I Use and Care&Installation Guide I
EnglishVersion.................................. 2
Versionfranchise.......................... 23
Version en espa_ol ............ 45
Safety instructions ................ 3
Problem Solver .......... 17-19
Normal Operating Sound s ........... 17
GEAnswer Center® 800.626.2000
In Canadaconsult your local telephone
directoryfor the Cameo Service Center
Operating Instructions, Tips
Automatic Icemaker & Dispenser . . 5-7
Energy-Saving Tips ............................... 2
Food Storage Suggestions ......................... 8
Shelves ................................................. 10
Storage Drawers ................................ 9
Temperature Controls ............................ 4
Clearances .......................... 13
Leveling .......................................... 13
Location ............................................. 13
Moving &Vacation ................. 13
Rollers ................................................. 13
Water Supply to Icemaker .......... 13
Careand Cleaning
Behind the Refrigerator ....................... 11
Cleaning-Inside and Outsid e.................. 11
Drawer and Cover Remova I............ 12
Light Bulb Replacement .............. 12
Under Refrigerator ................. 11
Water Filter Accessory ................................ 7
Installation ............................................. 14-16
Adapter Plug ............................... 14
Electrical Requirements ............. 14
Extension Cord .................. 14
Grounding ................................. 14
Water Line installation ........ 15, 16
Consumer Services ........... 20
Appliance Registration ................ 2
Modeland Serial Numbers ......................... 2
Warranty forCanadian Customers ........ 21
WarrantyforU, S.Customers ...... Back Cover
Profile.SidebySide22, 24 and27 Models
GE Appliances
Write down the model
and serial numbers.
You'll see them cm a label on the wallbcsidc
the top drawer or at the bottom, just insidethe
fresh |'cod compartment door.
These numbers are also on the Coosmnor
Product Ownership Registration Card that
came with your refrigerator.
Before sending in this card, please write these
numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Use these numbers in any correspondence or
service calls concerning your refrigerator.
Read this book carefully.
It is intended to help you operate and
maintain your new refrigerator properly.
Keep it handy for answers to your questions.
If yoLI don-t understand something or need
more help. write (include your phone number):
In the United States:
Cormu v'nc_rAffail s
GE Appliance
Appliance Park
Louisville. KY 40225
In Canada:
Mmmger, Consumer Relations
-&$5 Skx mark .4 e.,
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada lAW 4142
If you received a damaged
hnmediately contact the dealer (or builder)
that sold you the refrigerator.
Save time and money.
Before you request service...
Check the Problem Solver section in this
book. It lists minor operating problems that
you can correct yourself
.Location of your refrigerator is important. A'_old locating it next to
your range, a heating vent or where the stm will shine direclly ca it
.Close the doors as soon as possible, particularly i n hot, humid weather.
.Be sure the doors are closed tightly. Before leaving the house or
retiring for the night, check to be sure the doors haven't been left
open accidentally.
.Keep foods covered to reduce moisture buildup inside the refrigerator.
To obtain service, see the Consumer Ser_ ices
page in the back of this book,
We' re proud of our service and want } ou to
be pleased. If for some reasol', you are nut
happy with the service yoLI receive, here are
3 steps to lkJlow for further help.
For- Customers in the United States:
FIRST, contacl [he people who serviced your
appl brace. Explain why you are not pleased.
In mo_tcases{hiswilIsolve the problem.
NEXT, if' you are still not pleased, wri{e
all the detail> -including your phone
mmtber io:
Mailager. Consumer Relalions
(JE Appliance\
Appliance park
t,ouiv_ tile, KY 40225
FINALLY. il"your problem is stilt not
resol vcol.x_rite:
Major Appliance Consutner
Action Panel
20 North Wacker Dri '_e
(hicago. IL 60606"
For Customers in Canada:
FIRST. contact the people who serviced yol.u"
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.
In most cases this will solve the problem.
NEXT, ii you are still not pleased, write all
the details including your phone number to:
Manager, Consumer Relations
2645 Skymark Ave.,
Mississauga, Ontario
(aimda L4W 4H2
Read all instructions before using this appliance.
A WA1LNING--When using this appliance,
always exercise basic sat_ty precautions,
including the following:
.Use this appliance only for its intended purpose
as described in this Use and Care Guide.
This refrigerator must be properly
installed and located in accordance
with the Installation Instructions
before it is used.
Never unplug your refrigerator by
pulling on the power cord. Always
grip plug firmly and pull straight out
from the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all electric
service cords that have become frayed or
otherwise damaged. Do not use a cord that
shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length
or at either the plug or connector end.
