GE WWP1180F User Manual

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Ibur washer
Use and Care of
c,S|'^SBSèffiàs|ì^^ ' ’■' ' ”'■ '
’ '■ '........................................ ................
' ^
Snacemaker Washers WP1170F WWP1180F
Save Time and Money.
Before you caii for service,
use the Problem Solver p22
The GE Answer Center800.626.2000
Important Cautions 3 Energy Saving Tips 4
Good Sorting Means Better 5 Washing
It Pays To Check and 5 Pre-treat . ,
Soaking 5 Operating instructions 6,7
for your Portabie Washer­Model WWP1170F
Operating Instructions 8 for your Stationary Washer— Model WWP1180F
Speciai Recommendations for 9
Washing Permanent Press without dryer
Factors To Consider in 9 Ssisction of Dstsrgents ' . ■ and Soap
The Damaging Effects of 10 Carbonate Detergents on Your Giothes and Washer
How Much Detergent 11 Should You Use?
How To Use Detergent 11 Hard Water— Do You Have !t? 12
Other Lau nd ry Prod u cts 13 How To Remove Stains 14,15
Help us
lieip you...
Bead tliis book carefyily
1+ \A/IM \//^i I ori/H
81 will ywu CAI
maintain your new washer properly.
Keep it handy for answers to your
if you don’t understand something or need more help...Call, toll free:
The GE Answer Center™
800.626.2000 information service
or, write (include your phone
f-ii irmKiTM'X
I lUl I /
Consumer Affairs
General Electric Company
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
Write down the model and , serial nyinbers.
You’!! find them on a label located on the lower left side panel near the front.
Consumer Product Ownership Registration card that came with your washer. Before sending in this card, please write these numbers
Model No.
Serial No.
Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your washer.
if you receive a damaged washer,
immediately contact the dealer (or
builder) that sold you the washer. Save time and money...
before you call for service Check the Problem Solver (page
22). It lists minor causes of operating probiems that you can correct yourself. It could save you an unnecessary service cail.
Wash! ng G u ide f ór D if f erent 16,17
Fabrics and Loads
Common Laundering 18~20 Problems
How To Care for Your Washer 21
GetTo Know Your Washer 21 The Problem Solver 22 Consumer Services 23
Back Cover
con voim
I .r'Vn S Vi’WO-i .1. ■
I if y©y, smell gasT ' .■
,1». Open',window.s , ’■
2. t©ych'‘:eiectrlcal
switches’ ' '
immediately call yoor gas syppiier
■con VOi'iO
■ DQ^lì©t store ©r;yse ^ gasoiiiie.or other - - , ■ • f, ¥ap@rs .and

