_canisme _jectem',
ou avec FOl&nent chauflimt situ6 :'l la pattie
int_fieure de la machine :'l glaoms. Ne posez
pas les doigts ou les mains sur le mOcanisme
de la machine a gla¢ons pendant que le
rg_fl'igOrateur est branch&
]_;loigJaez les doigts des parties du r6frig6rateur
off l'on peut fadlement se pincer : les espaces
entre les pm_es et entre les pol_es et les placards
sont tot!iours _troits. So vez prudent lorsque
vous ibnnez les po_les de l'appareil en prOsence
des enfimts.
, DSbraaachez votre rbfrigSrateur avaaat de le
nettoyer et de le r8pa_rer. REMARQUE : Nous
VOtlS recollli//andollS vivei/lent de contiel" toute
rg_paration ;_ tm technicien qualifi&
, Avaaat de remplacer tree ampoule grill6e,
le r_fl_ig_rateur dolt 6tre dObranch6 afin
d'&'iter tout contact a_vc un fil sous tension.
(Une ampoule grillg_e peut se briser pendant
REMA_UE : Lo*:sque v0us plac< [a comma*l(#
sit*' dlei*H, I'alim(,r_tatio_z d/ecO'ique (h_I'am/)old_ _z'(,st
" Ne fafites PAS recongeler des aliments surgd0s
qui out compl&tement d6gel&
, Nettoyez toujours le contenaaat CustomCool'"
apr&s avoir d6gel6 les aliments.
i,es entimts pris au pi&ge ou morts d'asph)xie sont
toujom_ d'acmalit_. I,es appareils de r_ti_ig&'ation
abandong_s sont toujoui_ aussi dangereux, in_ine
si on n'atmnd que "quelquejoui3" l)Otli" s'en
dgdxm_sse_: Si vous ne gardez pas votre ancien
appareil, veuillez suiwe les directives ci-dessous
afin de pr&'enir les accidents.
t ?,FP GI,;'P N7 5
Tousles appareils de r6tYigOration confiennent
des reflJgerants qui, confl)m_g_ment aux lois
tkXdg_rales, doivent &tre enlevg_s a\mK toute
_limination de l'appareil.
Avant de votes d6barasser de vowe vieux
appareil de r6frig6ration :
• D(qnontez les portes.
• I,aissez les clavettes en place afin d'emp_cher
les eufimts de grimper f_l'intg_riem:
Si vous w_us d_barrassez de vieux appareils de
r_tiJg_ration, v&ifiez, aupr_s de la soci_t_ qui
s'occupe de leur _limination, ce que vous
devez taire.

Do not, under amy circumsmmces, cut or remove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety, this appliance must be
properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grotmding) i)lug which mates
with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet
to minimize the possibility of electric shock
hazard fl'om this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by
a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet
is properly grotmded.
\\]_ere a standard 2-prong wall oudet is
encountered, it is your personal responsibility
and obligation to have it replaced with a
properly grom_ded 3-1)tong wall outlet,
The refl_igemtor should always be plugged into
its own individual electrical outlet which has
a voltage rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides the best perfi)mmnce and also
pre_vnts o\ erloading house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fi'om o\ efl_eated wires.
Ne\vr unplug your refrigerator by pulling on the
power cord. aMWayS grip plug firefly and pull
straight out from the oudet.
Rei:)air or replace immediately all power cords
that have become tiaved or otherwise damaged,
Do not use a cord that sho_vs cmclcs or abrasion
damage along its length or at either end.
\_q_en moving the refl-igemtor away ti'om the
wall, be carefld not to roll over or damage the
power cord.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of am extension cord.
Howe\w. if you must use an extension cord, it is
absolutely necessai T that it be a UI Aisted, 3-wire
grotmding bpe appliance extension cord having
a grotmding _'pe plug and outlet and that the
electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes
(minim urn) and 120 volts.

