
Consumer Infbrmation
using your
Your new Monogram icemaker makes an eloquent statement of style, convenience and
kitchen planning flexibilit}. Whether you chose it fbr its purity of design or the assiduous
attention to detail, you'll find that your Monogram icemaker's superior blend of flwm
and _unction will delight you for years to come.
Tile infl)rmation on the fl)llowing pages will help you operate and maintain your icemaker
If you have any other questions, visit our Website at: ge.com
(;are and Cleaning .................. 11-13
Consumer Services ..................... ] 5
Controls and Features .................. 8, 9
Important Phone Numbers .............. 15
Model and Serial Numbel_ ............... 2
Operating Instructions .................. 10
Read this manual carefulb:. It is intended
to help you operate and maintain your new
icemaker properly.
Keep it handy fl)r answers to your questions.
Problem Solver . ....................... 14
Product Registration ..................... 2
P.epair Service .......................... 3
SafeW Instructions ..................... 4-7
_'LuTimty ....................... Back Cover
If you don't understand something or need
more help, there is a list of toll-fl'ee consumer
service numbers included in tile back section
of this manual.
-Wd te
down the
model &
;r_u _ bers
You'll find them on a label on tile right wall
of the ice storage bill.
These numbers are also on the Consumer
Product Ownership P.egistration Card packed
separately with your icemaker.
Visit our Website at: ge.com
Before sending in tiffs card, please write these
numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Use these numbel_ ill any correspondence or
service calls concerning your icemaker.

received a
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder)
that sold you the icemaker.
If you
To obtain service, see tile Consumer Services
page in the back of this manual
We're proud of our service and want you to be
pleased. If tot some reason you are not happy
with the sexwice you receive, fbllow these steps.
For customers in the USA:
F]P, ST, contact tile people who serviced your
appliance. Explain wily you are slot pleased.
Ill most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details--including your phone numbes_-to:
Managei; Customer Relations
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
For customers in Canada:
FIP.ST, contact tile people who serviced your
appliance. Explain wily you are not pleased.
Ill most cases, this will solve tile problem.
NEXT, if you are still slot pleased, write all tile
det;dls--inrluding your phone nmnbes=-to:
Manager, Customer Relations
Camco Inc.
1 Factory Lane, Suite 310
Moncton, N.B. El(: 9M3

Before it is used, the icemaker must be
properly installed and located as described
in this manual.
A WARNING: Toreducethe
risk of fire, electricaJ shock or injury
when using your icema_ker, follow basic
precautions including the following:
, Never allow children to operate, play with
or crawl inside the icemaker.
Never clean icemaker parts with flammable
fluids. The fumes can create a fire hazard
or explosion.
" Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance. The fumes
can create a fire hazard or explosion.
, Be sure your icemaker is properly installed
and grounded by a qualified technician in
accordance with the Installation Instructions.
Do not attempt to repair or replace aJ_y
part of your icemaker unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other
servicing should be referred to a qualified
Unplug the icemaker or disconnect power
before cleaning, servicing or changing the
light bulb. Failure to do so can result in
death or electrical shock.
It is your responsibility to be sure your
- has been installed where it is protected frtm/
tile elements.
- is located so that tile front is m)t blocked to
restrict incoming or discharge air flow.
- is cmmected onl} to tile proper kind of
outlet, with the correct electric suppl} and
grounding. A 115 volt, 60 Hz, 15 amp tused
electrical supply is required.
NOTE: Time dela} fuse or circuit breaker
is recoi-aI-a ended.
- is not used b} an}one tmable to operate
it properl}.
- is used onl} to do what icemakers are
designed to do.
- is properl} maintained.

Avant son utilisation, la machine a glagons doit
&tre bien install_e et situ_e selon la description
daaas ce manuel.
Pour r_duire les risques d'incendie, de
choc &lectrique ou de blessure lors de
Futilisation de la machine h glaqons, stfivre
les pr&cautinns fondamentales, y compris
les snivantes :
, Ne jamais laisser les enfants utiliser,
employer comme jouet ou p6n6trer dams la
machine/_ glacons.
Ne jamais nettoyer les pibces de la machine
glaqons avec des fluides inflammables.
Les 6maaaations peuvent cr6er tm risque
d'incendie ou d'explosinn.
Ne pas entreposer ni utiliser de Fessence
ou d'autres vapeurs et liqnides inflammables
dans le voisinage de cet appaaceil m&nager
on de tout autre appaaceil. Les &manatinns
peuvent cr&er un risque d'incendie ou
S'assurer que la machine a glagons est bien
install_e et reli_e a la terre par un technicien
qualifi6, et conform6ment attx instructions
d'inst a]lation.
Ne pas essayer de r_parer ou de remplacer
une pibce de votre machine h glagons
moins de recommandations sp&cifiques dans
ce manuel. Tout autre besoin de service doit
6tre soumis h tm teclmicien quaJifi&
" D&brancher la machine a glaqons on
d&connecter le courant _lectrique avant
de la nettoyer, de l'entretenir ou de changer
l'mnpoule d'6clairage. L'omission d'observer
ces pr6cautions peut causer tm d6cbs ou
tm choc 61ectrique.
, Vons avez la responsabilitO de vous assurer
que la machine a glacons :
- a _t_ install_e off elle est protegee contre
les intemp_ries .
- est situ0e de sorte que le devant n'est })as
obstru_e pour restreindre l'arriv6e ou la
sortie du com'ant d'air.
- est connect0e seulement au type appropsi_
de prise de courant avec une alimentation
61ectrique correcte et une liaison fi la terre.
Line Mimentation 61ectrique de 1 1!-'5V; 60
Hz, et fusible de 175A est requise.
REMARQUE : Les fusibles temporis& ou
disjoncteurs de circuit sont recommand_s.
- n'est })as utilis_e par quiconque ne peut
fhire tkmctionner l'appareil d'une mani_re
- est utilisOe seulement pour accomplir
ce que les machines a glacons sont destinOes
- est soumise 5 un entretien appropri_.