Stainless Steel

Consumer Information
Stainless Steel Re/}'ig'eralor
Introduction Your new Monogran/ refl'igerator makes an eloquent statement of style, convenience and kitchen
planning flexibility. Whether wm chose it for its purity of design, practical storage arrangements or
assiduous attention to detail--or fl_r all of these reasons--you'll find that your Monogram
refl'igerator's superior blend of torm and flmction will delight you for veals to come.
The infimnation on the tollowing pages will hel I) you operate and maintain your reti_igerator i)roperly.
If wm have any other questions, visit our Website at: www.monogram.com
Con n
Consumer Services
hnportant Phone Numbers .............. 31
Model and Serial Numbers ............... 3
Perfln'mance Data Sheet ................ 28
Problem Solver . .................... 23-27
Product Registration .................... 3
Safety Instructions .................... 4-7
State of Califln'nia
X_'arrantv ..................... Back Cover
X_'ater Treatment Device Certificate ....... 29
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning--Outside and Inside ........... 20
I,ight Bulb Replacement ................ 22
Moving ............................... 91
Va ca tio n .............................. 21
Read this manual carefllllv: It is intended to
hel I) you operate and maintain your new
reti'igera tot i)roperly:
Kee I) it handy fin" answers to your questions,
Operating Instructions
Additional Features .................... 15
Automa tic Icema ker . ................ 17, 18
Crispers and Pans ...................... 16
CustomCool TM . ..................... 10, 11
Ice and X_'ateI" Dispenser . ............... 19
Pertormance Air Flow System ............. 8
Shelves and Bins .................... 13, 14
Temperature Controls ................... 8
TurboCool _'_ . .......................... 9
X_'ater Filter . .......................... 12
If wm don't understand something or need
more hell), there is a list of toll-ti'ee consumer
service i_ulnbers ii_cluded in the back section
of this ma n ual.
Visit our Website at: www.monogrmn.com

Consumer Information
Stainless Steel R</}Sg'erator
down the
model &
n lg _7_lbers
rexeived a
Save time
& money
You'll see then_ on a label inside the fl'esh fi_od
comi)arm_ent at the top on the right side.
Please write these nmnbers on the Consmner
Product Ownership Registration Card included
with the packing material.
lmn/ediatelv contact the dealer (or builder)
that sold you the refl'igerator.
Befl)re w)u request setwice, check the Problem
Solver in the back of this inalmal.
Before sending in this card, please also write
these numbers here:
Model Nmnber
Serial Nmnber
Use these immbers in any corresi_oi_dence or
service calls coi_cerlfing your refl'igerator.
It lists causes of minor operating problems that
VO/I C_lIl correct vourself.
To obtain selwice, see the Consmn er Selwices
page in the back of this manual.
We're proud of ore" service and want wm to be
pleased. If for some reason wm are not hai)py
with the service you receive, here are steps to
fl)llow fin" flu'ther help.
For customers in the USA:
FIRST, contact the people who serviced yore"
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details--inchlding your phone numbei_to:
Manager, Custolner Relations
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
I,ouisville, KY 40225
For customers in Canada:
FIRST, contact the people who selwiced wmr
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In in ost cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details--inchlding your phone nulnber to:
Manager, (_Olasumer Relations
Mabe Canada Inc.
1 [_actoi'y i,ane, Suite 310
Moncton, N.B. El(: 9M3

alwtg,s ex(,rdse bask s@4y precaulions, im:{uding #w
• Use this appfimlce only for its intended purpose
as described in this Owner's Manual.
• This refrigerator must be properly installed in
accordance with the hlstallation Instructions
before it is used.
• Keep fingers out of the "pinch point" areas:
clearances between tile dom_ and between
tile dooI_ and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be careflfl closing (looi_ when clfildrei_ are
in the area.
• Unplug your refrigerator before demfing and
making repairs. NOTE: We strongly recommend
that any servicing be perfimned by a qualified
Do not allow children to climb, staxld or hmlg
on the shelves in the refrigerator. They could
daluage tile reflJgerator and seriously iI_jure
Do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer
compartment when hm_ds are dmup or wet.
Skin Inav adhere to these extremely cold
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vichlity of this or any
other applimace.
In refrigerators with automatic icema_kers,
awfid contnct with ino;'ing parts (ff tile ejector
mechanism, or with the heaOng element located
on the bottom ot the iceluakei: Do not place
fingei5 or hands on the autolnatic iceumking
mechanism while the refrigerator is plugged in.
• Before replacing a bummd-out light bulb,
tile retiJgerator should be mq)lugged in order
to avoid contact with a live wire filament.
(A burlaed-out light bulb Inav break when
being replaced.)
NOTE: 7hr,fing" .ml*ol to ()lq_ doe,_not mnove p_rw_,r
lo tlw [{q'htch_(:uiL
• Do not refreeze frozen foods which have thawed
• Ahvays cleml the CustomCooF' Tray after
thawing food.
Child elatrapmelat and suflbcatiola are not
i)roblelns of tile past.,]unked or abandoned
will sit tot" ust a tew days " If you are ,etOn ,
rid of yore" old refi'igeratm; please fi_llow the
instructions below to hel I) prevent accidents.
reflJgeratoi_ are soil dangerous...exen if they
_M1refligeraOon products contain refligerants,
which under tederal law uulst be rein oxed prior
to product disposal.
Before You Throw Away Your Old
Refrigerator or Freezer:
• Take offthe dooi_.
• I,eave tile shelves in place so that children
ulav not easily clilnb inside.
If you a re oetOng rid (ff an (_1(1refl_igerafion
product, check with tile comi)anv, handling
tile disposal about what to do.

