GE Lighting Systems, Inc.
“The greatest highlight in all of sports!”

GE is . . . Sports Lighting!
General Electric has been
a world leader in sports
lighting for almost 70 years.
The GE Ultra
tradition of sports lighting leadership established
with the first lighted field in 1924. GE lighting
engineers continue to develop technology and
products that focus on one simple goal: Provide the
highest quality and greatest value to our customers!
GE Ultra
stadia such as Coors Field in Denver (back cover)
and Bradley Arena in Milwaukee (right).
★SportTM floodlight continues that
★SportTM floodlights illuminate major
Just a few GE Ultra★Sport lighted facilities . . .
Bradley Arena Hockey/Basketball Milwaukee, WI
Coors Field Baseball Denver, CO
Bowie Field Baseball Bowie, MD
Montreal Forum Hockey/Basketball Montreal, Quebec
Jaguar's Stadium Football Jacksonville, FL
Sam Houston Track Horse Race Track Houston, TX
Memorial Park Softball Las Vegas, NV
Brisbane Club Cricket Brisbane, Australia
Abu Dhabi Racetrack Horse Race Track Abu Dhabi, UAE
Karnataka Stadium Cricket Bangelore, India
Marcana Stadium Soccer Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Spaceage Electric Soccer Abu Dhabi, UAE
Venecia International Soccer Doha, Qatar
University of Maryland Soccer College Park, MD
Skidmore College Soccer Saratoga Springs, NY
Rutgers University Soccer New Brunswick, NJ
University of Virginia Field Hockey & Soccer Charlottesville, VA
Princeton University Football Princeton, NJ
Michigan State University Football East Lansing, MI
Syracuse University Soccer Syracuse, NY
Ottowa Hills High School Tennis Ottowa, OH
Hoover High School Baseball Birmingham, AL
Rodeo Park High School Baseball Tucson, AZ
Coronado High School Football/Track San Diego, CA
NOTE: Patents have been applied for on one or more features referenced in this product guide.

What Is Ultra✭Sport
The Ultra
lamp, optical and ballast technology from various lighting
applications packaged together for the first time in a state of the
art sports lighting design.
The end result is unmatched light output and efficiency with
excellent visibility and color rendering for players, spectators
and color TV broadcasting.
unwanted glare and spill light pollution. And it offers affordable
optional control features like Instant Hot Restart and System
Bi-Level lighting controls. When you look at all the features
the Ultra
light years ahead of the competition.
★Sport floodlight is the combination of proven
★Sport floodlights also offer outstanding control of
★Sport has to offer, you will agree that Ultra
★Sport is
What Does the Ultra✭Sport
Floodlight System Mean to
You? . . . Fewer Fixtures!
The Ultra
number of fixtures required to provide the same required light
levels and uniformity ratios. As a result you get:
★ Lower structural costs
★ Lower maintenance costs
★Sport floodlight system significantly reduces the
Lower installation costs
Less energy consumption
★ IESNA Class III to major stadia where premium quality
lighting and excellent glare control is required.
★ Medium to large indoor arenas.
★ Large stadia and arenas where color TV recording and
broadcasting will be common, and excellent color rendering
and high vertical plane illumination is required.
★ Sports fields and arenas where optional instant hot restart is
desired in case of momentary power interruption or large
line dips. This feature can be critical when TV recording and
broadcasting is taking place and revenues
may be at risk if there is a short duration
power loss that could cause an 8 to 12 minute
fixture blackout.
★ Facilities requiring instant off/on capability
for dramatic theatrical lighting choices.
★ Other general floodlighting applications
where premium lighting is required from a
high wattage metal halide source.

GE is . . . Sports Lighting!
System Features
Advanced Metal Halide Lamp—The Ultra
takes advantage of metal halide lamp technology, proven by
decades of use in all types of lighting applications. It uses an
advanced generation of lamps specifically designed for use in
sports lighting. Offered in a choice of 2000, 1500 or 1000 watts,
these white light sources feature a double-ended design without
an outer bulb, and provide an average rated life of 3000, 6000
and 10,000 hours, respectively. A standard mogul-base 1500W
metal halide lamp has an average rated life of 3000 hours.
These advanced lamps also provide excellent color rendering
with a 4000 degree Kelvin color temperature.
★Sport floodlight
New Optical Design—A two-piece reflector configuration is
utilized featuring a Rear/Primary reflector and a Front/
Secondary reflector.
The Rear/Primary reflector is made of press-molded glass
featuring a special high reflectance coating for a mirror like
finish and 95% visible light reflectivity. The Front/Secondary
reflector is spun from high quality specular aluminum and has a
GE patented ALGLAS
This new lamp/reflector configuration produces a more
efficient and effective oval light distribution with very tight
vertical light control to minimize wasted light and maximize light
on the playing field.
External visors/louvers add to
EPA/windload; reduced efficiency
Internal Glare/Spill Light Control
Internal glare arc cutoff skirts—
no effect on EPA/windload;
higher efficiency