Double Door, Double Drawer,
Stainless Steel, Free-Standing
149-60584 I
01-09 JR
Consumer Information
Stainless Stee! Refrigerator
planning flexibilitg. Whether gou chose it for its puritg of design, practical storage arrangements or assiduous attention to detail-or for all of these reasons-gou'll find that gour Monogram refrigerator's superior blend of form and function will delight gou for gears to come.
Theinformation on the following pages will help gou operate and maintain gour refrigerator properlg. If gou have ang other questions, visit our Website at:
Consumer Services
Important Phone Numbers .................. 27
Model and Serial Numbers .................... 5
Performance Data Sheet .................... 25
Problem Solver .......................... 20-24
Product Registration .......................... 3
Safetg Instructions ........................ 4-7
State of California
Water Treatment Device Certificate .......... 26
Warrantg .......................... Back Cover
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning-Outside and Inside ................ 18
Light Bulb Replacement ..................... 19
Moving ..................................... 18
Vacation .................................... 18
Read this manual carefullg. It is intended to help gou operate and maintain gour new refrigerator properlg.
Keep it handg for answers to gour questions.
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker ......................... 17
Additional Features .......................... 15
Crispers ..................................... 16
Internal Water Dispenser .................... 10
Other Controls ................................ 9
Performance Air Flow Sgstem ................. 8
Shelves and Bins ......................... 12-14
Temperature Controls ........................ 8
TurboCoolT"................................... 9
Water Filter ................................. 11
If gou don't understand something or need more help, there is a list of toll-free consumer
service numbers included in the back section of this manual.
Visit our Website at: monogram.corn
Consumer Information
Stainless Stee! Refrigerator
Write down
the model
& seria!
Ifgou received a
damaged refrigerator
Save time & moneg
You'll see them on a label inside the fresh food compartment at the top on the right side.
Please write these numbers on the Consumer Product Ownership Registration Card included
with the packing material.
Immediatelg contact the dealer (or builder) that sold gou the refrigerator.
Before gou request service, check the Problem Solver in the back of this manual.
Before sending in this card, please also write these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number Use these numbers in ang correspondence
or service calls concerning gour refrigerator.
It lists causes of minor operating problems that gou can correct gourself.
Ifgou need
Toobtain service, see the Consumer Services page inthe back of this manual.
We're proud of our service and want gou to be pleased. Iffor some reason gou are not happg with the service gou receive, here are steps to follow for further help.
For customers in the USA: FIRST,contact the people who serviced gour
appliance. Explain whg gou are not pleased. In most cases,this will solvethe problem.
NEXT,if gou are still not pleased, write all the details-including gour phone number-to:
Manager, Customer Relations GEAppliances Appliance Park
Louisville, KY40225
For customers in Canada: FIRST,contact the people who serviced gour
appliance. Explain whg gou are not pleased. In most cases,this will solvethe problem.
NEXT,if gou are still not pleased, write all the details-including gour phone number to:
Manager, Consumer Relations Mabe Canada Inc.
! Factorg Lane, Suite 3!0 Moncton, N.B.E1C9M3
WARNING: Whenusingthisapp/ ance,
always exercisebasicsafetyprecautions,including
Usethis appliance onlg for itsintended purpose asdescribed in this Owner's Manual.
This refrigerator must beproperlg installed in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it isused. Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang
on the shelves in the refrigerator. They could damage the refrigerator and seriously injure
Do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer compartment when hands are damp or wet.
Skin may adhere to these extremely cold surfaces. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity oftMs or any other appliance.
In refrigerators with automatic icemakers, avoid contact with moving parts of the ejector mechanism, or with the heating elementlocated on the bottom of the icemaker.Do not place fingers or handson the automatic icemaking mechanism while the refrigerator is plugged in.
Keepfingers out of the "pinch point" areas: clearances between the doors and between
the doors andcabinet are necessarily small.
