"I CY°_ " '
_,.i lY% ¸ _i
English section begins on page 2
Models 20-27
Moddes 20-27
La section fran_aise commence a la page 28
La seccion en espat_ol empieza en la pagina 52
Part No. 162D7744PO05 Pub, No, 49-6953 9-97 CO

Safety Information
SafetYPrecautions ,3
UseofExtensior,Cords.. .3
HowtoConnectElectricW 4
UseofAdapterPlug_ ,.4
Operating instructions
Control_ ,5
Features..... 5-9
AutomaticIcemaker...... 9
IceandWaterDispenser ,70
CareandCleaning......... l 7-73
YouAm Now Partof theGEFamily
Welcome to dm GE tinnily. We're proud of our
quality pro&lcts and we are commiued to pr_widing
dependable sevd( e. You'll see it in this easy-to-use
Owner's Manual and you'll hear it in dm tiiendly
voices of our customer service deparmmm.
Best of all, you'll experiem e these values each time
you use your refiigerator. That's important, be( arise
your new refiigel;itor _dllbe part ofy_nlr imnily fi)r
many years. And we hope you _dll be pro1 of ours ti)r
a long time to come.
7 , " • _ _ • ,% .
X\e d_ankyou fo_ bu}ang ( _E \,\e app* eoate ),ou,
pur( hase, and hope you ,,,.ill(onthme to rely on us
whenex er you need (lualib_applian( esfor your home
GE& You,AServicePartnership.
Installation instructions
&stafftheRefrigerator 74
WaterLineInstatbtlon..... 75-17
Troubleshooting Tips
NormalOperatingSounds...... 18
CarlForService 18-21
Customer Service
Warrantk forU,S,Customers. .22
PerformanceDataSheet....... 23
Stateof CaliforniaWater
TreatmentDeviceCertificate ,24
ProductRegistration....... 25
Numbers............ BackCover
Fill out and return the Consumer Product Registration Card that is
packed x_'ithdfis product. Ifyou cannot find it, please send in d_e
duplicate card primed in tl_e back ofdfis section.
Write the model and serial numbershere:
You can find dram on a label inside d_e fiesh fi)od (omparmmm
on the top.
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proof of the original purd_ase dale is needed I()oblain serxi( e
under the warranty.
Inside you will find many helpfid hints on how to use and mainudn
your refiigerator properly.Just a little preventive (are on your pan
tan save you a g_eat deal of time and money over the liib of your
You'll find many ansx_ers to common problems in the Before You
CallForService section. Ifyou rexiew our chart of Troubleshooting
Tipsfrst, you may not need to call for serviceat all.
If you do need service, you can rebL,cknotting help is only a phone
call away. A list of toll-flee customer service numbers is included in
the back se( tion. Or, intheU.&,you can aMays call the GE Answer
Cemer: at 800.626.2000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In Canada,
call 800-361-3400.

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following."
;This refrigerator must be properly installed
and lo(ated in accordan(e _fith tlle Installation
Insuu(0ons before it is used.
_'<_'Do not allow chil&en to climb, stand or hang
on the shelves in the refligerator. They (ould
damage the refiigerator and seriously injure
_;Do not much the cold surlilces in the fleezer
comparunent, pm0culmly when hands are
d_unp or wet. Skin may stick to these exuemely
cold surlimes.
_ I)o not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in tlle vi(inity of dos or any
other applian( e.
_?_Inrefligerators with automa0c icemakers,
avoid contact with the m_Mng parts of the
ejector mechanism, or with the heaong element
that releases the cubes. Do not place fingers or
hands on the automa0c icemaking mechanism
while the refligeramr isplugged in.
Kee t) fingers out of tlie "pinch point" areas;
clemances between the doors and between
the doors and cabinet me necessarily small.
Be caretul ch)sing doors when children are
in the area.
_,'_Unplug the retiigev, m)r befi ne cleaning and
making repairs.
NOTE:Westrongly recommendthatanyservicing be performed
_ Turning the control to the OFFposition does
not remove power to the light (ir_uit.
}_Do not refleeze flozen foods which have
thawed {ompletely.
Child enuapment and sufli)cation are not problems
of the past.Junked or abandoned refrigerators me
still dangerous...even if they will sit ti)r "just a tew
days." If you are get0ng rid of your old refrigerator,
please fi)lh)w the instrucOons below to help prevent
Before You ThrowAway YourOldRefrigerator
or Freezer:
i_YTake off the doors.
>_I_eavethe shelves in place so that children may
not easily dimb inside.
Your old refiigerator has a cooling systeln that used
CFCs ((hh)rofluoro(arbons). (FCs are believed to
harm stratospheri( ozone.
If you me throwing away your old refrigerator, make
sure the CF( refiigerant is rem{)xvd fin proper
disposal by a qualified set_icer. If you intentionally
release this (FC refrigerant you can be subject to
fines and imprisonment uncDr pr{)visions of the
Fe(Dral Clean Air Act.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend
against the use of anextension cord.
However, if you must use an extension cord, it isabsolutely necessat T that it be a UIAisted,
3-xdre grounding type appliance extension _ord hax4ng a grounding type plug and outlet
and that the eledrk al raOng of the _ord be 15amperes (minimum) and 120 vohs.

Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded.
The pc)wer cord of this appliance is equipped xdth a
3-prong (grounding) plug which mates xdth a
standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet to
minimize the possibility of ele_ tri( sho(k hazard
flom this applian( e.
Have tile wall outlet and circuit checked by a
qualified electrician to make sure tile outlet is
properly grounded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong outlet, it isyour
personal responsibility and obligation to have it
replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall
The refiigerat or shoukl always be pMg,g,ed into its.
own indMdual electrical outlet which has a vohage
radng that matches tile radng plate.
This provides tile best perli)rmance and also
prex ents overloading house wiring dr(uits which
could callse a fire hazard flom oxerheated wires.
Never unplug your refligemtor by pulling on tile
power (ord. Always grip plug firmly and pull suaight
out fiom tim outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that
have become iiayed or otherwise dmnaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage
along its length or at either end.
When m_wing the refligerator away from the
wall, be caretul not to roll over or damage tile
power cord.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against
the use of an adapter plug.
However, if you nmst use an adapter, where local
(:odes pemfit, a temporary connection may be made
to a properly grounded 2-prong wall outlet by use
ofa UI.-listed adapter available at most lo(al
hardware stores.
Tile larger slot in tile adapter nmst be aligned whh
the larger slot in tile wall outlet to provide proper
polarity in tile connection of the power (ord
When disconnecting the power cord flom the
adapter, ahvays hold the adapter in place with one
hand while pulling the pc_wercord pMg with the
other hand. If this is not done, the adapter ground
terminal is veU likely to break with repeated use.
If tile adapter ground terminal breaks, DO NOTUSE
tile retiigerat or undl a proper ground has been
Attachingthe adaptergroundterminaltoa walloutlet
coverscrewdoesnot.groundthe applianceunlessthe
coverscrewis metal,andnoti?}sulated,andthewaft
outlet isgroundedthroughthehousewiring.Youshould
havethe cFcuitcheckedbYa qualifiedelectriciantomake
sumtheoutlet isproperlygrounded.
Readandfollow thisSafetyInformationcarefully.

Aboutthe controlson the refrigerator.
The temperature controls on your refrigerator have letters Ifyou want colder or warmer temperatures, adjust the
and numbers. Initially set the fresh food control at 5 and fresh food temperature first. When satisfied with that
the freezer control at C. setting, adjust the freezer temperature.
Control Settings
Fhe tiesh ti)o(1conuol main/ains the temperatures throughout the tiesh ti)od comparmmnt.
M_)_ingthe tiesh ti)o(1 conuol to OFFstops cooling in both meas-tiesh tood and tieezer-but does not
shut off power to the retiigerator.
@ Freezer Control
Fhe tieezer conuol maint;fins the/emperamres throughout the tieezer compartnmnt.
How ToTestTemperatures
Use the nfilk test fin the tiesh tbod compartnmnt. Place a comainer of nfilk on the lop shelf
and check it a day lamr. If the nfilk is too wmm or too cold, a(!just the temperature controls.
Use the ice cre;un test tbr the fleezer compartment. Place a container of ice cream in the
center of the fleezer and check it after a day. If it's too hard or/oo soft, a(!iust the
temperature controls.
After chawingthecontrols,allow24hoursfor therefr(geratorto reachthetemperature,youhaveset,

About the water filter cartridge.
On some models
Discard theplastic cap.
Place the top at the cartridge up
inside the cartridge holder and
slowly turn it to the right,
Tile _ater filler cartridge islocated in the
upper right,hand corner of the flesh fi)od
compartment, right below the temperature
The fiber caruidge should be replaced
e_e_,sir monthsor earlier if the flow of
water to the water dispenser or icernaker
Installing the Filter Cartridge
F-_Ifvou are repla( ing the / artridge, frst
re_noxetile old one by slowlytt'nning it
to the left. Donot pull down on the
cartridge. A small amount of water may
drip down.
[_Remove and discard the plastic cap
flom the new cartridge.
[_Fill tile replacement cartridge with water
forn the tap.
[_Applv the month and year sticker to the
caru-i_dgeto remind v(_uto replace tile
fher in sixmonths.
[_Place the top of the cartridge up inside
the caruidge bolder. Do not push it up
into tile bolder.
_Shrwlv turn it to the right until tile filler
cmui(lge stops. DONOTOVERTIGHTEN.
As you turn the (artridge, it will
amomati( ally raise itself into position
[_n:i m water flom the dispenser f)r 1
rune (about a half g_{llon) to clear
the system and prevent sputtering.
NOTE:A newly-installed water fiher
(aruidge may causewater to spurt flom
the dispenser.
Filter Bypass Plug
Y()u must use the filter bypass plug
when a replacement filter cartridge is not
available. The dispenser and the icernaker
xdll not operate without the fiher oi fiher
bypass plug.
()jlestions?...Call tile (;E Answer Center:
Replacement filters:
Toorder additional filter cartridges, call GE
Parts and Accessories, 800-626-200Z
FXRT--Chlorine, Taste and Odor
Suggested Retail $29.95
FXRC-Chlorine, Taste and Odor-
I_ead and Cysts
Suggested Retail $34.95
About the refrigerator shelves andbins.
Not all features are on all models.
P_de' Bins on the Fresh Food Compartment Door
Adjustable bins can easily be carried fom
refligerator to work area.
Toremove:l Jfi bin straight up until
mounting books disengage.
Toreplace or relocate: Select desired shelf
height, engage bin's hook in slots on the
tracks of the door, and push in. Bin will lo(k
in pla( e.
Thedivider helps prevent tipping, spilling oi
sliding of small items stored on tile door
shell Place a finger on either side of the
dixider near the font and move it back and
tbrth to fit your needs.

Rearranging the Shelves
Shelves in tile tiesh food and tieezer (omp'artments are a(!justable.
ToRemove ToReplace
[] LiftupandOUt m
i _"!"P
[] ,o e.
[] Lowe,to
lock in place
Freezer Compartment:
iiiilCC ii
Spillproof Shelves
Spillproof shelves have special edges
to help prevent spills fiom dripping to
lower shelves.
Deep Door Shelves in the Freezer Compartment
Detachable shelf extenders deepen and Toremove: Lift tile shelf extender straight up
enclose fixed door shelves, provi(fing until the mounting hooks ((line out of tile
more storage r(l()m and greater storage slots in tile door.
flexibility. Toreplace: I Jne up tlle hooks wifll tlle slots
in the door and push in and down.