.When moving your refrigerator away from the
wall, be careful not to roll over or damage the
power cord.
.Do not allow children to climb, stand or
hang on the shelves in the refrigerator. They
could damage the refrigerator and seriously
injure themselves.
.If your old refrigerator is still around
the house but not in use, be sure to
remove the doors. This will reduce the
possibility of danger to children.
After your refrigerator is in operation, do
not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer
compartment? particularly when hands are
damp or wet. Skin may adhere to these extremely
cold surfaces.
.If your refrigerator has an automatic icemaker,
avoid contact with the moving parts of the ejector
mechanism, or with the heating element that
releases the cubes. Do not place fingers or hands
on the automatic icemaking mechanism while the
refrigerator is plugged in.
.Don't refreeze frozen foods which have thawed
completely. The United States Departlnent of
Agriculture in Home and Garden Bulletin
No. 69 says:
%..You may safely refreeze frozen foods that
have thawed if they still contain ice crystals or if
o o
they are still cold--below 40 F. (4 C.).
%..Thawed ground meats, poultry or fish that
have aW off-odor or off-color should not be
refrozen and should not be eaten. Thawed ice
cream should be discarded. If the odor or color of
any lbod is poor or questionable, get rid of it. The
food may be dangerous to eat.
"Even partial thawing and refreezing reduces the
eating quality of foods, particularly fruits,
vegetables and prepared foods. The eating quality
of red meats is affected less than that of many
other lbods. Use refrozen foods as soon as
possible to save as much of their eating quality as
you Call."
. nplug your refrigerator before
cleaning and making repairs.
NOTE: We strongly recommend that
any servicing be performed by a
qualified individual.
.Before replacing a burned-out light bulb, the
refrigerator should be unplugged in order to avoid
contact with a live wire filament. (A burned-out
light bulb may break when being replaced.)
NOTE: Turning control to OFF position does
not remove power to the light circuit.
° Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
Set the Temperature Controls (appearance mavary)
The temperature controls let you regulate the temperature in the fresh
food and freezer compartments.
At first, set the Fresh Food control at "5" and the Freezer control at "C".
Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize, whether you are
setting the controls for the first time or adjusting them later. Then, if
you want colder or warmer temperatures in either compartment, adjust
the controls one step at a time.
NOTE: Moving the Fresh Food control to OFF turns off cooling in
both compartments-fresh food and freezer but does not shut off
power to the refrigerator•
CisInitial Setting
E is Coldest
0_ i "_ "_ " _ "
5is Initial Setting
9 is Coldest
How to Test Temperatures
Use the milk test for the fresh food compartment. Place a container
of milk on the top shelf in the fresh food compartment. Check it a day
later• If the milk is too warm or too cold, adjust the temperature controls•
[se the ice cream test for the freezer compartment. Place a
container of ice cream in the center of the freezer compartment. Check
it after a day. If it's too hard or too soft, adjust the temperature controls.
Ahvays allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the
temperature you set.
Automatic Energy Saver System
You won't find an "energy saver" switch on this refi'igerator.
Warm liquid from the refrigerator's condenser is automatically
circulated around the front edge of the fi'eezer compartment to help
keep moisture fi'om forming on the outside of the refrigerator during
humid weather.
Many refrigerators use special electric heaters, This refrigerator needs
none. That's why there is no "energy saver" switch., there's no need
for it.
No Defrosting
It is not necessary to defrost the fi'eezer o1"fresh food compartments.
Your refrigerator is designed and equipped to defi'ost itself automatically.
If you turn your household thermostat below 60°F. (16°C.) at night...
•.. you may want to move the fi'eezer control one
step colder. Cooler temperatures in the house may
cause the compressor to operate less
thus allowing the fi'eezer compartment to warm
somewhat. To protect your frozen food supply,
leave the freezer setting at this colder setting for
the entire winter or for as long as you keep your
thernmstat turned down.
Moving the freezer control to colder setting should have no effect on
your fresh food compartment. However, if freezing occurs, move the
fi'esh food control one step warmer.
When you stop turning the thermostat down, mm the refrigerator's
controls back to their regular settings•
(on some models)
How They Work
The automatic icemaker makes ice continual y. The dispenser
dispenses water, ice cubes or crushed ice tln'ough the fi'eezer
compartment door. Here' how they work.
Water flows t'rom the household supply through a
(l) dual solenoid valve
to the
(2) water tubing and
to the
(3) autonmtlc icemaker
as needed.
Water is frozen in the
(4) cube mokland
<jeered imo the
(5) storage bin where
a motor-powered
_l[igel ll/o _, es
cubes forward.
