Models 18-25
Part No. 162D3948PO07 Pub No 49 60012 12 98 OG

YouAreNow Partof theGEFamily.
Welcome to the GE l_(mily.
We're proud of our quality
products and we are
committed to pro'riding
dependable service. You'll
see it in this easy-to-use
()wner's Manual and you'll
hear itin the fl'iendly voices
of 01.ll ` O.IStOlller servi(e
Best ()fall, you'll experience
these vahles each time yoll
use your refl'igerator.
That's important, because
your new reti'igerator',rill
be part oi your titmily tbr
many)-ears. And _r-ehope
you will be part of ours tbr a
long time to come.
We thank g)u tor bu}ing
GE. We appreciate yore.
purchase, and hope you
will continue to rely on us
whenever you need quality
appliances lbr your home.
Staple sales slip or cancelled
check here.
Proof of the original purchase date
is needed to obtain service under
the warranty.
Write the model and serial
Youcan find them on a label on the
left side, near the top of the fresh food

GE& You,
A ServicePartnership
Ask any 6E appliance owner and they will
teflyou we stand behind our products with
unmatched quality service. However, did
you know that most questions result from
simple problems that you can easily fix
yourself injust a few minutes? This
Owner's Manual can tell you how
Inside you _dllfind many
helpful hints on how to use and
maintain your refl'igerator
properly. Just a little preventive
(are on }x)ur part can saveyou a
great deal of time and llloney
over the lite of your reliigerator.
Safety Information
SafetyPrecautions ....... 4
How to ConnectFlectricity .... 6
UseofAdapFetPlugs, ...... 6. 7
Useof FxtensfonCords, ...... 7
Operating Instructions
TemperatureControls ..... 8- !0
Features............. 11-16
AutomaticIcemaka ....... 17
Iceand WaterDispenser,, 18. !9
CamandCleaning....... 20-22
Installation instructions
Installthe Re_igerator.... 23.24
Waterline Installation ,. ,25-29
Reversingthe DoorSwtng/
Remow_"theDoors ..... 30-37
You'll lind many answers to
cornlllOIl problenls here.
If _x)u review OLIFchart of
Troubleshooting Tips first,
youmay not need to call lot
se*_'iceat all.
If YouNeedService
Ifyou do need service,you (:an
rebe,:knowing help isonly a
phone call away.Alistof toll-Fee
([iStOlllel" serviceII[llnbel"s is
included in the back section.
()r, intheU.S.,you can alwws
(:allthe GEAnswer Center <"_
at 80(1.626.2000,24hours a day,
7claysa week. InCanada,(:all
NormalOperaF/ngSounds.... 38
Before Yoc
CarlForService .... 39-42
Customer Service
_orCanadianCustomers..... 46
tot U,S.Customers.......... 47
Numbers ......... BackCover
3 ..........................................

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions
should be followed, including the following."
iiiiii iiliiYi
This refrigerator must be
properly installed and
located ill accordance with
the Installation Instructions
betbre it is used.
Do not allow children to
climb, stand or hang on tile
shelves in tile reldgerator.
They could damage the
reldgerator and seriously
injure themselves.
Do not touch tile cold
surfaces in tile ti'eezer
comparunent when hands
are damp or wet. Skin may
stick to these extremely (old
Do not store or use gasoline
or ()tiler tlalnl'!lable vapors
and liquids in the vicinity of
this or any other appliance.
In reti'igerators with
alltOlllatic icemakers, avoid
contact with the moving parts
of tile ejector mechanism, or
",_ithtile heating element that
releases tile cubes. ]L)onot
place fingers or hands on the
automatic icemaking
mechanism while tile
refrigerator is plugged in.
Keep fingers out of tile
"pinch point" areas;
clearances between tile
doors and between tile doors
and cabinet are necessaxily
small. Be carehll closing
doors when children are in
the area.
Unplug tile refrigerator
before cleaning and making
bya qunIifiedindividt/nl.
Turning tile control to tile
OFFposition does not remove
power to tile light ciroait.
Do not ret_'eeze fl'ozen toods
which have thawed

