with RefreshmentCenter
PartNo. 162D7736PO05 Pub.No.49-6909

YouAre Now Partof theGEFamily.
Welcome to the GE family.
We're proud of our quality
products and we are
committed to providing
dependable service. You'll
see it in this easy-to-use
Owner's Manual and you'll
hear it in the friendly voices
of our customer service
Best of all, you'll experience
these values each time you
use your refrigerator.
That's important, because
your new refrigerator will
be part of your family for
many years. And we hope
you will be part of ours for a
long time to come.
We thank you for buying
GE. We appreciate your
purchase, and hope you
will continue to rely on us
whenever you need quality
appliances for your home.
\l Jt
Proofof theoriginalpurchase date
isneeded to obtainservice under
the warranty.
Write the model and serial
numbers here.
Youcan find them on a label on the
wall beside the top drawer or at the
bottom,just inside the fresh food
compartment door.

GE& You,
A ServicePartnership.
Ask any GEappliance owner and they will
tellyou we stand behindour products with
unmatched quality service. However,did
you know that mostquestions result from
simpleproblems thatyou can easilyfix
yourself injust a few minutes? This
Owner'sManual can tellyou how.
Inside you will find many
helpful hints on how to use and
maintain your refrigerator
properly.Just a little preventive
care on your part can save you a
great deal of time and money
over the life of your refrigerator.
Safety Information
You'll find many answers to
common problems here.
If you review our chart of
Troubleshooting Tips first, you may
not need to call for service at all.
If YouNeedService
If you do need service, you can
relax knowing help is only a phone
call away. A list of toll-free
customer service numbers is
included in the back section. Or, in
O.$., you can always call the GE
Answer Center ® at 800.626.2000,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In Canada call 800-361-3400.
forCanadianCustomers.... ,41
forU.S,Customers.......... 42
English .................. 4
Fra_.ais ................ 43
Espaflol ................. 87
Numbers.......... BackCover

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual.
When usingelectrical appliances, basicsafety precautions
should be followed, includingthe following:
[] This refrigerator must be
properly installed and
located in accordance with
the Installation Instructions
before it is used.
[] Do not allow children to
climb, stand or hang on the
shelves in the refrigerator.
They could damage the
refrigerator and seriously
injure themselves.
Do not allow anyone to
climb, sit, stand, or hang
on the Refreshment Center
door. They could damage the
refrigerator and maybe even
tip it over, causing severe
personal injury.
Do not touch the cold
surfaces in the freezer
compartment, particularly
when hands are damp or wet.
Skin may stick to these
extremely cold surfaces.
[] Do not store oruse gasoline
or other flammable vapors
and liquids in the vicinity of
this or any other appliance.
[] In refrigerators with
automatic icemakers, avoid
contact with the moving parts
of the ejector mechanism, or
with the heating element that
releases the cubes. Do not
place fingers or hands on the
automatic icemaking
mechanism while the
refrigerator is plugged in.
[] Keep fingers out of the
"pinch point" areas;
clearances between the
doors and between the doors
and cabinet are necessarily
small. Be careful dosing
doors when children are in
the area.
[] Unplug the refrigerator
before cleaning and making
NOTE: Westronglyrecommend
that anyservicingbeperformed
bya qualified individual
m Turning the control to the
OFFposition does not remove
power to the light circuit.
[] Do not refreeze frozen
foods which have thawed

Child entrapment and suffocation are not problems of
the past.Junked or abandoned refrigerators are still
dangerous...even if they will sit for "just a few days."
If you are getting rid of your old refrigerator, please
follow the instructions below to help prevent accidents.
Before YouThrow Away YourOldRefrigerator
or Freezer:.
[] Take off the doors.
[] Leave the shelves in place so that children may not
easily climb inside.
Your old refrigerator has a cooling system that used
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs are believed to harm
stratospheric ozone.
If you are throwing away your old refrigerator, make
sure the CFC refrigerant is removed for proper disposal
by a qualified servicer, ffyou intentionally release this
CFC refrigerant you can be subject to fines and
imprisonment under provisions of the Federal Clean