Becareful closingdoors when children are
in the area. Unplug your refrigerator before cleaning and
making repairs. NOTE:We strongly recommend that any servicing be performed by aqualified
individual. Before replacing a burned-out light bulb,
the refrigerator should be unplugged in order to avoid contact with a livewire filament.
(Aburned-out light bulbmay break when being replaced.)
NOTE:Turningcontro!to OFFdoesnot remove power to the lightcircuit.
Do not refreeze frozen foods which have thawed completely.
Childentrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past. Junked or abandoned refrigerators are still dangerous...evenifthey will sit for '_justa few days."If you are getting rid of your oldrefrigerator, pleasefollow the instructions below to helpprevent
All refrigerationproducts contain refrigerants,which under federal law must be removed priorto product disposal.
Before you throw away your old refrigerator or freezer:
Takeoffthe doors. Leavethe shelvesin place so that children
may not easily climb inside.
If you are getting rid of an old refrigeration product, checkwith the company handling the disposal
about what to do.
utilisezle r_frig_rateur,observeztoujours certaines prdcautionsde base,notamment :
N'utilisez le r@fricj@rateurque pour son usage pr@vu,comme d#critdans le presentmanuel.
Installez le r@fricj@rateurconform@ment aux directives d'Jnstallation avant de I'utJlJsen
Ne laissezpas lesenfants gnmper, s'asseoir, setenir debout ni se pendre aux clayettes du r_frig_rateur. IIspourraient endommager le rdrig_rateur etse blessergravement.
Une lois le r_fMcj_rateur en marche, ne touchez pas lessurfaces froides du concj_lateur, surtout
sivous avez les mains humides ou mouill_es : Iopeau risqued'adh_rer _cessurfacestr_s
N'entreposez et n'utilisez pasd'essence ou autres vapeurs et liquidesinflammables 6 proximit_ de cet appareil oudetout autre appareil _lectrom_nacjer.
Pour les r_frig_rateurs dot_s d'une machine 6 gla¢ons automatique, _vitezlecontact avec lespi_cesmobiles du m_canisme _jecteur, ou avec I'#l#mentchauffant situ@a la partie inf#rieurede la machine a glaqons.Neposez pas lesdoigts oulesmains sur le m#canisme de lamachine a glaqons pendant que le r#frig#rateur estbranch&
I_loignezlesdoigts des parties du r_frig_rateur oQI'on peut facilement se pincer: lesespaces entre lesporteset entre lesportesetles placards sont toujours _troits.Soyezprudent Iorsque vous fermez lesportes de I'appareilen presence
D_branchez votre r_frig_rateur avant de Ienettocjer et de le r_parer. REMARQUE:Nous
vous recommandons vivement de confier toute r_paration 6 un technicien qualifi&
Avant de remplacer une ampoule cjrill_e, le rdrig_rateur doit _tre d_branch_ afin
d'_viter tout contact avec unfilsous tension. (Uneampoule grill_epeut sebriser pendant
RENARQUE: Lorsquevousp!acezlacommande surdteint, !'alimentationdlectriquede/'ampoule n'estpascouple.
Nefaites pas reconcjeJerdesaliments surcjel_s
qui ant compl_tement d_cjel&
Lesenfants prisau pi_geou marts d'asphyxie sont toujours d'actualit& Lesappareilsde r_frig_ration abandon_s sont toujours aussi dangereux, m_me sion n'attend qua "quelquejours" pour s'en d_barasser.Sivous negardez pasvotre ancien appareil,veuillezsuivre lesdirectivesci-dessous afin de pr_venir lesaccidents.
Tousles appareilsderdrig6ration contiennent desrefrigerants qui,conform6ment aux lois
f6d6rales,doivent 6tre enlev6savant toute 61iminationde I'appareil.
Avant de vous d_barasser de votre vieux appareil de r6frig_ration :
D_montezlesportes. Laissezlesclayettes en placeafin d'emp_cher
lesenfants degrimper 6 I'int@rieur.
