GE ZDBT240PABS, ZDWT240PABS Installation Guide

Installation Instructions
If you have questions, ca!l800.626,2000orvisit ourwebsite
Wine Reserve
and Beverage Center
With InstallationInstructions
Safety Information
Read these instructions completely and carefully,
IMPORTANT - S_,,e_heseinst,uctions
for local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - Obse,,e_,ll_.,eH_ing
codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer - Be sure to leaxe these
instructions with the Consumer.
Note to Consumer - Keep these instructions with
xour (-)wner's Manual for flmue reference.
WARNING - his li ,n ere.stbe
properly gmtmded. See "(;rom_dinf', page 4.
Cet appareil &fit _tre correctement raise _'lla terre. Consulter <<Mise _'l la terre>>, page 4.
lf)ou recei',ed a damaged wine reserxe or beverage center, you should immediately contact your dealer
or builder.
Skill Level - Installation requires basic mechanical
skills. Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer. Product taihu'e due to improper installation is not covered trader the GE Appliance _\'arrantv.
Use this appliance only for its intended pm])ose.
Immediately repair or replace electrical service
cords that become frayed or damaged.
Uni_lug the trait heft)re cleaning or making repairs.
]_epairs should be made by a qualified service technician.
ll ne taut utiliser cet appareil que pour l'usage pore" lequel il a _t_ construit.
I1 taut r_parer ou remplacer imm&liatement tout cordon d'alimentation _lectrique efliloch_ ou endommag¢:.
D_brancher le bar ou le r_fl'ig_rateur a vin a\m_t le nettoyage ou route intervention.
I,es r_i_arations doivent _tre taites par tm technicien qualifi_.
For Monogrmn local service in your area, call
For Monogrmn service in Canada, call
For Monogram Parts m_d Accessories, call
_v. monogram.coin
The Installation Space............................3
Product Clearances ................................3
Tools,Hardware .......................................4
Groundingthe Product ...........................4
StainingWood Drawer Fronts...............4
Step 1,RemovePackaging ....................4
Step 2,Leveling........................................5
Step3, ConnectPower ...........................5
Step4,Slide Productinto Cutout..........5
Step 5,ChangetheToekick....................5
Step6, SetTemperatureControls .........5
Design Guide
Handle and
handle standoff depth is 1-3/4"
I.,_J 23-3/4"f"
The cutout depth should be 24"
The cutout dimensions shown allow hn" a full door swing and access to the pull-out racks when installed
as a built-in in standard 24" deep cabinets.
The wine reserve and beverage center can be installed fl'eestanding.
If installing between frameless cabinets, a 1/2" wide filler strip or side panel may be needed on hinge
side. The filler strip will act as a spacer between the case and ac!iacent cabinet door swing. The width
of the opening must include the filler panels. NOTE: The door should protrude 1" beyond the
sm'rounding cabinets.
The wine reserve and beverage center is thctorv set fin" a l l 0 ° door swing.
When installed in a corner:
Allow 4" rain. clearance on the hinge side Ira" the 90 ° door swing and to allow racks to slide out.
Allow 10" minimum clearance on the hinge side for a flfll 1 10 ° door swing.
10" Minimum
to Wall
, L
110° .. \
Choose the location:
These products may be closed in on the top and three sides as long as the front is unobstHtcted fi)r
air circulation and proper access to the door.
Do not install these products where the temperature
will go below 55°F (] 3°C) or above 90°F (32°C).
Do not install where it will be subject to direct stmlight, heat or moistm'e.
These products are not designed to be stacked one over the other.
90° Door Swing
i! 23-5/8"
4" Minimum
to Wall
Additional Specifications
A 120 volt 60Hz., 15 or 20 amp power supply is
required. An individual l)roperly grotmded branch circuit or circuit breaker is recommended. Install a
properly grotmded 3-prong electrical receptacle recessed into the back wall as shown. Electrical m ust
be located on rear wall as shown. NOTE: OF]
(grotmd tault interrupter) is not recommended.
Increase storage cai)acit.v by installing two Monogram beverage centers or wine reserves together. Or, for a complete refl'eshment center, install any two of these traits together.
A side-by-side installation requires at least a 47-1/2" wide opening. No trim kits required.
Products must operate fl'om separate, i)roperly grotmded receptacles.
Black or Stainless Steel Toekick Options
These products are shii)ped with a black toekick installed. An optional stainless steel toekick is also
suI)plied with each product. For shiI)ping pm'I)oses, the stainless steel toekick is secured to the back
o;cinside the unit.
1_14"_10-1_/2" [ _24 '' [
47-1/2" Min.
+ 5 hidden pages