Ne coupez ni refirez en aucun cas la troisi6me
broche (raise a la terre) de la fiche du cordon
d'alimentafion. Pour votre s6curitS, cet appa_reil
doit 8tre correctement mis/_ la terre.
I.e cordon cFalimenmtion de cet apparei] est
muni d'une fiche i?_3 bmches (nfise _'lla terre)
qui se brlmche darts tree prise mm'id ordinaire
a 3 alv&_les (raise a la terre) pour rg_duire au
minimmn les risques du chocs _lectfiques.
Faites examiner la prise de com'imt et le drcuit
par tm (qectfiden qualifi(4 pour wins assm'er
que la prise est correctement raise fi la terre.
Si la prise mm'ide est du type standard 17_
2 alvOoles, il vous incombe de la fifire remplacer
par tree prise a 3 alv&)les correctement raise
a la terre.
La machine fi glacons doit tot!ioul5 &tre
bmnch_ darts sa propre prise de coulant,
dont la tension nominale est identique
_'lcelle indiqu6e sin" la plaque signal6tique.
Cette prg_caution est recommandg_e pore" garlmtir
tm rendement optimum et &'iter une surcharge
des circuits (_lectriques de la rg_sidence, ce qui
pourrifit crg_er tm risque d'incendie par
sm_chauflb des ills.
Ne d_branchezjamais l'appareil en firlmt le
cordon d'alimenmtion. Saisissez tennement
]a fiche du cordon et tirez droit pour ]a retirer
de ]a prise.
Rg_parez ou remplacez imm(_diatement tout
cordon efliloch(_ ou endommag_. N'utilisez
pas tm cordon tbndill6 ou prOsentant des signes
d' HSIII'e.
Lo_que vous dg_placez l'appareil du ram. flutes
attention de ne pas la fidre fouler sur le cordon
d'alimentation afin de ne pas l'endommager_
Nous vous recommaaadons fortement de ne pas
utiliser de cordons prolongateurs h cause des
risques potentiels qu'ils prSsentent dm_s certaJnes
Touteflfis si vous d(_ddez d'uti]iser tout de m&me
tm cordon prolongateuc il est absolument
nOcessaire qu'il s'agisse d'tm cordon irt3 ills axvc
raise irJla terre pour ap.pareils Olectrom&mge_>
homologu_ 1_)I. (aux Etats-Unis) ou homologu_
CSA (a u Canada), pot/YVtl d' tnle fiche et d' tllle
prise raises a la terre de 15 ampbres (minim urn)
et de 120 volts.

7Dnperatu re
Operating Instructions
Stainless Steel IG(/}'igerator
7"ke temp('rature _wntro£ a_z"pr_<set i_ thejacto O, at 37°Fjhr the
./>,t,!/,.d (..I O°F/i,,' Allo ,,
24 hou_:L/hr the temperature to stabilize to the proset re,winmend_,d
Tke temD_,ratur_, (wntro£ can di.spk O, both tke SET temp_,ratur_,
a.s wall a.s the actual temperatu_*" in the,f!'_<*h,!i,odand,/i,,ez_,r
com/mrtme_ts. Tke actual temp_'rature may va O, .sl{g'ktly j}'om the
SET tem/_erature based on usag'_, and o/wrating environment.
Setting" either or both co,tooLs to OFF .st@s cooli_g" in both the,!i'(,('zer
and,f!'osh ji,od compartmena_; but do_<__ot .*hut qff d_'ctrical pow_'r
to th_ rq/}°iff_,rato'_:
N07_: The r@ifferator is .ship/n,d with p_otective,f!lm _ww,ring the
tem/_erature controL*. (!'this film was not _'moved during installation,
17"1770g)( _ it I? Og_).
To change the temperature, press and release
the O ,- (,olde 0 The SEX
light will come on and the display will show the
set temperature. To change the temperature,
tap either the O (warmer) or _) (colder)
pad tmtil the desired temperature is displayed.
Fresh tood temperatures can be a(!justed
between 34°F and 44°F and the Deezer
teml)eratures can be a@usted between
-6°F and +6%2
Once the desired temperature has been set,
the temi)erature display will return to the
actual fl'esh fl)od and fl'eezer tenq)eratures
after 5 seconds. Several a(!jUStlnents ill}iV be
required. Each tilne vou a@lst controls,
allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach
the temperature you have set.
To turn the cooling system off, tap the
O (warlner) pad ti)r either the fl'esh food
conq)artn/ei_t or the fl'eezer tmtil the display
shows OFF. To turn the refit back on, press the
(_ (colder) pad ti)r either the fl'esh tood
comparm_ent or ti'eezer. The SET light will
illmninate on the side you selected. Then press
the (_ (colder) pad again (on the side where
the SET light is illmninated) and it will go to
the preset points of 0°F for the fl'eezer and
37°F for the fl'esh food compartment.
l_erf oY17_lance
Air Flow
The Perfiwnmnce Ai>Flow System is designed
to maximize temperature control in the fresh
tood and fl'eezer compartments. This tmique
special feature consists of the Air Tower along
the top and back walls of the fresh ti)od
compartment and the Air Tunnel on the
bottom l)ortion of the fl'eezer rear wall.
Placing fl)od in fl'ont of the louvers on these
conq)oi_ents will not affect i)erfornmnce,
Although the Air Tower and the Air Tunnel
can be removed, doing so will affect
teml)erature l)erti)rlnance. (For relnowd
ii_structions, on-line, 94 hours a day, contact
us at ge.coln or call 800.444.1845. In Canada,
call us at 1.888.880.3030.)