Cubes fall through the chute in the door when the dispenser
pad is pressed.
When CRUSHED is selected (on some models), a balTlechalmels
cubes through the crusher and crushed ice rid Is through a chute into
the glass.
When WATER is selected, (on some models) water flows through th_
{6) tubing in the door and is dispensed when the dispenser
pad is pressed.
(7) A light switch (on some models) turns the night light in the
dispenser on or off
The light also comes on when the dispenser pad is pressed.
The light in the dispenser should be replaced with a 7 watt nmximum
bulb when it burns out.
Important Facts about Your Ice & Water Dispenser
.If this is your first icemaker you'll hear occasional sounds that
nmy be unfamiliar. These are nomml icemaking _ounds and are not
cause for concern.
Your icemaker will produce 8 cubes per cycle approx imateh
120 cubesin a 24-hour period-depending ola freezer compartm_ent
temperature, room temperature, number of door openings and other
use conditions.
.Intermittent dispensing of ice is normal. If ice flow inten'uption i s
more than brief, ice clump(S) may be the cause and shoukl be
removed l'ot Iowl ng instl uctions in this section.
Avoid overfilling glasses with ice and using narrow or extra-tall
glasses. This can jam the chute or cause the door in the chute to
freeze _hul. Periodically open the freezer compartment door and look
dew. into the chute. If ice is blocking the chute, poke it through with
a wooden spoon.
.To help keep bits of ice from being sprayed beyond the glass,
place the glass close to the ice chute-but not soclose that it blocks
outceming ice.
.Fill glasses with ice before adding soda or other beverage mixes.
.Beverages and foods should not be quick-chilled in the ice
storage bin. Cans. bottles or tbod packages i n the storage bin may
canse the icemaker or auger to jam.
.Do not add ice from trays or bags to the storage bin. It ma)not
crush or dispense well.
Before Using Your Icemaker and Dispenser
II'vou the your refi'igerator befl_re the water _ ....... _
connection is nmde. raise the _ce access door and [ .
make st re the lcemaker leeler ama is m t _e _._/---_'
STOP (up) posml,n. When the _ater suppl','has _" 9fi I_L-_--_I/
been connected to the icemaker move the l:eeler _7 i_-- _
arm to ON (down) position. _ ___=_:!
Feeler arm in Feeler arm in
STOP (up) ON (down)
position position
At first there will be a delay befbre water is dispensed and ice b, nmde.
On models with a water dispenser, it" no
water is dispensed when the refrigerator is
first installed, there may be air in the water line
system. Press the dispenser pad for al least two
minutes to remove trapped air from the water
line and to fill the water system.
Push the dispenser pad
until the water line is filled.
The ice cube mold will automatically fill with water AFFER cooling
to freezer temperature. The first cubes nornmlly freeze after
several hours.
NOTE: With a ne_ ly-insmlled refi'igerator, allow about 24 hours
for the freezer compartment to get cold enough to make ice.
Once Your Icemaker and Dispenser are in Operation
Throw away the first few batches of ice cubes ( 16 or 24 c/Jbes). I'his
will flush away any impurities in the water line. Do the same thing
after _acations or extended periods when ice isn't used.
Onmodels with a water dispenser, pour the first 6ghlssfu/sof water in
the kitchen sir_k. The firstwmer through thes}slempicksupaslight
-plastic" taste from the water tubing.
To make sure the bin fills with ice, level the cubes occasionally.
When cubes _all into the bin they may pile up close to the icemaker
and push the l'eeler arm :o the STOP (up) position befure the biI_ gets
full. Keeping the cubes level allows the icemaker to fill the bin.
To Dispense Ice and Water
,Select CI BES. CR liSH[ D lob',
on some models) or W_iI'EI<
.Grit? the _lass or other container
near the rim a.d press the rim
against the center of the
dispenser pad.
When Dispensing Ice...
Some crushed ice may be dispensed even though you selected
CUBES. Thishappensoccasiomllly when a fewcubesg_'_channekxt
to the crusher+
Sometimes a nmund of snow will form on the door in the ice chute.
This condition isl_orlnal, andtlsuallyoccurs_hen\ouha_edispensed
crushed ice repeatedly. The sno\_ will e_ entua/13 e_ aporate,
Sometinles crushed ice x_ill spra 3 beyond the glass, To ;l_oid this,
hold the glass Up close to lhe chute.
CAt TION: Never put fingers or other objects into the
dispenser opening.
When Dispensing Water...
The first glass of water dispensed may be warmer than the
following ones. <lh is is normal.
Dispensed water is cool, not iced. For colder water, simpl 3 add
crashed ice or cubes before di spensiilg water.