Child entrapment and st_lbcation are not problems of
the past.Junked or abandoned rel_igerators are still
dangerous...even if they will sit t()r "just a lew days."
If you are getting rid of your old reliigerator, please
t()llow the instructions below to help prevent accidents.
Before YouThrowAway YourOldRefrigerator
or Froozer:
Take ofl the doors.
l.eave the shelves in place so that children may not
easily climb inside.
5:'(ur old retiiger_ttor has a coolino system that used
CI?Cs (chlorotluorocarbons). CFCs are believed to harm
stratospheric ozone.
lfvou are throwin , away your old reii" gerat( r make
sure the CFC reii'igerant is removed for proper disposal
1)_a(lualitied set_,dcer, ltvou intentionally release this
(;l}'1;reiHgemntyou'"" " can be subject to tines and
imprisonment under provisions ot environmental

Donot, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third
(ground) prong from the power cord. For personal safety,
this appliance must be properly grounded.
The po_ er cord c,f this appliance is equipped _dth a 3-prong
(grounding) plug _dli( h mates _itll a standard 3-prong
(oroundir_g) wall outlet to mirfimize tile possibility oi ele( tric
O (
shock hazard t_'om this appliance.
Have tile wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician
to make sure tile outlet is properly grounded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is encountered, it is your
personal responsibili U and obligation to have it replaced with a
properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Tile refl'igerator should ahvays be plugged into its own indisdual
ele( trical outlet xdlich has a voltage rating that matches tile rating
iiiiii iiliiYi
This provides tile best performance and also prevents overloading
house',tiring circuits which could cause a fire hazard fl'om
oxerheated ",tires.
Never unplug your refligerator by pulling on tile power cord.
Al',_wysgrip plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have become
frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not use a cord that sh<ms cracks
or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.
When moving tile refrigerator a'_x-a,v_]'()[nthe wall be careful not to
roll over or damage tile pox_er cord.
(Adapterplugsnotpermitted/n Canada)
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions,
we strongly recommend against the use of an adapter plug.
However, iiyou must !lse an adapter, where local codes permit, a
temporary connection may be made to a properly grounded 2-prong
wall outlet by use of a [11Aisted adapter available at most local
hard',x'are stores.

Tile larger slot in tile adapter must be aligned with the larger slot in
the wall outlet to provide proper polarity in tile connection of tile
power cord.
When disconnecting tile power cord lrom tile adapter, always hold
the adapter in place with one hand while pulling the power cord
phg with the other hand. It this is not done, the adapter ground
terminal is veU likely to break with repeated use.
It the adapter ground terminal breaks, DO NOTUSE the refl'igemtor
until a proper grollild has been established.
Attachingtheadaf)tefgroundterminalto a walloutletcoverscrewdoesnot
groundtheapplianceunlessthecova screwismetal,andnotinsubtedandthe
checkedbyaqualifiedelectricianto makesuretheoutletisproperlygroL_Tded
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an
extension cord.
However, iiyou irltlSt llse all extension cord, it is absohltely
necessa U that it be a UIAisted (in the United States) or a CSA
certified (in Canada), 3-wire grounding type appliance extension
cord havino..,a ,gr°unding, type.plug and outlet and that the electrical
rating oithe cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 volts.
Your continued health and safety are important to us.
Please read and follow this Safety Information carefully.
We want you to remain a happy and healthy part of our
GE family.

Aboutthecontrolson therefrigerator.
Initially set the fresh food control at 5 and the freezer control at 6.
The temperature controls on your refrigerator have letters and numbers.
Ifyou want colder or warmer temperatures, adjust the fresh food
temperature first. When satisfied with that setting, adjust the freezer

fresh Food Control
Tile flesh tood (:oiltrol illaiiltair)s tile teillper;ltures
throughout tile refrigerator.
Movir N the fl'esh food control to OFFstops (:()()ling in
both areas-lt'esh lood and tieezer-but does not shut
off power to the relt'igerator.
Freezer Control
Tile fl'eezer (:ontrol moves adam[)er to (hange tile
arnollnt of cold air that UlOVeStl'()in the n'eezer to tile
ti'esh li)od compartment.
Power Saver Switch
Push switch to tile POWERSAVERsetting to reduce
tile amount ot electrici b' required to operate your
Wire this s_iu:h iurned iothe POWERSAVERseiting
moisture may tbrm on die OU/sideof the rdrigerator,
especially when the weather is humid,
()ver time, moisture that foFfns Oil tile surl_tce may
cause rtlst.
To prevent moisture oil tile outside, nlove tile power
saver switch fl'om tile POWER SAVER setting.
Cost?About No same asit costs to use2 night lights.