Stainless Steel R_/}'ig'erator
How it TurboCool rapidly cools the
reh'igerator comparm_ent in
order to more quickly cool ti_ods.
ZurboCool lJse TurboCool when adding
a large amount of tood to the reti'igerator
comi)artment, putting away fi)ods after they
have been sitting out at room temperature
or when putting away warm lettovers. It can
also be used if the reti'igerator has been
without power for an extended period.
Hozo to use 1 Press TurboCool. The refrigerator
temperature display will show TC.
2 Atter TurboCool is complete,
the reti'igerator con/partn/ent
will i'emrn to the original setting.
Once activated, the compressor will turn on
immediately and the rims will cycle on and
off at high speed as needed tiw 8 horn's.
The compressor will continue to rtm tmtil
the refrigerator compartment cools to
approximately 34°F (1 °C), then it will cycle
on and off to maintain this setting, After
8 hours, or if TurboCool is pressed again,
the refrigerator compax_ment will return to
the original setting.
• The _fi'ig'emtor temperature cannot be chang'ed
during" TurboCool.
• TheJi*:ezer temperature is not @clcd durb:g"
• 1,17_en@ening" the @ig'emtor door durb_g"
TurboCool, the rims will contirme to run !/
th_9' have O'cled on.

(_llStoin(_()()l j'l
Stainless Steel H_/i'igerator
How it
How to _se
ExpressThaw ExpressChill
The CustomCool feature is a system of
daml)ers , a tim, a temperature tl_ermistor
and a heater. Depending on the flmction
selected, a combination of these will be
used to quickly chill items, thaw items or
hold the pan at a specific temperature.
1 Empty the pan. Place the Chill/Thaw trav
in the pan. Place the items on the tray and
close the pan completely:
2 Select the ExpressThaw'," ExpressChill'"
or SelectTemp'" pad. The display and SET
light will come on. Tap the pad tmtil the light
appears next to the desired setting. Use the
chart to determine the best setting to use.
//ll_• 0,5 LBS
• 1,0 LBS
• 2.0 LBS
• 3.0 LBS
• 45 MIN
/'_'%• C.RUs/
I[ _ ]1e PRODUCE l
_IDw_'J • MEAT /
SelectTemp d
The pan is tightly sealed to prevent the pan's
temperature ti'om causing temperature
fluctuations in the rest of the refrigerator.
The controls fl)r this pan are located at the
top of the fresh fired compartment with the
[eillperattlFe contFols.
NOTE: Forjbod s@0' rea,wa,s; it i,s_,eommended
that /bo& be wrapped in plaslie w_ap when using"
ExpressThaw. This will he@ eontain meat juiee,_
and improve thawiny," [)e(Jbrmanee,
• To stop a teature beii)re it is finished, tap that
feature's pad (mtil no options are selected
and the display is off.
• During ExpressThaw and ExpressChill,
the display on the controls will comat down
the time in the cycle.
After the ExpressThaw cycle is complete,
the pan will reset to the MEAT setting (31 °F)
to help preserve thawed items tmtil they
are used.
The displayed actual temperature of the
CustomCool pan may vary slightly fl'om
the SET temperatm'e based on usage and
operating enviromnent,