Iniportant Safety iostrijctions

Read a!l iostryGlions before using this appliance
WARNING ■—When using this
appliance, always exercise basic safety precautions, including the
s V'livyvv If 1^.
® Use this appliance only for its Intended purpose as described in this Use and Care Book.
® Tills washer must be properly Instaffed and located in accordance with the fnstailation Instryctlons before ft Is used. If you did not receive an installation instructions sheet with your washer, you can obtain one by contacting the service location nearest you.
- Properly ground to conform with ali governing codes and ordinances.
~ Install or store where It will not
be exposed to temperatures below freezing or exposed to the weather.
- Connect to a properly rated, |jiUitiULt;u di lu puvvoi­supply circuit to avoid electrical overload.
- Connect to adequate plumbing and drain facilities as described
in the Installation Instructions,
® With stationary model, turn off water faucets when the washer is not in use to relieve pressure on hoses and valves, and to minimize leakage if a hose or valve should break or rupture.
® With portable model, turn
WII ClI l\^ II I
coupler when washer is not in use. ® When disconnecting this
appliance pull by the plug rather than the cord to avoid damage to
the cord or junction of cord and plug. Make sure that the cord is located so that it will not be stepped on, tripped over or otherwise subjected to damage or stress.
® We strongly recommend that CU ly C5C;!VJU/Hiy IVyi I k/y « qualified individual.
® The wiring diagram for this machine is located inside the lovi/er front access panel.
T© rtnfnlmize the possibility of injyry:
® Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acids such as vinegar and/or rust remover. Mixing can produce a toxic gas which may cause death.
® Do not wash or dry articles that have been cleaned in, washed in,
soaked in, or spotted with combustible or explosive substances (such as gasoline, degreasers, dry-cleaning solvents,
vapors that could ignite or explode.
Do not add these substances to
the wash water.
Do not use these substances
around your washer and/or dryer during operation.
® HYDROGEN GAS is produced by
the chemicai action within your water heater and the gas can accumulate in the water heater and/or water pipes if hot water has not been used for a period of two weeks or lonaer. HYDROGEN GAS CAN BE explosive UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES. So to
nro\/onf thp no.Q«ihilit\/ nf
or injury, if you have not used hot water for two weeks or more, or
I MUVt; liiiu a ic^oiuoiiuc; m vvmk<#si li ic?
+ ^ ir» Jlin
hot water system may not have been used for some time, turn on aii hot water faucets and aiiow them to run for several minutes before using any electrical appli ance which is connected to the hot water system. This will allow any hydrogen gas to escape. Of course, since the gas is flam­mabie, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance during this process.
® Never reach into the washer
white parts are moving. Always
stop the washer to load, unload, add forgotten items or add additional laundry aids.
vvmv-rii iiiay yiv^
For your safety, the washer lid is_
.locked closed during spin cycle. To
open lid during spin cycle, push the timer knob !N and wait for lid lock to release, about 30 seconds, before opening.
At end of cycle lid iock will release after about 30 seconds. The washer will fill and agitate with the lid open.
® Close supervision is necessary if this appliance is used by or near children. Do not allow children to
y}\'cxy IIIÎDIUÜ, un Ui Will I \jt
any discarded appliance. Dispose of discarded appliances and ship ping or packing materiais properly.
Before discarding a washer, or removing from service, remove the washer lid.
® Never operate portable model in locations where it could conceiv ably create a hazard, such as top of stairs or edge of unguarded landing.
® Keep ali laundry aids (such as detergents, bleaches, fabric softeners, etc.) out of the reach of children, preferably in a locked cabinet. Observe all warnings on container labels to avoid
persona! injury.
® Keep the area around and under
neath your appliances free from the accumulation of combustible
materials, such as lint, paper, rags,
chemicals, etc.
® Keep the floor around your
appliances clean and dry to reduce
tlîé possibility of slipping.
® To minimize the possibility of electric shock, unplug this appli ance from the power-supply before attempting any maintenance or (except the removal and cleaning of the lint filter).
NOTE: Turning the Cycle Selector + J«s S-» + M/**^T*
tu an V-/I I puoiiiuii
disconnect the appliance from the
Continued next page
ii i iá¡#’fe#b 4&Л1 i ' Safety instruetions (continued)
Do not tamper with controls.
® Do not operate this appliance if ii is damaged, malfunctioning, partially disassembled, or has missing or broken parts, including
a dama^ged cord or plug.
® Do not wash fiberglass articles
in your washer. Skin irritation could result from the remaining particles that may be picked up by clothing during subsequent washer use.
© The laundry process can reduce
the fiame retardancy of fabrics, lo avoid such a result, the garment manufacturer’s care instructions should be followed very carefully.
® Never climb on or stand on the
washer top.

F@r Washer Operation

© Do not leave washer lid up during cycle. The washer will fill and agitate with the lid open.
For your safety, the washer lid is locked closed during spin cycie. To

Optional Accessories for your Spacemakers

Mode! Ml imKc^r r^QO/^rir\+i/^n
1 1 L./^C70l i
WMK-30 Wall-Mount Installation Kit. Use to
11-*+ Hr\/c*r\A/oll \A/Qohnr
iiiv«/UMi t^iyc:^i kw vvcAii
SViay be used with
open lid during spin cycie, push the Cycie Selector IN and wait for lid lock to release, about 30 seconds, before opening.
At end of cycle, lid lock will release after about 30 seconds.
© DO NOT CHANGE CYCLE OR MANUALLY ADVANCE CYCLE SELECTOR WHEN DIAL IS OUT. Push in Cycle Selector and wait for washer to stop, i hen seiect new Cycle and puli Cycle Selector to restart.
DSR-80 Dryer Stack Rack. Supports dryer
WDF-80* Washer/Dryer Frame for unitized
ir* Ino+aMo+irin
III II lv7V&AM«l.iWI t>
ino+'allo+ion 1 loci mcM in+ rlrx/cir* r*n
IliOtCAMCAVIWII. VW 2IIWUI8ll.\^iy\J^I V./ii
top of vi/asher.
riC:Q.7il Hrv/Qr RqqI^-
i~f vr U^l jrwi 1
WPP-50 Conversion Kit. To convert washer
fr> inc+allQ+inn
Accessories are available from your dealer or service organization.
\ ■ /

