_ SafeW Instructions .........................3
Operating instructions, Tips
Appliance Registration ..................................2
::, Energy-Saving Tips .........................................2
Food Storage Suggestions ...........................8
i' Automatic Icemaker & Dispenser .........5-7
Shelves ........................................................... 10
Porta-Bins ............................:......................10
Slide-Out Spillproof Shelves ..................10
Quick Space Shelves ............................... 10
Storage Drawers .............................................9
Temperature Controls ...................................4
Care and Cleaning
Condenser ......................................................11
Drawers .......................................................... 12
Light Bulb Replacement .............................13
Water Filter Accessory ............................... i2
Problem Solver .......................18-20
More questions ?...call
GEAnswer Center ® 800.626.2000
Clearances .....................................................13
Location ..........................................................13
Moving ............................................................13
Rollers .............................................................14
Vacation .........................................................13
Water Supply to Icemaker .........................14
Installation ...............................................15-17
Adapter Plug ..............................................15
Electrical Requirements ..........................! 5
Extension Cord ..........................................15
Grounding ..................................................15
Water Line Installation .....................16, 17
ConSUli33e_' Services ...................23
Appliance Registration ..................................2
: Important Phone Numbers .......................23
Model and Serial Numbers ..........................2
Warranty ........................................Back Cover
Profile:SidebySide22', 24' and27' I
Modelswith Dispenser

Read this book carefully.
It is intended to help you operate and maintain your
new refrigerator properly.
Keep it handy for answers to your questions.
If you don't understand something or need more help,
write (include your phone number):
Consumer Affairs
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold
you the refrigerator.
Save time and money.
Before you request service...
Check the Problem Solver section in this book.
It lists minor operating problems that you can
correct yourself.
Write down the model and serial numbers.
You'll see them on a label on the wall beside the top
drawer or at the bottom, just inside the fresh food
compartment door.
These numbers are also on the Consumer
u _aru mat came
Prod ct Ownership Registration ..............
with your refrigerator.
numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
calls concerning your refrigerator.
* Location of your refrigerator is important. Avoid
locating it next to your range, a heating vent or
where the sun will shine directly on it.
, Close the doors as soon as possible, particularly in
hot, humid weather.
To obtain service, see the Consumer Services page in
the back of this book.
v¥_ It_ l_ltuul.A tyl. uutt _.,l vl_,_ ¢_11u vv_llL ff,ou i.,J t0,_*
pleased. If for some reason you are not happy with the
service you receive, here are three steps to follow for
further help.
FIRST, contact the people who serviced your
appliance. Explain why you are not pleased. In most
cases this will solve the problem.
• Be sure the doors are closed tightly. Before leaving
the house or retiring for the night, check to be sure
the doors haven't been left open accidentally.
• Keep foods covered to reduce moisture buildup
inside the refrigerator.
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the
details--including your phone number--to:
]_/[_n_o_r _nn_]mPr R_lntlon_
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
FINALLY, if your problem is still not resolved, write:
Major Appliance Consumer
Action Panel
20 North Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606

S2227.ZS2 Loo! I
always exercise basic safety precautions,
h_olndlnq th_ fallawin_"
o Use this appliance only for its intended purpose
aS f,I_SCIIU_tJ. Ill LIMb kJ_ _IU _t_ _lulu_.
*This refrigerator mu
installed and located m accordance
mm me _nsmuanon _ns_rucuons
before _t is used. If you did not receive an
refrigerator, you can obtain one by calling, toll
free, tNeGE Answer Center_,800.626.2000,
*Never unplug your refrigerator by
plug firmly and pull straight out from
the outlet.
• Repair or replace immediately all electric
otherwise damaged. Do notuse a cord that
_hnw_ eraek_ or abrasion damage alon_ its length
or at either the plug or connector end.
wall, be careful not to roll over or damage the
be properly
completely. The United States Departmentof
Agiculture in Home and Garden Bulletin No. 69
" V,_. m_,, o,_'_,_lx_rmeroo_o _rnT_n fnad_ thnt
have thawed if they still contain ice crystals orif
they are still cold--below 40°E
".,.Thawed ground meats, poultry or fish that r_
refrozen and should notbe eaten. Thawed ice _.
cream should be discarded. If the odor or color of .._
any food is poor or questionable, get rid of it. The
food may be dangerous to eat.
"Even partial thawing and refreezing reduces the
eating quality of foods, oarticularly fruits,
vegetables and prepare'd foods. The eating quality
of red meats is affected less than that of many
other foods. Use refrozen foods as soon as
possible to save as much of their eating quality as
you can,
*Unplug your refrigerator before cleaning
and making"repatrs.' NOTE. We strong y
,_,"_-_ recommend that any servicing be
performed by a qualified individual.
_ " 1
hang on the shelves _n the refrigerator. They
inure themselves.
the house but not in use, be sure to
remove the doors. This will reduce the
_1i your OlU relngCragur INsull aroullu
possibility of danger to children.
o_er your remgeramr _sm operauon, eo
not touch the col_ surfaces in the freezer
c_mpartment, particularly when hands are
damp or wet. Skin may adhere to these extremely
co!d suffaces_
oDo not place fingers or hands on the automatic
kemaMng meehaNsm while the refrigerator is
p_.gged in, This will prevent contact with the
mnv_n_ n_rt_ of the eiectr)r mechanism, or with
........ _ E" .......... d ........................ " -
theheating element that releases the cubes.
®Before replacing a burned-out light bulb,
unplugtherefrigeratororturn off powerat the
circuit breaker orfuse box in orderto avoid
contact with a bye wire filament. (A burned-out
ngn[ DUlDmay orea_ when uemg rep_aceu.)
NOTE: Turning control to OFF position does
_r,fvam_za _nx_zor fn tho li?rht olrrnlt
. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
SAVE -n Sn