Aboutthe controlson the refrigerator.
How ToTestTemperatures
Use the milk test fbr the fl'esh food compartment. Pla(e a cont_-finer
of milk on the top shelf and check it a day later, ff the milk is too
warm or too cold, a({justthe temperature controls.
Use the ice cream test ior the fi'eezer compartment. Place a
container of ice cream in the center of the fi'eezer and check it atier
a day. lfit's too hard or to() soft, a({just the temperature controls.
Atter chawing the controls, allow 24 hours tot therefrigerator to reach the
tempemtuf_ youhave set
Feed Storage
The type ot packag-ing-used and the storag-e temperatures will alle(t
how long food will keep in the refrigerator.
New food storage guidelines are constantl) being developed.
()onsu/tthe CountyExtensionSavice tot the latest intomTationon freezingand
iiiiii iili'iYi

Not all features are on all models.
[] urtupa,do,! [] THtup
ii i i i i i i
Rearrangingthe Shelves
Shelvesill the fl'esh food
alld freezer ( Olllpal'tilleilts
[] InseA
too hook
OCKN olace
QuickServe TM System
CAUTION:Dishes and lids are not designed for
use on the range top, broiler or in the regular
oven. Such use can be hazardous.
Ojfick Sel_,e TM dishes fit into a rad< that hangs on tile
flesh food or fl'eezer door. Tile rack can be moved in
the same IllalllleF as the door bins.
l)ishes and lids are sale lot use in micr(_wave ovens,
1 t110 r' °
7e:"ge 4toi Sand treezers.
fatandsugarcancausebubblesto loft}'}Olltheinsided thedish.

Not all features are on all models.
Quick Store Bin
[] Pullforwm
[] PushUD
To avoid dalll;4gh'lg tile rel]riger_ttor, lil[tl_.e sttre tile bin is
dosed _md l'ud_ed, betbre dosin _ tile rel]ri grel'_ttOf door ,
This bin (:all be placed on tile flesh tb(ld or freezer doors.
Toremove the bin, lift up and out of the bin housing.
Tomove, lift tile bin housing up and out ot tile snpports
on tile door. You do llot have to FeHlove the bin fl'om
the housingwhen moving it.
B[ Mouslng
iiiiii iili'iYi

Adjustable Humidity Drawers
Slide the (o mol all the way to the HIGHsetting
to provide high humidity recommended for most
Slide the control all the ",_ayto the LOW setting to
provide lower humidity levels recommended tor
most fl'uits.
Snacks Drawer
Tile sna( ks drawer can be lnoved to tile inost useflll
location for your family's needs.
Adjustable Temperature Meat Drawer
'When tile drawer is placed in the top 1;slots on the lelt
side and the lever is set at COLDEST,air h'om the h'eezer
is tor(ed around the drawer to keep it very (:old.
Yoi1cab iIlove tile drawer to any location ifyon don't
"aant the extra cold storage.
The settings can be a(!iusted am'where between COLD
When set at COLD,tile drawer will stay at tile normal
refrigerator temperature.
The COLDESTsetting provides the coldest storage area.

Not all features are on all models.
Storage Drawers
These drawers (:anbe removed easily by liiiing up slightly while
pulling the drawers past the stoplocation.
When the door cannot be opened enough to pull the drawer
su'aight out, slide the drawer toward the nfiddle and remove it.
Remove the glass, then the frame./_, hen replacing the glass, push
the rear edge fimflv into the lt'ame.
Stop 1 Step2
il i1®.411[
........................................................! -
_ _ •2/2 •
Aboutthe additional features.
Not all features are on all models.
Place a finger on either side otthe snu ,ger near the
tt'ont to moxe the snugger bad< and forth to th }our

Two-PositionFreezer Shelf
l:'or models _dthout an icemaker, the shelf can be pla(ed
in either position.
For models with an icemaker, the shelf must be placed
in the lower position.
Condiment Caddy
The condiment (add? keeps frequently used
condiments together. It fits in yore" reti'igerator door
shelf'. A convenient handle allo',_s condiments to be
easily carried to the table.
Beverage Rack
Sli(le-out beverage ra(k holds twelve cans of soda or
two wine/water bottles (lengthwise). Can be removed
for cleaning.