vous ulili,_< 1_"*_fi'i,qFralelo; o/:,_e*_:¢zt01(iolo:s_e*'taine,_
prdmutio_:,s de bas*; _:olamme,H :
• N'ufilisez le r&frig&rateur que pour son usage
pr&vu, c()mme dg_crit dans le prg_sent manuel.
• h_tallez le r_frig&rateur conform_meut aux
directives d'hlstaJlation avmat de l'ufiliser.
• Ne laissez pas les enfmats grhuper, s'asseoir,
se te_fir debout _fise pendxe attx clayettes du
r_frig_rateur. Ils pourraient endommager le
r6flJg6rateur et se blesser gravement.
• Uue fois le rOfrigOrateur eu maxche, ne touchez
pas les surfaces froides du cong&lateur, surtout
si vous avez les mains humides ou mouill_es :
la peau risque d'adh&'er a ces SUll'hces trOs
N'eutreposez et n'utilisez pas d'esseuce ou
autres vapeurs et liquides hlflmnmables
proximit& de cet appaxeil ou de tout autre
appaxeil _leclrom_nager.
Pour les r_frigOrateurs dot_s d'mm machine
h gla_ons automatique, &'itez le contact avec
les pi_ces mobiles du mg_canisme _jectem;
ou avec l'(_l(_ment chattflimt situ(_ fi la pattie
int>rieure de la machine fi glaqons. Ne posez
pas les doigts ou les mains sur le m_canisme
de la machine 5 glaqons pendant que le
rg_ti_ig_rateur est branch(_.
• _71oignez les doigts des parties du r&frig8rateur
off l'on peut facilemeut se pincer : les espaces
entre les portes et entre les portes et les placards
sont tot!iom_ (_troits. Soyez prudent lo_que
w)us tbm_ez les portes de l'appareil en prg_sence
des entimts.
• D&brm_chez votre rSfrig&rateur avm_t de le
nettoyer et de le r&parer. REMARQUE : Nous
VO/IS i'ecoi//ill[lil(loiis viveI//eIlt de coillier to/Ite
rg_paration fi un technicien qualifi_.
• Avm_t de remplacer mm mnpotde grill&e,
le r6ti_ig&'ateur dolt _)tre dg_branch(_ afin
d'&iter tout contact avec un fil sous tension.
(Ulae ampoule grillg_e peut se briser pendant
REMAt_UE : Lo_:squev0us placcz & commamle
sur &:inl, l'alimer?tation dl_.(_glUe tie l'ampoulz: n )',_l
• Ne faJtes PAS recongeler des aliments surgeb_s
qui out compl&temeut dOgel&
• Nettoyez toujours le couteumat CustomCool'"
apr&s avoir d6gel6 les aliments.
i,es entimts pris au pi(_ge ou morts d'asph)xie sont
tot_jotu_ d'acmalit& I,es appareils de r_ti_ig&'ation
si on n'attend que "quelquejou_" pour s'en
d_barasse_; Si xous ne ,gardez, i)as xotre ancien
t aball(lolleS SOllt toujouI3 aussi dangereux, II/Ollle
appareil, xeuillez suix re les directixes ci-dessous
afin de pr&enir les accidents.
REFPdG1,;'P N7 S
Tousles appareils de r6li_ig&'ation confiennent
des reflJgerants qui, confl)m_(_ment aux lois
t>d(wales, doivent Otre enlev(_s a\m_t toute
_limination de l'appareil.
Avaunt de votts ddbarasser de vo_re vieux
appareil de r8frigdration :
• D_montez les portes.
• I,aissez les clavettes en place afin d'empOcher
les enlhnts de g_imper 5 l'intg_riem:
Si vous vous d_barrassez de vieux appareils de
r(qiJg(_ration, v&ifiez, aupr_s de la soci(_t_ qui
s'occupe de leur _limination, ce que vous
devez taire.