Energy-Saving Tips

We are all conscious of the need to save energy—to protect our country’s energy reserves and to help us save money. There are several things you can do to reduce the amount of energy
r^r\r\r4r->.M -f/-\ lA/OC*Pi \//-\lir'
1, Use Hot Wash—140° (60°C)—or? a regular basis only when washing heavily soiled articles—such as
\ur\r'lc QnH nlc»\/ r-InthoG
2, Under normal soil conditions, Vi/ash in water above 80°F (27°C). This generally means using the WarrT! Wash temperature setting on your washer—temperatures
approximately 95°F (35°C). If you notice that soil has accumulaied after several consecutive washings, use Hot Wash occasionally, if safe for fabrics.
Л!\л/о\/о in Г^гч1Н \A/cifor Xho
r^lWVbAy^J IlflOW...........................................................................................
temperature of the rinse does not
affect cleaning.
4. Try to wash less often. Save articles of the same type of fat
until you have a full load.
5. if you must wash smaller loads, adjust the amount of water. Small
loads should have lower water levels. .
6. Wash in off-peak utility hours.
X/i-vi*»- ll-fll!’)’!/ /-Ч01-* \//^ll \А/Н1/^1л
lUUI lUV^CU UlMliy ОСИ i ЮМ you VViMOM
are the off-peak hours. IMPORTANT NOTE: If your clothes
and household items don’t look
r>loan anH froch laftor \«/5achinn
what are you apt to do? You will probably then re-wash them...and that means you’ll waste energy.
Remember to sort your clothes carefully, and load them properly, select correct cycles, use enough detergent and choose a water
temperature warm enough to release and get rid of soil.

Good sorting means better washing

Sort by surface texture
ft _ Lint
LINT PRODUCERS—such as terry
toweling and chenille—give up lint. LINT COLLECTORS—such as man
made fibers and napped fabrics like velveteen and corduroy— attract lint. These must be washed
Sort by fabric
Sort by soil
Sort by color
VS Soil “

It pays to check and to pre-treat

® Empty pockets, brush out cuffs, zip zippers, snap snaps, hook hooks and button buttons.
® Do any necessary mending rips, hems, tears.
® Check all items for areas of heavy soil or stain.
® Pre-treat heavy soil by rubbing in
a small amount of liquid detergent or a paste made of water and
For best results wait Vz hour before washing.
• Turn PolyKnits inside-out to minimize fabric surface damage.

Soaking—a good way to loosen deep soils and stains

A thorough soaking with detergent or special soaking agent is an excellent way to remove heavy
ov^iio, C7iiii^^uuc;u uii I oil lu c;vt:;?ii
some stains.
in addition to sorting to reduce lint
collection, it is recommended that fabrics of similar consiruGtlon be washed together whenever possible.
SEE PAGES 16 and 1?.
Soaking can be either a completely separate washing step or a prelimi-
nar\/ cton tr\ a r>r>mr\lQto xA/ooh r>\/^lci
I IVAI j V* WWI I VVMk.71 I wy
For detailed information on how to soak in your washer, see pages 7 or 8.
FOR information ON SOAKING