Set the Temperature Controls (appearancemay vary)
Two controls let you regulate the temperature in the
fresh food and freezer compartments.
At first, set the fresh food control to "5" and the
freezer control to "C".
Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize,
whether you are setting the controls for the first time
or adjusting them later. Then, if you want colder or
warmer temperatures in either compartment, adjust
•' " _ ..... UlIII3.
me controls one step at a "-'---
Note: Moving the fresh food control to OFF
I.Ulllb UtI CGUILII_:_ III 13Utll _k/llll.JOJ. Llll_.cllt_--l/L_-,_*ll
food and freezer--but does not shut off power
to the refrigerator.
How to Test Temperatures
Use the milk test Ibr the fresh food compartment.
Place a container of milk on the top shelf in the fresh
too warm or too cold, adjust the temperature controls.
Cis InitialSetting
E is Coldest
O[:F 1 3 5 7 9
5is Initial Setting 1
9is Coldest I
Use the ice cream test for the freezer compartment•
Place a container of ice cream in the center of the
freezer enmnartment. Check it after a day. If it's too
hard or too soft, adjust the temperature controls.
Always allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach
the temperature you set.
You won't find an "energy saver"
switch on this refrigerator.
Warm liquid from the refrigerator's
condenser is automatically
circulated around the front edge of
Many refrigerators use special
electric ii_o.t_[s, 1111_ l_lll_Ci_tul
needs none. That's why there is no
"energy saver" switch...there's no
need for it.
the freezer compartment to help
keep moisture from forming on the
outside of the refrigerator during
humid weather.
if you turn your household thermostat below 60°E at night...
...you may want to move the freezer
control one step colder Cooler
temperatures in the house may
cause the compressor to operate
less frequently, thus allowing the
to warm somewhat.
freezer compartment
To protect your
1_j _J frozen foodsupply,
leave the freezer setting at this
colder setting for the entire winter or
for as long as you keep your
thermostat turned down.
Moving the freezer control to colder
setting should have no effect on your
fresh food comparlment. Howevel; if
fro_Tin_ cvc,r'nr_ rnnv_ tha fro_h ft'a3d
control one step warmer.
Nn Fl)ofro_t;no
It is not necessary to defrost the
III_I_LI_t UI[ l].l_*ll IUUU r_aOllll_O-l-Ll, ll_llLO.
Your refrigerator is designed and
equipped to defrost itself
When you stop turning the
thermostat down, turn the
refrigerator's controls back
to their regular settings.

How it Works
Your refrigerator has an automatic icemaker and
crushed ice (on some models) through the freezer
compartment door. Here's how they work.
Water flows from the household supply through a
(t"1 rhml _olenoid valve to the
(2) water tubing
and to the
(3) automatic
icemaker as
Water is frozen
in the
(4) cube mold and
ejected into the
(5) storage bin
where a motor- _ _ Ill/2
powered auger __/
raoves cubes forward. -""'-_Y
Cubes dispense through the chute in the door when _°
the dispenser pad is pressed.
When the switch is moved to CRUSHED (on some
models), a baffle ch_ne!sc_ubes!hfo.u_gh _he cm,s,her
aIK1 crusne(1 lee Iaus [flrougll a CIILItI_ llltO tli_3 glilbs.
Water flows through the
(6) tubing in the door and is dispensed when the
dispenser pad is pressed.
(7) A light switch (on some models) turns the night
light in the dispenser on or off.
The light also comes on when the dispenser pad
is pressed.
I tie ugnt in me mspenser bI!UHIU De lepl_l.Jl_tl Wltl! O.
7 watt maximum bulb when it burns out.
• • •, .•• :i•• :••*:• ••:• ••
Importsnt Facts about Your I_& WaterI_peme _i:,_:::,, :,: . : "
o 11 [ills Is our ilrsl IcemaKer you-u uear
occasional sounds that may be unfanfillar.
Th_a nm nnrmal ieemaking sounds and are n0t
cause for concern.
o Your icemaker will produce 8 cubes per
cycle--appr0ximately 120 cubes in a.24_hour
period--depending on freezer compartmem;
temperawxe, room temperature, number o! ooor
openings and other use:c0nditi0ns,
flow interruption is morethan brief,, ice ClUmp(s)
may be the cause and should be removed following
instructions in this section.
. Avoid overfilling glasses with ice and using
narrow or extra.tall glasses. This can jam the
chute or cause the door in the chute to freeze shut.
Periodically open the freezer compartment dOOr
and took down,into the chute. If ice is blocking:the
chute, poke it through with a wooden spoon,
: :iehill_d ih: _elce:s_orage:bin_':Cans, bottles or
f6_di::packagcsi::iri:the :gt0rage _in: m_y Cause the
storage: bin; It may not' Crush :or: dispense well.
(continued next page)