Do not, trader any circumstaalces, cut or remove
the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety, this appliance must be
properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates
with a standard 3-prong (grotmding) wall outlet
to minimize the possibility ot electric shock
ha/m'd fl'om this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked bv
a qualified electrician to make sm'e the outlet
is properly gmtmded.
\._]_ere a standard 2-prong wall outlet is
encotmtered, it is yore" personal responsibility
and obligation to have it replaced with a
properly grotmded B-prong wall outlet.
The iefl_igerator should alwa):s be plugged into
its own individual electrical outlet which has
a voltage rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides the best perfimnance and also
prevents overloading house wiring drcuits which
could ca use a fire hazard fl'om overheated wires.
Never tml)lug yore" refrigerator by pulling on the
power cord. Mwa):s grip plug firefly and pull
straight out fl'om the outlet.
Repair or replace immediatelv ;ill i){m'er cords
that have become fl'ayed or otherwise damaged.
Do not use a cord that shcm:s cracks or abrasion
damage ahmg its length or ;it either end.
_]_en moving the refl_igerator away fl'om the
wall, be careful not to roll over or damage the
power cord.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of an adapter plug.
HoweveI; if you must use an adaptei; where local
codes pemfit, a temporaacy commction may be
made to a properly grotmded 2-prong wall outlet
by use of a UL-listed adapter available ;it most
h)cal hardware stores.
The lalger slot in the adapter inust be aligned with
the lalger slot in the wall outlet to provide proper
polafi U in the connection of the power cord.
_._]_en disconnecting the power cord fl'om the
adaptei; ahvavs hold the adapter in place with one
hand while pulling the power cord plug with the
other hand. If this is not done, the adapter grotmd
temfinal is \'ei_' likely to break with repeated use.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of ma extension cord.
If the adapter grotmd temfinal breaks, DO NOT
USE the appliance tmtil a proper grotmd has been
Attaching the adapter grotmd temfinal to a wall
outlet cover screw does not grotmd the appliance
tmless the cover screw is metal, and not insulated,
and the wall outlet is grotmded through the house
wiring. You should have the circuit checked bv
a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is
properly grotmded.
Use of an adaptor plug will increase the clearance
needed fin" the back of the appliance.
Howe\'ei; if you must use an extension cord, it is
absolutely necessary that it be a UI=listed, 3-wire
grotmding type appliance extension cord having
a grotmding type plug and outlet and that the
electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes
(minimum) and 120 volts.