Aboutthe refrigeratorrocks.
Juice Can Rack
Cans of iiozen juice are easily a_cessible
when stored in tile rack oil the freezer
comparWnen[ door.
F_ Place first can here,
r_l Additional cans go here,
Aboutthe storagedrawers.
Not all features are on all models.
Fruit and Vegetable Drawers
Excess water thai illav a((illillllaIe in tile
boI[oIIl of the drawers should lyeemptied
and tile drawers wiped d U.
Toloadit, place die first can in die bouom of
tim rack. Then Mad additional (ans imo file
ra(k fiom tile top.
I AdjustableHumidityPan
Adjustable Humidity Drawers
Slide tile control all tile way to tile
veghighsetting to provide high humidity
re(ommended fbr most vegetables.
Sealed Snack Pack
The sealedsnackpack (an lyemoved to tile
most usefifl location for your f_unily's needs.
Convertible Meat Drawer
Tile (onvertible illeat drawer has its own
ct)ld air duct to allow a stream of cold air
tiom tile tieezer compmmmnt/o flow
an hind tile drawer.
Thevariable temperaturecontrolregulams
the air flow flom the fleezer compamnent.
Slide tile conuol all tile way to tile fruit low
setting to provide lower humidity levels
recommended tot most fi+uits.
Set control lever downto tile coldest setting
to store flesh meats. If lever is leti in meat
position for a long period of time, some
fiost may ti)rm on tile inside of the drawer.
Set conuol lever up to convert tile drawer to
normal retiigerator temperature and
pn Mde extra vegetable storage space. (;old
air duct is turned off. Variable settings
bem+een these exuemes can be selected.

Aboutstoragedrawer removal
Not all features are on all models.
Drawers can easily be ielll{)ved by tilting up
slightly and pulling past stop location.
Onsomemodelsyou mayneedtoremovethe
Drawer Removal
When replacing thedrawers, make
sureyou slide them through the
drawer guides on the left side,
removingthe drawers.
Aboutthe automaticicemaker.
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 8 to 12hours to begin making ice.
Automatic Icemaker (onsomemodels)
Tile icemaker _dll produce eight cubes pet
(T(le--approximately 120 cubes in a 24-hour
period, depen(fing tm tieezer comparmmm
temperature, room temperature, number
of door openings and other use conditions.
If the retiigerator is operated before tile
water C()IlIle([i()II is illade 1o tile i(eiilaker,
keep tile teeler arm in tile STOP(up)
When tile refligerator has been connected
to tile water supply, move tile feeler arm to
tile ON (down) position.
Tile icemaker will fillwith water when it cools
to freezing. A newly-installed refrigerator may
take 8to 12hours tobegin making ice Qlbes.
Throw away tile first fi_wbatches of ice to
allow tile water line to (lear.
If the door prevents you fiom taking out
tl_edrmvers, tim retiigerator will need to
be rolled fi)rward until the door opens
enough to slide tile (hawers out. In some
rases when you roll the refrigerator out you
Mll need to re(we tile refiigerat or to tile left
asyou roll it out.
Raise the access door to reach the
icemaker bin,
Be sure nothing interteres xdtll tile sxfingof
tile teeler arm.
It is normal fi)r several cubes to be.joined
If ice is not used frequently, oM ice cubes
will become clou(b_ and taste stale.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
Ifyour refligerator (rid not come already
equipped with an mlmmafic icemaker,
an icemaker accesso U kit is available at
extra cost.
Check tile back of tile refligerator fi)r
tile specific icemaker kit needed fi)r
your model.

About the ice and water dispenser.
On some models
ToUse the Dispenser
Press the rim of the glass gently against the
dispenser pad.
Set the selector s_df(hto CUBES,CRUSHED
ICE(oil some models) or WATER,
Tile spill shelf is not seffdraining. To
re&ice water spotting, file shelf and its grille
should be (leaned regularly.
If nowateris dispensedwhentherefrigeratoris
first instafled,there`rmaybeair inthewater line
.system.Pressthedispensdpadfor at leasttwo
rminutesto rremmovetrappedairfrom.the water
lineandto tiff the watersystem..Toflushout
impuritiesin thewaterline,throw awaythefirst
sixglassfulsof water.
Ice Storage Bin
IJfi tile left corner toflee tile bin flom tile
shelf and pull the bin suaight out while
supporting it at fiont and rear.
Slide the bin back until tile tab on tile bin
locks into the slot on the shell If the bin
does not go all the way back, remove it and
rotate the drive mechanism 1/4 turn. Then
push the bin back again.
A light s_dlch (on some models) turns the
nightlightin tile dispenser on or off. The
light also comes on when the dispenser pad
is pressed. Tile light in the dispenser should
be replaced with a 7 wall maximum bulb
when if burns out.
CAUTION: Never put fingers or any other
ol2jects ibto the ice crasher discharge opening.
• i
Important Facts About Your Dispenser
Do no[ add ice from Uaysor bags to
the storage bin. It may not (rash or
dispense well.
>:Avoid ovedilling glass with ice and use of
nmrow or exua-mll glasses, l_mkecl-up ice
canjmn the chute or cause the door in
the chute to freeze shut. If ice is blocking
the chute, poke it through with a w{)oden
>:Beverages and toods sh()uM not be
quick-chilled in tile ice storage bin.
Cans, bottles or tood packages in the
storage bin may cause the icemaker or
auger tojmn.
ii Some crashed ice may be dispensed even
though you selected CUBES.This
happens occasionally when a t;ewrubes
accidentally get directed to the crasher.
>_After crashed ice is dispensed, some
water may drip fiom tile (hute.
>:Sometimes a mound of sn()w will ti)rm on
the door in the ice chute. This condition
is normal and usually oc(urs when you
have dispensed crashed ice repeatedly.
Tile snow_dll evenulally evapora/e.
ii Dispensed water is not ice coM. For
coMer water, simply add crashed ice or
cubes betore dispensing water.

