This kit provides aRRthe hardware and instructions needed to mount 0.6, 0.7 and
1.0 cu. ft. GeneraR ERectdc, Hotpoint and Monogram microwave ovens that are approved
for mounting under kitchen cabinets.
The accessory kit incRudes an instruction book, 4 mounting tempRates and a set of mounting
hardware. SeRect one mounting tempRate and one set of rear brackets for the specific modeR
to be instaRRed.
Refer to the RnstaRRation Rnstrucfions book and the tame beRow to determine which tempRate
and hardware (rear brackets) you shouRd use for your parficuRar model Check the ERectdcaR
Rating prate Rocated inside the oven for your modeR number.
Model Template
Part No.
JEM25BF/WF 245B1790P032
JEM31BF/CF_iF/SF 245B1790P032
ZEM2OOSF/BF/VVF 245B1790P032
JE740WH/BH 245B1790P073
Rear Brackets
Pub. No. (SeeP.2)
31-1132 4B
31-1132 4B
31-1132 4B
31-1170 4A
49-40442 4C
31-1132 4B
49-40286 4C
Printed in the United States
Pub No. 31-1131-1 01-05 JR

Parts Lst
Installlation Parts List
The h4Iowim/g is a list of tile putts
theft ;oil F_/a'v m/eed for im/st_]]atio]/
of _ (/IH" HI]cr(/w_Pce (/ve]).
F]rG. 1
(9 @
Remove a]] parts t_'om the box
am/(] COH/[)_re theH/ With the [)arts
list mid iIIllstratio_/ (Fig_ ] ) to be
sllre thut ]/om/e are missim/g. []se
th ]s t]m e to be corn e Jt_m ]]i a r w] th
each piece.
Parts List
1_ 3 sets of bolts
2. 2 h/-cabi m/et m o m/ti m/g straps
3. 4 Templates
4A. 2 Rear bruckets
4B. 2 Rear brackets
4C. 2 Rear brackets
Check the parts list amid read a]]
im/strl_ctitms corn p]ete]y beii)re
startim/g the im/stalIadom This _dI]
h e] p yo II to be corn e {m//iIiu r _1 t]]
the [)rocess um/d make im/sta]]ati(m
(NOTE: It is sl_ggested that _ol_
gather a]] m/eeded tools a]/d
im/stall a ti oil [)a rts im/oil e ]oca ti oil.)
9/16" 1/2" I 1/4"
I /
.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................i / .....................
- _J