Operating Instructions

for Your Portable Washer — Mode! WWP1170F

spacemaker washer
This washer may be used in two ways — as a portable or as a built-
in washer. Chances are you wiii first use it as portable and then have it permanently installed at a later date. .
When using your washer as
portable, roll it to the most level position near the water and power
source. Once the washer is in position press “Lock Lever” with your foot (See Illustration A) to secure washer in position. Make sure washer is firm to the floor and
r»/-\+ \A/Ml
I IWl. l\^wr\. VVCAOil^l will I IV^l
move until lever is released. When
you have finished washing, press
“Release Lever” (See Illustration B)
and roll washer to your storage area.
ILLUSTRATION A-LOCK LEVER Press “Lock Lever”—lever on right
to secure your washer in position.
How to Load Your Washer
® Add measured amount of detergent according to load size, amount of soil and water level. See pages 9 through 11 for detailed information on types and amounts of detergent.
® Load clothes loosely. Dry clothes level should be below bottom of wash tub riiTi. Do not put clothes on top of the agitator or wind them around it. For best results, mix large items with small ones. When
washing a single heavy item, such
oo n I'll/-« 0/-4/-4
ело d oi iC4^ 3 v^i ciuu
one or two other pieces to balance the load. Large items should be no more than one-half of the total load.
® Clean lint filter. Be sure filter is
cleaned before washing every
load. See page 21.
® See page 13 for instructions on how to use bleach, fabric softeners
япг1 nthpr l^linHrv nrnHlirtQ
® Close lid. Washer will fill and agitate but will not spin with lid open. This washer has a Safety Lid
Lock. As a safety measure the lid wiii be automaticaiiy locked during the spin portion of each cycle. The lid will automatically unlock about
30 seconds after the end of the
spin cycle. To open lid during spin
cycle, push Cycle Selector IN and
XA/ait for liH loolr to roloaco ahoiit
30 seconds, before opening.

Set tlie controSs

See the Controls Setting Guide on page 7.
O Select Water Level
SMALL: Washer is less than Vz full of clothes.
\/AniAri! 1“. ORAAI I
and LARGE to adjust load sizes between Vz and Vz full.
LARGE: Over Vz full.
If you wis.h to increase level after you’ve made a selection, turn knob to “RESET” and select new level.
m Select Wash/Rinse Temperature Set Wash/Rinse Temperature
switch at Warm/Warm (MANUAL) and leave it at this setting. To
V./V«'! li WMV./IIWI IliUOi illOl
install a faucet adapter according
to the instructions included with the faucet adapter package. Grasp coupler, pull hoses out of cabinet until red marker on hoses is visible.
-Attach the washer’s hose coupler to the faucet, (See Illustration C).
\A/QOh£ir \/r\l I miio+ firof
RELEASE LEVER Press “Release Lever”—lever on left before you attempt to move
For your persona! safety, never reach into washer while parts are moving. Always stop washer to load, unload, add forgotten items or additional laundry aids.
ILLUSTRATION C Grasp white ring on hose coupier and pull it down. Siip hose coupler over faucet adapter and release white ring. This will connect hose coupler to faucet adapter. To test
me wcuei lemperaiure, press tne
red button on the side of the adapter. At the end of the wash cycle turn off faucets, press red button again to relieve pressure and eliminate splashing. Do not disconnect hose coupler until pressure is relieved.
Set wash temperature at faucet. Washer drains into sink. Be sure sink drain is open to prevent
uvtii Iluwmy. Dienu iiui ciiiu uuiu
u^4. ^^1^
water in equal parts for WARM
WASH. After wash agitation has
started, change faucet settings for
P Push Cycle Selector in and turn clockwise to your selected wash cycle.
0 Pul! Cycle Selector out to start the cycle. If you wish to change cycle setting after washer has started, push Cycle Selector in and wait for washer to stop. Then reset to the new position. Setting can be changed at any time during
II ic v^yuic?.
How to Soak in Your Washer
Set WASH/RINSE TEMPERATURE at WARM/WARM (MANUAL) and adjust faucets for desired soak temperature. Add detergent or soak agent. Turn Cycle Selector to desired cycle. Start the washer. After washer fills and begins to agitate, push in the Cycle Selector to stop washer. Allow to soak for as long as desired. After desired
soak, turn to the last Spin. Pul! out the Cycle Selector to complete the cycie.
your rinse water temperature. Be
Cl iro ir\ nil in \A/ochnr in+n o nmnnr’K/-
grounded three-prong receptacle. See your Installation Instructions.
Some adjustment to these recommendations may be desirable depending on your particular washing conditions.
Cottons & Linens
Wash/Rinse Temperature*
Cycle Cycle Selector
Work clothes, dungarees, etc.
with heavy soil Hot/Cold Regular Regular Regular Regular 15
Work clothes, dungarees, etc. with normal soil
Hot/Cold or Warm/Cold
15 15 10 12
White or ^olori3st
Hot/Cold or
For portable, set at Warm/Warm (Manual) and leave it there.
Permanent Press
Heavy or Oily Soil
Hot/Cold Warm/Cold Warm/Cold Warm/Cold Perm. Press Perm. Press Delicate Delicate
Normal or 1 inht Qnil
L-iyi .1
Polyester Knits Syntheiics a Blends
Heavy or Oily Soil
Start Start
Normal or 1 Inht Qnil
l_.yi 11 WWII
Operating Instructions for Your Stationary Washer — Model WWP1180F
® Add measured amount of
deiergent according io ioad Size,
pages 9 through 11 for detailed information on types and amounts of detergent.
e Load clothes loosely. Dry clothes level should be below bottom of wash tub rim. Do not put clothes
r>n fon rif thQ Qnitatr»r r\r lA/inH th/am
1 fcSXfAy \yi LI IVy I LLAiWI Wl VVIII\^ Lll^lll
around it. For best results, mix
large items with small ones. When washing a single heavy item, such as a shag rug or bedspread, add one or two other pieces to balance
the ioad. Large items should be no
more than one-half of the total load. ® Clean lint filter. Be sure filter Is
cleaned before washing every
ioad. See page 21.
e See page 13 for instructions on how to use bleach, fabric softeners and other laundry products.
• Close lid. Washer will fill and agitate but will not spin with iid open. This washer has a Safety Lid Lock. As a safety measure the lid will be automatically locked during the spin portion of each cycle. The
I I ^ t a « i i I I nr« iinl nn Ij' /*« 11^
iiu Will duiuMicuiucuiy umuurv auuui
30 seconds after the end of the spin cycle. To open lid during spin cycle, push Cycle Selector IN and wait for iid lock to release, about
Qn inn
For your persona! safety, never reach into washer while parts are moving. Always stop washer to load, unload, add forgotten items
or additional laundry aids.