Careand cleaning of therefrigerator.
ill ii _
Cleaning the Outside
Thedispenser well, (on some models)
ben eath tile grille, sh__uldbe _dped (h7. _,\'_net
left in the well may leave deposi/s. Rem_)ve
tile deposi/s by adding undiluted vinegar to
the well. Soak until the deposits disappear
or become loose enough to rinse away.
Thedispenserpad(on somemodels). Clean
with warm water and baking soda solution-
about a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda
to a qumt (11) of water. Rinse thoroughly
and wipe (h7.
HINT:Openthefreezerdoorpart waytoprevent
dispensingof iceor water whencleaning,
Cleaning the Inside
Tohelp prevent odors, leave an open box of
baking soda in the fiesh fi)od and fieezer
Unplugtherefrigeratorbeforecleaning.If this
is not pcaclical, x_Tingexcess moisture out of
sponge or cloth when cleaning ar{nmd
swituhes, lights or conuols.
Use warm water and baking soda solution-
about a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda
to a qumt (11) of water. This both cleans
and neutralizes odors. Rinse and wipe dU.
Thedoorhandlesandtrim.Clean with a
cloth dampened with soapy water. DU
xdth a soft cloth.
Keeptheoutside clean.Wipe with a clean
cloth lightly dmnpened with kitchen
appliance wax or miM liquid dish detergent.
DU and polish with a clean, soft cloth.
Do not wipe the refrigerator with a soiled dish
cloth or wet towel, Thesemay leave a residue
that can erode thepaint, Do not use scourDg
pads,powdered cleaners, bleach or cleaners
containing bleach because these products can
scratch and weaken the paint fimsh,
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves (on some
models) with hot water because the extreme
temperature,difference may cause them to break,
Handleglass shelves carefully Bumping
tempered glass can causeit to shatteL
Do not wash any plastic refrigerator parts in the
Washice traysin lukewarmwateronly--do not
putthemin anautomaticdishwashe_
After cleaning tile door gaskets, apply a thin
layer ofpeuoleumjelly to the door gaskets
at the hinge side. This helps keep the
gaskets tiom sticking and bending out of
yemly cleaning, rem{)ve bottom fleezer
basket and flush a solution of baking soda-
1 teaspoon (5 ml) and 2 cups (500 ml) of
hot (not boiling) water-through tile drain
line with the help of a meat baster. This will
help eliminate odor and reduce the
likelihood of a clogged drain line. Ifdrain
becomes clogged, use a meat baster and
baking so(It solution m ti)rce tile clog
tim )ugh the drain line.

Careand cleaning of therefrigerator.
Behind the Refrigerator
Be (arefill when m(Mng tl_e refligerat()r
away fiom the wall. All b,pes of floor
coverings can be damaged, particularly
(:ushioned (_werings and dlose with
embossed su_tiJces.
Pull the refiigerat()r straight out and return
it to position by pushing it suaight in.
Moving tile refligerator in a side direction
may result in damage to tile floor o)vering
or refiigeralor.
Under the Refrigerator
Whenpushing the refrigerator back, make sure
you don't mfl over thepower cord or icemaker
supply line (onsome models).
Clean tile condenser coils at least
once a yeaF,
For most efticient operation, keep the
area under tile refligerator clean. Rem_)ve
tile base grille and sweep away or vaomm
up &1st.
For best remits, use a brash specially
designed fi)r this purpose. It isavailable at
most appliance paris stores.
Preparing for Vacation
For loIlg vacafioils or absen(es, renlt)ve
fi)od and unplug tile refligerator. Move tile
flesh fi)od (ontrol to tile Off position, and
{lean the interior _dth a baldng soda
solution of one tablespoon (15 ml) of
baking soda to one (plan (1 1) of water.
I_eave tile doors open.
M_)vetile icemaker feeler mm (on some
models) to tile STOP (up) position and shut
ofttile water supply to tile refiigeralor.
If tile temperamre can &op beh)w fleezing,
have a qualified servicer drain tile water
supply system (on some models) to prevent
serious property damage &le to floo(fing.
Preparing to Move
Se(:ure all loose items su(h as grille, shelves and drawers by taping them securely
in place to prevent damage.
Besuretherefrigeratorstayskl anupr/_Thtpositionduringmoving.

Replacing thelightbulbs.
Turning the control to the OFFposition does not remove power to the light circuit.
Fresh Food Compartment--Upper Light
[_Unplug the refligerator.
[_n o align the control knobs properly,
ore position of eadl knob ]br proper
reassembly, move both knobs all the way
to the left, then pull them off.
_o remove the light shieM, pull it
raight out.
After replacingwith an appliancebulb of the
sameor lower wattage,reinstafl the l/qht shield,
Replacethe controlknobs,move themto their
previoussettlbgsandplug the refrigerator back in,
FreshFood Compartment--Lower Light (o, somemodels)
Thislightis locatedeitherbehindthetopdrawer
or rightabovethetopdrawer(dependingonyour
_-_U nplug the refligerator.
_lf the lightisbehindthetopdrawervou
dll need to remove the (hawer axed the
shelf aboveit. See tlle Aboutstorage
drawer removaland About therefrigerator
[_(hasp the bottom of the light shieM and
pull it fi)iward and up.
After replacingwithanappliancebulbof the
sameor lowerwattage,replacetheshield.Ifthe
liqht wasbehindthetop drawer,youwill needto
Freezer Compartment
[_ Unplug the refiigerator.
[_Remove the shelf just below light shield.
(The shelf will be easier to remove ifit is
emptied first.)
[_Pull the light shield toward you to reach
the bulb.
After replacingwithanappliancebulbof the
sameor lowerwattage,reinstalltheshield
andshelfandplugthe refr(qeratorbackin.

