Design Guide with
Instr cti
Wine Chiller, Wine Reserve
and Beverage Center

Safet Information
Read these instructions completelg and carefullg.
IMPORTANT - Savetheseinstructions
for local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT -Observeallgoverning codes
and ordinances.
Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
Note to Consumer - Keepthese instructions with
your Owner's Hanual for future reference.
_WARNING - This appliance must
be properly grounded. Seepage 5.
Cet appareil doit _tre correctement mis 5 la terre.
Consultez page 5.
If you received a damaged wine chiller, wine reserve
or beverage center, you should immediately contact
your dealer or builder.
Skill Level -Installation requires basic mechanical
skills. Proper installation is the responsibility of the
installer. Product failure due to improper installation
is not covered under the GEAppliance Warranty.
• Usethis appliance only for its intended purpose.
• Immediately repair or replace electrical service cords
that become frayed or damaged.
Unplug the unit before cleaning or making repairs.
Repairs should be made by a qualified service
• IIne faut utiliser cet appareil que pour I'usage pour
lequel il a _t_ construit.
IIfaut r_parer ou remplacer imm_diatement tout
cordon d'alimentation _lectrique effiloch_ ou
D_brancher le bar ou le r_frig@ateur avin avant
le nettoyage ou toute intervention.
Lesr_parations doivent _tre faites par un technicien
For Monogram local service in gour area, call
For Monogram service in Canada, call
For Monogram Parts and Accessories, call
Design Guide
The Instollotion Spoce..............................3
Side-by-Side Instollotions .....................4
Product Clearances .................................../4
Installation Instructions
Tools Required ..............................................5
Grounding the Product ...........................5
Staining Wood Drawer Fronts .............5
Installing the Custom Frame Panel ...5
Step 1, Remove Packaging ....................5
Step 2, Reverse Door Swing ...................6
Step 5, Level ..................................................7
Step/4, Connect Power .............................7
Step 5, Slide Product into Cutout .........7
Step 6, Install Nameplate ........................7
Step 7, SetTemperature Controls .......7
Custom Frame Panel Hodels ................7
Template for Nameplate.... Back Cover

Desi n Guide
"23-3/4"Min. Standard
*'24-1/4" Min. StainlessSteelFlush
**'24-3/4" Min.FramedFlush
Handle and handle
standoff depth is 1-3/4"
*For a standard installation of Custom-Framed unit: The
product must beinstalled so that the front face will project 2"
forward of adjacent cabinets.Thisposition will allowa full door
swing and prevent interference with adjacent cabinetry.The
opening between cabinets must be 23-3/4" minimum.
*For a standard installation of Stainless Steel unit:The product
must be installedso that thefront face will project 1-3/4"
forward of adjacent cabinets.Thisposition will allowa full door
swing and prevent interference with adjacent cabinetrg.The
opening between cabinets mustbe 23-3/4" minimum.
**For a flush installation of StainlessSteel unit: Installa
1/2"-wide filler strip on the hinge side.Thefiller strip will act as
a spacer between the door caseand adjacent cabinetsand will
prevent interferencewith the cabinet door swing.Recessthe
filler strip 2" back from the front face of the unit, or even with
the front edge of the product case(behind the gasket).Thewidth
of the opening must be 24-1/4" (includingthe 1/2" filler strip).
***For aflush installation of Custom-Framed unit: Installa
1"-widefillerstrip on the hingeside.Thefiller strip will act as
aspacer between the door caseand adjacent cabinetsand
will prevent interference with the cabinet doorswing.Recess
the filler strip 2" backfrom the front face of the unit, or evenwith
the front edge of the product case(behind the gasket).Thewidth
of the opening must be 24-3/4" (includingthe 1" filler strip).
• Thewine chiller,wine reserve and beverage center can
be installed freestanding.
Installation Dim.A /
Filler panel or cleat
to be set back even
with front of case.
These products will fit flush to \
adjacent cabinets when installed
with a Dim.A-width filler panel
or cleat. The filler panel should
be recessed or set back behind
the door and even with the front
edge of the product case.
Product Dim:A
ZDWI240, ZDBI240 1"
ZDWC240, ZDWR240 1/2"
ZDBC240, ZDBR240 1/2"
In a standard installation, '\_ °°
the product will project forward
of adjacent cabinets. SeeDim. A.
PrOduct Dim:A
ZDWI240, ZDBI240 2"
ZDWC240, ZDWR240 1-3/4"
ZDBC240, ZDBR240 1-3/4"
Front edge of product case
Frontface *
Frontedgeof productcase
Additional Specifications
• A 120volt60Hz.,15 or 20amp powersupplg isrequired.
An individual properlg grounded branch circuit or circuit
breakeris recommended.Install a properlg grounded
3-prong electrical receptacle recessed into the back wall
asshown. Electricalmust be locatedon rearwall asshown.
NOTE:GFI(groundfault interrupter)is not recommended.