Set the controls

See the Controls Setting Guide below.
H Select Water Level SMALL: Washer is less than Vs full
of ciothes.
MEDIUM; Between Vs and Vs full. LARGE: Over Vs full of clothes.
^ Select Wash/Rinse Temperature Cold rinse will be automatically
provided with all cycles.
O Push Cycle Selector in and turn
clockwise to your selected wash
m Pull Cycle Selector out to start + IF +/-V
u ic? vyoicy. II y\j\j vvioil Lu L/iiai i^c;
cycle setting after washer has started, push Cycle Selector in and wait for washer to stop. Then reset to the new position. Setting
I 1^0 \^i icAi c%i m ly
+ irv^/% I I kJ
III I VJUl il ly
the cvcle.
Controls Setting Guide
Some adjustments to these recommendations may be desirable depending on your particular washing conditions.
Polyester Knits
Synthetics & Blends
Heavy or
Oily Soil
Delicate Start
raui lu
Wash/Rinse Temperature
Cycle Qygjo Selector
Cottons & Linens
Work clothes,
uungarGBS, Gic.
with heavy soil Hot/Cold Regular Regular Regular 15 15 15 10
Work clothes,
uijnQSrGGS, GiC.
with normal soil Hot/Coid or
White or
Colorfast Hot/Cold or
Cold/Cold Hot/Cold Regular
Permanent Press
Heavy or
Oily Soil
Perm, Press
Normal or Light Soil
Warm/r.nld Warm/nnlri Warm/nnIH
Perm. Press 8
How to Soak in Your Washer
Switch. Add detergent or soak agent. Turn Cycle Selector to desired cycle. Start the washer. After washer fills and begins to
agitate, push in the Cycle Selector to stop washer. Allow to soak for as long as desired. .After desired soak, turn to the last Spin. Pull out the Cycle Selector to complete
the cycle.
Normal or Light Soil
Delicate Start
+ 16 hidden pages