Preparingtoinstall therefrigerator.
Read theseinstructionscompletely and carefully
WaterSupplyto theIcemakerco.somemo e sJ
If the refligerau)r has an icemaker, it x_4]lhaxe U)be
connected u) acold water line.
Do not install tile refligerator where the
temperature xdll go below 60°F (16° C)
becmlse it _dll not mn often enough to maintain
proper temperatures.
Allow the fi)llowing clearances tbr ease of
installation, proper air dr(ulafion and
plumbing and elecu:i(al / onne(dons:
Sides ,)/8 (1,) ram)
Top l" (25ram)
If built-in,allow 7/8" (22ram)forhingecovers.
Back l" (25 ram)
A water supply _t (containing copper robing,
shutoffvalve, fiuings and insu_lctions) is available
at extra cost fiom your dealer or iiom Parts and
Accessories, 800-62d-2002.
Install it on a floor suong enough u) support it
flflly loaded.
If tile refiigerator is against awall on either side,
allow the tbllo_dng door clearances:
20', 22', and 24' models 3/4" (19 ram)
27' models 1*/_"(38 ram)
The rollers have 3purposes:
[_Rollers adjust so the door closes easilywhen
opened about halfway. [l_tise tl_efiom about
_/ ..... 1_
b _ { ,)mm)fiomthefloor.]
To assure that the doors _dll close automatically
fiom a hahqvW open position, dmre is a buih_in tilt
ii'om the tiont to the back of the cabinet. Side-b F
side refiigerators also have specially designed door
binges that lift both doors slightly when opened,
alh)_dng the fi)r/e of graxity to help close them
[_ffRollers adjust so tl_e refiigeramr isfirmly
positioned on (lie floor and does not wobble.
_[Rollers allow you u) move tile refiigeraU)r away
fi'om tile wall'for cleaning. •
Toadjust the rollers, remove (lie base grille by pulling
it out at the bottolTa.
Turn tl_e roller adjusdng screws clockwise to raise
the refrigerator, counterclockwise to Iowerit. Use an
(./8 hex head boh) or pliers.adjustablewren(h 3 "
Toreplace base grille, align prongs on back of grille
with (l_u_l_Sin (abinet and push fi)rward until grille
snaps imo place.

Installingthe water line.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
If the water supply to the refrigerator is from a Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration
System and the refrigerator is equipped with a built-in filtration system, it is not
necessary to use the refrigerator's water filter. Use the refrigerator's Filter Bypass
Plug. Using the refrigerator's water filtration cartridge in conjunction with the RO filter
can result in hollow ice cubes and slower water flow from the water dispenser.
This water line installation is not warranted by the refrigerator or icemaker manufacturer.
Follow these instructions carefully to minimize the risk of expensive water damage.
Water hammer (water banging in the pipes) in house plumbing can cause damage
to refrigerator parts and lead to water leakage or flooding. Call a qualified plumber
to correct water hammer before installing the water supply line to the refrigerator.
Toprevent burns and product damage, do not hook up the water line to the
hot water line.
If you use your refrigerator before connecting the water line, make sure the
icemaker feeler arm is kept in the STOP (up) position.
Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas where temperatures fall below freezing.
When using any electrical device (such as apower drill) during installation, be sure
the device is insulated or wired in a manner to prevent the hazard of electric shock.
All installations must be in accordance with local plumbing code requirements.
What YouWill Need
Todetermine how much copper tubing you need."
Measure the distance from the water valve on the back of the refrigerator to the water
supply pipe. Then add 8 feet (244 cm). Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing [about 8
feet (244 cm) coiled into 3 turns of about 10inches (25 cm) diameter] to allow the
refrigerator to move out from the wall after installation.
:_A watersupplykit (containing copper robing, shutoffvalve and fittings listed below) is
available at exua cost fiom y_nn dealer or fiom Parts and Accessories, 800-626-2002.
>: Cold water supply. The water pressure must be between 20 and 120 p.s.i, on models without
a water fiher and between 40 and 120 p.s.i, on models _dth a water fiher.
i__Power drill.
>:Coppertubing,1/4" outer di_uneter to connect the refiigerator to the water supply. Be sure
both ends of the robing are cut square.
Do not use plastic tubing or plastic fittings because the water supply line is under
pressure at all times. Certain types of plastic tubing may become brittle with age and
crack, resulting in water leakage.
>: Two I/4"outer diameter compression nuts and 2 ferrules (slooves)--to connect the copper
robing to the shutoffvalve and the refligerator water valve.
i_:Ifyour existing water line has a flared fitting at the end, you wU1need an adapter(avaiklble at
plumbing supply stores) to connect the water line to the refi'igevamr ORy{)u can {a_tottthe
flared fitting with a tube cuttorand then use a compression fitting.
>: Shutoff valve to connect to the cold water line. The shutoffvalve sh{)uld have a water inlet
with a minimum inside diameter of 5/32" at the point of connection to the COLD WATER
LINE.Saddle-type shutoffvalves are included in many water supply kits. Befi_re purchasing,
make sure a saddle-t)-pe x_flve complies _dth your local plumbing codes.