Ne coupez _firetirez en auctm cas la troisi&me
broche (raise h la terre) de la fiche du cordon
d'Mhnentation. Pour votre s_curitO, cet appaJceil
doit &tre correctement mis _ la terre.
I,e cordon d'alimentafion de cet appareil est
muni d'une fiche 5 3 broches (raise 5 la terre)
qui se branche darts une prise mm'al ordinaire
5 3 alv(Xoles (raise 5 la terre) pore" r(Xduire au
minimmn les fisques du chocs _lectriques.
Fakes examiner la prise de com'ant et le circuit
par tm (_lectricien qualifi(_ pour vous assm'er
que la prise est correctement raise 5 la terre.
Si la prise tam'ale est du Q'pe standard 5
2 alvg_oles, il vous incombe de la flfire remplacer
par line prise 5 3 alv&)les correcmment raise
5 la terre.
I,a machine 5 glacons doit tot/join5 0tre
branch_ darts sa propre prise de courant,
dont la tension nominale est identique
5 celle indiqu_e sin" la plaque signal_tique.
Cette precaution est recommand_e pore" garantir
tm rendement opfilmUn et &'iter une sm'chalge
des circuits (_lectriques de la rg_sidence, ce qui
pomTait crier tm risque d'incendie par
sm_cha ufli _des ills.
Ne d_brai_chezjamais l'appareil en firant le
cordon d'alimentatiotL Saisissez ti_m_etnet_t
la fiche du cordon et tirez droit pour la retirer
de la prise.
R_parez ou remplacez imm_diatement tout
cordon efliloch_ ou endommag_. N'ufilisez
pas tm cordon tbndill_ ou pr_sentant des signes
d' tIS/lI'e.
I,m_que vous d_placez l'appareil du ram; fifites
attention de ne pas la fifire fouler sin" le cordon
d'alimentation afin de ne pas l'endommagei:
Nous vous recommmado_ fortement de ne pas
ufiliser tree fiche d'adaptation _ cattse des risques
potentiels qu'elle pr&sente dm_s certaJnes
Toutetois, si vous d_ddez d'utiliser tout de m0me
tlne fiche d'adaptation, vous pouvez eflectuer tin
raccordement temporaJre, si les codes loca ux le
pem_ettent, darts tree prise de courant 5 2 alv&)les
ad&luatement raise 5 la terre en utilisant tree fiche
d'adaptation homologu_e Lri,, en vente darts la
plupart des quincaillefies.
I,a tenm la plus hmgue de la fiche doit 0tre
aligng_e avec la timte la plus longue de la prise
tam'ale afin d'assm'er la polarit_ appropri_e pore,
le branchement du cordon d'alimentation.
Nous vous recommm_dons fortement de ne pas
u61iser de cordons prolongateurs _ cause des
risques potentiels qu'ils pr6sentent dm_ certaJnes
Touteti)is si vous d_cidez d'utiliser tout de II_I/_e
t111 cordon prolongateui; il est absohunent
I,(nsque vous d_branchez le cordon
d'alimelmltion de la fiche d'adaptatiolL saisissez
toujoui_ la fiche d'une main pelMant que vous
firez sur la fiche du cordon d'alimentafion de
l'autre. Sinon, la borne de raise 5 la terre de la
fiche d'adaptation risque de casser avec le temps.
Si la borne de raise 5 la terre de la fiche casse,
N'UT1LISEZ PAS l'appareil rant qtl'tme raise
5 la terre adequate n'am'a pas _t(_ r_tablie.
I,e filit de fixer la borne de raise 5 la terre de la
fiche d'adaptation 5 la plaque de la prise de
co/lI'ilnt n'_lSSllI'e p_ls atltoillatiq/leillent la IIlise _'1
la terre de l'appareil. I1 flint que la vis soit en m_tal,
non isol_e, et que la prise de courant soit raise 5
la terre par l'entremise du cfiblage de r_sidence.
Faites vg_rifier le drcuit par tm (_lectriden qualifi(_
pour vous assm'er que la prise est ad_quatement
raise 5 la terre.
nOcessaire qu'il s'agisse (Ftm cordon 5 3 ills avec
Inise _'1la terre pour ap.pareils OlectrolnOnagei3
homologu(_/5i, (aux Etats-/_.rnis) ou homologu(_
CSA (a u (]anada), poulwu d' une fiche et d' une
prise inises 5 la terre de 15 amperes (nfilfinmm)
et de 120 volts.

Operating Instructions
Stainless Steel IG(/}'igerator
77_elempoature controh a'_z,p_z<_etin thejhcto U at 37°Fji, r lbe
l;,o l a.d O°F!;,,•t/..
24 hour:L/br the lempoature to stabilize to the p_>_etrecommended
77_eWmp_*ratu'r_,(-ont_v[_can dis],lay both the SET wmp_,ratm_
as well a._the actual temperatu'_z, in the,f!_<_hjood andjiz,ezer
compartm(n,t._. 77_eactual tem[,_,ratu_z_may va'r), ._ligbtlyjir, m lbe
SET tem/,eratu'_z, based on usage and o/wratiug eHvi'mnment.
Setti,lg either or both contro£ lo OFF.sto[,.s cooli,lg in both lbejiz,ezer
and,f!_h ji,od c,,mpartm_,n& but doe_ not shut qff elech@al pow_,r
to the *z_/i'igcrato*:
NOTE: 77_e r@igerator is ,,hip[wd with protective fibv covowg the
tempoatmz, cont,_£. {/thi.Lf!lm was not _z'mow'd during installation,
r_,move it now.
To change the temperature, press and release
the ('_ (warmer) or _ (colder) pad. The SET
light will come on and the display will show the
set temperature. To change the temperature,
tap either tile @ (warmer) or @ (colder)
pad tmtil the desired temperature is displayed.
Fresh fl)od temperatures can be a(!justed
between 34°F and 44°F and the fl'eezer
temperatm'es can be a(!justed between
-6°F and +6°F.
Once the desired temperature has been set,
the temperature display will return to the
actual fl'esh fl)od and freezer temperatures
atter 5 seconds. Several a(!jUStlnents ill}iV be
required. Each time wm a({just controls,
allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach
the temperature you have set.
To turn the cooling system off, tap the
O (warmer) pad fin" either tile fl'esh food
compartment or the fl'eezer tmtil the display
shows OFF. To turn the refit back on, press the
@ (colder) pad tor either tile fl'esh fi)od
compartment or fl'eezer. The SET light will
illmninate on the side you selected. Then press
the (_ (colder) pad again (on the side where
the SET light is illmninated) and it will go to
the preset points of O°F fi)r the fl'eezer and
37°F for the ti'esh food compartment.
I_ (?_7"OT_l'l (Ifl ("e
Air Flow
The Perfiwmance Ai>Flow System is designed
to maximize temperature control in the fl'esh
ti)o(1 and fl'eezer compartments. This tmique
special featm'e consists of the Air Tower along
the top and back walls of the fresh ti)od
compartment and the Air Tunnel on the
bottom portion of the fl'eezer rear wall.
Placing fl)od in fl'ont of the louvers on these
conq)oi_ents will not affect i)erfornmnce.
Although the Air Tower and the Air Tunnel
can be removed, doing so will affect
temperatm'e l)ertbrmance. (For remowd
instructions, on-line, 24 hours a day, contact
us at w_v.monogram.com or call 800.444.1845.
In Canada, call us at 1.800.561.3344.)