Donot, underanycircumstances, cut orremove the third
(ground)prong fromthe power cord.Forpersonal safeq,
thisappliance mustbe properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with a 3-prong
(grounding) plug which mates with a standard 3-prong
(grounding) wall outlet to minimize the possibility of electric
shock hazard from this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician
to make sure the outlet is properly grounded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is encountered, it is your
personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a
properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
The refrigerator should always be plugged into its own individual
electrical outlet which has a voltage rating that matches the rating
This provides the best performance and also prevents overloading
house wiring circuits which could cause a fire hazard from
overheated wires.
Never unplug your refrigerator by pulling on the power cord.
Always grip plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have become
frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not use a cord that shows cracks
or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.
When moving the refrigerator away from the wall, be careful not to
roll over or damage the power cord.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions,
we strongly recommend against the use of an adapter plug.
However, if you must use an adapter, where local codes permit, a
terala_ty connexion may be made to a properly grounded 2-prong
wall outlet by use ofa UL-listed adapter available at most local
hardware stores.

Thelargerslotin theadaptermustbealignedwiththelargerslotin
thewalloutlettoprovideproperpolarityin theconnectionofthe
theadapterin placewithonehandwhilepullingthepowercord
plugwiththeotherhand.If thisisnotdone,theadapterground
If theadaptergroundterminalbreaks,DO NOT USE the refrigerator
until a proper ground has been established.
Attaching the adaptergroundterminalto a wall outlet coverscrew doesnot
ground theapplianceunlessthe coverscrew ismetal, andnot insulated,and the
wall outlet isgroundedthroughthe house wiring. Youshouldhave thecircuit
checkedby a qualifindelectrtcian tomakesure theoutlet isproperlygrounded.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an
extension cord.
However, if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely
necessary that it be a UL-listed, 3-wire grounding type appliance
extension cord having a grounding type plug and outlet and that
the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and
120 volts.
Yourcontinued health and safety are important to us.
Please read and follow this Safety Information carefully.
We wantyou to remain a happyandhealthy part of our

Aboutthe controlsonthe refrigerator.
The temperature controls on your refrigerator have letters and numbers.
Initially set the fresh food control at 5 and the freezer control at C.
Ifyou want colder or warmer temperatures,adjust thefresh food
temperature first. When satisfied with thatsetting, adjust the freezer
OI:F i'_'_'}'_
5 is Initial Setting
9 is Coldest
_, _ c 6 _:
Cis InitialSetting
E isColdest
The fresh food control maintains the temperatures
throughout the fresh food compartment.
Moving the fresh food control to OFFstops cooling in
both areas--flesh food and freezer--but does not shut
off power to the refrigerator.
Freezer Control
The freezer control maintains the temperatures
throughout the freezer compamnent.

The Electronic Monitor and Diagnostic System monitors the operation of
your refrigerator and controls dispenser functions.
Lighted word NOR/IOIL indicates that no failure has been
detected by the diagnostic system.
_DOOR OPEN. Red signal light flashes to tell you when
_ Flashing diagnostic codes in the display warn you when:
_ Electronic control allows you to select CUBED ICE,
either door is open.
WARM TEMP.Red signal light tells you when freezer food-
keeping temperature is above noxrnal.
[] frozen foods should be checked.
[] power has been interrupted.
[] icemaker may not be operating properly.
[] defrost system has failed.
What these codes mean-and what to do when
they appear--is explained more thoroughly on the
following pages.
SYSTEM CHECK-RESETpad puts a review of the electronic
diagnosis of four coded functions at your fingertip and
also allows you to erase codes from display.
CRUSHEDICEor CHILLEDWATERand signal light confirms
your choice.
Signal light tells you that the DOORAlARMbeeper has been
set to sound after either door has been open 30 seconds.