installingthe water line.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
ShutOff-theMain Water
Turn on the nearest f:aucet long enough to clear the line of water.
Install the Shutoff Valve
[_wight en tile clamp screws until tile sealing
Mmr begins u) swell.
[_Install the shutoffvaE e on ll_e nearest
fiequendy used drin -ldng water line.
Do not overtighten or you may crush the copper
[_ffChoose a location for tile valve d_al is easily
a( (essible. II is best Io (onnet I into tile side of a
vertical water pipe. When il is ne(essm T to
(onnecl into a horizontal water pipe, make tile
conne€tion to the top or side, rather fllan al tile
bottom, to avoid drafting offany sediment fiom
tile water pipe.
• if • • • Y
r_Dnll a 1/4 hole m the water pq_e, using a shaap
_bit Remo_ e any buns resuhing fiom drilling the
hole in the pipe.
[TFaslen tile shutoffvalx e u) llle cokl water pipe
widl llle pipe (lamp.
NOTE:Commonwealthof MassachusettsPlumbingCodes
248CMRshall beadheredto. Sadde valvesare illegaland
use_ notpermittedinMassachusetts.Consultwithyour
Route the Copper Tubing and Connect/t to the Shutoff Valve
Route tile copper robing bel_veen d_e cold water
line and tile refligerau)r.
Make sure tl_e tubing is fiflly inserted imo tile xalxe.
Tighten die ( ompression nut se(mely.
Route tile robing through a hole (killed in tile wall
or floor (behind tile refiigerator or adja( em base
Saddle°TypeShutoffValve r-r
cabineO asclose u)tile wall aspossible.
Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing [about 8
feet (244 cm) coiled into 3 turns of about 10"
(25 cm) diameter] to allow the refrigerator to
move out from the wall after installation.
Place tile compression nut and femfle (sleeve)
omo tile end of din robing and (onne( I it u) llle
NOTE:Commonwealthof MassachusettsPlumbingCodes
248CMRshall beadheredto. Sadde valvesare illegaland
use_ notpermittedinMassachusetts.Consultwithyour
f/Inlet End
L_A ._. CompressionNut
TurnOnthe Water and Flush Out the Tubing
[_Tmn tile main water mpply on and flush out tl_e
robing until tile water is clear•
[_Shut tile water offat tile water'_ alxe after abom
one quart (1 1) of water has been flushed
through the robing.

Connect the Tubing to the Refrigerator
Before making the connection to the
refrigerator, be sure the refrigerator power
Oneof theillustrationsbelowwilt tookliketheconnection
cord is not plugged into the wall outlet.
We recommend installing a water filter if your water Ferrule
supply has sand or particles that could clog tile
sureen of the refiigerator's water xzdve. Install it in Connection
the water line near the retiigerator.
[_Remove tile plastic flexible cap fiom the water
[_Place tile compression nut and ferrule (sleeve)
onto tile end _ifthe robing as sho_.
[_Insert the end of tile copper robing into tile
water valveconnection astin aspossible. _.,\.hile
holding the tubing, tighten the fitting.
Tu)ngCam[ ---_ 1/4"Com[ressonN t
• _ '/_ £ _>_ \ Ferrule(sleeve)
[TFasten the _opper robing into the clamp
proxfded to hold it in a vertical position.
You may need to pry open the clamp.
Turn the Water On at the Shutoff Valve
Tighten any (onne(tions that leak.
_" _-_/ __,_-_-_ Connect,on
Nbing _7- - i
1/4"Copper TubingClamp
Plug In the Refrigerator
Arrvmge tile coil of copper robing so that it does not
vibrvue against tile back of tile refiigerator or against
the wall.
Start the Icemaker
Set the icemaker tbeler mm to the ON(do_lg
position. The icemaker will not begin to operate
until it reaches its operating mmperamre of 15°F
(OoC) or below. It will then begin operation
automatically if the icemaker reeler mm is in the
ON(do_11) position.
Push tile refligerator back to the wall.
NOTE: The icemaker may double-cycle when it
first starts, causing some water spillage from
the icemaker into the ice bucket. This is normal
and should not happen again.

Normal operatin sounds.
Depending on the placement of the refrigerator in your kitchen,
:you may want to place a piece of rubber backed carpet under
the refrigerator to reduce noise.
The new high efficiency compressor runs faster and',,,ill have a higher pitch hum
or pulsating sound while operating.
1)eflost timer and refi'igerator control click on and off.
Tile fhn circulating air inside tile fieezer which keeps tile temperatures
Water dropping on the defiost heater causing a sizzling, hissing or popping
sound during tile deiiost Q,(le.
Tim flow of refl'igerant through the tieezer cooling coils sounds like boiling
water or a gurgling noise.
('a_cldng or popping of cooling (oils (aused by expansion and cont1acdon
during defiost and refl'igeradon follovdng deflost.
,Water dripping as it mehs fiom tile evaporator and flows to tile drain pan
during tile detiost Q,cle.
Icemaker (onsomemodels)
The icemaker water valve Mll buzz when tile icemaker fills with water. If the tbeler
ann is in the ON (down) position it _dll buzz even if it has not yet been booked tap
to water. Keeping the ib_elerarm in the ON (down) position betbre it is hooked up
to water can damage the icemaker. To prevent this, raise the feeler arm to the
STOP(up) position. This will stop the buzzing.
The sound of cubes dropping into the bin and water running in pipes as
These sounds are normal
and are due mostly to highly
efficient operation.
icemaker refills.
Before you call forservice...
Troubleshooting tips
Save time andmoney! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
Possible Causes What ToDo
Refrigeratordoesnot Refrigerator hi defrost cycle, oWait about 30 minutes fi)r defiost Q,rle to end.
operate Fresh food control • Move the fl'esh ibod control to a temperature selting.
in OFFposition.
Refrigerator is unplugged. *I'ush the plug colllpletely into the outlel.
The fuse is blown/circuit °Replace flase or reset the breaker.
breaker is tripped.
Vibrationor rattling Front roller screws or °See Rollers,
(slight vibration front leveling legs need
is normal) adjusting.