_'P_'r+::, _le'_o Vnn_r "d-P,a+mm_'or' +mr+d "_imn_nq_r'
If you use your refrigerator before
the water connecuon is maue, raise
the ice access door and make sure
the icemaker feeler arm is in the
STOP (up) position.
_ I-eeterarm in
STOP (up)
" Ill
t-eeler arm in
ON (down)
When the water supply has been connected to the
Press the dispenser pad for about 2 minutes to
....... +,-_,,..,._,A ++_v+Pv.+',,mth,_ txmt,_r lin_ and tn fill th_
water system.
Th_ it,_ r,nha mold m_tnrnati_allv fill.q with water after
cooling to freezing temperatures. First cubes normally
freeze after several hours.
NOTE: With a newly-installed refrigerator, allow
about 24 hours for the freezer compartment to cool
down to the proper ice-making temperature.
Once Your Icemaker and Dispenser are in Operation
Throw away the first few batches of ice cubes (i6 or
24 cubes). This will flush away any impurities in the
_xtnt_r lin¢, fin tb_ mamo thiner after vaeation_ or
extended periods when ice isn't used.
To c!ean out the !i_ne+pour the first 6 glassfuls of water
in the kitchen sink. The first water through the system
picks up a slight "plastic" taste from the water tubing.
To make sure the bin flus with ice, level the cubes
occasionally. When cubes fall into the bin they may pile
up close to the icemaker and push the feeler arm to the
STOP position before the bin gets full. Keeping the
cubes leve! al!ows the icemo_ker to il!! the bin.
To D_spense Ice and Water
o Set the selector switch to CUBES,
CRUSHED ICE (on some models) or WATER.
j Dispenser
<,Grip the glass or other container near the rim and
press the rim against the center of the dispenser pad,

When Dispensing Ice...
Some crushed ice may be dispensed even though
you selected CUBES. This happens occasionally when
a few cubes get channeled to the crusher.
Sometimes a mound of snow will form on the door
in the ice chute. This condition is normal, and usually
occurs when you have dispensed crushed ice
Caution: Never put fingers or other objects
_nto the dispenser opening.
When Dispensing Water...
The first glass of water dispensed may be warmer
than the following ones. This is normal.
Dispensed water is cool, not iced. For colder water,
simply add crushed ice or cubes before dispensing water.
_o _op _3_spgns_g
Release pressure from the dispenser
pad and wait afew seconds to catch
the last bits of ice or drops of water.
eremaybesomed ppin aft*rdispensing crushed ice or water. If
tncl_ _ a _ut ut ut_ppmg, tnc _pm 17 / P"
should he wiped dry right away.
UU ll_t tJIdLIl _KIL_,IL 111 LII_ i_[-,/lll _llt,_li I-II_'_,¢llU, O K,' It 1_ 11 _Jl_
self draining--pour it in the kitchen sink. The shelf
and its grille should be cleaned regularly according to
Care and Cleaning instructions. Press here to remove grille
The grille is easily removed _..
by pressing on the back
right corner.
To Remove Ice Storage Bin
I ift tho loft oarnor tta froo tho
bin from the shelf. Pull the bin
straight out while supporting it
at front and back.
!! 111/._ i..,ll[l]llll_i_l 111 UI Ill 111 Ibll_: t._lI,Ul i1_:: 1_111o, *
The icemaker ejects cubes in groups of eight, and
it is normal for several cubes to be joined together.
However, if you don't use the ice very often ice
elnmn_ may form in the _tora_a bin and can
...... 1" ..... J .................. l_ ...........
clog the dispenser.
If this haunens:
• Remove the storage bin from the freezer.
away any clumps that you can't break up.
• I_onlooo th_ bin hofnr_ tho romn_nlno" o]lh_¢
melt and fuse together.
To Replace Ice Storage Bin
Rlid_ tha hin hack nntll the tab on the bin
10"cis intot'l_esqot" in't'£1e's'tle'l}7 .......... __ aotate__
If the bin does not go all the way ,i_-'_J_
back, remove it and mm the drive //" _l.Jt_/)I_/"//_
mechanism 1/4 turn. Then push the _ k._"ff/ ]
bin back, a,.g_nunfi?__etabon_e _oDzive (_//
OIll IUUK_ llltO [11_ i_lOt 111 UlI:3 511_11. _vI_o_Ia_ ItoHI
!f !ce !s Not Used Often,_.,
"Old" ice cubes will become cloudy and taste stale.
Empty ice storage bin periodically and wash it in
!ukewarm water: Be sure to allow storage bin to cool
before replacing it--otherwise ice cubes will stick to
_he metal auger.
Move Feeler Arm to STOP (up)
Position when...
• Home water supply is to be turned off for several
• Going away on vacation, at which time you should
also turn off the valve in the water supply line to
your refrigerator.