GE ZEK737 Owner's Manual

Before you begin - Read these instructions completely and carefully. IMPORTANT - Save these instructions for local inspector's use. IMPORTANT - OBSERVE ALL GOVERNING CODES AND ORDINANCES.
Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these instructions with the Consumer. Note to Consumer - Keep these instructions with your Use and Care Book for future reference. Note - This appliance must be properly grounded.
Do net store or use gasoline or
_k other flammable vapors and liq-
uids in the vicinity of this or any
giber appliance.
Be sum your oven is Installed properly by a qualified installer or service teehnlclan.
Be sure the oven is securely installed in a cabinet that is firmly attached to the house
structure. Weight on the oven door could cause the oven to tip and result in Injury.
Never allow anyone to cllmb_ sit, stand or hang on the oven door.
Never use your oven for warming or heating the room. Prolonged use of the oven without adequate
ventllstlon can be hazardous.
Make sure you do not tip the unit forward I during installation or you may bend the
Lower Side Trim.
3/32" Drill Bit Electric or Hand Drill FISt Bladed and Phillips Screwdriver
Pencil Ruler or Tape Measure and Straightedge
Hand Saw or Saber Saw #20 Torx Head Bit
CAUTION: The electrical power
to the oven supply line must be
shut off while line connections ore being made. FaRure to do so
could result in serious injury or
Thla appliance must besupplied with the proper voltage and frequency, and connected to an Individual, properly grounded branch €Ircuit, protected by a circuit breaker or fuse, having mpemge as noted on rating plate.
(Rating plate Is located on oven frame.) We recommend you havethe electricalwiring and hookup
of your oven done by a qualified electrician. After installation, have the electrician show you where your
main range disconnect is located. Check with your local utilities forelectrical codes which
apply In your area. Failure to wire your oven according to governing codes could result in a hazardous condition.
ifthere are no local codes, your range must bewired and fused to meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-1990. You can get acopy by
National Fire Protection Association
Battery March Park
You must use a three-wire, single-phaea A.C. 208Y/120
Volt or 120/240 Volt, 60 Hertz electrical system. If you
connect to aluminum wiring, properly installed
connections approved for use with aluminum wiring
must be used.
Quincy, MA 02269
Cabinet space must be provided to enclose the re- ceseed part of your built-in oven. SINGLE OVEN INSTALLATION-See Figure 1 for all necessary dl-
mansions. DOUBLE OVEN INSTALLATION--See Figure 2 for all necessary dimensions, it Isbest to make
a template to insure accurate cutting. Place the bottom of the template on a level base fine,
above the floor. See Dimension E in Fig. 1 (Single Oven) on page 2, or Fig. 2 (Double Oven) on page 3.
See page 4, Fig. 3 for cutout dimensions to install a single built-in oven under approved cooktop models.
Pub. No. 31-10123 SR10182
INT316-2 1
The oven may be supported by either a solid bottom or two runners. The solid bottom or two runners sheuid be level with the bottom edge of the cutout opening.
If a solid bottom is used Instead of the nmmm_ 6" x 10" rectangle must be out out of the bottom (See Fig. 2) for optimum performance and proper air circulation.
NOTE: Theentirswelght oftheoven Issupperted bythe2"x4"orequlvalont mnnem. Makesurethesemnnersere
level, rigidly mounted and spaced 20 1/2" on center. The space between the mnnem Is 19" wide.
NOTE: Locate an approved Junction box In one of the suggested locations; a minimum of 34" above the runners or5" below
the runners.
Theovencanbe InstalledIna 28 1/8"hlgh cutoutbyproperuseof longshims onbottomrunnersandpropercablnet
top retalner,
Besurethe ovensupportIs solldenoughtosupport lS0 pounds. Also besure the oven supportIslevelandetralght.
There Is no way to levelthe oven after Installation.
B CutoutWidth 25 1/8"MInJ25 1/4" Max. C CutoutHeight 27 1/2"MIn./28 1/8"Max.
DIMENSIONS D CutoutDepth 23 1/2"Mln.
f A CabinetWidth 27"
E CutoutLocation 32 1/2"
2"x 4" OR _ Overall Width 265/8" RUNNERS
H OverallHeight 29 1/4"
2" x4"or
Equivalent Runners
Junction Box
Fig. 1 -- SINGLE OVEN 2
overlap of oven overall edges
of cutout.
Allow minimum of 28" for clearance to adjacent comers, drawers, or wells, etc.
NOTE: Locate anapproved junctlon box inone of the suggested locations; a minimum of 55" above the mnnem or 5" below
the runners. The oven can be Installed In a 501/8" high cutout by proper use oflong shims on bottom runners andproper cabinet
top retainer.
Besu rethe oven support Issolid enou gh to support 200 pounds. Aleo be su re the oven support Is level and strelg hr.
There Is no way to level the oven after Installation.
27" MIn.
B Cutout Width C Cutout Height
2" x 4" OR
E Cutout Location
f A Clbinet Width
H OVenlil Height W Overall Width
251/8" MInJ25 1/4" Max.
49 1/2" MInJ50 1/8" Max. 23 1/'Z' MIn.
13 1/4" 51 1/4"
Junction box Location
Allow 7/8" for overlap of oven
over all edges
of cutout.
2"x 4" or Equivalent
Allow minimum of 20" for clearance to adjacent comers,
drawers, or walls, etc.
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