Possible Causes
What ToDo
Motor operates for Normal when refrigerator
long periods or cycles is first plugged in.
onand off frequently.
(Modern refrigerators Often occurs when large
with morestorage
space and a larger placed in refrigerator.
freezer require more Door left open. • (_heck to see if package is holdiug door opeu.
operating time. They
start and stop ogten Hot weather or frequent • This is normal.
to maintain even door openings.
temperatures.) Temperature controls • See About the controls.
Freshfood or freezer Temperature control not set • See About the controls.
compartment too warm cold enough.
on frozen food
(frost within package Too frequent or too long
isnonnal) door openings.
amounts of food are
set at the coldest setting,
GriUe and condenser • See Careand cleaning.
need cleaning.
Warm weather or frequent • Set the telnperature coutrol oue step colder.
door openings. See About the controls.
Door left open. • Che(k to see ifpa¢ kage is holdiug door opeu.
Door left open. • (he¢k to see if pa¢kage is holdiug door opeu.
• Wait 24 hours fi)r tile refiigerator to ¢olnpletely
(ool dox_al.
• This is normal.
Divider between fresh Automatic energy saver • This helps preveut coudeusatiola ou the outside.
food and freezer system circulates warm
compartments liquid around front edge
feelswarm of freezer compartment.
Automatic icemaker Icemaker feeler arm in • Move the ffeeler arln to tile ON (dorsal) positiou.
does not work the STOP (up ) posifion. • (_ul_es may have fi_sed to the side of the mold. Move
tile teeler mm to the STOP (up) positiou theu remove
these _ubes.
Water supply turned off or • See Installing the water line.
not connected.
Freezer compartment • Wait 24 hours for tlle refiigerator to COlnpletely
too warm. (ool do_l.
Piled up cubes in the storage • I_evel (ubes by haud.
bin cause the icemaker
to shut off.
Small or hollow cubes Water filter clogged. • Repla_ e fiher _artridge xdth uew _artridge or with plug.
Ice storage bin needs cleaning. • Empty aud wash biu. Discard old cubes.
Food transmitting odor/taste • Wrap foods well.
to ice cubes.
Interior of refrigerator • See Careand cleaning.
needs cleaning.
Door left open. • Che¢k to see if pa¢ kage is holdiug door opeu.
Temperature control not set • See About the controls.
cold enough.

Before,youcall forservice...
Possible Causes What ToDo
Cu_ dispenser does not Icemaker turned off or • Turn on it emaker or water supply.
work (on some models) water supply turned off.
Ice cubes are frozen to o Remox e cubes and move the feeler arm to the
icemaker feeler ann. ON (down) position.
Irregular ice clumps in
storage container.
• Breakup with fingertip pressure and discard
remaining clumps.
• Freezer mW be too warm. A@lst the fieezer control
to a colder setting, one position at a time, until clumps
do not iorm.
(onsome models)
Water in firstglass is
warm (onsomemodels)
ii ii ii ii ii_ i_iii
not work (on some models)
buticemakeris working
No waterorice cube
Refrigerator has odor
:i ii_ _i(_i!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_
_i_iii iii iii iii iii iii iii
Moisture formson
outside ofrefrigerator
Moisturecollects inside
Water dispenser has not been
used for a long time.
Normal when refrigerator
is first installed.
Water dispenser has not been
used for a long time.
Water system has been drahmd.
Water supply line turned
off or not connected.
Water filter clogged.
Air maybe trapped in the
water system.
Newly-installed filter cartridge.
Water in reservoir is
Supply llne or shutoff
valve is clogged.
Water filter clogged.
Foods transmitting
odor to refrigerator.
Interior needs cleanhlg.
Defrost water drainage
system needs cleaning.
Not unusual during
periods of high humidity.
Too tYequent or too
long door ope_m_gs.
oDispense water until all water in system is replenished.
oW_fit24 hours %r the refrigerator to (ompletely
tool dt)v:ll.
*Dispense water until all water in system is replenished.
°Allow several hours tor replenished supply to (hill
° See Installing the water line.
° Replace fiber cartridge or rein(we fiber and install phlg.
*Press the dispenser pad ibr at least two mimltes.
oRun water flom the dispenser for l mimlte (about a
oCall for servi( e.
oCall a plumber.
• Replace filter cartridge or rerm we filter and install plug.
• Foods whh snong odors should be tightly wrapped.
• Keep an open box (ffbaldng soda in the retiigerator;
replace eveU three months.
• See Careandcleaning.
oSeeCareand cleaning.
°Wipe su*fhce (hy
Wateron kitchenflooror
No power at outlet.
Light bulb burned out.
Drain in the bottom of
the freezer clogged.
Cubes jammed in chute.
• Replace filse or reset the breaker.
oSee Replacing the light bulbs.
oSee Care and cleaning.
• Poke ice through with a wooden spoon.

Possible Causes
What To Do
Door not closing Door gasket on hinge side
• Apply peuoleumjelly on face of gasket.
properly sticking or folding over.
Hot air from bottom
Orangeglowin Defrost heater is on.
Normal air flow cooling
motor. In the refrigeration
process, it is normal that
heat be expelled in the
area under the refrigerator.
Some floor coverings will
discolor at these normal
and safe temperatures.
• Your floor covering supplier shouM be consuhed if you
obje(t to this dis(oh)ration.
• Thisis normal.
For customers in Canada
C/IMCOwarrants the replacement or repair ()fall parts of tllis Reliigerator which prove to be detective in material or
workmanship fi)r one year tiom the date of pur(hase. Su(h prois _dll be repaired or repla( ed at the option of (am(o
_4thout (harge, subje(t to the terms and (ondifions set out beh)w.
The OEALERwmTants to proxfde tlle serx4ce labor for the repair or replacement of all parts of tiffs Reliigerator which prove
to be detective in material or workmanship for one year flom the date of purchase.
CAMCOwmTants the hermetically sealed refligetvuor (namely: Evaporator, Condenser, Motor Compressor, Interconnecting
Tubing, Drier and Refiigerant (h_age) against defe(ts in material or worlananship for an ad(fitional four years. These parts
will be repaired or replaced at the option of Catiico wifllout charge, subject to the terms and conditions set out beh)w.
The OE/ItERw',uTantsfi)r the next four years to provide the ser_4ce labor necessa U to repair or replace the hermetically
sealed refiigeration system to the terms and conditions set out beh)w.
_ This warranty applies only to single family domestic use in Canada when the Refrigerator has been properly installed
according to the instructions supplied by Camco and is connected to an adequate and proper utility service. Damage due
to abuse, accident, commercial use, and alteration or the removal or defacing of the serial plate, cancels all obligations
of this warranty. Service during this warranty must be performed by an Authorized Camco Service Agent.
>: Neither Camco nor the Dealer is liable for any claims or damages resulting from any failure of the Refrigerator or from
service delays beyond their reasonable control.
i_?To obtain warranty service, purchaser must present the originalbill of sale. Components repaired or replaced are
warranted through the remainder of the originalwarrantyperiod only.
;i::This warranty does not cover expense involved in making this appliance readily accessible for servicing.
;i::This warranty gives you specific legal rights. Additional warranty rights may be provided by law in some areas.
CamcoService is available coast-to-coast. See CustomerService ,sectionfor service information. If further help is needed concerning this
Warranty, contact: Manager, Consumer Relations, Camco Inc., ConsumerService, 5800 Keaton Crescent, Misslksau,ga,Ontario, L5R3K2.