Sivous vousd_barrassezde vieux appareilsde rdrig_ration, v_rifiez,aupr_s de la soci_t_qui s'occupedeleur _limination, ceque vous
Do not, under ang circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safetg, this appliance must be properlg grounded.
Thepower cord ofthis appliQnceisequipped with Q3-prong (grounding)plugwhich mates
with astandQrd3-prong (grounding)wQIIoutlet to minimize the possibility of electricshock
hQzQrdfrom this appliQnce. Hove thewQIIoutletand circuit checked by
a quQlifiedelectricianto make surethe outlet isproperlg grounded.
Where QstandQrd2-prong wQIIoutlet is encountered, itis your personQIresponsibility
and obligQtionto hove it replQcedwith a properlg grounded3-prong wQIIoutlet.
Therefrigerator shouldQIwQgsbeplugged into its own individuQIelectrical outlet which hQs
a voltage rating thQt matches the rating plQte.
Thisprovidesthe best performance and Qlso preventsoverloQding housewiring circuitswhich
could cause a fire hQzardfrom overheQtedwires. Never unplug gourrefrigerator bg pulling
on the power cord.Always grip plug firmly and pullstraight out from the outlet.
Repairor replace immediately all power cords that have become frayed or otherwise damaged. Donot usea cord that shows cracksorabrasion
damage along its length or at either end. When moving the refrigerator away from the wall,
be careful notto rollover or damage the power cord.
Beca use of potentia Isafetg haza rd sunder certain conditions, we stronglg recommend
against the use of an extension cord.
However,ifyou must usean extension cord,it is absolutely necessarythat it be a UL-listed,3-wire
grounding type appliance extension cord having a grounding type plug and outlet and that
the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum)and 120volts.
Ne coupez ni retirez en aucun cas la troisi_me broche (mise 6 la terre) de la fiche du cordon
d'alimentation. Pour votre s_cudt_, cet appareil doit _tre correctement rnis 6 la terre.
Lecordon d'alimentation de cetappareil est muni d'une fiche 6 3 broches (mise6 laterre)
qui sebranche dans une prisemural ordinaire 6 3alv_oles(mise6 laterre) pour r_duireau minimum lesrisquesduchocs_lectriques.
Faitesexaminer la prisedecourant et lecircuit par un_lectricienqualifi_ pour vous assurer que lapriseestcorrectement mise6 laterre.
Sila prisemumle est du tgpe standard 6 2 alv_oles, il vousincombede lafaire remplacer par une prise
6 3alv_olescorrectement mise6 laterre. La machine6 glaqons doit toujours _tre
branch6 dans sa propre prisede courant, dont latension nominale est identique 6 celleindiqu_e sur la plaque signal_tique.
Cetteprecaution est recommand_e pour garantir un rendement optimum et _viter une surcharge des circuits _lectriquesde la r_sidence,ce qui pourrait crier un risqued'incendie par surschauffe des ills.
Ned_branchezjamais I'appareilen tirant lecordon d'alimentation. Saisissezfermement la fiche
du cordon et tirez droit pour laretirerde la prise. R_parezou remplacezimm_diatement tout cordon
effiloch_ ou endommag& N'utilisezpasuncordon fendill_ou pr_sentant dessignesd'usure.
Lorsquevous d_placez I'appareildu mur,faites attention de ne pas la faire foulersur le cordon d'alimentation afin de nepasI'endommager.
Nous vous recommandons fortement de ne pas utiliser de cordons prolongateurs 6 cause des risques potentiels qu'ils pr_sentent dans certaines
Toutefoissivous d_cidezd'utilisertout de m_me un cordon prolongateur,il est absolument n_cessaire
qu'il s'agissed'un cordon 6 3 fils avec mise 6laterre pour appareils_lectrom_nagers homologu_ UL
aux Etats-Unis)ou homologu_ CSA(auCanada), pourvu d'une fiche etd'une prisemises 6laterre de 15amperes(minimum) etde 120volts.