Stall, less Steel R_/}'ig'erator
How it worhs TurboCool rapidly cools the
refi'igerator compartn/ent in
order to more quickly cool fi)ods.
ZurboCool Use TurboCool when adding
a large alilOllnt (If ti)od to the refrigerator
compartment, putting away ti)ods atter they
have been sitting out at i'ooi// temperature
or when putting away warm letiovers. It can
also be used if the reii'igerator has been
without power fi)r an extended period.
Hozo to use 1 Press TurboCool. The refrigerator
temperature display will show TC.
2 Atter TurboCool is complete,
the reti'igerator coml)artn/ei_t
will return to the original setting.
Once activated, the compressor will turn on
imm edia telv and the tans will cycle on and
off at high speed as needed ti)r 8 hours.
The compressor will continue to mn until
the refrigerator compartment cools to
approximately 34°F (1 °C), then it will cycle
on and off to maintain this setting. Alter
8 hours, or if TurboCool is pressed again,
the refrigerator compartment will return to
the original setting,
• The _fi'iwmtor temperature car_ot be cha_g'ed
duri_g" TurboCool.
• TheJh:ezer temperature is not @clcd duri*:g"
• 1,17_er_@eni_q" the @ig'emtor door duri_g"
TurboCool, the ]?lr_s will contirme to run !]
th_9' have O'cled o_z.

CllStOinCool :'1
Slainless Sled R¢(J)'ig'eralor
How it
Hozo to _se
The CustomCool feature is a system of
&_mpers, a fan, a temperature thermistor
and a heater. Depending on the flmction
selected, a combination of these will be
used to quickly chill items, thaw items or
hold the pan at a specific temperatm'e.
1 Empty the pan. Place the Chill/Thaw tray
in the pan. Place the items on the tray and
close the pan completely:
2 Select the ExpressThaw'," ExpressChill'"
or SelectTemp'" pad. The display and SET
light will come on. Tap the pad tmtil the light
appears next to the desired setting. Use the
chart to determine the best setting to use.
• 2.0 LBS
• 3.0 LBS
• 45 MIN
_b_a_ • MEAT /
The pan is tightly sealed to prevent the pan's
temperatm'e ti'om causing temperature
fluctuations in the rest of the refrigerator.
The controls fl)r this pan are located at the
top of the fresh fi)od compartment with the
[eilll)erattlre controls.
NOTE: Forjbod s@(_' rea,wn,s; it i,s_,commended
thatjbo& be wrapped ir_plaslic w_r@ when usir_g"
ExpressThaw. This will he@ contain meat juice,_
arid improve thawit_g" [)e(Jbrmar_ce.
• To stop a teatm'e beii)re it is finished, tap that
feature's pad tmtil no options are selected
and the display is off.
• During ExpressThaw and ExpressChill,
the display on the controls will comat down
the time in the cycle.
After the I_NpressThaw cycle is complete,
the pan will reset to the MEAT setting (31 °F)
to help preserve thawed items tmtil they
are used.
The displayed actual temperatm'e of the
CustomCool pan may vary slightly ti'om
the SET temperatm'e based on usage and
operating environment,