Refrigerator Warranty (forcustomersJntheUmodStat s)
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized Customer Care® technician. For service,
call 800-GE-CARES.
GE Will Replace, At No Charge To You:
Anypartof dm refrigerator whi(h titils due to a delect in materials or workmanship.
From the date tithe
Five Years Any part of the sealed refrigerating system Ohe compressor, condenser, evaporalor
From the date of the and all connecting robing) which tifils due u) a detbct in materials or worlm_anship.
originalpurchase During tiffs five-year warranty, (;E _dll also pr_wide, free of charge, all labor and
Lifetime Any see-through pan or drawerfinnished _dth the refiigerator if the pan or drawer
From the date of the breaks during normal household use. Drawer (_)vers are nol in(luded.
original purchase
During tiffs full one-year warranty, GExdll also pro_ide, free of charge, all labor
and in-home sel_ice to replace tl_e deib( dye pan.
in-hence serxire Io replace fl_e delbcfive pan.
:, Service trips to your home to teach you how to use the
I_TImproper installation.
i_i;:Replacement of house fuses or resetting of circuit
;i::Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods or
acts of God.
i2Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for
other than the intended purpose or used commercially.
;i::Loss of food due to spoilage.
i_:Incidental or consequential damage to personal property
caused by possible defects with this appliance.
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home
use within the USA. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives
you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Toknow what your
legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General.
Warrantor: General Electric Company. Louisville, KY 40225

Performance Data Sheet
Water by Culligan Filtration System
Health Claim Performance Certified by NSF/ANSI*
_100%safety factors built in for unmetered usage)
Standard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects
Particulate ** 99.98
Lead at pH 6.5
Lead at pH 8.5
* Testedusing a flow rate of 0,5 gun; pressure of 60psig; pH of Z5 _+0,5; ternp, of 20 ° _+25 °C
Measurement in Particles/ml
** * NTU-Nephelome# ic Turbidityunits
Operating Specifications
iiiCapa(ity: (ertitied for up to 200 gallons (757 1)
NPressure requirement: 40-120 psi (2.8-8.2 bar), non-shock
>:Temperature: 33°-100 ° F (0.60-38 ° C)
:i:_Flow rate: 0.5 gpm (1.9 lpm)
General Installation/Operation/Maintenance Requirements
_i:_Flush new cartridge at tull flow for 60 seconds to purge out trapped air.
;i:_Replace cartridge when flow becomes too slow; at least every six months.
Special Notices
>:Installation instructions; parts and service availability; and standard warranty are included with the product when shipped.
>_This drinking water system must be maintained according to manuthcturer's instructions, including replacement of filter
>:Do not use where the water is microbiologically unsafi% or with waters of unknown quality without adequate disinfection
befi)re or after the system; system may be used on disinfi_cted water that may contain filterable cysts.
>_The contaminants or other substances removed or reduced by this water treatment system are not necessarily in your water.
;i:_Check fi)r compliance with the state and local laws and regulations.
NSF International Standards
Standard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects
( heroical Unit
Taste and Odor Reduction
Chlorine Reduction, (;lass l
Mechanical Filtration Unit
Particulate Reduction, Class I
The Water by Culligan Filtration System and FXRC caruidge have been
tested and ( erfified by NSF only fi)r the fimctions listed immediately abe)re.
Made by: Culligan International, Wesunont, IL 60559, Tel: (630) 654-4000
General Electric, Appliance Park, I_)uisville, KY 40225 _) 1997 GE
1 NTU***
99.95% Reduction
15 ppb
15 ppb
2.06 ppm
Standard No. 53: Health Effects
23.25 NTU
157 ppb
162 ppb
0.14 ppm
0.10 NTU
3 ppb
3 ppb
Standard No. 53: Health Effects
( heroical Reduction Unit
Mechanical Filuafion U nit
Cyst Reduction
Turbidi b"Re(h_cfion
0.3 ppm
0.17 NTU
3 ppb
3 ppb
% Reduction
% Reduction
Tested & Certified
Standards 42 & 53

State of California
Department of Health Services
Water Treatment Device
Certificate Number
Date Issued: June 1O, 1997
Trademark/Model Designation Replacement Elements
( ,E\,\ ate1 by (.ulh_an FdUaUon System FXRC None
Manufacturer: (',ulli_an In!ernational Company
Thewater treatment device(s) listed on this certificate have met the testing requirements pursuant to Section 116830of the
Health and Safety Code for the following health related contaminants."
Microbiological Contaminants
and Turbidity
Turbidi b"
Organic Contaminants
RatedServiceCapacity:200 gallons RatedServiceFlow: 0.5 gpm
Donotuse wherewater is microbio/ogica/ly unsafeor with waterofunknown qua/i_ except thatsystemsclaiming cystreduction maybe
usedonwatercontaining cysts,