Aboutthecontrolsonthe refrigerator.
When YourRefrigerator is FirstPlugged In
All panel lights come on for five seconds, a beep sounds, and lights
go offexcept as follows:
[] Pk-flashes in the display. Touch SYSff_M CHECK-RESE'rpad to
erase it.
[] Word NO_q/l£ glows.
[] Red WARM TEblPlight glows if freezer compartment
temperature is higher than normal. It goes offwhen proper food-
keeping temperature is reached.
[] Door alarm beeper is activated and light on DOOR
pad glows.
[] CRUSHEDICEselection light glows.
[] Red DOOR OPEN light flashes if either door is open, goes
out when doors are shut.
[] Night light in ice and water dispenser is off.
........ How to Set the Door Alarm
You don't have to set the visual alarm. As long as either
door is open, the red DOOR ORENsignal light flashes.
If the signal light on the DOORALARMpad is glowing,
the beeper alarm is set. If it's not, touch the pad to turn
it on.
If either door is open for more than 30 seconds, a
recurring beep sounds.
The light goes out and the beeping stops when you close
the door.
There are times when you'll want the door alarm beeper
turned off. When you're rearranging a lot of food, for
example,just touch the pad. The light will go out and
the beeping will stop.
Deactivating the door alarm beeper does not turn the
red DOOR OPEN light off--it keeps flashing until the door
is closed.

Why the Red WARM TEMPLight Glows
At first, it's probably because your newly-installed
refrigerator hasn't completely cooled down yet. Wait a
few hours for it to cool, and then the light will go out.
From then on, the red light will glow whenever
temperatures inside get too high for proper food
storage, ffthis happens, open the doors only when
absolutely necessary, and close them as quickly as
As soon as inside temperatures retum to normal, the
light goes out.
If the WARM TEMP light reappears and stays on for
longer than 4 hours, call for service.

Aboutthe controlsontherefrigerator.
How the Electronic Monitor and Diagnostic
System Works
The electronic monitor and diagnostic system alerts you
when something starts to go wrong.
Ifa diagnostic code appears on the display, something
needs special attention. To get your attention, the
display code flashes until you erase it. The first 6 flashes
are accompanied by beeps.
If more than one coded function requires attention at
the same time, the one with the highest priority will be
displayed first.
Pressing the SYSTEM CHECK-RESETpadwill evaluate all
other coded functions. If the NORMAL display is lit
during the displaying of a code, that function is
operating properly.
Pressing the SYSTEM CHECK-RESETpad will erase two
codes immediately-Wand CI.The dEand/:fcodes can
only be erased by touching the SYSTEM CHECK-RESET
pad after the condition that caused the code to flash has
been corrected.
The word NORMAL is lighted except when a failure has
been detected.
TheSYSTEM CHECK-RESETpadhas two functions_
You can touch the SYSTEM CHECK-RESETpadand
get a review of the electronic diagnostic codes in
order of their priority.
You can touch the SYSTEM CHECK-RESETpad to
erase two flashing codes immediately and two codes
after the condition that caused them to flash has
been corrected.

This flashing code tells you to check your frozen food.
Has any of it started to thaw? A package may be holding
the freezer compartment door open. Don't open the
door more often than absolutely necessarywhile this
code is displayed. Touching the SYSTEM CHECK-RESET
pad after the freezer compartment temperature has
returned to normal will erase the code.
This flashing code tells you the power to the refrigerator
has been interrupted for more than two seconds. Check
the condition of food in both the fresh food and freezer
compartments. Touch the SYSTEM CHECK-RESETpad
to erase the code.
There is no fault with the refrigerator when the l:_'code
This flashing code tells you to check the automatic
icemaker. Ice clumps in the storage bin may have stalled
the icemaker. Follow corrective measures described in
Troubleshooting _ps. If water supply to the icemaker is not
connected or not turned on, make sure the icemaker
feeler arm is in the STOP (up) position. Code stops
flashing when problem is corrected or SYSTEM CItECg-
RESET pad is touched.
This flashing code tells you something is wrong with the
defrost system--keep doors closed to retain cold and call
for service. Code flashes until problem is corrected.