To Stop Dispensing
Releasepr0sstllo flora lhc
dispenser pad and v, ait a le\_
secollt/s[o ca{ch the hlst bits of ice
01" drops of _,_aler.
There may be some &ipping after
dispensing crushed ice oi'u ate_. If
there is alotof &ipping. lhespill
shoukl be wiped dr> i'i{J:t ai',_;l',.
Do not pour _,:,a{er in the spilI shell because it is llot self draining--
pour it in the kitchen slnk.'l'he shell' and ils grille shou Id be cleaned
reglihtrly accord in: to CarealidCleaning Press here to remove grille
in structions. The gri lie is easily remox ed
b3pressing on the back right comer.
If Ice Clumps Form in the Storage Bin...
The k'emaker ejecls cubes in group_; of 8, and it i_ normal for se_ eral
cubes to be ioined together. How c er, if } ou don" t use the
ice _ ery often, ice chimps ma 3 form in the slo_'agebin and can clog
file dispen*er.
It' this happens:
.Remo_ e the slorage bin fi'om the freezer.
Break up ice c Iu raps _ _[h _our hand s. Tl'lrm_ a_ a3 an> c 1 uraps {hat
) ou can't break Lip.
Repl ace the bin before the re mai n i ng cubes meh alld fuse logelher,
To Remove Ice Storage Bin
Lift the bft corner to free the bin from
theshclf, Pull the bin straight out _ hilt
supporting it al front and back.
r_ Ji
I *' J', 4*f*l'!,i/
- w< fL:'"I
To Replace Ice Storage Bin
Slidedle bin hack until the tab on the bin loeb',
into the_lot in the ,dmlf.
I1'llw bill does not goall the \_a'< back, retool o
it alld ll.lrll the dri ve illecllall i <41111/4turn. l'hen
push tile bin back again until the tab on the
bin loeb', hm, the slot in the shelf.
If Ice Is Not Used Often...
"'Old" ice cubes will become ch)ud_,and taste slale. Empty ice
storage bm periodically and x_ash i t in 1'l'll\'vaten Be sure to
allowsloragebin to cool" befon'iephicingit olher_iseice cube'.
wi I1stickto the metalauge I'.
Move Feeler Arm to STOP (up) Position when...
l tOllle 31¢1"suppl } i s to I_e1tlll/ed tll>l t;,)r ,;e'_ol'a lllotlrs
Ice Morage bin i ,,b_bei'emo'_ ed foF a peri od of t i me.
.Go i ng d\. a> on t Heat ion. at '. h I ch I i me you shou Id ill so Iui'l/off the
ab<em the_>,atcr SuplH}l i _lelo \ our F¢I rigeralolz
Ice Trays onsonicmodelsl
1_>release ice cubes, in,.clt tin}, hold it
eve{"stoia_e bin 01" bo\_ l. amt l_ i st ai
both end \.
Foronl} one or tw_iceeubes.leav¢
tla'_ righl side Lip. t_ i st boH_ end'.
sli1_'hll} and {'Oll)O\ e dc<,h'ed numbe_
of cube\.
\Vasb ice tra> s and storage bin in
lukewarm water only. D<_uol put
them in an HtltOlll_ltic dishxv ;.tshei+.
Water Supply Kit
AkitconiainingcoF.per tubing, shut-off al,,efittingsandinstructions
needed io connect the iccmaker tc,yOtll-coldV_alter ti ne i Sa\ ai! abh" at
CXlla COSLSee Preparation sectinn.
Automatic lcemaker Accessory Kit
If .vour reI rigerator did not come alread} quipped \\ ith an automatic
icenmkcr, al'_Iccnmkcr Acce<sor 3 Kit ix at ai lable at extra cost. Check the
back of the refrigerator for the specific icemaker kit needed fill- 3ore" model.
Water Filter Accessory
Your ice cubes can only be as fresh tasting as the x\ater that pn)duces them.
That's wily it's a good idea to ptlrif,, yotlr water v, iih a water filler.
Rigid. porous graded density depth cellulose
fiber cartridge catches dirt. i'tis{ particles, sand a!ld silt
Activated charcoal granules relllOve
IllLIMy. qalc odors.
Aclh'ated charcoal granules remove oily.
medicinal, plastic and metallic tastes.
Special crystals reduce hard scale deposit formation.
The water fiher is an option at exlra cost alld is a_ailable from your dealer.
Specify WR97X(!214. It has complete inslallation inMrtlctions and installs
in minutes o_l I/4" {6 mm} ().D. copper water line.
+ 15 hidden pages