GE ZBD7005GII, ZPRO7000S Installation Instructions Manual

Ilnstruct ons
[] Laythe dishwasher on its back. [] Secure the panel to the door by inserting the top
and bottom shoulder washers into the matching keyhole slots. Make sure all 4 washers engage the keyhole slots.
Professional Style
Stainless Steel Door Panel Kit
For ZBD7000GII and ZBD7005GII
[] []
Press the panel againstthe door and push downwards until the washers are fully engaged into the keyhole slots. The panel should align evenly with the top and sides,
Stand the dishwasher upright. Open dishwasher
door and drive
the supplied #6 x 2 Phillips
screws through
the inner door
and into the f_ panel. Drive
one screw at
the top and then
one screw on each side as shown. Stainless
Door springs must be installed in the correct position.
Position Left Side Riqht Side
Front N/A Blue Rear Green Green
See Spring Removal instructions below.
[] Close the door and lift the bottom of the support rod
upward and away from the slot in the door hinge.
[] Pull the rod downward from the guide in the
side plate.
[] Remove the spring and spring sleeve from the rod. [] Reassemble in reverse order. NOTES:
The front spring sleeves and support rods are different from the rear ones. When comparing the two support
rods, the front rods have two extra 5/32" diameter
round lugs approximately 1/3 of the way along the rod; the rear rods do not have these lugs. The external spring sleeve for the front spring assembly is the
longer of the two. If the front rod and front sleeve are
installed in the rear position, the door will not open all the way and the rod is likely to come off when the door
is closed, Make sure the correct assemblies are
reinstalled in the correct positions.
Viewing Hole
Take care notto damage the interior lighttrigger operated by the right hand front support rod.
A spring and support rod must always be present in the
right hand front position to activate the light trigger,
Pub,No,31-30573 ]
03-04JR Printedintile UnitedStates