Operating Instructions
Stainless Stee! Refrigerator
The temperature controls are preset in the factory at 37°F for the fresh food compartment and O°F for the freezer compartment. Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize to the preset recommended settings.
The temperature controls can display both the SETtemperature as well as the actual temperature in the flesh food and freezer compartments. The actual temperature may vary slightly from the SET temperature based on usage and operating
environment. Setting either or both controls to OFF stops cooling in both
the freezer and fresh food compartments but does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator.
NOTE; The refrigerator is shipped with protective film covering the temperature controls. If this film was not removed during
installation, remove it now.
Air Flow
To change the temperature, press and release the (_(warmer) or @ (colder) pad. The SETlight will come on and the displag will show the set temperature. To change the temperature, tap either the ($) (warmer) or _')(colder)pad until the desired temperature is displaged. Fresh food temperatures can be adjusted between 34°F and 44°Fand the freezer temperatures can be adjusted between -6°F and +6°F.
Once the desired temperature has been set, the temperature displag will return to the actual fresh food and freezer temperatures after 5seconds. Several adjustments mag
be required. Eachtime gou adjust controls, allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the temperature gou have set.
The Performance Air-Flow Sgstem is designed to
maximize temperature control in the fresh food
and freezer compartments. This unique special
feature consists of the AirTower along the top
and back walls of the fresh food compartment
and the Air Tunnel on the bottom portion of
the freezer rear wall. Placing food in front of
the louvers on these components will not affect
To turn the cooling sgstem off, tap
the @ (warmer) pad for either the fresh food compartment or the freezer until the displag shows OFF.To turn the unit back on, press
the @(colder) pad for either the fresh food compartment or freezer.The SETlight will
illuminate on the side gou selected. Then press the @(colder) pad again (on the side where
the SETlight is illuminated) and it will go to the preset points of O°Ffor the freezer and 37°F for the fresh food compartment.
Although the Air Tower and the Air Tunnel can be removed, doing so will affect temperature performance. (For removal instructions, on-line, 24 hours a dag, contact us at
or call 800.444.1845. In Canada, call us at !.800.56!.3344.)
Other Controls
Stainless Stee! Refrigerator
TurboCool TM
How to use TurboCool
TURBO the refrigerator compartment in
TurboCool rapidly cools
order to more quickly cool foods.
Use TurboCool when adding a large amount of food to the refrigerator compartment, putting away foods after they have been sitting out at room temperature or when putting away warm leftovers. Itcan also be used if the refrigerator has been without power for an extended period.
1 PressTURBOCOOL The refrigerator
temperature display will show TC.
2 After TurboCool is complete,
the refrigerator compartment will return to the original setting.
Once activated, the compressor will turn on immediately and the fans will cycle on and off at high speed as needed for 8 hours. The compressor will continue to run until the refrigerator compartment cools to approximately 34°F(1°C),then it will cycle on and off to maintain this setting. After 8 hours, or if TURBOCOOLis pressed again, the refrigerator compartment will return to the original setting.
The refrigerator temperature cannot be changed during TurboCool.
The freezer temperature is not affected during TurboCool.
When opening the refrigerator door during TurboCool, the fans wi!! continue to run if
they have cycled on.
Energy Saver
Door Alarm
This product is equipped with an Energy Saver feature. The refrigerator is shipped with the Energy Sever feature ON.
Over time, moisture can form on the front surface of the refrigerator cabinet and cause
rust. If moisture does appear on the front surface of the refrigerator cabinet, turn offthe Energy Sever feature by pressing and releasing the ENERGYSAVERpad on the control panel.
The door alarm will sound
if either door is open for more than 2 minutes. The beeping sound will stop when you close the door.
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